Israel deploys 2 Iron Dome batteries


iron dome - israelThe Lebanese Armed Forces and UNIFIL forces deployed intensive patrols along the border with Israel, Lebanon’s National News Agency reported Sunday evening.

The troops patrolled all the way from Naqoura to Bent Jbeil after the Israeli army deployed mechanized and foot patrols along its northern border and after Israeli warplanes entered the Lebanese airspace, according to the report .

This comes after the Israeli Defense Forces IDF deployed on Sunday Iron Dome batteries, preparing for possible Syrian or Hezbollah retaliation for the Israeli strike on Damascus.

Two Iron Dome batteries were deployed in Safed and Haifa, as a result of tensions in the north, according to the Israeli newspapers



4 responses to “Israel deploys 2 Iron Dome batteries”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    UNIFIL and LAF keeping what’s left of Hezzies away from the Israelis.
    Just as well. Lebanon wants peace.

    Speaking of nonsense, see below. 😉

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    UNIFIL and LAF keeping what’s left of Hezzies away from the Israelis.
    Just as well. Lebanon wants peace.

    1. Salaphylis Avatar

      Trying to make some sense out of your nonsense, i presume by hezzies you meant hezbollah; i do not understand why this idiotic name calling, i do not think hezzzies means anything and even if it was derogatory i do not think you will influence anyone by it first by the sonsense of the action, second by the absence of readers and last but not least by your lack of objectivity and meaningful analysis; if you are trying to be funny, indeed you managed to show us how stupidity makes people laugh at you. Enough for your nonsense.

      Oops more nonsense; are you implying the Holy syrian salafis destroyed most of hizbolla’s infrastructure and the leftover will be annihilated by israel which will bring your idol sheikh saad back and intronise him king of your lebanon and put field marshall godfather bea3bea3 prime minister and make your lebanon a hariri property where salafism will be sharia3a….?

    2. Salaphylis Avatar

      blending two hypernyms meaning the same thing namely salafi and syphilis is called a simulcast; can you explain to me the relation between hezzis and hizbollah except a form of oral farting which will soil your mouth rather than shrink a name in an awkard way necessating a shrimp to deal with the caller

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