Kerry warns Iran about concerns over nuclear program


John KerryUS Secretary of State John Kerry is warning Iran to come to upcoming nuclear talks prepared to talk seriously with world powers about addressing concerns over its nuclear program.

Speaking to reporters at the State Department on Friday, Kerry said Iran knows full well what it needs to do to prove its nuclear intentions are peaceful as it claims. If it does, he said the international community is prepared to respond positively. If not, he says it will only face increased international isolation. He said the choice is purely up to Iran.

Kerry’s comments come ahead of a meeting between Iran and senior officials from the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council and Germany. That meeting is set for Feb. 26 in Kazakhstan.

Huffington Post



4 responses to “Kerry warns Iran about concerns over nuclear program”

  1. IraniAngel Avatar

    IrAngel only got one monkey. on the contrary the ameriCancers now got two monkeys, one in each color.

  2. IraniAngel Avatar

    IrAngel only got one monkey. on the contrary the ameriCancer now got two monkeys, one in each color.

  3. Another meaningless threat. Stop talking and try your luck against the great nation of Iran. You will be surprised to say the least. They have every right to nuclear energy.

  4. Another meaningless threat. Stop talking and try you luck against the great nation of Iran. You will be surprised to say the least. They have every right to nuclear energy.

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