US warns Hezbollah may strike anytime in Europe


The United States fears the Iranian-backed Lebanese militant group Hezbollah may be planning imminent attacks in Europe and around the world, a senior security official in Washington said Friday.

“Our assessment is that Hezbollah and Iran will both continue to maintain a heightened level of terrorist activity and operations in the near future,” said Daniel Benjamin, the US State Department’s counter-terrorism coordinator.

“We are increasingly concerned about Hezbollah’s activities on a number of fronts, including its stepped up terrorist campaign around the world,” he said.

“And we assess that Hezbollah could attack in Europe or elsewhere at any time with little or no warning,” he warned, in a conference call with reporters to announce new US sanctions against Hezbollah, Iran and Syria.

Hezbollah is a Shiite armed faction that within Lebanon operates as a political party and as a “resistance” force to counter Israel, and which Western powers says runs an international militant network.

It is backed by Damascus and Tehran, and has been accused both of carrying out recent bomb attacks on Israeli targets in Europe and Asia and of backing Syrian strongman Bashar al-Assad’s brutal crackdown on an armed revolt.

Benjamin warned Hezbollah might step up violent action as international economic sanctions turn the screw on its backers in Iran and Western-backed Syrian rebels threaten to overthrow its sponsor in Damascus.

“Hezbollah maintains a presence in Europe and its recent activities demonstrate that it is not constrained by concerns about collateral damage or political fallout that could result from conducting operations there,” he said.

“Hezbollah believes there have been sustained Israeli and western campaigns against the group and its primary backers Iran and Syria over the past several years and this perception is unlikely to change,” he continued.

“Both remain determined to exact revenge against Israel and to respond forcefully to the Western-led pressure against Iran and Syria,” he said.

“This suggests more acts of terrorism by both Hezbollah and Iran are likely and they will continue to pose a serious threat for the foreseeable future.

“We have not detected any operational activity of the group in the United States,” he added. “We do not have any information on any operational targeting or anything like that in the US.

“But, that said, it’s a very ambitious group with global reach.” AFP



29 responses to “US warns Hezbollah may strike anytime in Europe”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    There is a good article on BBC (US/Canada section) about how Americans believe they should be the ‘Global Sheriff Of Notingham’ when their ‘Business People’ are not getting their way in the world. IN FACT the rest of the world has allowed Americans to do things other countries wouldn’t think of doing to their ‘friends’ in other sovereign countries, let alone their enemies. It’s an interesting read. Everyone loves that American dollar, right? And ALL world money becomes American dollars going through New York banks at some point in time. 
    They will ‘squeeze’ anyone they want to for ANY reason. And it seems even one American can affect another country. (eg. Mayor of New York – who knows no-one east of Manhattan probably.)
    In these ‘warnings’ of paranoia, they claim to do it for ‘Safety’.
    Sad to think that only because of Hezzy actions, the whole Lebanese people are seen as ‘terrorists’ – to the world – and yes, by Americans. Only Hezzy brought on that thinking, of course. Can’t deny it – especially after listening to Nastyrallah for a few years, and seeing what they do when they can get away with it.
    Now here we are with Assad&Co. A business gone bad.
    Try sending money to relatives in any Mid-East country around here. New York is watching … and squeezing. If you seem to be sending too much, perhaps to save a friend or relative in a hospital, they will cut you off. They just do it. You almost need to become a criminal to save a life.
    Americans are allowing themselves to become ‘a serious threat for the foreseeable future.’ And losing their own freedoms in it.

    1. I agree totally 5th Drawer. It is near impossible to send a cent to the needy in Beirut without answering a quiz about why, to who and why so much, when sending my hard earned taxed money to a person so they can buy basic needs. Once my bank even refused to transfer because they said that week there was a ban on money going in and out to Beirut????

      1. western union is better than the banks

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Yes dateam … but still has controls because they are controlled, and will cut you off. (experience) 
          Banks can transfer directly from one account to another … although with restricted amounts, etc, as Lebguy notes – with less cost than WU.
          WU is simply faster … when your send is ‘approved’.

      2. western union is better than the banks

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Yes dateam … but still has controls because they are controlled, and will cut you off. (experience) 
          Banks can transfer directly from one account to another … although with restricted amounts, etc, as Lebguy notes – with less cost than WU.
          WU is simply faster … when your send is ‘approved’.

      3. if all else fails do it the leb way…wait for someone you know that knows someone you know there to travel to lebanon…give it to them and they get it off them there…

      4. if all else fails do it the leb way…wait for someone you know that knows someone you know there to travel to lebanon…give it to them and they get it off them there…

    2. this isnt about iran or hezb…the long term big picture is china….which has become to big for the americans to control…to get to china the americans need countries like iran which are key suppliers of energy to china…notice obama speech not long ago where he put forward the vision of moving into asia….

      1. Moe2000 Avatar

         It’s very true Iran is the only nation standing in the way of the USA monopoly on middle east control of oil. The USA wants to be able to choke China with oil and Iran is the only one standing in the way of that.

      2. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Hell Dateam … even China can’t control 5 billion people. Hahahahha

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    There is a good article on BBC (US/Canada section) about how Americans believe they should be the ‘Global Sheriff Of Notingham’ when their ‘Business People’ are not getting their way in the world. IN FACT the rest of the world has allowed Americans to do things other countries wouldn’t think of doing to their ‘friends’ in other sovereign countries, let alone their enemies. It’s an interesting read. Everyone loves that American dollar, right? And ALL world money becomes American dollars going through New York banks at some point in time. 
    They will ‘squeeze’ anyone they want to for ANY reason. And it seems even one American can affect another country. (eg. Mayor of New York – who knows no-one east of Manhattan probably.)
    In these ‘warnings’ of paranoia, they claim to do it for ‘Safety’.
    Sad to think that only because of Hezzy actions, the whole Lebanese people are seen as ‘terrorists’ – to the world – and yes, by Americans. Only Hezzy brought on that thinking, of course. Can’t deny it – especially after listening to Nastyrallah for a few years, and seeing what they do when they can get away with it.
    Now here we are with Assad&Co. A business gone bad.
    Try sending money to relatives in any Mid-East country around here. New York is watching … and squeezing. If you seem to be sending too much, perhaps to save a friend or relative in a hospital, they will cut you off. They just do it. You almost need to become a criminal to save a life.
    Americans are allowing themselves to become ‘a serious threat for the foreseeable future.’ And losing their own freedoms in it.

    1. this isnt about iran or hezb…the long term big picture is china….which has become to big for the americans to control…to get to china the americans need countries like iran which are key suppliers of energy to china…notice obama speech not long ago where he put forward the vision of moving into asia….

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Hell Dateam … even China can’t control 5 billion people. Hahahahha

  3. 5thDrawer Avatar

    There is a good article on BBC (US/Canada section) about how Americans believe they should be the ‘Global Sheriff Of Notingham’ when their ‘Business People’ are not getting their way in the world. IN FACT the rest of the world has allowed Americans to do things other countries wouldn’t think of doing to their ‘friends’ in other sovereign countries, let alone their enemies. It’s an interesting read. Everyone loves that American dollar, right? And ALL world money becomes American dollars going through New York banks at some point in time. 
    They will ‘squeeze’ anyone they want to for ANY reason. And it seems even one American can affect another country. (eg. Mayor of New York – who knows no-one east of Manhattan probably.)
    In these ‘warnings’ of paranoia, they claim to do it for ‘Safety’.
    Sad to think that only because of Hezzy actions, the whole Lebanese people are seen as ‘terrorists’ – to the world – and yes, by Americans. Only Hezzy brought on that thinking, of course. Can’t deny it – especially after listening to Nastyrallah for a few years, and seeing what they do when they can get away with it.
    Now here we are with Assad&Co. A business gone bad.
    Try sending money to relatives in any Mid-East country around here. New York is watching … and squeezing. If you seem to be sending too much, perhaps to save a friend or relative in a hospital, they will cut you off. They just do it. You almost need to become a criminal to save a life.
    Americans are allowing themselves to become ‘a serious threat for the foreseeable future.’ And losing their own freedoms in it.

    1. I agree totally 5th Drawer. It is near impossible to send a cent to the needy in Beirut without answering a quiz about why, to who and why so much, when sending my hard earned taxed money to a person so they can buy basic needs. Once my bank even refused to transfer because they said that week there was a ban on money going in and out to Beirut????

      1. western union is better than the banks

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Yes dateam … but still has controls because they are controlled, and will cut you off. (experience) 

      2. if all else fails do it the leb way…wait for someone you know that knows someone you know there to travel to lebanon…give it to them and they get it off them there…

    2. this isnt about iran or hezb…the long term big picture is china….which has become to big for the americans to control…to get to china the americans need countries like iran which are key suppliers of energy to china…notice obama speech not long ago where he put forward the vision of moving into asia….

      1. Moe2000 Avatar

         It’s very true Iran is the only nation standing in the way of the USA monopoly on middle east control of oil. The USA wants to be able to choke China with oil and Iran is the only one standing in the way of that.

      2. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Hell Dateam … China can’t even control 5 billion people. Hahahahha

  4. Moe2000 Avatar

    This all the propaganda USA/Israel gearing up for the war to come on Iran/Syria/Hezbollah the only non-puppet states in the Middle East… to control the world oil supply’s and essentially put China on a leash.

    1. Mazen_M Avatar

      So Hezballah is a state? Also, aren’t they puppets of Iran?

      1. Moe2000 Avatar

        They’re not a state obviously but you get my drift..

      2. Moe2000 Avatar

        They’re not a state obviously but you get my drift..

  5. Moe2000 Avatar

    This all the propaganda USA/Israel gearing up for the war to come on Iran/Syria/Hezbollah the only non-puppet states in the Middle East… to control the world oil supply’s and essentially put China on a leash.

    1. Mazen_M Avatar

      So Hezballah is a state? Also, aren’t they puppets of Iran?

      1. Moe2000 Avatar

         They’re not a state obviously but you know my drift..

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