Russia deploying two warships to Syrian coast, report


Moscow: Amid the ongoing turmoil in Syria, Russia is deploying two warships to the port of Tartus on the Mediterranean coast , a report says.

Moscow is preparing to send two amphibious assault ships to the port city, according to a Russian Interfax news agency report on Monday.

Interfax quoted an officer from the Russian naval headquarters as saying, “Two major amphibious ships — The Nikolai Filchenkov and The Tsezar Kunikov — are preparing to be dispatched to Tartus outside of their schedule.” The report did not mention the name of the officer.

The two warships will carry a “large” group of marines, the report said.

However, the Russian Defense Ministry has not yet confirmed the report.

The development comes two days after sources in Washington said the United States was planning military “intervention” in Syria and that the issue is not a question of “if” but “when.”

In addition, a White House official said on June 16, “At this critical juncture, we are consulting with our international partners regarding next steps toward a Syrian-led political transition.”

However, Russia and China, two permanent members of the UN Security Council, have repeatedly opposed the use of force in Syria.

Chinese President Hu Jintao and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin said in a joint statement issued in Beijing on June 6, “We firmly believe that the Syrian crisis has to be resolved fairly and peacefully by having all parties in conflict stop violence and start comprehensive political dialogue without foreign interference.”

Meanwhile, the head of UN observer mission in Syria, Major General Robert Mood, said on June 16 that the monitoring team was “suspending its activities” in the country due to an “intensification of armed violence.”

Russia operates a strategic naval base in Tartus.



21 responses to “Russia deploying two warships to Syrian coast, report”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Russia and China, of course, are not providing any foreign interference.

    1. Patience2 Avatar

       I’ve noticed that, in general, they provide NOTHING positive.

    2. Patience2 Avatar

       I’ve noticed that, in general, they provide NOTHING positive.

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Russia and China, of course, are not providing any foreign interference.

    1. Patience2 Avatar

       I’ve noticed that, in general, they provide NOTHING positive.

  3. MekensehParty Avatar

    It seems that they got to an agreement (US-Russia). The West + Arabs hit the regime and its loyalists, the Russian marines disembark to protect their interests and Alawite villages in and around Tartus. Crossing fingers that that’s why they’re going there. If it’s for other reasons… it’s going to be a veeery long and dangerous war.

  4. MekensehParty Avatar

    It seems that they got to an agreement (US-Russia). The West + Arabs hit the regime and its loyalists, the Russian marines disembark to protect their interests and Alawite villages in and around Tartus. Crossing fingers that that’s why they’re going there. If it’s for other reasons… it’s going to be a veeery long and dangerous war.

  5. Patience2 Avatar

    Ah, those friendly ‘Ski’s’, just a few miles and they can take ‘shore leave’ in the ‘Pearl of the Mediterranean’ !!

  6. Patience2 Avatar

    Ah, those friendly ‘Ski’s’, just a few miles and they can take ‘shore leave’ in the ‘Pearl of the Mediterranean’ !!

  7. Patience2 Avatar

    Ah, those friendly ‘Ski’s’, just a few miles and they can take ‘shore leave’ in the ‘Pearl of the Mediterranean’ !!

  8. Shirdel2142 Avatar

    It appears that the big boys are getting involved,this can never end well.

  9. Shirdel2142 Avatar

    It appears that the big boys are getting involved,this can never end well.

  10. breakthemould Avatar

    Bring more Russians in. Let them grant all the Assad’s family Russian Passport for them to travel to Russia and live Siberia.
    More Russians can come to Beirut downtown and do some shopping to help the shops overcome their difficulties as less Gulf Arabs come in July and August. We have to do something, don’t we?

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      And the Russians will like the girls just as much. 😉 (Hmmmm … might have to switch to Vodka … ouch.)

  11. breakthemould Avatar

    Bring more Russians in. Let them grant all the Assad’s family Russian Passport for them to travel to Russia and live Siberia.
    More Russians can come to Beirut downtown and do some shopping to help the shops overcome their difficulties as less Gulf Arabs come in July and August. We have to do something, don’t we?

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      And the Russians will like the girls just as much. 😉

  12. Patience2 Avatar

    The chinese SHOULD use a ‘couple of their ‘silkworm’ missles to sink ’em!  S’pose they will??

  13. Patience2 Avatar

    The chinese SHOULD use a ‘couple of their ‘silkworm’ missles to sink ’em!  S’pose they will??

  14. Hannibal Avatar

    Pryvet, Rad tebya videt

  15. Hannibal Avatar

    Pryvet, Rad tebya videt

  16. Pryvet, Rad tebya videt

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