Hezbollah builds new bases near Lebanon Syria borders


Hezbollah has set up what appears to be a military training ground in eastern Lebanon near the Syrian border, analysts and intelligence officials said.

The camp in Lebanon’s Bekka Valley came into focus after new satellite images were recently uploaded to Google Earth’s online portal, The (Beirut) Daily Star reported.

The Google Earth images shows Janta, where new facilities are clearly visible. The facility includes what appears to be a suspected driver-training course, a firing range and a possible urban assault course, image analysts said. Courtesy Daily Star

Located in rugged hills near Janta, the facility includes what appears to be a suspected driver-training course, a firing range and a possible urban assault course, image analysts said.

The Google Earth images also reveal considerable construction activity in sealed-off Hezbollah security areas in southern Lebanon.

European intelligence officials said the scale of the activity suggests that Hezbollah has been preparing for the possibility of another conflict with Israel.

Diplomatic sources told the Daily Star that when a former defense attache for the Dutch Embassy in Damascus drove into the hills in 2010 he was stopped at a checkpoint by armed Hezbollah fighters.




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