Cuban & Syrian activists unite against Castro, Assad regimes


On Tuesday representatives of the Syrian National Council and the Cuban Assembly for Resistance gathered to Florida to sign a joint declaration in support of efforts to end the brutal Assad and Castro regimes:


We, Cubans and Syrians, in resistance against the tyrannies which deprive us of our God-given, inalienable rights, proclaim:

That human rights and dignity are universal and intrinsic to the human condition, and that all humans are created equal in obeisance to same;

That in defense of these rights, the Cuban Resistance and the Syrian Revolution agree to unify our struggles in order to accelerate the hour of liberation;


The Cuban Resistance recognizes the Syrian Revolution as a legitimate expression of the highest aims and ideals of the Syrian people;

The Syrian Revolution recognizes the Agreement for Democracy as a legitimate expression of the highest aims and ideals of the Cuban people;

The Cuban Resistance joins those nations which have recognized the Syrian Revolution as a legitimate representative of the Syrian people;

The Syrian Revolution adopts the Vilnius Resolution of the Parliamentary Forum of the Community of Democracies in recognizing the Cuban Resistance as a legitimate representative of the Cuban people;

Therefore, with said moral authority, the Cuban Resistance and Syrian Revolution jointly agree:

To unify all of our political, diplomatic, logistic and humanitarian efforts in pursuit of the liberation of Cuba and Syria; hence constituting a United Front for Freedom and Democracy;

Therefore, the Cuban Resistance and the Syrian Revolution jointly declare:

The people want the overthrow of the dictatorial regimes of Assad and Castro.

“We are fighting for the same ideal, which is none other than the respect of the fundamental rights of the peoples of Syria and Cuba,” said Sylvia Iriondo, head of Mothers and Women Against Repression in Cuba, an ARC ( Assembly of the Cuban Resistance ) affiliated group

Capitol Hill Cubans



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