Hariri: Assad a murderer on par with Israel


Former Lebanese prime minister Saad al-Hariri, whose father was killed in a bombing often pinned on Syria, said on Wednesday that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was leading a murderous campaign against his own people.

“There is a murderer called Bashar al-Assad’s regime, who commits daily, red-handed, dozens of killings documented in video and audio all over Syria,” Hariri, speaking live on camera from abroad to a meeting of his Mustaqbal party in Beirut, said.

Hariri’s father, the former statesman Rafik al-Hariri, was killed in a car bomb in 2005 and Syria is often listed as a potential suspect behind the attack, though only four members of Hezbollah have been indicted by an international court.

Hariri, a Sunni Muslim politician whose government was toppled last year by allies of the pro-Syrian Hezbollah, said Assad was conducting a “war” against Homs, the city that has been battered in an army onslaught, forcing thousands to flee.

“There is a city called Homs, on which Bashar al-Assad has launched a war that is no less ferocious, vicious and cruel than Israel’s war against Lebanon and Gaza,” Hariri said.

Israel fought a war with Hezbollah in 2006 that killed 1,200 people in Lebanon and 159 in Israel. Its war on the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, claimed 1,400 Palestinian lives and 13 Israelis.

Since Syria’s crackdown began last year on the revolt against four decades of Assad family rule, Lebanon has been divided over how to respond to the unrest in its powerful neighbour.

Many politicians had been silent about the unrest gripping a country that has a legacy of dominating Lebanon’s politics since its long and bloody civil war, but in recent months most political leaders have taken stronger positions.

Syrian forces maintained a presence in Lebanon until 2005, pulling out under pressure from large protests and international outrage after Hariri’s death.

The U.N.-backed Special Tribunal for Lebanon said last year it would try the four Hezbollah suspects in Hariri’s killing in absentia and said it hoped to start trials in 2012.




51 responses to “Hariri: Assad a murderer on par with Israel”

  1. antar2011 Avatar

    “like father like son”

  2. antar2011 Avatar

    “like father like son”

  3. MekensehParty Avatar

    a murderer whose hand you’ve shaken
    a murderer whose hand your father have shaken so many times.
    did you and your late father knew that he was a murderer then? or did you just discover that?
    if you knew it then doesn’t it make you a friend of a murderer?
    if you just discovered it, doesn’t make you a retard?

  4. MekensehParty Avatar

    a murderer whose hand you’ve shaken
    a murderer whose hand your father have shaken so many times.
    did you and your late father knew that he was a murderer then? or did you just discover that?
    if you knew it then doesn’t it make you a friend of a murderer?
    if you just discovered it, doesn’t make you a retard?

    1. yazidi Avatar

      not retard!! but disabled holidaying broken leg!! day dreaming about STL and soon he will be talking about lebanese daying by the hands of hezboshytan. wake up mr do think STL will bring you JUSTICE. no idont think so because a whole country of 22 million been slaughtered and the world are watching doing nothing!!!

    2. Leborigine Avatar

      Maybe a retard, but what he just said is bloody spot on! Israel and syria – a bean split in half!

  5. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Another headline which doesn’t match any quote in the article. Thanks Reuters ?? Maybe Reuters??
    And 3000 total over 2 countries is hardly ‘on par’ with Assad …. not even mentioning his pre-war arrests and tortures, or the massacre squads sent in to finish off women and children after the bombing, if they haven’t frozen and starved to death first. Can’t recall Israel even reaching for those heights.
    If we’re going to be ‘bean-counters’, at least do the math right. And tone down the headlines to what was actually said.

  6. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Another headline which doesn’t match any quote in the article. Thanks Reuters ?? Maybe Reuters??
    And 3000 total over 2 countries is hardly ‘on par’ with Assad …. not even mentioning his pre-war arrests and tortures, or the massacre squads sent in to finish off women and children after the bombing, if they haven’t frozen and starved to death first. Can’t recall Israel even reaching for those heights.
    If we’re going to be ‘bean-counters’, at least do the math right. And tone down the headlines to what was actually said.

  7. Jewy McJew Avatar
    Jewy McJew

    Remind me again, how many penises did Israel cut off Muslim children? 
    Zero? Weird…

    1. Prophettttt Avatar

      Remember your beloved Rabin and his policy of breaking the bones of Palestinian kids?
      Remember Golda Meir famous statement; Palestinians are forcing us to kill them? 
       Remind me again, How many massacres did Israel commit against Palestinians and Lebanese?You have some nerves coming here claiming innocence, when no one asked you. It is just a sign of guilt.Please go somewhere else, I have no time for you.

      1. Jewy McJew Avatar
        Jewy McJew

        How about some evidence to go along with your accusations.

        As for Golda Meir, her famous statement is “We can forgive you for killing our sons, but we will never forgive you for forcing us to kill yours.” She was a wise woman. 

        And I will ask again, please give me an example where Jews castrate Muslim children as Assad is doing now.

        1. No the Israelis were too busy bombing from 40,000 feet in a nice classy f15 and killing thousands of people. Dont try to act like your the victim. Your country has turned into a Nazi regime. Look at how many people you killed since your creation and how many of you died in return. Either way its not your fault and its a much larger game than you or I. The endgame is a war where both the Arabs and Jews are decimated. Join me on facebook where we cover these topics. I have about 50,000 followers.

        2. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Badass adds a few ‘0’s … face book limits ‘friends’ … although he might have 100 accounts and time to service them … hahahha … sounds like a politician.
          Cedar and Scotch ….

        3.  5thdrawer, Man its a fan page so it has no limits. you can just go to the page and see it man. its in my profile just look it up. seriously cut down on the scotch….. Im having a few drinks myself now just got a nice JW green and enjoying some nice weather in Lebanon finally. But seriously man you should know one thing about me I DONT LIE.  I may say things you dont agree with but I dont BS. Next to my user name you can see a link to the fan page.

    2. good user name jewy , makes me think of a cartoon caricature or a kosher mcdonalds sandwich  MAC JEW,lol good sense of humor on your part and you just gave me an idea for some others.

      hizzy Mc hizz
      aouny Mc aoun
      druzi Mc druz
      maroon Mc marooni
      kurdy Mc kurd
      turkey Mc turk
      dabby Mcdab

      by the way did dab get a hold of you yet and ask you if you are a zioninste? salifite?,, dont take it personal he asks his own mother the same question every day just to be sure….good times

      1. LEBANON101 Avatar

        i agree with you 100 percent but hizballahs people are to sit here and argue that the jews are still the worst while they ignore the reality in syria . the un says well over 8000 killed. i have probably seen in videos and pictures alone 8000 killed the real number is probably over 20,000 yet this thug hassan 5ara and his shabiha thugs and masters in tehran want to keep there boots on our mouth and stop us from speaking out about whats going on. the era of the palestinan cause is over. people have been exposed to the truth . no one is starving in gaza. people are not being lined up and shot in the west bank. this is all going on in homs though for sure as we speak. you think while people are being shelled day and night in syria . they are sitting there and thinking about liberating “fulusteen”. or the people trying to rebuild their country in yemen or libya really care about liberating “fulusteen”. the fact of the matter is they have it better than most other arabs. if anything they should be helping other arabs out. the era of deception and lies is over. its time we start caring about our self and let them deal with their own shit. even if you gave them a country it would take them 5000 years to build a country on par with what the jews have now

  8. JewyMcJew Avatar

    Remind me again, how many penises did Israel cut off Muslim children? 
    Zero? Weird…

    1. Prophettttt Avatar

      Remember your beloved Rabin and his policy of breaking the bones of Palestinian kids?
      Remember Golda Meir famous statement; Palestinians are forcing us to kill them? 
       Remind me again, How many massacres did Israel commit against Palestinians and Lebanese?You have some nerves coming here claiming innocence, when no one asked you. It is just a sign of guilt.Please go somewhere else, I have no time for you.

      1. JewyMcJew Avatar

        How about some evidence to go along with your accusations.

        As for Golda Meir, her famous statement is “We can forgive you for killing our sons, but we will never forgive you for forcing us to kill yours.” She was a wise woman. 

        And I will ask again, please give me an example where Jews castrate Muslim children as Assad is doing now.

        1. No the Israelis were too busy bombing from 40,000 feet in a nice classy f15 and killing thousands of people. Dont try to act like your the victim. Your country has turned into a Nazi regime. Look at how many people you killed since your creation and how many of you died in return. Either way its not your fault and its a much larger game than you or I. The endgame is a war where both the Arabs and Jews are decimated. Join me on facebook where we cover these topics. I have about 50,000 followers.

        2. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Badass adds a few ‘0’s … face book limits ‘friends’ … although he might have 100 accounts and time to service them … hahahha … sounds like a politician.
          Cedar and Scotch ….

        3.  5thdrawer, Man its a fan page so it has no limits. you can just go to the page and see it man. its in my profile just look it up. seriously cut down on the scotch….. Im having a few drinks myself now just got a nice JW green and enjoying some nice weather in Lebanon finally. But seriously man you should know one thing about me I DONT LIE.  I may say things you dont agree with but I dont BS. Next to my user name you can see a link to the fan page.

    2. good user name jewy , makes me think of a cartoon caricature or a kosher mcdonalds sandwich  MAC JEW,lol good sense of humor on your part and you just gave me an idea for some others.

      hizzy Mc hizz
      aouny Mc caoun
      druzi Mc druz
      maroon Mc marooni
      kurdy Mc kurd
      turkey Mc turk
      dabby Mcdab

      by the way did dab get a hold of you yet and ask you if you are a zioninste? salifite?,, dont take it personal he asks his own mother the same question every day just to be sure….good times

      1. LEBANON101 Avatar

        i agree with you 100 percent but hizballahs people are to sit here and argue that the jews are still the worst while they ignore the reality in syria . the un says well over 8000 killed. i have probably seen in videos and pictures alone 8000 killed the real number is probably over 20,000 yet this thug hassan 5ara and his shabiha thugs and masters in tehran want to keep there boots on our mouth and stop us from speaking out about whats going on. the era of the palestinan cause is over. people have been exposed to the truth . no one is starving in gaza. people are not being lined up and shot in the west bank. this is all going on in homs though for sure as we speak. you think while people are being shelled day and night in syria . they are sitting there and thinking about liberating “fulusteen”. or the people trying to rebuild their country in yemen or libya really care about liberating “fulusteen”. the fact of the matter is they have it better than most other arabs. if anything they should be helping other arabs out. the era of deception and lies is over. its time we start caring about our self and let them deal with their own shit. even if you gave them a country it would take them 5000 years to build a country on par with what the jews have now

  9. dateam Avatar

    So the Lebanese government has taken a position of neutrality….gmayell from m14 agrees with the leb government and now this clown comes back from his skiing holiday pulls out comments that are above his pay grade???

  10. dateam Avatar

    So the Lebanese government has taken a position of neutrality….gmayell from m14 agrees with the leb government and now this clown comes back from his skiing holiday pulls out comments that are above his pay grade???

  11. LEBANON101 Avatar

    i dont like israel AT ALL … but someone please show me proof of a palestinan taken prosoner alive by the IDF than returned a few days later  burnt , cut , and chopped up

    1. Prophettttt Avatar

      If you look at the data of Khiam concentration  camp, which was run by Israel and by their Sand bags,Haddad and Lahad, You will find many cases of Lebanese prisoners going in alive,and brought out dead due to torture.
      I won’t Google Israel’s crimes to show you any prove,I’m sure you can do that yourself…..Two examples which I’m personally familiar with,and well affected by them:
       A childhood friend and a neighbor,who was taken at the age of 19,  died in prison at 25. He became blind two years before He was dead.No one knows how he became blind, so I won’t accuse them of doing anything to his eyes,
       His only crime was that his father was a member of the communist party back then,and He was a leftist progressive activist himself. The young man never held a gun in his life.His case was documented along with many others by Human rights watch.
      In an other comment I posted yesterday, I talked about a relative who had 5 children,and was a former Lebanese army solider was taken summer of 79, away by Saad Haddad clowns,and the Israeli intelligence daylight, in front of his family and neighbors. This man never returned. I can not prove to you that He was burnt or chopped up. 

      If you need any prove on these two men, I can post their names,and I’m sure you will find many stories about them.
      There is no need to defend the Israelis when they can’t defend themselves. You don’t need to compare Israel to Syria in order to prove Syrian brutality.Whether one is a little more brutal than the other makes little difference to the victims of either country.

      1. LEBANON101 Avatar

        again i said IDF and Palestinians, not a mainly shiite SLA run prison

        1. Prophettttt Avatar

          It would have been better if you didn’t reply.
          khiam prison was run by Israel the so called south Lebanon Army,which included traitors who were from all religions.
          Look at the report by Human right watch, Goolge Khiam prison.

        2. lebanon 101 and prophet, you both make valid points and i have reasons to respect both of you in your intentions and your prespective, if i may preach what i try to practice to both of you, this is no different than me asking what position my daughter was raped in,, my daughter was raped! or my brother was shot in the heart or the forehead.

          we ought to stop lawyering and doing inventory of who has more or less damage, the damage of past deeds is DONE and speaks loud and clear of all of us earthlings and how savage and self righteous we are and how all of us are just as unwilling to change in aknowlaging our shortcomings. the begining of wisdom is confessing our wrong  and the only contribution us adults can make is to educate our children that we were NOT good examples and if we have any desire to please god it would be by restraining our selves from killing.

           i dont care who benefits from the uprising in syria as this only changes the subject, the subject is that there are innocent people, civilians, mothers, children, elderly, human beings being slaughtered  just  as they get slaughtered  by every militant group including the suspects you both mention,,, my heart is focused on the suffering of people caught in the midle of this evil,,,, the casualties are not composed of soldiers only.

        3. Leborigine Avatar

          Why go that far.I am no israeli fan either, but it facsinates me how a lot of Lebanese just accuse israel of war crimes. The plo, syrians and Lebanese left wingers did much worse to their own people than what the israelis ever did. I am not going to go into details, but israel, plo and syria are worse than each other. PERIOD!
          As a Lebanese, you either stand back and accuse both our fu$%ed up neighbours of war crimes, or you do not accuse any at all, as a whole nation every sect has suffered equally from both israel and syria.

      2. LEBANON101 Avatar

        and in case you didnt know or you dont want to know . saad haddad was part of the lebanese army SENT BY THE LEBANESE GOVERNMENT TO STOP THE PLO WHO WAS KILLING SHIITES AND Christians in the south

      3. Prophettttt Avatar

        Good day geo,
        In my comment posted yesterday, I  asked why they are opening old wounds to  people  who have suffered  loses ,and waited hopelessly for years,  when we all know that  they can’t help them find closure to their agony.
        As I have said before, I personally came to terms with my  loses ,and I have not  differentiated between my lose and the lose of others. It takes lots of strength to forgive and forget. 
        LEBANON101 was very provocative when He asked for a prove that Israel  ever  burnt or chopped off a prisoner, when He should know better.The question of violation of human rights in Israel is well documented for some intelligent person to ask for any prove. 
        I have over a long time urged people to come to terms with their loses,and move on.
         People should learn to forgive and forget,but distortion of history is not acceptable. Deniability is not a sign that people are willing to move on,and look for a brighter future.
        I have copied a small paragraph from my earlier comment in case Lebanon101 didn’t get to read it :
        “I came to term  with my loses( by Syrians, Israelis, and Lebanese),and now, believe that most people who died in Lebanon , have lost their lives for no reason.I sympathize with all people, regardless of how or by whom, who lost  loved ones, and I can relate to everyone of them, and know that deep inside, non of those people think that the lose of their loved ones was worth anything they believed in.”
        TC , Bro

    2. master09 Avatar

      Syria killed more Lebanese than any other country or sect, but we still want to be part of thier crap. All Lebanese do is forget how many young men had been killed by Syria, PLO and the Lebanese as well killing each other and all we do is say it is Isreal they are the killers. I am not saying the Jews did not do the same,  but don’t point one way, one way only we should start by pointing in our direction first. We need to take the log out of our eyes….first…..the ME will always be at war why ?? ??????????????      

  12. LEBANON101 Avatar

    i dont like israel AT ALL … but someone please show me proof of a palestinan taken prosoner alive by the IDF than returned a few days later  burnt , cut , and chopped up

    1. Prophettttt Avatar

      If you look at the data of Khiam concentration  camp, which was run by Israel and by their Sand bags,Haddad and Lahad, You will find many cases of Lebanese prisoners going in alive,and brought out dead due to torture.
      I won’t Google Israel’s crimes to show you any prove,I’m sure you can do that yourself…..Two examples which I’m personally familiar with,and well affected by them:
       A childhood friend and a neighbor,who was taken at the age of 19,  died in prison at 24. He became blind two years before He was dead.No one knows how he became blind, so I won’t accuse them of doing anything to his eyes,
       His only crime was that his father was a member of the communist party back then,and He was a leftist progressive activist himself. The young man never held a gun in his life.
      In an other comment I posted yesterday, I talked about a relative who had 5 children was taken summer of 79, away by Saad Haddad clowns,and the Israeli intelligence daylight, in front of his family and neighbors. This man never returned. I can not prove to you that He was burnt or chopped up. 

      If you need any prove on these two men, I can post their names,and I’m sure you will find many stories about them.
      There is no need to defend the Israelis when they can’t defend themselves. You don’t need to compare Israel to Syria in order to prove Syrian brutality.Whether one is a little more brutal than the other makes little difference to the victims of either country.

      1. LEBANON101 Avatar

        again i said IDF and Palestinians, not a mainly shiite SLA run prison

        1. Prophettttt Avatar

          It would have been better if you didn’t reply.
          khiam prison was run by Israel the so called south Lebanon Army,which included traitors who were from all religions.
          Look at the report by Human right watch, Goolge Khiam prison.

        2. lebanon 101 and prophet, you both make valid points and i have reasons to respect both of you in your intentions and your prespective, if i may preach what i try to practice to both of you, this is no different than me asking what position my daughter was raped in,, my daughter was raped! or my brother was shot in the heart or the forehead.

          we ought to stop lawyering and doing inventory of who has more or less damage, the damage of past deeds is DONE and speaks loud and clear of all of us earthlings and how savage and self righteous we are and how all of us are just as unwilling to change in aknowlaging our shortcomings. the begining of wisdom is confessing our wrong  and the only contribution us adults can make is to educate our children that we were NOT good examples and if we have any desire to please god it would be by restraining our selves from killing.

           i dont care who benefits from the uprising in syria as this only changes the subject, the subject is that there are innocent people, civilians, mothers, children, elderly, human beings being slaughtered  just  as they get slaughtered  by every militant group including the suspects you both mention,,, my heart is focused on the suffering of people caught in the midle of this evil,,,, the casualties are not composed of soldiers only.

        3. Leborigine Avatar

          Why go that far.I am no israeli fan either, but it facsinates me how a lot of Lebanese just accuse israel of war crimes. The plo, syrians and Lebanese left wingers did much worse to their own people than what the israelis ever did. I am not going to go into details, but israel, plo and syria are worse than each other. PERIOD!
          As a Lebanese, you either stand back and accuse both our fu$%ed up neighbours of war crimes, or you do not accuse any at all, as a whole nation every sect has suffered equally from both israel and syria.

      2. LEBANON101 Avatar

        and in case you didnt know or you dont want to know . saad haddad was part of the lebanese army SENT BY THE LEBANESE GOVERNMENT TO STOP THE PLO WHO WAS KILLING SHIITES AND Christians in the south

      3. Prophettttt Avatar

        Good day geo,
        In my comment posted yesterday, I  asked why they are opening old wounds to  people  who have suffered  loses ,and waited hopelessly for years,  when we all know that  they can’t help them find closure to their agony.
        As I have said before, I personally came to terms with my  loses ,and I have not  differentiated between my lose and the lose of others. It takes lots of strength to forgive and forget. 
        LEBANON101 was very provocative when He asked for a prove that Israel  ever  burnt or chopped off a prisoner, when He should know better.The question of violation of human rights in Israel is well documented for some intelligent person to ask for any prove. 
        I have over a long time urged people to come to terms with their loses,and move on.
         People should learn to forgive and forget,but distortion of history is not acceptable. Deniability is not a sign that people are willing to move on,and look for a brighter future.
        I have copied a small paragraph from my earlier comment in case Lebanon101 didn’t get to read it :
        “I came to term  with my loses( by Syrians, Israelis, and Lebanese),and now, believe that most people who died in Lebanon , have lost their lives for no reason.I sympathize with all people, regardless of how or by whom, who lost  loved ones, and I can relate to everyone of them, and know that deep inside, non of those people think that the lose of their loved ones was worth anything they believed in.”
        TC , Bro

    2. master09 Avatar

      Syria killed more Lebanese than any other country or sect, but we still want to be part of thier crap. All Lebanese do is forget how many young men had been killed by Syria, PLO and the Lebanese as well killing each other and all we do is say it is Isreal they are the killers. I am not saying the Jews did not do the same,  but don’t point one way, one way only we should start by pointing in our direction first. We need to take the log out of our eyes….first…..the ME will always be at war why ?? ??????????????      

  13. LEBANON101 Avatar

    look how fat the pig son of a dog samir kuntar was when he got out of jail. the jews even taught him how to read and write . i wonder if in between torture sessions al assad allowed lebanese prisoners (the thousands of them, from all sects ) to read books and watch tv.

  14. LEBANON101 Avatar

    look how fat the pig son of a dog samir kuntar was when he got out of jail. the jews even taught him how to read and write . i wonder if in between torture sessions al assad allowed lebanese prisoners (the thousands of them, from all sects ) to read books and watch tv.

  15. Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel Avatar
    Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel

    Yeah because we murder democracy protesters???

  16. Yeah because we murder democracy protesters???

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