Syria attacks Saudi over calls for arming opposition


Syria lashed out at Saudi Arabia on Saturday, a day after the kingdom’s foreign minister backed the idea of arming the rebels fighting President Bashar Assad’s regime, accusing Riyadh of becoming “a partner” in the killings taking place in Syria.

The sharp riposte from Damascus, which was published in a state-run newspaper, came as activists said regime forces were pounding rebel-held neighborhoods in the central city of Homs, where the International Committee of the Red Cross said negotiations have resumed to evacuate wounded civilians as well as two Western journalists who were wounded in government shelling earlier this week.

Syria’s traditionally cold relations with Saudi have worsened sharply since the 11-month-old uprising against Assad began. The Sunni power in the region, Saudi Arabia has been a harsh critic of the Assad regime, which is controlled by the minority Alawite sect, and its brutal crackdown against the mostly Sunni opposition.

Also Saturday, government bombardment killed at least nine people in Homs where a government attacked entered its fourth week. An International Committee of the Red Cross team evacuated 27 people Friday from Homs’ besieged neighborhood of Baba Amr but has so far failed to get out two wounded Western journalists and the bodies of two other reporters killed by government rockets.

ICRC spokesman Hicham Hassan said Saturday that the group and Syrian Arab Red Crescent Society have resumed negotiations with the government and opposition to continue evacuating all persons in need of help in Baba Amr.

“Until last night, seven wounded persons were evacuated from Baba Amr, as well as 20 women and children,” he said.

Syria’s Foreign Ministry accused gunmen of blocking the evacuation of the wounded journalists. Activists, however, said that French journalist Edith Bouvier of Le Figaro and British photographer Paul Conroy of the Sunday Times refused to leave Baba Amr with the Syrian Red Crescent Society and demanded that they be taken out by the ICRC.

The bodies of two journalists — an American and a Frenchmen who were killed by government shelling Wednesday — are still in Baba Amr.

The Syrian uprising began in March with mostly peaceful protests in a number of the country’s impoverished provinces. As security forces violently suppressed them, killing thousands, the protest grew and escalated into an increasingly armed insurrection.

The U.N. said last month that 5,400 people had been killed. Hundreds more have died since. Activists put the number at more than 7,300, but overall figures are impossible to confirm independently.

A Saturday commentary in the state-run Al Thawra daily sharply criticized Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal, who said during Friday’s 60-nation gathering in Tunisia that he supported giving weapons and ammunition to groups fighting the Syrian regime.

“I think it’s an excellent idea,” Prince Saud told reporters in Tunisia. Asked why, he replied: “Because they have to defend themselves.”

Al Thawra said that the prince, by “rudely” supporting an armed opposition, has become a “direct partner in shedding more Syrian blood.”

“It’s shameful for the vocabulary of the Saudi speech to reach this level … and to announce so rudely support for terrorists,” Al Thawra said. The paper reflects the Syrian government’s point of view.

In August, Saudi King Abdullah issued a harsh statement against Assad’s crackdown and recalled the kingdom’s ambassador to Damascus in protest. Since then, the ambassador has not returned and Saudi officials have been campaigning against Assad’s regime worldwide.

The Syrian regime has accused the opposition of being terrorists acting out a foreign plot.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said at least 28 people were killed in shooting, clashes and government troops shelling throughout the country Saturday. Another activist group, the Local Coordination Committees, said 36 people were killed 17 of them in Homs province.

The LCC also said that citizen journalist Anas al-Tarshi, better known as Anas al-Homsi, died Friday during government shelling of the Homs neighborhood of Qarabees. Al-Tarshi, who used to film and upload videos on activist websites was killed while trying to evacuate wounded people from the neighborhood, the LCC said.

In Istanbul, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said Saturday that Syria was seeking to crush its opposition and then proceed with reforms.

“That kind of logic unfortunately renders any kind of reform meaningless,” he said. “To fight on the one hand with your people and then to claim that there is reform is contradictory.”

He criticized the Syrian government’s assault on Homs just before holding a referendum.

Assad has announced a Sunday referendum on a new constitution. The charter would allow a bigger role for political opposition to challenge Assad’s Baath Party, which has controlled Syria since a 1963 coup. But leaders of the uprising have dismissed the vote as an attempt at superficial reforms that do nothing to break the regime’s hold on power.

Davutoglu spoke at a joint news conference with U.N. General Assembly President Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser, who called for increased pressure on Syria to stop its crackdown. Al-Nasser described the meeting on Syria in Tunis as a “starting point” at which “certain ideas were put on the table”.


Photo: Supporters of the Free Syrian Army ride a motorcycle with a rocket-propelled grenade in Kafar Taharim, Syria, Friday, Feb. 24., 2012. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)



9 responses to “Syria attacks Saudi over calls for arming opposition”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    The Iranian Supremes will hate that dialogue of any kind is going on. People will begin to think about what is said. 🙂

  2.  Avatar

    The Iranian Supremes will hate that dialogue of any kind is going on. People will begin to think about what is said. 🙂

  3. The Iranian naval ship , Russian naval base , Hezbollah presence in Syria and Lebanon are all illegal. They are foreign invaders and protecting the Syrian and Lebanese regime for reciprocal benefit. The Syrian resistance deserve to have arms to defend themselves. Its the Arabs matter in the Arab land , so the matters should concern all of the Arabs too like those of Russians , Chinese and the Iranians. These are mercenaries and its funny to see how these mercenaries are projecting themselves as the protector of Syrian people against Israel and other enemies. It seems the Arabs somehow have no right to be concerned about their Arab brothers in Syria. 

    The Persians were here long before and then were ejected by the Byzantine empire and after that the Arabs ejected both Eastern and western Roman empire plus freed the Persians from the fire worshipers. History is repeating itself  again. Persia is here again invading Lebanon, Syria , Palestine and it seems the Eastern Byzantine  and western roman is also planning to have a “come back” to Constantinople. Last time it was the “Avars” with 100000 solders helped the Persian against the Byzantine empires but eventually lost and expelled from Syria, Palestine Lebanon etc. I have made some research on Avars and it seems to me the avars are still alive and well among the Russian and Chinese empire. My research is not yet complete but when I see the Chinese and Russian support to the Persians , I became interested to see who were involved in the last Persian vs Byzantine war.The Greek Byzantine is seems European Union and the Western Pagan Roman empire element seems to be in USA, England and the Roman catholic Church. Well in the end it will be the Arabs who will rescue their brothers. The Byzantine were always sober , disciplined and closed to religion. The Quran predicted their victory over Persian Empire!

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      The question when you finish the research then, Wargame, will be WHY do humans continue to try to go back to their past, and live by prophecies from ancient times? 

      1. The past always help and we can learn from our mistakes. But those who do not search the past are modern assholes falling in to the same trap. Persians has a historic tie with the Slavs/avars/turkic(All are in from the Russian region)
        This is a interesting history where the AVARS were allied with persia during the Persian vs Byzentine war in the Arab Land!!!! How it started???? Byzantine Emperor Maurice had helped the Sassanian(Persian) king Khosrau II regain his throne. In 602, Maurice was murdered by his political rival Phocas. Khosrau proceeded to declare war against the New leadership of the Byzantine Empire, ostensibly to avenge Maurice’s death.

        Byzantine Empire Heraclius in 610 eventually led to the Persians’ defeat, despite initial setbacks. During the Persian Byzentine war The Avars came to an agreement with the Persians and tried to siege Constantinople.Allied with the Avars, the Persians made a final attempt to take Constantinople in 626, but were defeated there. Heraclius then invaded the Persian heartland in 627, forcing the Persians to sue for peace. Who are the avars?? I have found The Avars were a Mongolian peoples, known to the Chinese as the Juan-Juan.The Juan-Juan migrated through northern Iran to the Russian steppes.Here, they mingled with other Turkic and Hunnic peoples, primarily the Uighurs, finally emerging into Eastern Europe in the middle of the Sixth Century. This new confederacy, now known as the Avars, were to threaten Constantinople and much of western Europe for over three centuries. 

        The history is reapiting it self… the persians are already in Lebanon and they are allied with Russia and China and their local lackey Bashar Al Assad. The Romans both Eastern and Western are planning to have a “come back” in Constantinople. I believe the Romans will invade persia together with the Afghans and other Muslims, but this treaty will not last long , then the Romans will invade their old Constantinople and The Arabs ” the free Syrian Army” along with the Muslims will have a final show down.

  4. The Iranian naval ship , Russian naval base , Hezbollah presence in Syria and Lebanon are all illegal. They are foreign invaders and protecting the Syrian and Lebanese regime for reciprocal benefit. The Syrian resistance deserve to have arms to defend themselves. Its the Arabs matter in the Arab land , so the matters should concern all of the Arabs too like those of Russians , Chinese and the Iranians. These are mercenaries and its funny to see how these mercenaries are projecting themselves as the protector of Syrian people against Israel and other enemies. It seems the Arabs somehow have no right to be concerned about their Arab brothers in Syria. 

    The Persians were here long before and then were ejected by the Byzantine empire and after that the Arabs ejected both Eastern and western Roman empire plus freed the Persians from the fire worshipers. History is repeating itself  again. Persia is here again invading Lebanon, Syria , Palestine and it seems the Eastern Byzantine  and western roman is also planning to have a “come back” to Constantinople. Last time it was the “Avars” with 100000 solders helped the Persian against the Byzantine empires but eventually lost and expelled from Syria, Palestine Lebanon etc. I have made some research on Avars and it seems to me the avars are still alive and well among the Russian and Chinese empire. My research is not yet complete but when I see the Chinese and Russian support to the Persians , I became interested to see who were involved in the last Persian vs Byzantine war.The Greek Byzantine is seems European Union and the Western Pagan Roman empire element seems to be in USA, England and the Roman catholic Church. Well in the end it will be the Arabs who will rescue their brothers. The Byzantine were always sober , disciplined and closed to religion. The Quran predicted their victory over Persian Empire!

  5.  Avatar

    The Iranian naval ship , Russian naval base , Hezbollah presence in Syria and Lebanon are all illegal. They are foreign invaders and protecting the Syrian and Lebanese regime for reciprocal benefit. The Syrian resistance deserve to have arms to defend themselves. Its the Arabs matter in the Arab land , so the matters should concern all of the Arabs too like those of Russians , Chinese and the Iranians. These are mercenaries and its funny to see how these mercenaries are projecting themselves as the protector of Syrian people against Israel and other enemies. It seems the Arabs somehow have no right to be concerned about their Arab brothers in Syria. 

    The Persians were here long before and then were ejected by the Byzantine empire and after that the Arabs ejected both Eastern and western Roman empire plus freed the Persians from the fire worshipers. History is repeating itself  again. Persia is here again invading Lebanon, Syria , Palestine and it seems the Eastern Byzantine  and western roman is also planning to have a “come back” to Constantinople. Last time it was the “Avars” with 100000 solders helped the Persian against the Byzantine empires but eventually lost and expelled from Syria, Palestine Lebanon etc. I have made some research on Avars and it seems to me the avars are still alive and well among the Russian and Chinese empire. My research is not yet complete but when I see the Chinese and Russian support to the Persians , I became interested to see who were involved in the last Persian vs Byzantine war.The Greek Byzantine is seems European Union and the Western Pagan Roman empire element seems to be in USA, England and the Roman catholic Church. Well in the end it will be the Arabs who will rescue their brothers. The Byzantine were always sober , disciplined and closed to religion. The Quran predicted their victory over Persian Empire!

    1.  Avatar

      The question when you finish the research then, Wargame, will be WHY do humans continue to try to go back to their past, and live by prophecies from ancient times? 

      1.  Avatar

        The past always help and we can learn from our mistakes. But those who do not search the past are modern assholes falling in to the same trap. Persians has a historic tie with the Slavs/avars/turkic(All are in from the Russian region)
        This is a interesting history where the AVARS were allied with persia during the Persian vs Byzentine war in the Arab Land!!!! How it started???? Byzantine Emperor Maurice had helped the Sassanian(Persian) king Khosrau II regain his throne. In 602, Maurice was murdered by his political rival Phocas. Khosrau proceeded to declare war against the New leadership of the Byzantine Empire, ostensibly to avenge Maurice’s death. Byzantine Empire Heraclius in 610 eventually led to the Persians’ defeat, despite initial setbacks. During the Persian Byzentine war The Avars came to an agreement with the Persians and tried to siege Constantinople.Allied with the Avars, the Persians made a final attempt to take Constantinople in 626, but were defeated there. Heraclius then invaded the Persian heartland in 627, forcing the Persians to sue for peace. Who are the avars?? I have found The Avars were a Mongolian peoples, known to the Chinese as the Juan-Juan.The Juan-Juan migrated through northern Iran to the Russian steppes.Here, they mingled with other Turkic and Hunnic peoples, primarily the Uighurs, finally emerging into Eastern Europe in the middle of the Sixth Century. This new confederacy, now known as the Avars, were to threaten Constantinople and much of western Europe for over three centuries. This is a video on Byzantine Persian wars (602-628) and how the Arab finally freed their land from the foreign invaders. 

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