Iran can only supply max. 10% of Lebanon's electric needs


Tehran Times reported that Iran’s Energy Ministry Majid Namjou said that the Islamic Republic is planning to export electricity to Syria and Lebanon through Iraq’s power grid.

Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of a meeting with his Syrian counterpart Imad Mohammad Deeb Khamis, Namjou said Iran is capable of exporting 1,000 megawatts (MW) of power to Iraq.

He added that Syria has also demanded 500 MW of electricity from Iran.

“Iran is also able to export 50-100 MW of electricity to Lebanon through Syria,” Namjou said.

Lebanon needs a lot more than 100 MW of power . Initially Iranian ambassador to Lebanon Ghadanfar Roknabadi, said on January 28 that Tehran was willing to help Lebanon end its chronic electricity problems.

“Lebanon requires [an additional] 1,000 MW and we consider this to be a small amount … given that we export around 25,000 MW and we have a surplus of production estimated at around 6,000 MW. We can resolve this problem easily … as soon as possible with simple conditions,” Roknabadi told reporters.

Ever since he made that proposal the quantity of power Iran was willing to export to Lebanon has been going down.

On January 29, 2012 Roknabadi met with Lebanese Foreign minister Adnan Mansour and offered to supply Lebanon between 200-400 MW of electricity.

Namjou’s statement indicates that Iran can only supply maximum 5 to 10 % of Lebanon’s electric needs.

Lebanon , according to local reports is trying to solve the immediate needs by using power generating ships.



6 responses to “Iran can only supply max. 10% of Lebanon's electric needs”

  1. As usual typical Iranian character big talk but no actual substance, this is how they are in USA too nobody can trust to do business with them, you will end with short end of the stick no matter what, this  is in their blood, I am not a bigot but 90% of them are not trustworthy.

  2.  Avatar

    As usual typical Iranian character big talk but no actual substance, this is how they are in USA too nobody can trust to do business with them, you will end with short end of the stick no matter what, this  is in their blood, I am not a bigot but 90% of them are not trustworthy.

  3. 5thDrawer Avatar

    In the end we’ll get nothing, but it will cost more.
    Stick with the ships … at least we can see them. In the daytime.

  4.  Avatar

    In the end we’ll get nothing, but it will cost more.
    Stick with the ships … at least we can see them. In the daytime.

  5. yes iran can only supply 100%  terrorism to lebanon and rubish ideology to its pathetic race mot3a animals!!

  6.  Avatar

    yes iran can only supply 100%  terrorism to lebanon and rubish ideology to its pathetic race mot3a animals!!

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