M.E. officials attack Russia, China, urge cutting ties with Syria


ARAB leaders and officials have attacked the UN after Russia and China blocked a resolution condemning the Damascus regime, as Tunisia urged the world to cut diplomatic ties with Syria.

Tunisian Prime Minister Hamadi Jebali said Moscow and Beijing’s actions showed the veto system of the Security Council was flawed and the two countries had “misused” their right to block the resolution against Syria.

“Undoubtedly the international community has to reconsider this mechanism of decision taking,” said Jebali.

Turkey’s foreign minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, said that “Cold War” logic had prevailed in the Security Council and that Russia and China “did not vote on existing realities”.

On Saturday, Russia and China employed their veto to block a UN resolution against Syria that aimed to end violence there after one of the bloodiest weekends since the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad erupted about 11 months ago.

Militants said more than 230 civilians perished under bombardment by Syrian forces in the city of Homs overnight Friday.

Egypt’s foreign minister, Mohamed Amr, said the Arab League would convene in Cairo on Saturday and “evaluate” the situation following the Security Council vote.

“Bloodshed has to stop. This is a tragedy that cannot be allowed to continue in our midst,” he said.

The criticism was not limited to politicians, with the director of Human Rights Watch, Kenneth Roth, saying the veto had rendered the United Nations “irrelevant”.

Jebali said that in the absence of strong UN action, countries should take their own action by cutting all diplomatic ties with Damascus, as Tunisia has already done.

“We have to expel Syrian ambassadors from Arab and other countries,” the prime minister said.

“The Syrian people do not expect from us today long statements … they are expecting deeds, they are expecting concrete measures … the very least we can do is to cut all relations to the Syria regime,” he added.

Qatari minister of state for foreign affairs, Khalid Mohamed al-Attiyah, described Saturday as a “sad day”.

He said Russia and China’s move was a “bad signal to Assad that gives a license to kill, full stop”.

Speaking at the same event, Yemeni Nobel peace laureate Tawakkul Karman also called on the international community to expel Syrian ambassadors from their countries and recall diplomats in the wake of the violence there.

“I urge you in the name of the peaceful rebels to expel Syrian ambassadors from your countries and I urge you to call back your ambassadors in Damascus,” Karman said.

With their veto, China and Russia “bear the moral and human responsibility for these massacres”, she said.

US independent Senator Joe Lieberman said that with their actions, China and Russia were “on the wrong side of history” and they could find themselves as isolated as Assad if they refused to budge.

The United States should look at providing weapons and other aid to Syrian rebels if Russia and China refuse to reconsider, said Lieberman.

“We have a range of support we can give them,” he told the panel.

“Some of it is non-lethal, including medical supplies … and then ultimately it is providing them with weapons,” said the senator




  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Ah well. USA revolutionary thinking prevails there too. Medical help in a safe zone would be nice for sure.

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Ah well. USA revolutionary thinking prevails there too. Medical help in a safe zone would be nice for sure.

  3.  Avatar

    Ah well. USA revolutionary thinking prevails there too. Medical help in a safe zone would be nice for sure.

  4. If the FSA and the new government promised to give up all its chemical weapons stockpiles upon Assad’s fall, I very much could support massive drops of food,medical aid and light to medium weapons to them. I would also take it further, and put unilateral sanctions on them strong enough to instantly crash the financial system, and prevent the leaders from fleeing the country to escape prosecution., but in a way that recovery will be possible after his demise.
    The only bad part is if we give them the ability to take out the tanks and APC’s he will step up to aircraft, or worse. We dont need him bombing cities with heavy ordinance, and we certainly cannot have him use chemical weapons. In that case, we would step in most assuredly and then it could be really bad..
    It’s on Russia,China,Iran, Hezbollah and Assad’s shoulders.. I just hope it doesn’t envelope the entire ME in civil war, and I fear thats where it’s headed.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      I think you are right I.A. Unfortunately. There are too many who cannot stand the thought that people want to choose what they do in their daily lives; have freedom to think of which religion to join; who to work for; or to give women the right to say ‘no’.

  5. If the FSA and the new government promised to give up all its chemical weapons stockpiles upon Assad’s fall, I very much could support massive drops of food,medical aid and light to medium weapons to them. I would also take it further, and put unilateral sanctions on them strong enough to instantly crash the financial system, and prevent the leaders from fleeing the country to escape prosecution., but in a way that recovery will be possible after his demise.
    The only bad part is if we give them the ability to take out the tanks and APC’s he will step up to aircraft, or worse. We dont need him bombing cities with heavy ordinance, and we certainly cannot have him use chemical weapons. In that case, we would step in most assuredly and then it could be really bad..
    It’s on Russia,China,Iran, Hezbollah and Assad’s shoulders.. I just hope it doesn’t envelope the entire ME in civil war, and I fear thats where it’s headed.

  6. If the FSA and the new government promised to give up all its chemical weapons stockpiles upon Assad’s fall, I very much could support massive drops of food,medical aid and light to medium weapons to them. I would also take it further, and put unilateral sanctions on them strong enough to instantly crash the financial system, and prevent the leaders from fleeing the country to escape prosecution., but in a way that recovery will be possible after his demise.
    The only bad part is if we give them the ability to take out the tanks and APC’s he will step up to aircraft, or worse. We dont need him bombing cities with heavy ordinance, and we certainly cannot have him use chemical weapons. In that case, we would step in most assuredly and then it could be really bad..
    It’s on Russia,China,Iran, Hezbollah and Assad’s shoulders.. I just hope it doesn’t envelope the entire ME in civil war, and I fear thats where it’s headed.

    1.  Avatar

      I think you are right I.A. Unfortunately. There are too many who cannot stand the thought that people want to choose what they do in their daily lives; have freedom to think of which religion to join; who to work for; or to give women the right to say ‘no’.

  7. antar2011 Avatar

    before even thinking about cuttig ties with russia and china….what are the Assadi embassodors still doing in their positions eh?


    1. Is it more satisfying to see people finally treating Russia, China, Iran & allies as the self interested hypocrites they truly are or seeing “Leftists” squirm as their dear “anti imperialist bloc” revealed itself to be only a less able version of the west. LOL I suspect Taiwanese, Uyghur, Tibetan, Balluchi, Ahwazi, Chechan, Ingrush & tartar’s will discover a whole lot more support in the future.

      It is sweet to see them squirm, but bitter in that Syrian people are paying the ultimate price.

      These clowns will still try to preach morality, justice & resistance. BTW

      The resistance of the Syrian People to the regime & all it’s supporters is more noble than any other I know.

      Regarding Assad Amb, Looks like the people are dealing with them quite effectively.

      I soo want to tepe the one in Beirut 😉

      1. antar2011 Avatar

        mind you, the chinese are relatively new hypocrites…i am very suprised with their position. why meddle with the politics of ME? they don’t need to really…

        they are more noble indeed…and i wish i was there too but it is slighlty more difficult and dnagerous to ask for syrian ambassodor in lebanon out….cause we need to start first with our govt then move to the ambassodor *rolls eyes*.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Yah .. they could have ‘Abstained’ like some others we know … but they want oil too.

  8.  Avatar

    before even thinking about cuttig ties with russia and china….what are the Assadi embassodors still doing in their positions eh?


  9.  Avatar

    before even thinking about cuttig ties with russia and china….what are the Assadi embassodors still doing in their positions eh?


    1.  Avatar

      Is it more satisfying to see people finally treating Russia, China, Iran as the self interested hypocrites they truly are or seeing “anti imperialist” Leftists squirm as their dear “anti imperialist bloc” revealed to only be a less able version of the west.

      It is sweet to seem them squirm, but bitter in that Syrian people are paying the ultimate price.

      I have a lot of Kol Khara lined up for these clowns next time they wish to preach morality, justic or resistance.

      The resistance of the Syrian People to the regime & all it’s supporters is more noble than any other I know.

      1.  Avatar

        mind you, the chinese are relatively new hypocrites…i am very suprised with their position. why meddle with the politics of ME? they don’t need to really…

        they are more noble indeed…and i wish i was there too but it is slighlty more difficult and dnagerous to ask for syrian ambassodor in lebanon out….cause we need to start first with our govt then move to the ambassodor *rolls eyes*.

        1.  Avatar

          Yah .. they could have ‘Abstained’ like some others we know … but they want oil too.

  10.  Avatar

    before even thinking about cuttig ties with russia and china….what are the Assadi embassodors still doing in their positions eh?


  11. Hannibal Avatar

    The time for half measures and blabbing is long gone… Arab League for once show some balls. Invade Syria.

  12. Hannibal Avatar

    The time for half measures and blabbing is long gone… Arab League for once show some balls. Invade Syria.

  13. The time for half measures and blabbing is long gone… Arab League for once show some balls. Invade Syria.

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