Berri , Jumblatt may be targets for assassination , report


An Nahar daily reported that the Internal Security Forces Intelligence Branch urged Speaker Nabih Berri and Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblatt to take precautions as they may be targeted for assassination .

According to An Nahar the homes of the two officials are under “surveillance.” .

Jumblatt told An Nahar that “the security coordination is very important, specially because of the critical stage the country is passing through.”

“ ISF intelligence branch chief ( Col. Wissam al-Hassan) is playing his role, and we shouldn’t forget the accomplishments made by the branch in revealing the identity of a number of Lebanese for collaborating with Israel,” he noted.

According to As Safir newspaper , Jumblatt was informed of the security threats during his visit to Moscow last week.

Jumblatt who split from the March 14 alliance in August 2009 has been very critical of the Syrian regime in its brutal crackdown against the pro-democracy protesters . He reportedly went to Moscow to try and convince the Russian leaders to adopt the Arab league position on ending the Syrian crisis, but appears to have failed in his mission because Russia today has rejected a UN Security Council Resolution based on the Arab League plan



12 responses to “Berri , Jumblatt may be targets for assassination , report”

  1.  Avatar

    Jumblat changes sides again and now they want to kill him. Trying to consolidate the Druz under Arslan and Wahab? As for Berri, who would benefit most from his death and consolidate all shia under one party? The only people that would want both dead are are the people that have killed and killed and killed….

    1.  Avatar

      Actually, we’re not sure. 😉

  2. Patience2 Avatar

    Berri’s only hope is that the ‘Warts’ (HA’ers) around his a55 might be able to protect him, while as for Jumblatt, he’s too stupid to even realise he’s BEING assassinated!

  3.  Avatar

    Berri’s only hope is that the ‘Warts’ (HA’ers) around his a55 might be able to protect him, while as for Jumblatt, he’s to stupid to even realise he’s BEING assassinated!

  4. MeYosemite Avatar

    I think this is a cry wolfe to get sympathy, as if Berri all along was not on the Bashar/HA team but just a victim. My gut feeling on this all these politicians, including berri, aoun and HA will turn back and pretend they were not involved with Syria and have the parliament degree a secrecy on the past. Just to have them perpetuate the status quo and kiss up. I think people should refuse having them back on the lebanese political ground.

  5.  Avatar

    I think this is a cry wolfe to get sympathy, as if Berri all along was not on the Bashar/HA team but just a victim. My gut feeling on this all these politicians, including berri, aoun and HA will turn back and pretend they were not involved with Syria and have the parliament degree a secrecy on the past. Just to have them perpetuate the status quo and kiss up. I think people should refuse having them back on the lebanese political ground.

  6.  Avatar

    I think this is a cry wolfe to get sympathy, as if Berri all along was not on the Bashar/HA team but just a victim. My gut feeling on this all these politicians, including berri, aoun and HA will turn back and pretend they were not involved with Syria and have the parliament degree a secrecy on the past. Just to have them perpetuate the status quo and kiss up. I think people should refuse having them back on the lebanese political ground.

  7. 5thDrawer Avatar

    When a country is run by a dictator – or a cluster of them – everyone who aspires to ‘rise’ is a target.

  8.  Avatar

    When a country is run by a dictator – or a cluster of them – everyone who aspires to ‘rise’ is a target.

  9. Whoever noticed that somebody watching those two,why they could not be aressted and questioned, to see who is behind this, or maybe those two are using this as a cover that they are not immune from Syrian regimes killing machine.

  10.  Avatar

    Whoever noticed that somebody watching those two,why they could not be aressted and questioned, to see who is behind this, or maybe those two are using this as a cover that they are not immune from Syrian regimes killing machine.

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