Aoun attacks the entire political system in Lebanon


Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun on Friday slammed the entire political System in Lebanon, and accused it of “conspiring” against his Change and Reform bloc ministers.

“I accuse the entire political system of conspiring against us…. They are targeting us because we have exposed them but this intimidation will not scare us….We accuse everyone and let those accusing us show us their evidences. We have the documents to prove that they are thieves,” Aoun said at a meeting with FPM officials in Sin el-Fil.

The Free Patriotic Movement leader said that the candidates supported by his party should be appointed as new members of the Higher Judicial Council, adding that the Future Movement , headed by ( the late former PM) Rafik Hariri’s son, ( former PM) Saad ( Hariri) – “is defending thieves today.”

Aoun also said that the electricity plan that was proposed by his Change and Reform bloc was “being obstructed” but did not specify to whom he was referring.

The FPM leader also slammed President Michel Suleiman, wondering “why did the president take an oath to protect the constitution?”

Aoun added: “I want an answer from the PM and the speaker: How can a head of a parliamentary committee block the laws proposed by a ministry, how can he have the upper hand?”

He was referring to MP Mohammed Qabbani, head of the energy parliamentary committee.

Aoun added he will not call President Suleiman , “because I will not find him ”

Commenting on power cuts and Energy Minister Gebran Bassil’s call for more electricity rationing in the Lebanese capital in order to be fair to residents living in cities other than Beirut, Aoun asked: “Where is justice when I, who lives outside Beirut , pay for electric generator expenses , while Qabbani who lives in Beirut does not?”

Aoun then attacked March 14 by saying “that the anti-Syrian figures who were assassinated following the withdrawal of Syrian forces from Lebanon in 2005 are “falsely” called “martyrs.”

“This labeling is false… anyone [of them] could have been killed for reasons like cheating on his wife.” He said

Several Lebanese politicians and key figures who opposed the Syrian tutelage in Lebanon were murdered following the 2005 Syrian withdrawal from the country.

Aoun also criticized Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblatt over the issue of allocation of benefits to residents who were displaced by the 1975-1990 civil war.

Aoun’s speech comes after his son-in-law Bassil was accused of corruption over the red Diesel scandal.

The head of the Court of Audit Judge Aouni Ramadan said in remarks published Friday that 101 million liters of red diesel were sold to merchants the night before government subsidies on the fuel were discontinued.This is more than 11 times the number revealed by Bassil.

The subsidy that was to be discontinued on January 19 was 3000 LL ( $2.00) per 20 liters or 10 cents per liter . This means that that the companies that bought the product made more than 10 million dollars profit at the expense of public funds .



28 responses to “Aoun attacks the entire political system in Lebanon”

  1. lol, ya they were all killed for cheating on their wives…and everyone is at fault except you…he blames the entire political system, the same one that has given him the very false platform he’s crying from lol…he really is loosing his mind, what a degenerate failure….

  2.  Avatar

    lol, ya they were all killed for cheating on their wives…and everyone is at fault except you…he blames the entire political system, the same one that has given him the very false platform he’s crying from lol…he really is loosing his mind, what a degenerate failure….

  3. Fauzia45 Avatar

    He is also talking about conspiracies!!

  4.  Avatar

    He is also talking about conspiracies!!

  5. antar2011 Avatar

    a total nutcase!

    who does he think we are to believe him?

    how can anyone protest against a govt he has the majority of ministers in it? what is this twisted logic? el 3ama give us the respect at least to not believe in your twisted logic!

    how can his followers understand this logic? how can anyone protest against himself?

    the audacity of this crazy ibn crazy to even suggest such a thing?  if he does not like the govt he is part of why doesn’t he resign/ what keeps him in this govt?

    anyone with an ounce of honour would resign…..but of course he lacks such a description.

    the greedy thief, he does not even hide the fact that he does not care about the pple. all he cares about having his terms met…

    this is the extent we have reached in lebanon, pple who lack of any responsibility, competence, honour and honesty are in govt…congratulations on having a country that is officially classified as not from the third world but from the 100th world….because of this nutcase and his greedy ministers in the govt.

    el 3ama, yalli sta7ou matoo indeed.

    1. I have a few theories;
      1. Maybe the Aoun residence still uses Lead pipes?
      2. Maybe they are in the middle of air currents coming from the Bekka?
      3. Maybe Aoun & Basil family make their own “special” Mate’?
      4. Maybe Aoun snr insisted on Basil getting a lobotomy before he could join the family?
      5. Maybe we are all crazy salafiste zionist crusader, boogyman, um ra3ad, daba3 etc and we are part of a conspiracy to take everything Aoun & Co say out of context as part of our evil corrupt sectarian conspiracy?

      Which do you think is most likely? or have I overlooked something?

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        I go with the lead pipes … 

      2. antar2011 Avatar

        naaa, i opt for the air currents…coming from the arses of pple in Bekaa..:)

        incidently, i loved your Um Ra3ad referrences….takes me back to the good old days *cough* *cough*

      3. antar2011 Avatar

        naaa, i opt for the air currents…coming from the arses of pple in Bekaa..:)

        incidently, i loved your Um Ra3ad referrences….takes me back to the good old days *cough* *cough*

  6.  Avatar

    a total nutcase!

    who does he think we are to believe him?

    how can anyone demostrate against a govt he has the majority of ministers in it?

    the audacity of this crazy ibn crazy to even suggest such a thing?  if he does not like the govt he is part of why doesn’t he resign/ what keeps him in this govt?

    anyone with an ounce of honour would resign…..but of course he lacks such a description.

    the greedy thief, he does not even hide the fact that he does not care about the pple. all he cares about having his terms met…

    this is the extent we have reached in lebanon, pple who lack of any responsibility, competence, honour and honesty are in govt…congratulations on having a country that is officially known as not the third but world but from the 100th world….because of this nutcase and his greedy ministers in the govt.

    el 3ama, yalli sta7ou matoo indeed.

    1.  Avatar

      I have a few theories;
      1. Maybe the Aoun residence still uses Lead pipes?
      2. Maybe they are in the middle of air currents coming from the Bekka?
      3. Maybe Aoun & Basil family make their own “special” Mate’?
      4. Maybe Aoun snr insisted on Basil getting a lobotomy before he could join the family?
      5. Maybe we are all crazy salafiste zionist crusader, boogyman, um ra3ad, daba3 etc and we are part of a conspiracy to take everything Aoun & Co say out of context as part of our evil corrupt sectarian conspiracy?

      Which so you think is most likely? or have I overlooked something?

      1.  Avatar

        I go with the lead pipes … 

      2.  Avatar

        naaa, i opt for the air currents…coming from the arses of pple in Bekaa..:)

        incidently, i loved your Um Ra3ad referrences….takes me back to the good old days *cough* *cough*

    2.  Avatar

      I have a few theories;
      1. Maybe the Aoun residence still uses Lead pipes?
      2. Maybe they are in the middle of air currents coming from the Bekka?
      3. Maybe Aoun & Basil family make their own “special” Mate’?
      4. Maybe Aoun snr insisted on Basil getting a lobotomy before he could join the family?
      5. Maybe we are all crazy salafiste zionist crusader, boogyman, um ra3ad, daba3 etc and we are part of a conspiracy to take everything Aoun & Co say out of context as part of our evil corrupt sectarian conspiracy?

      Which so you think is most likely? or have I overlooked something?

  7. You are not only “the Great” you are greatest of the greats. They want electricity for Beirut only, SHUT IT OFF and let them suffer like everyone else. Now you came up with a plan to fix the electricity and they don’t want to fund it. They were in power for 20 years, no solution. Now they want to solve the issue in 6 month without funding. I guess the STL funding was more important, what gives people????? They stole $50 billions with nothing to show for it, the Lebanese have good memory they will act election time by crowning you the ultimate dictator. I recommend you choose to be the Evil Dictator and put them all in jail. Remember you and your allies are liberators so do some cleansing. 

    1. kamille1 Avatar

      call him whatever you want but please DO NOT CALL HIM A LIBERATOR..and let me ask you a question, you as a supporter of this nut case, you actualy think that all these people that died after the syrian withdrawal, died because they cheated on their wives??????

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        I agree. That WAS the most idiotic statement kamille.

    2. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Come on, Libnan1. Give it up. The only thing we could agree on is that the whole political system needs to be changed. What this guy and the Hezzzys force on Lebanon isn’t exactly sweet either.

    3. it truly is a treat to the sane world when Aoun supporters open their mouths…Yalla, let the crazy flow habibi! you people got more than enough to share with the world lol…

    4. it truly is a treat to the sane world when Aoun supporters open their mouths…Yalla, let the crazy flow habibi! you people got more than enough to share with the world lol…

  8.  Avatar

    You are not only “the Great” you are greatest of the greats. They want electricity for Beirut only, SHUT IT OFF and let them suffer like everyone else. Now you came up with a plan to fix the electricity and they don’t want to fund it. They were in power for 20 years, no solution. Now they want to solve the issue in 6 month without funding. I guess the STL funding was more important, what gives people????? They stole $50 billions with nothing to show for it, the Lebanese have good memory they will act election time by crowning you the ultimate dictator. I recommend you choose to be the Evil Dictator and put them all in jail. Remember you and your allies are liberators so do some cleansing. 

    1.  Avatar

      call him whatever you want but please DO NOT CALL HIM A LIBERATOR..and let me ask you a question, you as a supporter of this nut case, you actualy think that all these people that died after the syrian withdrawal, died because they cheated on their wives??????

      1.  Avatar

        I agree. That WAS the most idiotic statement kamille.

    2.  Avatar

      Come on, Libnan1. Give it up. The only thing we could agree on is that the whole political system needs to be changed. What this guy and the Hezzzys force on Lebanon isn’t exactly sweet either.

    3.  Avatar

      it truly is a treat to the sane world when Aoun supporters open their mouths…Yalla, let the crazy flow habibi! you people got more than enough to share with the world lol…

  9.  Avatar

    I have always found it hard to look past this mans history. ( I am NOT taking a swipe)

    History aside, this man is amongst the more intelligent & competent of any potential future President from the political class.

    @libnan1:disqus  Aoun is ranked 871st just under Micheal the monkey from Beirut Zoo. Basel just missed out on making the list. 🙁

    I suppose compared to Berri, Frangieh, Jumblat & Karami, Geagea is a reformed man.

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