Russian Military Fleet Arrives in Syria ; Report


The group of Russian military ships that set sail for violence-grippled Syria has reached its destination on Sunday, report agencies.

The fleet, reported to include carrier Admiral Kuznetsov, has arrived in the Syrian port of Tartus, according to Israeli newspaper Haaretz, quoting official agency SANA.

SANA has reported that the ships will stay in Tartus for six days as a sign of support for the Syrian people.

Some perceive the move as a gesture of support for embattled Syrian leader Bashar Al-Assad, who has been facing strong popular protests since March 2011.

Assad has ruthlessly crushed the pro-demoracy protests using heavy army units, which has resulted in 5,000 civilian deaths since March.

While western leaders have called on the Syrian President to step down, Russia has been more cautious, supporting pro-democracy measures, but not wanting to call for resignation on the part of the president.

The news of the Russian ships’ arrival in Syria comes at a time when Arab League Foreign Affairs Ministers are about to meet in Cairo to discuss the findings of an Arab League mission to Syria.

The Arab League representatives are also expected to decide whether to call for UN assistance to resolve the bloodshed.




2 responses to “Russian Military Fleet Arrives in Syria ; Report”

  1. wargame1 Avatar

    SANA has reported that the ships will stay in Tartus for six days as a sign of support for the Syrian people. Really and for SIX days only!!!! thats hilarious , Syrian regime lost a phony war against Israel in SIX days too resulting the Golan height sold. First the Arab League were quiet for many months then we had growing number of free Syrian army , Arab league were alarmed and active knew very well that Assad was in trouble , they sent a war criminal to look for war crime in Syria. Russia China gave veto against UN resolution in favor of intervention , they were there to give veto every time UN brings it up so UN wont have to send any troops. In the case of Libya Russia and China were inactive and let NATO attack on Libya and after a while quickly recognize the Libyan rebel government. Arab League suspended Libya within 7 days and never send any observers there.
    This Russian move now clearly indicate the grave situation of Assad regime. Russians are there to protect Israel, they know if Assad regime is gone the Syrian and Palestinian people will eye on Golan height and beyond…We will very soon see Russian solders shooting protesters in Syria and confronting the Free Syrian Army. Inshallah It will  not be a big  problem for the Free Syrian army to kick the Russian back.  It will take some time then we will see the Afghanistan situation where the British , the Russian , the American all of them were defeated. The British invasion of Afghanistan were a failure , they tried 4 times and got defeated and one of that time all the British army were killed except one who  went back to England . Russians had a humiliating defeat and now Americans are experiencing the same.  It will be always the same ending for the wrong doers. “Defeated” is the middle name of any criminal such as Gorge defeated Bush similarly Bashar DefeatedAlawite Asad.

  2.  Avatar

    SANA has reported that the ships will stay in Tartus for six days as a sign of support for the Syrian people. Really and for SIX days only!!!! thats hilarious , Syrian regime lost a phony war against Israel in SIX days too resulting the Golan height sold. First the Arab League were quiet for many months then we had growing number of free Syrian army , Arab league were alarmed and active knew very well that Assad was in trouble , they sent a war criminal to look for war crime in Syria. Russia China gave veto against UN resolution in favor of intervention , they were there to give veto every time UN brings it up so UN wont have to send any troops. In the case of Libya Russia and China were inactive and let NATO attack on Libya and after a while quickly recognize the Libyan rebel government. Arab League suspended Libya within 7 days and never send any observers there.
    This Russian move now clearly indicate the grave situation of Assad regime. Russians are there to protect Israel, they know if Assad regime is gone the Syrian and Palestinian people will eye on Golan height and beyond…We will very soon see Russian solders shooting protesters in Syria and confronting the Free Syrian Army. Inshallah It will  not be a big  problem for the Free Syrian army to kick the Russian back.  It will take some time then we will see the Afghanistan situation where the British , the Russian , the American all of them were defeated. The British invasion of Afghanistan were a failure , they tried 4 times and got defeated and one of that time all the British army were killed except one who  went back to England . Russians had a humiliating defeat and now Americans are experiencing the same.  It will be always the same ending for the wrong doers. Defeat.

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