Taliban ready for US talks


THE Taliban have for the first time publicly expressed interest in negotiating with Washington, outlining a vision for talks with US officials that conspicuously excluded a role for the Afghan government.

The announcement came as Britain’s Guardian reported that the US had agreed in principle to release high-ranking Taliban officials from Guantanamo Bay in return for the movement’s agreement to open a political office for negotiations in Qatar.

The Taliban have long said they will not negotiate while foreign troops remain in Afghanistan.

Their apparent change of position offered a measure of hope that after years of missteps, a negotiated settlement to the war in Afghanistan is possible.

But analysts warned of substantial unknowns and possible pitfalls, including whether Pakistan will seek to thwart the effort. In addition, the statement’s omission of a role for the Afghan government could anger Afghan President Hamid Karzai.

US State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland sidestepped questions on the US role in any forthcoming talks in Qatar. ”If this is part of an Afghan-led, Afghan-supported process, and the Afghan government itself believes it can play a constructive role … then we will play a role in that, as well,” she said.

US officials have said the Taliban representatives were told that the Qatar office could not be used for recruitment or political activities.

Some Afghan officials expressed concern about the prospect of negotiations.

”This is being planned based on the politics of the United States,” said Afghan MP Fauzia Kofi, who is regarded as pro-American. ”History is repeating itself. This may result in bringing the Taliban back to power. None of our achievements have been systematic and they can all collapse at any time.”

Although the US has long said that the war must end with a political solution, informal talks did not begin until the administration altered its demands for the Taliban to sever all ties with al-Qaeda, renounce violence and pledge allegiance to the Afghan constitution.




45 responses to “Taliban ready for US talks”

  1. wargame1 Avatar

    So those so called civilized nation came to spread democracy in Afghanistan are now becoming a taliban´s bitch. After being found themselves in body bags they realized that those rubbish talk of democracy will not work in Afghanistan.So cut the shit and get to the point straight…you like to stick a pipeline , transport the drugs, and steal other natural resources from Afghanistan. But the great Mujaheddin taught you a lesson in such a way that your semi clad nude civilization looks like a piece of filth now.

    Its not Taliban who are willing to talk to you , they have all the time in the world to grill you. The Taliban have long said they will not negotiate while foreign troops remain in Afghanistan, So this new twist indicates that Americans are now desperate and licking back the spit they spat on Taliban. So they are releasing a high ranking taliban official from Guantanamo ?? that’s a red flag that Taliban captured some US high officials too and pressuring the invading pigs to release their people.

     It seems America is in great trouble in Afghanistan and need some kind of deal to get out from their bogged down adventure. The British tried 4 times to subdue the Afghans but utterly failed , then the Russians experienced the humiliating defeat and now the Americans are biting the dust in Afghanistan.  

    Alexander the Great, writes a letter to his mother about the Afghans “I am Involved in the land of a ‘leonina’ (lion-like) and brave people, där everythin ‘foot of the ground is like a well of steel, confronting my soldier. You Have Brought Only One Son Into the World, But Everyone in this country Can Be Called an Alexander”.Please note …It took 6 months for Alexander to beat the Persians. !!!!AFGHANISTAN-WEHRE EMPIRE GO TO DIE!!!!

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Seems you’re happy about it all? Love the wargame? Maybe you enjoy the acid in women’s faces too?
      Well, the idiot Taliban are a little late. The USA already left. And the Afghans seem to be going back to the killing tribal ways. You could consider that maybe the Taliban don’t like those warriors and want the US back. The poppies perhaps haven’t been as productive for them lately, and people were being fed.
      But I see you enjoy the 1st century.

      1. leobetapar Avatar

        the us don’t left they fly ,don’t forget the mighty Iran is the neighbour.They fly from Irak they will fly from Afganistan USA is dead no money no faith

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Leo. Are you the one-eyed bandit in the picture? 😉

      2. wargame1 Avatar

        You sounds like fox news. 
        acid in women’s faces ? Where ? All those fake allegation were to demonize and invade Afghanistan to steal their resources. Taliban destroyed the poppy field and after the US invasion Afghanistan had a record growth of poppy under US supervision. USA spent 3 trillion dollar and lost the war. US didnt invade Afghanistan to leave but they are in a process of getting expelled. America should be worried about their bankrupted nation more than Afghanistan. They soon will be busy with uprising , riot, food shortage and many more surprise. Afghanistan is a country with great history and USA has a bloody history , the birth of that nation happened on a invaded land and about 100 million murdered red Indians.  there was a glimpse of hope in  the beginning of the invasion but now you know its over. So get over it and try to live a honest life. Now its Taliban’s turn to make you civilized so be prepared for it.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Yes, your key word there … ‘make’ … but I refuse to go back to 1st century civilization.
          (Geezz … even the 1st Nations can’t come up 100 million in propaganda … tsk)

      3. wargame1 Avatar

        You do not have any choice but to accept reality which is beyond 1st century. The Finite hydrocarbon energy is on a steep decline. The whole joy ride of the Western civilization is based on this energy. They have finished half of their reserve in 1970 and now they are depending on middle eastern oil and gas. The war is therefore to steal the resources.None of the inversion can create a tiny fraction of energy more over all the modern technology consume energy. Its like the food you eat and produce shit and fart. Well shit can be used as a fertilizer but the carbon emission is like fart , once it is gone its gone in the wind.Once there will be a shortage of energy the metropolitan city will be hit hard. While shitting on a fancy toilet on a ten story apartment once the shit tank is full you need energy to get the shit out of the tank to shit future. And to climb up 10 story by yourself , no electricity , no food supply.In 1970 the OPEC oil embargo created an artificial situation and some frustrated people in USA killed the customer ahead of them to reduce the long line in the gas station.It is easy to move forward but you cant go back to the first century if you beg for it because in the first century we didnt have todays infrastructure, so you need to level all of this junk manually when there will be no energy. You are still living in Disney land   

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Hehehe .. no Disneyland thanks. Too many kids. No high-rise either … although I admit stupid humans build them more on farmable-lands rather than on rocks – for a too-big population that breathes out too much carbon. Lack of proper education, of course.
          But I look at the source of ALL energy – The Sun. We have ignored too long the reason the ancients worshipped it … but are learning again. Thanks to education where thought is free to have.
          Except, of course, in warm sunny places that strangely prefer to fight over oil-finds ….
          Hmmm …
          Did you also hate the great American thinker Steve Jobs as well? 🙂

    2. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Seems you’re happy about it all? Love the wargame? Maybe you enjoy the acid in women’s faces too?
      Well, the idiot Taliban are a little late. The USA already left. And the Afghans seem to be going back to the killing tribal ways. You could consider that maybe the Taliban don’t like those warriors and want the US back. The poppies perhaps haven’t been as productive for them lately, and people were being fed.
      But I see you enjoy the 1st century.

  2.  Avatar

    So those so called civilized nation came to spread democracy in Afghanistan are now becoming a taliban´s bitch. After being found themselves in body bags they realized that those rubbish talk of democracy will not work in Afghanistan.So cut the shit and get to the point straight…you like to stick a pipeline , transport the drugs, and steal other natural resources from Afghanistan. But the great Mujaheddin taught you a lesson in such a way that your semi clad nude civilization looks like a piece of filth now. Its not Taliban who are willing to talk to you , they have all the time in the world to grill you. 

     It seems America is in great trouble in Afghanistan and need some kind of deal to get out from their bogged down adventure. The British tried 4 times to subdue the Afghans but utterly failed , then the Russians experienced the humiliating defeat and now the Americans are biting the dust in Afghanistan.  Alexander the Great, writes a letter to his mother, “I am Involved in the land of a ‘leonina’ (lion-like) and brave people, där everythin ‘foot of the ground is like a well of steel, confronting my soldier. You Have Brought Only One Son Into the World, But Everyone in this country Can Be Called an Alexander”.!!!!AFGHANISTAN-WEHRE EMPIRE GO TO DIE!!!!

    1.  Avatar

      Seems you’re happy about it all? Love the wargame? Maybe you enjoy the acid in women’s faces too?
      Well, the idiot Taliban are a little late. The USA already left. And the Afghans seem to be going back to the killing tribal ways. You could consider that maybe the Taliban don’t like those warriors and want the US back. The poppies perhaps haven’t been as productive for them lately, and people were being fed.
      But I see you enjoy the 1st century.

      1.  Avatar

        the us don’t left they fly ,don’t forget the mighty Iran is the neighbour.They fly from Irak they will fly from Afganistan USA is dead no money no faith

        1.  Avatar

          Leo. Are you the one-eyed bandit in the picture? 😉

      2.  Avatar

        You sounds like fox news. 
        acid in women’s faces ? Where ? All those fake allegation were to demonize and invade Afghanistan to steal their resources. Taliban destroyed the poppy field and after the US invasion Afghanistan had a record growth of poppy under US supervision. USA spent 3 trillion dollar and lost the war. US didnt invade Afghanistan to leave but they are in a process of getting expelled. America should be worried about their bankrupted nation more than Afghanistan. They soon will be busy with uprising , riot, food shortage and many more surprise. Afghanistan is a country with great history and USA has a bloody history , the birth of that nation happened on a invaded land and about 100 million murdered red Indians.  there was a glimpse of hope in  the beginning of the invasion but now you know its over. So get over it and try to live a honest life. Now its Taliban’s turn to make you civilized so be prepared for it.

        1.  Avatar

          Yes, your key word there … ‘make’ … but I refuse to go back to 1st century civilization.
          (Geezz … even the 1st Nations can’t come up 100 million in propaganda … tsk)

      3.  Avatar

        You do not have any choice but to accept reality which is beyond 1st century. The Finite hydrocarbon energy is on a steep decline. The whole joy ride of the Western civilization is based on this energy. They have finished half of their reserve in 1970 and now they are depending on middle eastern oil and gas. The war is therefore to steal the resources.None of the inversion can create a tiny fraction of energy more over all the modern technology consume energy. Its like the food you eat and produce shit and fart. Well shit can be used as a fertilizer but the carbon emission is like fart , once it is gone its gone in the wind.Once there will be a shortage of energy the metropolitan city will be hit hard. While shitting on a fancy toilet on a ten story apartment once the shit tank is full you need energy to get the shit out of the tank to shit future. And to climb up 10 story by yourself , no electricity , no food supply.In 1970 the OPEC oil embargo created an artificial situation and some frustrated people in USA killed the customer ahead of them to reduce the long line in the gas station.It is easy to move forward but you cant go back to the first century if you beg for it because in the first century we didnt have todays infrastructure, so you need to level all of this junk manually when there will be no energy. You are still living in Disney land   

        1.  Avatar

          Hehehe .. no Disneyland thanks. Too many kids. No high-rise either … although I admit stupid humans build them more on farmable-lands rather than on rocks – for a too-big population that breathes out too much carbon. Lack of proper education, of course.
          But I look at the source of ALL energy – The Sun. We have ignored too long the reason the ancients worshipped it … but are learning again. Thanks to education where thought is free to have.
          Except, of course, in warm sunny places that strangely prefer to fight over oil-finds ….

        2.  Avatar

          Hehehe .. no Disneyland thanks. Too many kids. No high-rise either … although I admit stupid humans build them more on farmable-lands rather than on rocks – for a too-big population that breathes out too much carbon. Lack of proper education, of course.
          But I look at the source of ALL energy – The Sun. We have ignored too long the reason the ancients worshipped it … but are learning again. Thanks to education where thought is free to have.
          Except, of course, in warm sunny places that strangely prefer to fight over oil-finds ….

        3.  Avatar

          Hehehe .. no Disneyland thanks. Too many kids. No high-rise either … although I admit stupid humans build them more on farmable-lands rather than on rocks – for a too-big population that breathes out too much carbon. Lack of proper education, of course.
          But I look at the source of ALL energy – The Sun. We have ignored too long the reason the ancients worshipped it … but are learning again. Thanks to education where thought is free to have.
          Except, of course, in warm sunny places that strangely prefer to fight over oil-finds ….

  3.  Avatar

    So those so called civilized nation came to spread democracy in Afghanistan are now becoming a taliban´s bitch. After being found themselves in body bags they realized that those rubbish talk of democracy will not work in Afghanistan.So cut the shit and get to the point straight…you like to stick a pipeline , transport the drugs, and steal other natural resources from Afghanistan. But the great Mujaheddin taught you a lesson in such a way that your semi clad nude civilization looks like a piece of filth now. Its not Taliban who are willing to talk to you , they have all the time in the world to grill you. 

     It seems America is in great trouble in Afghanistan and need some kind of deal to get out from their bogged down adventure. The British tried 4 times to subdue the Afghans but utterly failed , then the Russians experienced the humiliating defeat and now the Americans are biting the dust in Afghanistan.  Alexander the Great, writes a letter to his mother, “I am Involved in the land of a ‘leonina’ (lion-like) and brave people, där everythin ‘foot of the ground is like a well of steel, confronting my soldier. You Have Brought Only One Son Into the World, But Everyone in this country Can Be Called an Alexander”.!!!!AFGHANISTAN-WEHRE EMPIRE GO TO DIE!!!!

  4. KhalidH Avatar

    Do not confuse Taliban & Al Qaida. Taliban originated from a group of Students & opposition to Soviet invasion who’s aim it was to create security under Islamic law in a overwhelmingly Islamic country.( i.e. bit like Catholicism in holy sea)

    They largely succeeded in creating stability & stopping the warlords, albeit to the detriment of civil liberties.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      No confusion. Different ‘gloroius leaders’. Methodology very similar, however … Do what we say, or die.

      1.  howdy 5th, technical question  for you techy,lol every time i visit this site my avast anti virus goes nuts with warnings of trojan horse, anyone else getting this??

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          I haven’t noticed Geo … yet.  Seems there was one ‘worm’ in an article I forwarded from here to a friend. But it was actually through a ‘link’ in the article. At that time someone else noticed a problem also, put a message in here, and it seemed that the site-people caught it, eradicated it, and all was fine. Nice to know they read us. 🙂 Perhaps there’s another?
          Sometimes ‘anti-virus’ things also see advertising as such. Sometimes adverts carry viruses.
          It’s a dirty little world – as we know. 🙂

        2. libnan1 Avatar

          Don’t blame it on this site, it’s from all the porn you’ve been watching….

        3. prophettt Avatar

          geo, just don’t tell people  I’m your friend,
          Or Keep your helmet on at all times, You are being stoned,lol

        4. I too have experienced this problem.  Lately, the problem has worsened whereas before I’d get my antivirus advicing me of a trojan when I’d enter this site, now I get multiple warnings of trojans.  I am using Kaspersky antivirus. 

        5. master09 Avatar

          Yes, LOTS every minute. It must be the phone lines been put up in the south watching and listening.

        6. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Hi Guys. On the techie thoughts … have not had warnings … but ‘someone’ apparently tried to hack my email … something nasty may be floating around in here. FLAGS UP !!

      2. libnan1 Avatar

        5th, you got a problem with that ????? That is exactly what the ultimate dictator would do….

  5.  Avatar

    Do not confuse Taliban & Al Qaida. Taliban originated from a group of Students & opposition to Soviet invasion who’s aim it was to create security under Islamic law in a overwhelmingly Islamic country.( i.e. bit like Catholicism in holy sea)

    They largely succeeded in creating stability & stopping the warlords, albeit to the detriment of civil liberties & personal freedoms.  

    1.  Avatar

      No confusion. Different ‘gloroius leaders’. Methodology very similar, however … Do what we say, or die.

      1.  howdy 5th, technical question  for you techy,lol every time i visit this site my avast anti virus goes nuts with warnings of trojan horse, anyone else getting this??

        1.  Avatar

          I haven’t noticed Geo … yet.  Seems there was one ‘worm’ in an article I forwarded from here to a friend. But it was actually through a ‘link’ in the article. At that time someone else noticed a problem also, put a message in here, and it seemed that the site-people caught it, eradicated it, and all was fine. Nice to know they read us. 🙂 Perhaps there’s another?
          Sometimes ‘anti-virus’ things also see advertising as such. Sometimes adverts carry viruses. It’s a dirty little world – as we know. 🙂

        2.  Avatar

          Don’t blame it on this site, it’s from all the porn you’ve been watching….

        3.  Avatar

          geo, just don’t tell people  you are my friend,lol

        4.  Avatar

          geo, just don’t tell people  you are my friend,lol

        5.  Avatar

          I too have experienced this problem.  Lately, the problem has worsened whereas before I’d get my antivirus advicing me of a trojan when I’d enter this site, now I get multiple warnings of trojans.  I am using Kaspersky antivirus. 

        6.  Avatar

          Yes, LOTS every minute. It must be the phone lines been put up in the south watching and listening.

        7.  Avatar

          Hi Guys. On the techie thoughts … have not had warnings … but ‘someone’ apparently tried to hack my email … something nasty may be floating around in here. FLAGS UP !!

        8.  Avatar

          Hi Guys. On the techie thoughts … have not had warnings … but ‘someone’ apparently tried to hack my email … something nasty may be floating around in here. FLAGS UP !!

      2.  Avatar

        5th, you got a problem with that ????? That is exactly what the ultimate dictator would do….

  6. Fauzia45 Avatar

    Hi !I just got a warning of a trojan horse too just a few minutes ago !!

  7.  Avatar

    Hi !I just got a warning of a trojan horse too just a few minutes ago !!

  8.  Avatar

    Hi !I just got a warning of a trojan horse too just a few minutes ago !!

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