Comment by chief of Arab League observers in Syria is criticized


The head of an Arab League observer mission came under fire Wednesday for describing conditions in the strife-torn Syrian city of Homs as “nothing frightening” despite the release of amateur video that seemed to show monitors witnessing gunfire and meeting with victims of a violent crackdown against dissent.

The observer mission has been the subject of controversy since Syria agreed early last week to admit monitors to determine whether the government is complying with a league-negotiated plan to end months of bloodshed.

International human rights groups had questioned the selection of Gen. Mohammed Ahmed Dabi, a former Sudanese military intelligence chief, to lead the mission, saying Sudan’s defiance of an international war crimes tribunal made him unlikely to take a tough stance against abuses committed by a fellow Arab state.

Sudanese President Omar Hassan Ahmed Bashir is wanted by the International Criminal Court in the Netherlands in connection with crimes against humanity in Sudan’s western Darfur region.

Opposition activists said Dabi’s comments confirmed their fear that the mission would be a waste of time and only provide cover for more bloodshed.

“These guys are all from the same system,” said Rami Nakhle, a member of the country’s most prominent opposition bloc, the Syrian National Council. “Do we really need observers to confirm that crimes against humanity are being committed in Syria?”

League officials have said Dabi has the military and diplomatic background required for the mission and have asked for more time to show what can be accomplished.

But the Syrian National Council and other opposition groups say the mission is too small to monitor trouble spots across a country of about 22 million people.

The league had wanted to send 500 observers to Syria to monitor the regional initiative calling for the withdrawal of security forces from cities and other residential areas, the release of political prisoners and dialogue with the opposition. But so far only 60 observers have traveled to the country, with a promise of about 90 more to come.

As the observers began their mission Tuesday in Homs, a city at the epicenter of the uprising against President Bashar Assad’s government, residents charged that the armed forces were hiding tanks in school and government compounds. Security forces later fired tear gas and live rounds at tens of thousands of demonstrators who tried to rally in the city’s main square, activists said.

“Some places looked a bit of a mess, but there was nothing frightening,” Dabi was quoted by the Reuters news agency as saying Wednesday morning.

“The situation seemed reassuring so far,” he said. “Yesterday was quiet and there were no clashes. We did not see tanks but we did see some armored vehicles. But remember, this was only the first day and it will need investigation. We have 20 people who will be there for a long time.”

The comments provoked outrage among opposition supporters in Homs — where some neighborhoods had reportedly endured punishing shelling for days before the monitors arrived — and on social networking sites.

“They clearly have no idea what is happening on the ground,” said an activist who goes by the name of Abu Rami. “Their presence did not help us in any way. We thought it would provide us some form of protection. That’s why we went out yesterday to demonstrate, and we were fired at. This alone shows that they did not play their role.”

The same day, activists posted video on YouTube that appeared to show some of the monitors taking cover amid a burst of gunfire in the Homs neighborhood of Bab Amro. Another video purportedly showed residents laying the shrouded body of a 5-year-old boy on the hood of one of their cars. Activists said the child had been shot in the back at a checkpoint.

The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said security forces have killed more than 500 people since Dec. 19, when the government signed a protocol for the observer mission. As many as 14 were killed Wednesday alone, including five in the Homs region, according to the Local Coordination Committees, a coaltion of opposition groups.

Foreign journalists are mostly barred from Syria, and the figures could not be independently verified.

Adding to the concern about the league’s mission, activists in the northwestern province of Idlib said Wednesday that signs bearing the names of villages were being moved before an expected Thursday visit by the observers in an apparent bid to cover up reported assaults.

“The sign of my village, Kfar Owaid, where a massacre happened last week, is now on the outskirts of Ihsam,” said Alaa, an activist who did not want his full name published for fear of retribution.

Human Rights Watch accused Syrian authorities of moving hundreds of detainees to military installations, which will be off-limits to the observers, and of issuing police identification cards to members of the armed forces. The New York-based rights group urged the monitoring mission to insist on access to all places of detention.

Syrian officials say monitors will have freedom of movement except for sensitive military sites. They say they are committed to the league’s peace plan and lay the blame for persistent bloodshed on what they describe as armed terrorists gangs, which they say are incited and supported from abroad.

State television said 755 detainees who had been involved in recent unrest and “did not have Syrian blood on their hands” were released Wednesday. Activists say thousands more remain behind bars.

Photo: A video uploaded on YouTube shows a Syrian speaking with Al Dabi (right) during a tour of Homs on Tuesday.




34 responses to “Comment by chief of Arab League observers in Syria is criticized”

  1. nagy_michael2 Avatar

    Dabi al Dib or dick is a friend of Assad and the Iranians rulers so what do you really expect from this asshole anyway?
    the arabs caved in to Syria and let them dictate who was going to be in charge of the mission. so once he was approved then Syria okayed for arab leagues to send their observers. The first observer as a matter of fact got shot by Syrian security because he was trying to send messages about the horrific situation in Homs. i can’t believe the arabs caved in to the scumbag. May Assad burn in hell along with his family and all his supporters.

  2.  Avatar

    Dabi al Dib or dick is a friend of Assad and the Iranians rulers so what do you really expect from this asshole anyway?
    the arabs caved in to Syria and let them dictate who was going to be in charge of the mission. so once he was approved then Syria okayed for arab leagues to send their observers. The first observer as a matter of fact got shot by Syrian security because he was trying to send messages about the horrific situation in Homs. i can’t believe the arabs caved in to the scumbag. May Assad burn in hell along with his family and all his supporters.

  3. This trash Dabi and his comments was all over the news today here in the states, This is why it needs to go to the UN and NATO.

  4. This trash Dabi and his comments was all over the news today here in the states, This is why it needs to go to the UN and NATO.

  5. This is no surprise yet the statement  of “nothing frightening” is very cruel. There are more than 30000 video on Youtube on torture and death by Assad regime which in legal terms “cant be verified” because Assad expelled all journalist out of Syria. ALs hand are tied , it cant do anything to help Syrian people because the top level leadership of AL are corrupt. They are in line with their western allie and do according to their will and plan. 

    AL suspended Libya within 7 days of that phony uprising. Gaddafi wasnt bombing its people but TWO Syrian Jet plane were shot down in Libya which were carrying out those bombing as a false flag operation. The media quickly whitewashed and till todate no one could give a good explanation about what were those TWO SYRIAN jets doing in Libya. Then AL quickly ask UN to attack LIbya. Well this Libya incident were planned long before the fake uprising. But they were no prepared for Syria and now they are in trouble. 

    Well what would be the result if the AL would give the correct information ??? Nothing! IRAN , Syrian regime , NATO, Russia , USA , Israel are on the same boat. Iran and Syrian regime is directly controlling the Libyan rebel so why on earth UN would punish Syrian regime for the crime it commits in Syria. Its the free Syrian army and the Syrian people who have to do the struggle. Its frustrating but if someone can identify the criminals then it is not frustrating at all. This is a white wash procedure and it will continue. The criminal is given the respite to pile up their crimes and Allah will send down the wrath on due time. Allah Hu Akhbar.

    1. Patience2 Avatar

      Do you suppose Bashar would invite Mother Teresa(an objective observer) in to have a look??  It’s got to be a puke just like himself.  These guys are two(or three if you consider the ‘other’ chinless-twin) of a kind!

    2. Patience2 Avatar

      Do you suppose Bashar would invite Mother Teresa(an objective observer) in to have a look??  It’s got to be a puke just like himself.  These guys are two(or three if you consider the ‘other’ chinless-twin) of a kind!

    3. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Please don’t keep trying to twist these things into being the fault of the West, or that the West is somehow running the show. Even the Supreme Being in Iran wouldn’t believe that line, although he loves propaganda.
      All that does is denigrate the efforts and deaths of people who fight for some freedom of thought.

       ‘Nothing fightening’ may be a translated as  ‘I’m ok. I’m brave and not afraid’.’  The self-importance oozes. Disgusting.

      1. This guy wargame1 is a classic he craksss me up.   Allah Hu Akhbar. 5TH you should know the west is the evil and the rest are Allah Hu Akhbar. What a joke.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Yah.  Now … where did I put that Arak?

      2. This guy wargame1 is a classic he craksss me up.   Allah Hu Akhbar. 5TH you should know the west is the evil and the rest are Allah Hu Akhbar. What a joke.

      3. This is not fault of the west , this is a crime of the west and they do run the show although they are becoming bankrupted. Who run the show in Afghanistan , In Iraq and in Libya?? Do you live in a cave ??
        The British attacked Afghanistan 4 times and lost then the Russians were defeated and then the USA invaded and are on the verge of defeat. Same thing happening in Iraq and Libya. I think you need help from the informed people who will tell you the role of USA, Israel , Europe etc in the middle east. The Syrian resistance is not worried about those remarks and the AL and they western Lackeys should be worried because it will not be very long when the Muslims will deal with this corrupt people. The Afghans and the Iraqi resistance and now Syrian resistance are taking shape for future great resistance. The west is bankrupted and wont be able to support their lackeys for long. 

  6.  Avatar

    This is no surprise yet the statement  of “nothing frightening” is very cruel. There are more than 30000 video on Youtube on torture and death by Assad regime which in legal terms “cant be verified” because Assad expelled all journalist out of Syria. ALs hand are tied , it cant do anything to help Syrian people because the top level leadership of AL are corrupt. They are in line with their western allie and do according to their will and plan. 

    AL suspended Libya within 7 days of that phony uprising. Gaddafi wasnt bombing its people but TWO Syrian Jet plane were shot down in Libya which were carrying out those bombing as a false flag operation. The media quickly whitewashed and till todate no one could give a good explanation about what were those TWO SYRIAN jets doing in Libya. Then AL quickly ask UN to attack LIbya. Well this Libya incident were planned long before the fake uprising. But they were no prepared for Syria and now they are in trouble. 

    Well what would be the result if the AL would give the correct information ??? Nothing! IRAN , Syrian regime , NATO, Russia , USA , Israel are on the same boat. Iran and Syrian regime is directly controlling the Libyan rebel so why on earth UN would punish Syrian regime for the crime it commits in Syria. Its the free Syrian army and the Syrian people who have to do the struggle. Its frustrating but if someone can identify the criminals then it is not frustrating at all. This is a white wash procedure and it will continue. The criminal is given the respite to pile up their crimes and Allah will send down the wrath on due time. Allah Hu Akhbar.

    1.  Avatar

      Do you suppose Bashar would invite Mother Teresa(an objective observer) in to have a look??  It’s got to be a puke just like himself.  These guys are two(or three if you consider the ‘other’ chinless-twin) of a kind!

    2.  Avatar

      Please don’t keep trying to twist these things into being the fault of the West, or that the West is somehow running the show. Even the Supreme Being in Iran wouldn’t believe that line, although he loves propaganda.
      All that does is denigrate the efforts and deaths of people who fight for some freedom of thought.
       ‘Nothing fightening’ may be a translated as  ‘I’m ok. I’m brave and not afraid’.’  The self-importance oozes. Disgusting.

      1.  Avatar

        This guy wargame1 is a classic he craksss me up.   Allah Hu Akhbar. 5TH you should know the west is the evil and the rest are Allah Hu Akhbar. What a joke.

        1.  Avatar

          Yah.  Now … where did I put that Arak?

      2.  Avatar

        This is not fault of the west , this is a crime of the west and they do run the show although they are becoming bankrupted. Who run the show in Afghanistan , In Iraq and in Libya?? Do you live in a cave ??
        The British attacked Afghanistan 4 times and lost then the Russians were defeated and then the USA invaded and are on the verge of defeat. Same thing happening in Iraq and Libya. I think you need help from the informed people who will tell you the role of USA, Israel , Europe etc in the middle east. The Syrian resistance is not worried about those remarks and the AL and they western Lackeys should be worried because it will not be very long when the Muslims will deal with this corrupt people. The Afghans and the Iraqi resistance and now Syrian resistance are taking shape for future great resistance. The west is bankrupted and wont be able to support their lackeys for long. 

  7. Wargame1 is right, all the countries of the west are on the same boat as Bashar El assad, so we are witnessing a big conspiracy against the syrian people, but God is great and change is coming fast everywhere on the globe.

    God bless the whole humatiny on the globe and specially the syrian people in his struggle against this killing machine.

  8.  Avatar

    Wargame1 is right, all the countries of the west are on the same boat as Bashar El assad, so we are witnessing a big conspiracy against the syrian people, but God is great and change is coming fast everywhere on the globe.

    God bless the whole humatiny on the globe and specially the syrian people in his struggle against this killing machine.

  9. This is a joke including the Arab League which they are just as resposnible on murdering the Syrian people as the Assad regime.
    Only guns will liberate the Syrian people …

  10.  Avatar

    This is a joke including the Arab League which they are just as resposnible on murdering the Syrian people as the Assad regime.
    Only guns will liberate the Syrian people …

    1.  Avatar

      Or squash them again with it’s unprofessional army.

  11. The Arab League is not going to be able to do anything!They are aware of this!They are divided and they cannot act !The regime knows this and it is taking advantage of this!The tanks are still there!The crackdown continues!I do not think it will stop and the regimes knows exactly why!!!

  12.  Avatar

    The Arab League is not going to be able to do anything!They are aware of this!They are divided and they cannot act !The regime knows this and it is taking advantage of this!The tanks are still there!The crackdown continues!I do not think it will stop and the regimes knows exactly why!!!

  13. The enemy of the Syrian people are Bashar Al Assad and those who stand with him, Iran, and Hezbollah, too.  It’s no surprise that Hezbollah calls the Free Syrian Army Zionists because Hezbollah is with Iran, not the Syrian people.  The Arab League has proven to be ineffective so far. 

  14. The enemy of the Syrian people are Bashar Al Assad and those who stand with him, Iran, and Hezbollah, too.  It’s no surprise that Hezbollah calls the Free Syrian Army Zionists because Hezbollah is with Iran, not the Syrian people.  The Arab League has proven to be ineffective so far. 

  15. The enemy of the Syrian people are Bashar Al Assad and those who stand with him, Iran, and Hezbollah, too.  It’s no surprise that Hezbollah calls the Free Syrian Army Zionists because Hezbollah is with Iran, not the Syrian people.  The Arab League has proven to be ineffective so far. 

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