Observers dismiss AL’s Syria mission as a ‘whitewash’


It looked like the Arab League was putting serious pressure on the Syrian regime, when it said it would send a team to investigate charges that more than 5,000 people have been killed by President Bashar Assad’s regime.

But the announcement today that the head of the Arab League’s human rights monitoring team is Sudan General Mohamed Ahmad Al-Dabi has prompted many to dismiss the investigation as a whitewash.

“It is perplexing that the Arab League chose the Khartoum regime’s General Al-Dabi to lead its team monitoring the Syria regime because of his record of turning a blind eye to human rights crimes, or worse,” said Sudan analyst Omer Ismail, of the Enough Project.

“When [Dabi] served as Sudan’s head of Military Intelligence and when he oversaw implementation of the Darfur Security Arrangement, alleged war crimes including genocide were committed on his watch,” said Ismail. “Instead of heading a team entrusted with a probe of alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity by Syria, the general should be investigated by the ICC for evidence of similar crimes in Sudan.”

Global Post

Photo: Sudan’s Lt. Gen. Mohamed Ahmed Mustafa Al-Dabi, the head of the Arab League monitoring mission to Syria, gestures during a meeting in Khartoum on December 21, 2011. Launched in the hopes of ending months of unrest and quelling the regime’s violent crackdown on dissent, the Arab League observer mission has been welcomed by Syria, but the opposition has been critical and called instead for the issue to be taken to the UN. (Ashraf Shazly /AFP/Getty Images)



7 responses to “Observers dismiss AL’s Syria mission as a ‘whitewash’”

  1. This guy with table cloth on his head doesn’t look like a Lt. Gen. 

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      I thought he was one of yours … 😉

  2.  Avatar

    This guy with table cloth on his head doesn’t look like a Lt. Gen. 

    1.  Avatar

      I thought he was one of yours … 😉

    2.  Avatar

      I thought he was one of yours … 😉

  3. AL are unable to do anything as they are controlled by the western power. During the fake uprising in Libya AL within 7 days suspended Libya and within 14 days they call on NATO! We now know that the war in Libya were planned long before that fake uprising.Therefore the decision of suspending Libya and bringing in NATO were also arranged long before. Syrian uprising is now about 10 month old and many people died. AL is quiet as they are allied with NATO/USA etc. There must be sincere people in there but they are not in the leadership.NATO/USA do not have any interest to replace Assad therefore its the Free Syrian Army who have to do the job well.If Assad is about to fall then the world would be able to understand this deception. That time will come and then we see the Russian, Chinese , USA etc are all coming to help Assad. All these powers are on the same boat with a common interest of sucking the middle eastern resources. They play opposition to fool the people. At the moment Russia and China are opposing any intervention in Syria in order to help the other party save their face.
    USA have no interest to replace Assad. They always choose a leader from the minority who are against the majority Muslims. So both party cooperate with each other for reciprocal benefit. China and Russia were quiet during the NATO invasion in Libya , gave some lip service to oppose the invasion but as soon as Gaddafi fall China and Russia quickly recognize the Illegitimate Libyan government. These are true mercenaries and the Muslims will have to deal with these scums along with their lackeys.       

  4.  Avatar

    AL are unable to do anything as they are controlled by the western power. During the fake uprising in Libya AL within 7 days suspended Libya and within 14 days they call on NATO! We now know that the war in Libya were planned long before that fake uprising.Therefore the decision of suspending Libya and bringing in NATO were also arranged long before. Syrian uprising is now about 10 month old and many people died. AL is quiet as they are allied with NATO/USA etc. There must be sincere people in there but they are not in the leadership.NATO/USA do not have any interest to replace Assad therefore its the Free Syrian Army who have to do the job well.If Assad is about to fall then the world would be able to understand this deception. That time will come and then we see the Russian, Chinese , USA etc are all coming to help Assad. All these powers are on the same boat with a common interest of sucking the middle eastern resources. They play opposition to fool the people. At the moment Russia and China are opposing any intervention in Syria in order to help the other party save their face.
    USA have no interest to replace Assad. They always choose a leader from the minority who are against the majority Muslims. So both party cooperate with each other for reciprocal benefit. China and Russia were quiet during the NATO invasion in Libya , gave some lip service to oppose the invasion but as soon as Gaddafi fall China and Russia quickly recognize the Illegitimate Libyan government. These are true mercenaries and the Muslims will have to deal with these scums along with their lackeys.       

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