Future bloc backs call for arms-free Beirut


Following its weekly meeting on Tuesday the Future Movement bloc condemned in a statement the recent clashes that erupted in Beirut, saying that the incidents are a constant reminder to the Lebanese people of the danger of the continued presence of armed groups in the capital.

“These security incidents were met with a lax approach by the security forces, which is a sign of the state’s waning power over the country.”The statement stressed

The statement praised the demands of Beirut MPs for the establishment of an arms-free Beirut.

Two men were wounded last week when a dispute over a parking lot developed into a gunfight in the west Beirut neighborhood of Zaydaniyeh. Following the clash, local gunmen were deployed in the area.

The incident came shortly after an armed clash reportedly broke out in the Beirut neighborhood of Burj Abi Haidar, though it was denied by the Lebanese Army.

Addressing the Maronite leaders’ agreement to adopt the Orthodox gathering’s proposals over the parliamentary electoral law, the bloc voiced its readiness to hold dialogue talks with the delegation that was formed after last week’s Maronite meeting at Bkirki to discuss the issue

“Dialogue is an integral way to reach understanding among the Lebanese in order to preserve their coexistence,” the statement stressed.

Last week, a meeting of Maronite leaders at Bkirki reached an agreement to adopt the Orthodox gathering’s proposal for the electoral law that will be used in the 2013 elections. The proposal called for each sect to elect its own MPs based on the 50 /50 allocation of Muslims and Christians in the parliament , as stipulated in the Taef accord.

Addressing Syrian uprising the statement praised Syria’s signing of the Arab initiative but stressed the importance of its implementation : “We are closely monitoring Syria’s complete commitment to this deal.” The statement concluded



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