Hamadeh: Aoun willing to destroy Lebanon for presidency


March 14 MP Marwan Hamadeh said on Saturday that “ Change and Reform bloc leader MP Michel Aoun is willing to destroy the whole country in order to realize his dream of becoming president.”

He told As-Sharq radio station ” Our experience during the past few months clearly shows that this cabinet was formed by the Iranian -Syrian axis with Aoun’s help , but sad to say that Aoun is blindly pursuing his old dreams of totalitarianism, which did not leave him, not when he was leading the country into civil war and not after the alliance with his former executioners. ”

The minsters of the Change and Reform bloc which is headed by Aoun boycotted yesterday’s cabinet session. Aoun later told OTV in a phone interview that his ministers boycotted the cabinet session in response to (PM Nagib) Mikati’s interview with LBC .

Mikati told LBC on Thursday that he would resign if his government fails to secure funding for a UN-backed court set up to probe the February 14, 2005 assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

Commenting on the situation in Syria Hamadeh ruled out any military intervention there .

“No military intervention will take place in Syria”

He also said that “Hezbollah and the Amal Movement have started to seriously to consider the possibility the fall of the Syrian regime and the repercussions of the fall on Lebanon.”
