Geagea: It is possible for Christians to agree on new electoral law


Following a meeting held by the Christian Maronite leaders at the Bkirki Patriarchate, Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea told reporters that that “it is possible” for the country’s Christians to reach consensus on a new electoral law for the 2013 parliamentary elections adding the drafting of a new law “requires a lot of research.”

Geagea described the talks that were held at the Patriarchate as “good… [however] reaching an understanding on the issue ( electoral law) is not simple.”

Asked if the current electoral law is more suitable for the Lebanese Forces , Geagea said: ” Absolutely not”

The participants in the meeting which was chaired by Patriarch Bechara Boutros al-Rai included Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun, Marada Movement leader MP Suleiman Franjieh, Geagea and Phalange party leader Amin Gemayel.



10 responses to “Geagea: It is possible for Christians to agree on new electoral law”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    “Asked if the current electoral law is more suitable for the Lebanese Forces ….”
    There’s a reporter with a definite ‘slant’ and a propagandist, not a reporter. The idea is that ‘change’ will be good for ALLLLLL

    1. alllll, as in the Lebanese Christians too, right?

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Of course Fadi81 … all their sects too. Wouldn’t want it any other way. 🙂 Add Buddhist sects if you want .. same thing. People wanting a country to work – with an ideology of good government and equality under laws that benefit human endeavor – without religious interference.
        Of course, we wait to see what they come up with … but the ‘Confessional’ isn’t working.

        1. antar2011 Avatar

          i liked the comments of former minister Micheal Ma3louli about this issue. he was one of the ministers who was involved in making the Taif. one issue he raised which is logical was, that if we are going to change some laws we need national census. when we start to do national census, christians won’t like it. we cannot change one thing of Taif and leave another.
          in the Taif accord, regardless of any census, we made it that the christians are always represented with 30 %… the president is to be rotated between the different sects and there are only 108 parliamentarial seats…the syrian regime expanded it to 128 to let his own “men’ in and then gave them total power through biased elections. the result, the patriotic politicians who really worked for lebanon as a country were removed while those who were put there by “him” managed to stay on and we see many of them in power now.

          his interview on mtv is really an eye opener. it is still there on there website for the curious ones.

        2. Antar, I’m all for census as long as all Lebanese are counted including us outside Lebanon. I believe the Christians will love it regardless of what this guy Ma3louli said,who is anyway!!. I strongly believe that the Taif accord is the cause of all our problems.  

  2.  Avatar

    “Asked if the current electoral law is more suitable for the Lebanese Forces ….”
    There’s a reporter with a definite ‘slant’ and a propagandist, not a reporter. The idea is that ‘change’ will be good for ALLLLLL

    1.  Avatar

      alllll, as in the Lebanese Christians too, right?

      1.  Avatar

        Of course … all their sects too. Wouldn’t want it any other way. 🙂

        1.  Avatar

          i liked the comments of former minister Micheal Ma3louli about this issue. he was one of the ministers who was involved in making the Taif. one issue he raised which is logical was, that if we are going to change some laws we need national census. when we start to do national census, christians won’t like it. we cannot change one thing of Taif and leave another.
          in the Taif accord, regardless of any census, we made it that the christians are always represented with 30 %… the president is to be rotated between the different sects and there are only 108 parliamentarial seats…the syrian regime expanded it to 128 to let his own “men’ in and then gave them total power through biased elections. the result, the patriotic politicians who really worked for lebanon as a country were removed while those who were put there by “him” managed to stay on and we see many of them in power now.

          his interview on mtv is really an eye opener. it is still there on there website for the curious ones.

        2.  Avatar

          Antar, I’m all for census as long as all Lebanese are counted including us outside Lebanon. I believe the Christians will love it regardless of what this guy Ma3louli said,who is anyway!!. I strongly believe that the Taif accord is the cause of all our problems.  

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