Mikati Cabinet: More Incongruities


By Ghassan Karam

So the Lebanese politicians were not satisfied with the lack of accomplishments by the Sa’ad Hariri led cabinet. That is their privilege.  A new majority was cobbled up in an effort to form a different cabinet. Alas the new coalition could not agree on the cabinet formation for over 5 months and then when the new cabinet was formed its composition turned out to be as unwieldy and as incongruous as the “national unity “ cabinet that it was to replace. So it is logical to ask, isn’t it, why bring down a cabinet in order to replace it with another one that is just as divided , incompetent and unable to rule as the first one? The answer to this question is regrettably easy and shallow at the same time.

The major factors that led to the “Lebanese coup” stem from essentially the same root problem, the Syrian Ba’ath dictatorship. The international investigation into the assassination of Rafic Hariri had to be distracted and the accused had to be protected even at the expense of civil strife. Obviously the coordinated effort to demonize the United Nations sponsored Special Tribunal for Lebanon, STL, would be easier to accomplish if the cabinet is beholden to the party to which the accused belonged. Hezbollah engineered the coup by reneging on its Doha commitments in order to call the shots more clearly and they did. As soon as the STL released its indictments, Sayed Hassan Nasrallah delivers a fiery speech in which he dares the world community to enforce its warrants. What makes this challenge especially galling is that the source of this challenge is the king maker in the Lebanese cabinet which insisted that it is bound to carry all its obligations to the world community. This bad cop good cop routine did not fool anyone since the real intension in this case was obfuscation. Pity Najib Mikati, a successful billionaire who might have truly believed at one point that he can make a difference for taking on the role of trying to explain the unexplainable: a cabinet cannot be for the STL but yet against it. All the protestations of Najib Mikati and his confidants to the contrary, will not succeed in changing his image as a Hezbollah enabler.

As if this reason to protect the perpetrators was not enough the Syrian uprising that started in Mid March 2011 gained more popularity and spread across Syria as time went on. The initial response of the Syrian security forces was to dismiss the protestors but that turned out to be wrong policy. The Syrian Ba’ath has been forced to offer one reform after another and one compromise after another in an effort to subdue the uprising that is still gaining support domestically and internationally by the minute. This uncomfortable situation in which the Syrian masters of Hezbollah and its allies found themselves in became another major reason for forming a Lebanese cabinet controlled by Hezbollah and subservient to the Syrian regime that has very few friends left, if any. The Syrian foreign minister, Muallem, declared that he was willing to forget that Europe Exists. I am sure that as a result of the most recent UNSC Presidential Statement he had to erase North America, as well as Russia, China and India from the world map. But his consolation prize is that Lebanon dissociated itself from the vote. What a farce.

The contradictions in the positions taken by the various members of the Lebanese cabinet headed by Mr. Mikati have never seized. Lebanon who has refused effective cooperation with a UN set body, STL, and has threatened to discontinue its share of the funding is calling on the UN to arbitrate in the maritime demarcation of the Lebanese Economic Exclusive Zone.. If the UN is part of a Zionist conspiracy in setting the STL then why is it to be trusted in maritime demarcation? Again Hezbollah makes threats of war while Najib Mikati seeks UN conciliatory role.

The same contradiction reveals itself in the support of the UNIFIL, the UN sponsored force in South Lebanon. The Mikati government claims that it is crucial for Lebanon to support the UNIFIL in the south but yet the UNIFIL contingent is used for target practice in an effort to send messages to the Western powers that their contingents in Lebanon are not safe unless Hezbollah says so.

Although it is not the intention of this brief column to document all the incongruities that have surfaced in the Mikati government let me add quickly another few examples. The FPM, through no less of a spokesman than GMA himself is doubting the honesty and the transparency of the finance minister, Mr. Safadi, possibly the single most important ally of Najib Mikati.  Add to the above the fiasco that occurred in the dahieh a couple of weeks ago when the Lebanese security forces had to seek permission from the HA elements to enter the area in addition to the way that the Estonian kidnapped were released. Some media reports have even carried reports that PFLP had kidnapped these Estonian by mistake J That is laughable.

Then there is the so called Electricity Plan that the FPM has presented as its own solution to a devastating Lebanese problem that has dragged on for over a decade. It turns out that the whole plan was prepared under the previous administration but was being presented by GMA as a personal accomplishment.

It has become very evident that Mr. Mikati has either willingly accepted the role of trying to explain the acts of Hezbollah or that he is a willing participant in this charade. In either case this cabinet is just another tower of Babel. It is ineffective, opaque and cannot govern. Lebanon deserves better. Mr. Mikati ought to resign and go back to his roots by forming a truly independent cabinet of technocrats. That was his appeal in the first place.



153 responses to “Mikati Cabinet: More Incongruities”

  1. Darw101 Avatar

    Hven’t all previous governments been ineffective as well?  What else is new in Lebanon? Our rotten politicians never seize an opportunity to help themselves first and foremost, never mind that the country is sinking into more debt and that inflation is sky high to the point that many young people cannot afford to live here anymore and are migrating for greener pastures. Sometimes I wish we had an uprising against this intolerable state of affairs in Lebanon to demand for a new breed of national leaders that will move the country forward and into real progress. 

    1. Ghassan Karam Avatar
      Ghassan Karam

                  That is exactly my point. Both the present cabinet ,the previous one and the one before that were equally ineffective. What is needed is a traditional homogenous cabinet that is driven by what is good for the country. The politicians will change only once we elect different ones.

      1. leobetapar Avatar

        dream dream and again dream when do you will start to grasp the reality
        the hideous ahl shitty as start the war months ago sending the criminals tanks in bahrein it will end when the oil will be owned by the ones having them feet upon it

      2. leobetapar Avatar

        but don’t worry we will pay for the Macqua

    2. libnan1 Avatar

      Good idea … It’s never too late, spring of 2012 is around the corner. The only question who is going to through out who.

  2.  Avatar

    Hven’t all previous governments been ineffective as well?  What else is new in Lebanon? Our rotten politicians never seize an opportunity to help themselves first and foremost, never mind that the country is sinking into more debt and that inflation is sky high to the point that many young people cannot afford to live here anymore and are migrating for greener pastures. Sometimes I wish we had an uprising against this intolerable state of affairs in Lebanon to demand for a new breed of national leaders that will move the country forward and into real progress. 

    1. Darw101
                  That is exactly my point. Both the present cabinet ,the previous one and the one before that were equally ineffective. What is needed is a traditional homogenous cabinet that is driven by what is good for the country. The politicians will change only once we elect different ones.

      1.  Avatar

        dream dream and again dream when do you will start to grasp the reality
        the hideous ahl shitty as start the war months ago sending the criminals tanks in bahrein it will end when the oil will be owned by the ones having them feet upon it

      2.  Avatar

        but don’t worry we will pay for the Macqua

    2.  Avatar

      Good idea … It’s never too late, spring of 2012 is around the corner. The only question who is going to through out who.

  3. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Exactly… once again.

  4.  Avatar

    Exactly… once again.

  5. Sebouh80 Avatar

    Tower of Babel
    Well taking into consideration of the current political dynamics in Lebanon it would be extremely difficult for Mr.Mikati to resign now and form a new cabinet of technocrats. My guess is that he will  still continue to lead this ineffective government eventhough it is filled with many contradictions on all fronts.
    The other thing is that we have to remember governments in Lebanon have always been incompetent and never had any serious plan for the wellfare of their people.

    My question is if it took Mr.Mikati more than 5 months to form a weak and inconsistant government than how long will it take him to form a cabinet of technocrats? Of course, this is provided that all parties agree to this scheme.

    1. Ghassan Karam Avatar
      Ghassan Karam

                 I guess that what irks me is the question of why did Mr. Mikati allow himself to be caught in this web? In my opinion he is in a no win situation.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Maybe he thought that making a billion bucks qualifies someone to be able to run a country. But businessmen very rarely run a business FOR their workers … as much of the world is finding out.

        The only other answer is that he was bored as most rich people are … and this ‘chess game’ is vaguely interesting to him.

      2. leobetapar Avatar

        wait when we will settle down the reality (after usa go out of irak) you will understand how clever mitaki and the few sunni who follow him are

      3. antar2011 Avatar

        i have thought the same….he has everything, wealth, good reputation and good support….why did he do what he did? the only answer i could come up with is, the temptation of being in power. the old reason for the fall of men…and he took the bait …..and fell.

    2. PROPHET.T Avatar

       Mikati believes that   He  is in  a win situation  because  He has the chance to represent  the “sect”, and  being  in  power is a “good way’ to consolidate his political base within  the sect  itself.Hariri’s disastrous performance in politics and in office would tempt any Sunni politician to take his place.
      Mikati and  all Lebanese  politicians know  very  well that  they  won’t  be  held  accountable  for their actions  or  lack of actions for that  matter. It is all about power and sectarian representation. Unless something  very  dramatic  takes  place, He   will draw  more  support(for next election)  from  his  sect; and that is all what  counts for  him.Lebanese won’t “disappoint” you , as usual , and end up electing same politicians based on sectarian and feudal principles and fears.

      1. leobetapar Avatar

        because the phalangiste who gone in 1936 in germany to learn politic are not a sect
        the sunni salafiste who are slave of the ahl shitty in riyad are not a sect
        the druzes are not a sect
        only Hezbollah a real politic party is a sect
        you are so low

        1. PROPHET.T Avatar

          I’m reluctant to ask what your point was, because I’m not sure I’ll get  another insult  or  another  non-coherent  reply,or both.lol

        2. Beiruti Avatar

          You are an idiot, i actually laugh and spit on you at the same time.
          How are the Druze not a sect? Either you are uneducated or have undescribing hate.
          Secondly “the sunni salafiste who are slave of the ahl shitty in riyad are not a sect”. Luckily i was able to understand that and whats the difference after  all you are sucking Persian dick 24/7.
          Phalange party didnt go to Germany to learn politics, Chamoun was inspired by Germany in 1936 and its party formation. If you open a book you piece of shit you might learn that the word “Phalange” comes from Spain.
          I never have to respond to someone in swearing other than you and libnan1, because you throw insults out of nowhere. Was it necessary to call PROPHET.T low? Me and PROPHET had plenty of “Normal” discussions on this site without the ongoing insults.
          Hezbollah a real political party? Or a real militia? Saying Hezbollah represents the Shiite population is stupid, because Lebanon is a little prick of Shiite population. In Lebanon a party cannot represent a sect, but a sect can represent a party. It may sound confusing but its true, for example the Christians which you seem to have alot of hate for. The Lebanese Forces is filled with Christians, but it cant represent the Chritstians or Christianity. Once again i dont think ALL the Shiites support Hezbollah, so saying Hezbollah respresnts the Shiites of Lebanon is totally stupid. All this useless typing and im probably going to get an answer from you like. “you zioniste phalangaistse pig go back with gegea tel aviv tfeh, with the sunni salifistee and slave of riyadh long live hezbollah:”

        3. libnan1 Avatar

          Vous avez raison. Il y plusieurs imbéciles là-bas qui n’obtiennent pas le vrai sens de votre message, ils pensent insultes les rendra à se sentir mieux. Tout d’abord, il est vrai que 99 % de la Shites au Liban appuient HA. En fait, je crois que si elle n’était pas pour HA la Shites aurait souffert énormément. Les dirigeants Shites précédentes s’intéressait jamais à leur population jusqu’à ce que HA est venu. Si HA représente-t-il vraiment une secte.
          D’autre part Aoun représentent la majorité des chrétiens (85-90%) au Liban n’importe quels autres réclament. Il existe des autres partis chrétiens et la seule raison qu’ils existent est que Hariri a dépensé beaucoup d’argent en leur achetant des votes. Le reste des parties sont vides de sens de toute façon, certains d’entre eux ne représentent même pas eux-mêmes.

        4. PROPHET.T Avatar

          Most shia  in Lebanon  support the  resistance, but  not  necessarily  the  ideology  of HA. 
          People need to take notice of this distinction. The sectarian  divide  and the sectarian structure of the  country, makes it  look  like  all shia support  the  ideology  of  HA, when  it  is not  true. Being a southerner  myself( within eyesight of the border) I can testify  to this  with  honesty.
          It is the  fear that  sectarian leadership put in  the hearts of Lebanese that  prompted most  Lebanese  to  show a  blind  support to the  party  that “protects” the sect,and the interst of the “sect’
          Examining   other  parties which  are based on  sectarian support, you’d notice that  most  Sunnis  supported the future  movement and Saad Hariri  because of the  fear  they  felt  from  other sects(shiia in  particular)  . No  doubt that  those  leaders  are fueling  these  fears  to  keep controlling the  masses of their  own  sects. It  is easier  for Hariri  to seek  support from  Sunnis  when  He tells them that  shia are  here to kill you, Than  to have to explain to them  why  they  have no electricity  or  clean running  water. and the same  goes to HA, It is easier to  keep  shiia support  by telling them that  Israel and some  Lebanese are here to  kill  you  -and there  forethe weapons  are   a necessity considering the historical negligence of the Lebanese  governments when it  comes  to defending the south  ), than  to explain to them  why they have to endure  hardships, and unemployment.
          Fear factor on steroid is being used by everyone   to consolidate the support of their sects.
          At the  end of  the day, sectarianism and feudalism never  build  successful societies . Reforming  the entire  system is the only  solution to Lebanon’s failure. Lebanon  have been  failing  since the day  it  was  created, and will continue to fail because  of the sectarian  system it has adopted.

          1. leobetapar Avatar

            what you forget to say it the role of france in it and that the good solution is to go back from where you come in the great syrian which is not sectarian not religious but laique and baasiste

          2. leobetapar Avatar

            what you forget to say it the role of france in it and that the good solution is to go back from where you come in the great syrian which is not sectarian not religious but laique and baasiste

          3. leobetapar Avatar

            got another answer i give it to you it’s in french from a honnest guy

            Vous avez raison. Il y plusieurs imbéciles là-bas qui n’obtiennent pas le vrai
            sens de votre message, ils pensent insultes les rendra à se sentir mieux.
            Tout d’abord, il est vrai que 99 % de la
            Shites au Liban appuient HA. En fait, je crois que si elle n’était pas pour HA la Shites
            aurait souffert énormément. Les dirigeants Shites précédentes s’intéressait jamais à leur
            population jusqu’à ce que HA est venu. Si HA représente-t-il vraiment une secte.

            D’autre part Aoun représentent la majorité des chrétiens (85-90
            %) au Liban n’importe quels autres réclament. Il existe des autres partis chrétiens et la
            seule raison qu’ils existent est que Hariri a dépensé beaucoup d’argent en leur
            achetant des votes. Le
            reste des parties sont vides de sens de toute façon, certains d’entre eux ne
            représentent même pas eux-mêmes.

      2. antar2011 Avatar

        not over our dead bodies he won’t.

        already the attendence in the iftars he makes in his names in tripoli has been significantly down then previous years.

        although there is a small group of pple who are prepared to change stances once they are fed and sheltered but the majority of tripolitians do not give support nor respect for this traitor.

        1. leobetapar Avatar

          stop that antar don’t lie and tell the true :not over your belly fullfill by the $ and the shekel

        2. leobetapar Avatar

          stop that antar don’t lie and tell the true :not over your belly fullfill by the $ and the shekel

      3. libnan1 Avatar

        I agree with you that lots of shia and Christians don’t support the accusations against HA ideology. HA spear headed the resistance which I support and as a Christian I have the utmost respect for HA. My question is, what is HA ideology? It’s the liberation of Lebanon from the occupation not the establishment of a Shite state as they claim. 
        As the saying in Lebanon goes, let’s not hide behind our finger, if it wasn’t for HA you and I would not have a south or Shouf  to call home. Like their ideology or not, they made us proud to be Lebanese.
        As for sectarian divide, that is what makes us strong if it is used to strengthen our identity not to deprive people from other sects or kill their innocent people.
        The Shia in general have been deprived by their old leaders including Berri. Thirty years ago Lebanon had 40% of it’s population (Shia) barely included in the decision process. They were sidelined until HA came along to rally them. HA is the only party that kept it’s eye on the ball while other militias were busy killing each other’s innocent people.
        Now Lebanon is cranking on all 4 cylinders and our future is bright as long as Aoun and HA keep their eye on the ball.
        Be proud to be a Lebanese Shia as I’m proud to be a Christian Lebanese because for once we have a country without any foreign occupying army.

        1. PROPHET.T Avatar

          I’m very proud to be a Lebanese who happened to be a shia. My shiism should not  be ahead of my  Lebanese  identity, nor should your  Christianity   or  whatever  faith or sect  one might follow.
          Religion should be a personal matter. Separation of religion and politics is a must if  we  ever  going to  build  a modern  state. Religion can  add  good  values  to a civil  society where everyone respects  the other as a human being  first, and   as a  fellow citizen ,who  happens to  worship God  in  a different  way, second, Or as some one who chooses not to worship at all.
          As for HA and its ideology, it is an ideology based on religious doctrine.
          Many people- shiia in  particular-have issues with  that doctrine including  proud Shia who happened  to support the résistance, and  who  are  very  proud of the success  the resistance has  achieved. The distinction between the support of shiia for HA as an ideological Party and the support for HA as a resistance movement is never been studied.
          I also believe that HA knows its limitation when it comes to the idea of a Muslim state. This will not and can not happen for many reasons, and HA and its opponents know that very well.
          No one and nothing can take away from the resistance its success in liberating the south. Counting on international   pressure or UN to liberate our territories was nothing but an illusion.
          As for the debate over the weapons, I can understand the fear it has created, especially after the assassination of Hariri . I also understand the fear, the debate itself, has created among HA supporters and Shia in general.
            The weapons of HA  can NOT  exist  for ever; there has  to  be  a defense  policy that  eliminate the  need  for them.
          HA will need  to  take steps  to ease  the fears  other Lebanese has, and  those  who  oppose  HA, need to show  some understanding for the need of these weapons, and some  appreciation  to the success of the  resistance in  driving Israel  out.
           At the same time ,negligence of  our  state in  arming  our  army  and defending  its  territories and  citizen(especially in the  south)  from Israel  can  not go for ever. The fear of Israel is very real among the southerners. Sixty some  years of  aggression  are a good  testimony to  the  kind of neighbor  they  had to  live  with.
          I’ll leave  Berri to another post Since  he  belongs  to  the  “Warlord’s  Cub  of  Lebanon”.

        2. Leborigine Avatar

          Once again Prophet you leave syria out of the equation.
          I enjoyed most of your comment and agreed with it, but again ‘we have to build an army to protect us from israel, but not from syria or plo’. Can you see how one sided you are??? You completely ignored the lives of the people that were killed and suffered under the syrian/plo occupation for 30 year.

        3. PROPHET.T Avatar

          Don’t rush to judgment my friend. I was replying to specific points which were raised by libnan1. The PLO and Syria, were not the topic of the exchange , however, I’ve addressed my views regarding both numerous times at this site, and all my comments are available on my profile.
          Briefly though; Both PLO and Syria were invited into Lebanon by Lebanese themselves one way or other. Enough blaming others, we share some of the blame.
          PLO was authorized to operate on our territory by Lebanese government, yet Southerners were the first to suffer as a result of their presence, eventually all Lebanese suffered . I disagree with those who wanted to kill all Palestinians because of PLO abuse .
          As for Syria, Our differences allowed Syria(and every country in the world to this day) to get involved in our affairs. Militarily, they were invited by Lebanese factions to defeat other Lebanese. And the table was turned around more than once. We always need to remember that. We are not innocent ,and we need to take responsibility of our decisions and actions as well .
          With all my differences with Syria and with my opposition to their military presence and their involvement in our affairs, I don’t consider Syria as a enemy.
          My differences with you, although I respect your views and enjoy exchanging with you, is that you consider Syria an enemy, I don’t.
          That being said I never condoned their abuse and murder of Lebanese people. I have never shied away from criticizing the Syrian regime. I was critical of their alliances with all Lebanese factions, except for their support of the resistance against Israel. If some one accuses me of using them in this case, be it.
          I personally lost family members to the Syrian murderous machine, yet that never made me consider Syria as an enemy; it is the regime that we have issues with, not Syria. It is our own warlords who dragged us all into this.
          Also you need to remember that who ever rules in Damascus, Syria will always have influence in Lebanon .If Lebanese were able to figure out a way to mage their differences and affairs without seeking help from other countries, this influence would be diminished.

        4. Im just about to write a blasphemy on those who support HA.  I believe that the reason why Isreal left the south of lebanon, is not neceassarily due to HA efficient militia.  They left so HA would have no legitimacy to attack them. Now that they are gone they have the legitimacy on their side, so any excuse to attack lebanon is good for them.

          In other words, the presence of HA  create tension not an atmosphere of peace… Although some of HA follower or symphatiser don’t believe in peace with ISreal. One day will come that we would have to make peace with them. Isreal will and Lebanon will have to make compromise for peace to blossom and prosperity to grow..

        5. PROPHET.T Avatar

          Good to have you back , but I have to disagree with you my friend, and no blasphemy is warranted ,lol
          Speaking from a position of knowledge, and having been present for a period of time under the occupation of the south, I can say with conviction that Israel withdrew from Lebanese territories because they could not sustain their occupation ,nor could they defend their presence in the occupied south anymore. “The Lahad” army was collapsing to the point of failing to defend itself, or the Israelis.
          Had Israel withdrawn from the shibba farms when it withdrew from the occupied border strip, your analysis would have been reasonable to accept that the whole purpose was to de-legitimize any possible attack by HA. Why would Israel wait 20 some years to make such a decision?
          Why are we obligated to believe in peace with Israel .when Israel has done everything possible not to reach peace, except for empty talks?
          Why does it have to be a peace agreement instead of a non aggression agreement?
          Why do we have to be in bed with them instead of being just neighbors who respect each others sovereignty and territory? Who will guarantee to us that Israel won’t be aggressive again against Lebanon?

      4. libnan1 Avatar

        I agree with you that lots of shia and Christians don’t support the accusations against HA ideology. HA spear headed the resistance which I support and as a Christian I have the utmost respect for HA. My question is, what is HA ideology? It’s the liberation of Lebanon from the occupation not the establishment of a Shite state as they claim. 
        As the saying in Lebanon goes, let’s not hide behind our finger, if it wasn’t for HA you and I would not have a south or Shouf  to call home. Like their ideology or not, they made us proud to be Lebanese.
        As for sectarian divide, that is what makes us strong if it is used to strengthen our identity not to deprive people from other sects or kill their innocent people.
        The Shia in general have been deprived by their old leaders including Berri. Thirty years ago Lebanon had 40% of it’s population (Shia) barely included in the decision process. They were sidelined until HA came along to rally them. HA is the only party that kept it’s eye on the ball while other militias were busy killing each other’s innocent people.
        Now Lebanon is cranking on all 4 cylinders and our future is bright as long as Aoun and HA keep their eye on the ball.
        Be proud to be a Lebanese Shia as I’m proud to be a Christian Lebanese because for once we have a country without any foreign occupying army.

        1. Im just about to write a blasphemy on those who support HA.  I believe that the reason why Isreal left the south of lebanon, is not neceassarily due to HA efficient militia.  They left so HA would have no legitimacy to attack them. Now that they are gone they have the legitimacy on their side, so any excuse to attack lebanon is good for them.

          In other words, the presence of HA  create tension not an atmosphere of peace… Although some of HA follower or symphatiser don’t believe in peace with ISreal. One day will come that we would have to make peace with them. Isreal will and Lebanon will have to make compromise for peace to blossom and prosperity to grow..

      5. Leborigine Avatar

        Fair enough Prophet. Did not mean to judge but my hate for our neighbours makes me lose my mind!

    3. antar2011 Avatar

      the previous govt and the one before had made to be ineffective…the syrian regime had made sure of that but what’s the excuse of this govt? nothing. and they don’t care as long as they are getting their pockets full of their salaries…and something extra on the side it won’t harm.

  6.  Avatar

    Tower of Babel
    Well taking into consideration of the current political dynamics in Lebanon it would be extremely difficult for Mr.Mikati to resign now and form a new cabinet of technocrats. My guess is that he will  still continue to lead this ineffective government eventhough it is filled with many contradictions on all fronts.
    The other thing is that we have to remember governments in Lebanon have always been incompetent and never had any serious plan for the wellfare of their people.

    My question is if it took Mr.Mikati more than 5 months to form a weak and inconsistant government than how long will it take him to form a cabinet of technocrats? Of course, this is provided that all parties agree to this scheme.

    1. Sebouh,
                 I guess that what irks me is the question of why did Mr. Mikati allow himself to be caught in this web? In my opinion he is in a no win situation.

      1.  Avatar

        Maybe he thought that making a billion bucks qualifies someone to be able to run a country. But businessmen very rarely run a business FOR their workers … as much of the world is finding out.

      2.  Avatar

        wait when we will settle down the reality (after usa go out of irak) you will understand how clever mitaki and the few sunni who follow him are

      3.  Avatar

        wait when we will settle down the reality (after usa go out of irak) you will understand how clever mitaki and the few sunni who follow him are

      4.  Avatar

        i have thought the same….he has everything, wealth, good reputation and good support….why did he do what he did? the only answer i could come up with is, the temptation of being in power. the old reason for the fall of men…and he took the bait …..and fell.

    2. PROPHET.T Avatar

       Mikati believes that   He  is in  a win situation  because  He has the chance to represent  the “sect”, and  being  in  power is a “good way’ to consolidate his political base within  the sect  itself. He and  all other Lebanese  politicians know  very  well that  they  won’t  be  held  accountable  for their actions  or  lack of actions for that  matter. It is all about power and sectarian representation. Unless something  very  dramatic  takes  place, He   will draw  more  support(for next election)  from  his  sect; and that is all what  counts for  him.Lebanese will,as usual , elect same politicians beased on sectarian and fudal principles.

      1.  Avatar

        because the phalangiste who gone in 1936 in germany to learn politic are not a sect
        the sunni salafiste who are slave of the ahl shitty in riyad are not a sect
        the druzes are not a sect
        only Hezbollah a real politic party is a sect
        you are so low

        1. PROPHET.T Avatar

          I’m reluctant to as you   what your point was, because I’m not sure I’ll get  another insult  or  another  non-coherent  reply,or both.lol

        2.  Avatar

          You are an idiot, i actually laugh and spit on you at the same time.
          How are the Druze not a sect? Either you are uneducated or have undescribing hate.
          Secondly “the sunni salafiste who are slave of the ahl shitty in riyad are not a sect”. Luckily i was able to understand that and whats the difference after  all you are sucking Persian dick 24/7.
          Phalange party didnt go to Germany to learn politics, Chamoun was inspired by Germany in 1936 and its party formation. If you open a book you piece of shit you might learn that the word “Phalange” comes from Spain.
          I never have to respond to someone in swearing other than you and libnan1, because you throw insults out of nowhere. Was it necessary to call PROPHET.T low? Me and PROPHET had plenty of “Normal” discussions on this site without the ongoing insults.
          Hezbollah a real political party? Or a real militia? Saying Hezbollah represents the Shiite population is stupid, because Lebanon is a little prick of Shiite population. In Lebanon a party cannot represent a sect, but a sect can represent a party. It may sound confusing but its true, for example the Christians which you seem to have alot of hate for. The Lebanese Forces is filled with Christians, but it cant represent the Chritstians or Christianity. Once again i dont think ALL the Shiites support Hezbollah, so saying Hezbollah respresnts the Shiites of Lebanon is totally stupid. All this useless typing and im probably going to get an answer from you like. “you zioniste phalangaistse pig go back with gegea tel aviv tfeh, with the sunni salifistee and slave of riyadh long live hezbollah:”

        3.  Avatar


          Vous avez raison. Il y plusieurs imbéciles là-bas qui n’obtiennent pas le vrai
          sens de votre message, ils pensent insultes les rendra à se sentir mieux.
          Tout d’abord, il est vrai que 99 % de la
          Shites au Liban appuient HA. En fait, je crois que si elle n’était pas pour HA la Shites
          aurait souffert énormément. Les dirigeants Shites précédentes s’intéressait jamais à leur
          population jusqu’à ce que HA est venu. Si HA représente-t-il vraiment une secte.

          D’autre part Aoun représentent la majorité des chrétiens (85-90
          %) au Liban n’importe quels autres réclament. Il existe des autres partis chrétiens et la
          seule raison qu’ils existent est que Hariri a dépensé beaucoup d’argent en leur
          achetant des votes. Le
          reste des parties sont vides de sens de toute façon, certains d’entre eux ne
          représentent même pas eux-mêmes.

        4. PROPHET.T Avatar

          Most shia  in Lebanon  support the  resistance, but  not  necessarily  the  ideology  of HA. 
          People need to take notice of this distinction. The sectarian  divide  and the sectarian structure of the  country, makes it  look  like  all shia support  the  ideology  of  HA, when  it  is not  true. Being a southerner  myself( within eyesight of the border) I can testify  to this  with  honesty.
          It is the  fear that  sectarian leadership put in  the hearts of Lebanese that  prompted most  Lebanese  to  show a  blind  support to the  party  that “protects” the sect,and the interst of the “sect’
          Examining   other  parties which  are based on  sectarian support, you’d notice that  most  Sunnis  supported the future  movement and Saad Hariri  because of the  fear  they  felt  from  other sects(shiia in  particular)  . No  doubt that  those  leaders  are fueling  these  fears  to  keep controlling the  masses of their  own  sects. It  is easier  for Hariri  to seek  support from  Sunnis  when  He tells them that  shia are  here to kill you, Than  to have to explain to them  why  they  have no electricity  or  clean running  water. and the same  goes to HA, It is easier to  keep  shiia support  by telling them that  Israel and some  Lebanese are here to  kill  you  -and there  forethe weapons  are   a necessity considering the historical negligence of the Lebanese  governments when it  comes  to defending the south  ), than  to explain to them  why they have to endure  hardships, and unemployment.
          Fear factor on steroid is being used by everyone   to consolidate the support of their sects.
          At the  end of  the day, sectarianism and feudalism never  build  successful societies . Reforming  the entire  system is the only  solution to Lebanon’s failure. Lebanon  have been  failing  since the day  it  was  created, and will continue to fail because  of the sectarian  system .

          1.  Avatar

            what you forget to say it the role of france in it and that the good solution is to go back from where you come in the great syrian which is not sectarian not religious but laique and baasiste

          2.  Avatar

            got another answer i give it to you it’s in french from a honnest guy

            Vous avez raison. Il y plusieurs imbéciles là-bas qui n’obtiennent pas le vrai
            sens de votre message, ils pensent insultes les rendra à se sentir mieux.
            Tout d’abord, il est vrai que 99 % de la
            Shites au Liban appuient HA. En fait, je crois que si elle n’était pas pour HA la Shites
            aurait souffert énormément. Les dirigeants Shites précédentes s’intéressait jamais à leur
            population jusqu’à ce que HA est venu. Si HA représente-t-il vraiment une secte.

            D’autre part Aoun représentent la majorité des chrétiens (85-90
            %) au Liban n’importe quels autres réclament. Il existe des autres partis chrétiens et la
            seule raison qu’ils existent est que Hariri a dépensé beaucoup d’argent en leur
            achetant des votes. Le
            reste des parties sont vides de sens de toute façon, certains d’entre eux ne
            représentent même pas eux-mêmes.

      2.  Avatar

        not over our dead bodies he won’t.

        already the attendence in the iftars he makes in his names in tripoli has been significantly down then previous years.

        although there is a small group of pple who are prepared to change stances once they are fed and sheltered but the majority of tripolitians do not give support nor respect for this traitor.

        1.  Avatar

          stop that antar don’t lie and tell the true :not over your belly fullfill by the $ and the shekel

      3.  Avatar

        I agree with you that lots of shia and Christians don’t support the accusations against HA ideology. HA spear headed the resistance which I support and as a Christian I have the utmost respect for HA. My question is, what is HA ideology? It’s the liberation of Lebanon from the occupation not the establishment of a Shite state as they claim. 
        As the saying in Lebanon goes, let’s not hide behind our finger, if it wasn’t for HA you and I would not have a south or Shouf  to call home. Like their ideology or not, they made us proud to be Lebanese.
        As for sectarian divide, that is what makes us strong if it is used to strengthen our identity not to deprive people from other sects or kill their innocent people.
        The Shia in general have been deprived by their old leaders including Berri. Thirty years ago Lebanon had 40% of it’s population (Shia) barely included in the decision process. They were sidelined until HA came along to rally them. HA is the only party that kept it’s eye on the ball while other militias were busy killing each other’s innocent people.
        Now Lebanon is cranking on all 4 cylinders and our future is bright as long as Aoun and HA keep their eye on the ball.
        Be proud to be a Lebanese Shia as I’m proud to be a Christian Lebanese because for once we have a country without any foreign occupying army.

        1. PROPHET.T Avatar

          I’m very proud to be a Lebanese who happened to be a shia. My shiism should not  be ahead of my  Lebanese  identity, nor should your  Christianity   or  whatever  faith or sect  one might follow.
          Religion should be a personal matter. Separation of religion and politics is a must if  we  ever  going to  build  a modern  state. Religion can  add  good  values  to a civil  society where everyone respects  the other as a human being  first, and   as a  fellow citizen ,who  happens to  worship God  in  a different  way, second,
          As for HA and its ideology, it is an ideology based on religious doctrine.
          Many people- shiia in  particular-have issues with  that doctrine including  proud Shia who happened  to support the résistance, and  who  are  very  proud of the success  the resistance has  achieved. The distinction between the support of shiia for HA as an ideological Party and the support for HA as a resistance movement is never been studied.
          I also believe that HA knows its limitation when it comes to the idea of a Muslim state. This will not and can not happen for many reasons, and HA and its opponents know that very well.
          No one and nothing can take away from the resistance its success in liberating the south. Counting on international   pressure or UN to liberate our territories was nothing but an illusion.
          As for the debate over the weapons, I can understand the fear it has created, especially after the assassination of Hariri . I also understand the fear, the debate itself, has created among HA supporters and Shia in general.
            The weapons of HA  can NOT  exist  for ever; there has  to  be  a defense  policy that  eliminate the  need  for them.
          HA will need  to  take steps  to ease  the fears  other Lebanese has, and  those  who  oppose  HA, need to show  some understanding for the need of these weapons, and some  appreciation  to the success of the  resistance in  driving Israel  out.
           At the same time ,negligence of  our  state in  arming  our  army  and defending  its  territories and  citizen(especially in the  south)  from Israel  can  not go for ever. The fear of Israel is very real among the southerners. Sixty some  years of  aggression  are a good  testimony to  the  kind of neighbor  they  had to  live  with.
          I’ll leave  Berri to another post Since  he  belongs  to  the  “Warlord’s  Cub  of  Lebanon”.

        2. PROPHET.T Avatar

          I’m very proud to be a Lebanese who happened to be a shia. My shiism should not  be ahead of my  Lebanese  identity, nor should your  Christianity   or  whatever  faith or sect  one might follow.
          Religion should be a personal matter. Separation of religion and politics is a must if  we  ever  going to  build  a modern  state. Religion can  add  good  values  to a civil  society where everyone respects  the other as a human being  first, and   as a  fellow citizen ,who  happens to  worship God  in  a different  way, second,
          As for HA and its ideology, it is an ideology based on religious doctrine.
          Many people- shiia in  particular-have issues with  that doctrine including  proud Shia who happened  to support the résistance, and  who  are  very  proud of the success  the resistance has  achieved. The distinction between the support of shiia for HA as an ideological Party and the support for HA as a resistance movement is never been studied.
          I also believe that HA knows its limitation when it comes to the idea of a Muslim state. This will not and can not happen for many reasons, and HA and its opponents know that very well.
          No one and nothing can take away from the resistance its success in liberating the south. Counting on international   pressure or UN to liberate our territories was nothing but an illusion.
          As for the debate over the weapons, I can understand the fear it has created, especially after the assassination of Hariri . I also understand the fear, the debate itself, has created among HA supporters and Shia in general.
            The weapons of HA  can NOT  exist  for ever; there has  to  be  a defense  policy that  eliminate the  need  for them.
          HA will need  to  take steps  to ease  the fears  other Lebanese has, and  those  who  oppose  HA, need to show  some understanding for the need of these weapons, and some  appreciation  to the success of the  resistance in  driving Israel  out.
           At the same time ,negligence of  our  state in  arming  our  army  and defending  its  territories and  citizen(especially in the  south)  from Israel  can  not go for ever. The fear of Israel is very real among the southerners. Sixty some  years of  aggression  are a good  testimony to  the  kind of neighbor  they  had to  live  with.
          I’ll leave  Berri to another post Since  he  belongs  to  the  “Warlord’s  Cub  of  Lebanon”.

        3.  Avatar

          Once again Prophet you leave syria out of the equation.
          I enjoyed most of your comment and agreed with it, but again ‘we have to build an army to protect us from israel, but not from syria or plo’. Can you see how one sided you are??? You completely ignored the lives of the people that were killed and suffered under the syrian/plo occupation for 30 year.

        4.  Avatar

          Once again Prophet you leave syria out of the equation.
          I enjoyed most of your comment and agreed with it, but again ‘we have to build an army to protect us from israel, but not from syria or plo’. Can you see how one sided you are??? You completely ignored the lives of the people that were killed and suffered under the syrian/plo occupation for 30 year.

        5. PROPHET.T Avatar

          Don’t rush to judgment my friend. I was replying to specific points which were raised by libnan1. The PLO and  Syria,  were not the  topic of the exchange , however, I’ve addressed  my  views  regarding  both  numerous times at this site, and all my  comments  are available on  my  profile.
          Briefly though; Both PLO and Syria were invited into Lebanon by Lebanese themselves one way or other. Enough blaming others, we share some of the blame.
           PLO was  authorized  to  operate  on  our territory  by  Lebanese  government, yet Southerners were the  first  to  suffer as a result  of their  presence, eventually  all Lebanese  suffered . I disagree with those who wanted to kill all Palestinians because of PLO abuse .
          As for Syria, Our  differences  allowed  Syria(and  every country  in  the  world to this  day) to  get involved  in our  affairs. Militarily, they were invited by Lebanese factions to defeat other Lebanese. And the table was turned around more than once. We always need to remember that. We are  not  innocent ,and we need  to  take  responsibility of  our  decisions and actions  as well .Enough blaming  others.
          With  all my  differences  with  Syria and with my  opposition to their military presence and their  involvement in  our  affairs, I  don’t consider  Syria as a enemy.
          My  differences  with  you, although I respect  your views and enjoy  exchanging with  you, is that  you consider Syria an  enemy, I  don’t.
          That being said I never condoned their abuse and murder of Lebanese people. I have never shied away from criticizing the Syrian regime. I  was critical of their  alliances with  all Lebanese  factions, except  for their  support  of the resistance  against  Israel. If some one accuses me of using them in this case, be it.
          I  personally  lost  family  members  to the  Syrian  murderous machine, yet that  never  made me consider  Syria as  an enemy; it is the  regime that  we  have  issues  with, not Syria. It is our own warlords who dragged us all into this.
          Also you need to remember that   who  ever  rules in Damascus, Syria will always  have influence in  Lebanon .If  Lebanese  were  able  to  figure out a way  to mage their differences and affairs  without seeking  help  from other  countries, this influence would  be  diminished.

        6. Im just about to write a blasphemy on those who support HA.  I believe that the reason why Isreal left the south of lebanon, is not neceassarily due to HA efficient militia.  They left so HA would have no legitimacy to attack them. Now that they are gone they have the legitimacy on their side, so any excuse to attack lebanon is good for them.

          In other words, the presence of HA  create tension not an atmosphere of peace… Although some of HA follower or symphatiser don’t believe in peace with ISreal. One day will come that we would have to make peace with them. Isreal will and Lebanon will have to make compromise for peace to blossom and prosperity to grow..

        7. PROPHET.T Avatar

          Good to  have you  back , but I have to disagree with you my friend, and no  blasphemy is warranted ,lol
          Speaking from a  position of knowledge, and having  been  present for a  period of time  under  the  occupation of the  south, I  can say with  conviction that  Israel withdrew from Lebanese territories  because  they  could not  sustain their occupation ,nor could they  defend their  presence in  the occupied  south anymore. “The Lahad” army was collapsing to the point of failing to defend itself, or the Israelis.
          Why are we obligated to believe in peace with Israel .when Israel has done everything possible not to reach peace, except for empty talks?
          Why does it have to be a peace agreement instead of a non aggression agreement?
          Why do  we have to  be in  bed  with them instead of being  just  neighbors who  respect  each others sovereignty  and territory? Who will guarantee to us that Israel won’t be aggressive again against Lebanon?
          PS; On a personal note, geo metro would like me to pass his person info/email to you. If you  can  email  me at the  email address I  had left  at this  very  page, I’d appreciated it.

      4.  Avatar

        I agree with you that lots of shia and Christians don’t support the accusations against HA ideology. HA spear headed the resistance which I support and as a Christian I have the utmost respect for HA. My question is, what is HA ideology? It’s the liberation of Lebanon from the occupation not the establishment of a Shite state as they claim. 
        As the saying in Lebanon goes, let’s not hide behind our finger, if it wasn’t for HA you and I would not have a south or Shouf  to call home. Like their ideology or not, they made us proud to be Lebanese.
        As for sectarian divide, that is what makes us strong if it is used to strengthen our identity not to deprive people from other sects or kill their innocent people.
        The Shia in general have been deprived by their old leaders including Berri. Thirty years ago Lebanon had 40% of it’s population (Shia) barely included in the decision process. They were sidelined until HA came along to rally them. HA is the only party that kept it’s eye on the ball while other militias were busy killing each other’s innocent people.
        Now Lebanon is cranking on all 4 cylinders and our future is bright as long as Aoun and HA keep their eye on the ball.
        Be proud to be a Lebanese Shia as I’m proud to be a Christian Lebanese because for once we have a country without any foreign occupying army.

      5.  Avatar

        Fair enough Prophet. Did not mean to judge but my hate for our neighbours makes me lose my mind!

    3.  Avatar

      the previous govt and the one before had made to be ineffective…the syrian regime had made sure of that but what’s the excuse of this govt? nothing. and they don’t care as long as they are getting their pockets full of their salaries…and something extra on the side it won’t harm.

  7. 2160John Avatar

    Ghassan Karam,
    You are currently taking an introverted approach to the Lebanese situation. The whole story is not being told here at all. Lebanon is being magnified with a magnifying glass as if the entire world’s politics have no effect on Lebanon and that this country is the reason behind all the problems. Trying to impose the will of the UN body and criticizing Lebanese politicians just to fulfill a certain political agenda is not a good idea. When did you criticize Sanioura for his various mistakes in the government or the Future Movement for bringing in Fatah Al-Islam to Lebanon which killed 150 Lebanese Soldiers and not to mention hundreds of people. And no don’t tell me that they came from Syria, maybe they passed through Syria to get here but they were brought in with the signature of March 14 leaders to counter Hezbollah and they were trained in Saudi Arabia with the approval of Bandar Bin Sultan. I have relatives in the Lebanese Armed Forces which had access to them and they told me that the weapons, training and technology in their possession was traced back to Saudi Arabian licensed material that was given to them by the US. The Future Movement is covering this up to avoid the embarrassment. This was one other reason I left March 14.
    You support Mikati when he fits your agenda but then criticize him when he doesn’t. You are a hypocrite. I’m not being harsh at all with this word but this is the plain and simple truth.
    If this site had a true purpose of being a Lebanese news website then we would see articles in support of both sides which analyze both opinions.  But no! This website was created right after the Hariri assassination to support the Cedar Revolution(of which I was actively part of and did my part).The story is just being told with one side of the story and with a definite bias. You are dragging your hate for the opposing side for far too long.Enough is Enough.
     Lebanon on this website is being shown through the propaganda and eyes of its enemies.  Why do you think all the Israelis post here, Haaretz is more pro-democratic and Lebanese than this website. And I’m going to continue to post here to counter your misinformation. Any support of Lebanon you are portraying is mere lip service because you see the International Community as more senior to determining the future of this country than the Lebanese themselves.
    Read some Noam Chomsky and understand politics. He’s not just some leftist , he speaks the truth.

    1. Ghassan Karam Avatar
      Ghassan Karam

                    Rants do not deserve a response since they are mere ramblings.  

      1. 2160John Avatar

        It takes a real man to respond to my comments because not only are they right, they hit you spot on and stripped you naked. Go on, cut your losses and dismiss the truth.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          I like being naked … it is a level of freedom we don’t enjoy often enough … especially on a warm beach.
          Lebanon was touted as being the only ‘democratic’ and ‘free’ country of all the Arabic states … the ‘example’ to the world that such a thing could actually occur … and under HARIRI for a few short years, even if you didn’t like all the aspects of his time in office, the country began rebuilding, became happier generally, and began to put on a new face to the world. It was POSITIVE after too many decades of being seen as a place for practicing urban warfare. The world, of course represented by the UN which you seem to despise, began to look favourably on the place once again. Perhaps the ‘confessional experiment’ could work. ?? WHO didn’t like that? ??  When he was killed – along with others – for desiring Lebanon to be an example to the world, the people managed to express their sorrow-filled opinions in huge numbers, peacefully, and then thought for a while they had successfully ousted the Syrian army-of-occupation.
            But now – what do they AND the world see happening once again?

          The world’s politics, I will agree, DO have an effect on Lebanon. Why should they not? Do we not wish to be part of the world?? With the exception of some countries like Syria the world has progressed to a very large extent for the good of it’s people GENERALLY – and generally those people are happy to have the freedoms particular to democracies – which exist in various forms to be sure – yet which all allow ‘the people’ to determine their own fate in, while hoping the concept of a liberal education advances the existence of humankind.
            This site is not a ‘news’ site – the news is made by others. I saw this as a more liberal one than most ‘blogs’ in this strange ether-net world. And blogs are opinion-oriented, I am sure. I felt Ghassan had a desire to have the discussion-site to see which way the wind blew as much as to ‘propagandize’ as you accuse him of doing. I suppose you are sorry that most on here see no need to discuss those bits of stupidity from ancient history … when trying to look forward to something better .. as I am sure Hariri was attempting to have happen .. because we have seen the history often enough.
            For sure we see the FUTURE history that is unfolding in Lebanon … and it is ugly. If you wish it be so, then keep picking at the little faults of mere men and passions of the past. If you wish something better, as I suspect MOST do, then see the mistakes of history accurately, and correct your thinking to search for a better concept. Post the concept here, not the hate, and you may become happier that you are allowed to participate.
            What is your ‘agenda’ for people in the future? Peace and open thought? Or the slide back into mummification?

    2. master09 Avatar

      What makes you so 100% on the mark and everyone else is working for Isreal, a spy or an idiot. These comments make you worse than the people you talk about. The problem with all of you is that you support a group and a sect and that will keep you blind and unable to see the truth and the real facts. A judge must be neutral to be able to come up with un biased results.

      I heared  from my friends or a friends, friend who was in the army. Your getting your facts from an army officer, yeh they know a lot LOl.
      If you think this newspaper is one sided why are you still on hear, your smarter than that.     

      1. 2160John Avatar

        Reply to the specific facts I divulged or shut up.

        1. master09 Avatar

          mere ramblings . Read 5th draw dont need to repeat.

      2. leobetapar Avatar

        sorry that not true John don’t support anyone if it’s not truth itslef
        you are like 5thdrawer everyone who doesn’t follow you in the selling of your soul to the shaytan is hating
        John show no hate and no passion other than for the truth but anyone who doesn’t tell you follow your belly cause only your belly is right put you in despair ,upset you, and inflame yoour heart putting the fire of hate on you
        calm down people accept that there is people who live for other thing than the belly
        i know that 5th drawer don’t consider himself as an arab and you pseudo master 09 do you consider yourself as an arab?

        1. master09 Avatar

          Leo I am Lebanese but will never be an Arab. Arabs have been killing each other for how long, they will sell thier mother for a dollar and will live in the 17th century for ever. They treat thier women like dogs, keep them hungry and in fear so they can control them till death. Travel the world who like an Arab WHY THINK HARD ON THIS WHY? I live in a country where I can have dinner with the leader of the country, who stands in line with other people to vote, The Arabs will cut your head of if you spoke about  a leader.
          How is your life in europe nice yes??   I thought sooo 

          1. leobetapar Avatar

            i am desesperate a so nice boy like pseudo master who is nothing just parasiting the african (easy to guess)when is pseudo real country is on the verge of a so big change

          2. leobetapar Avatar

            i am desesperate a so nice boy like pseudo master who is nothing just parasiting the african (easy to guess)when is pseudo real country is on the verge of a so big change

        2. master09 Avatar

          No Im working for the so called enamy who ever they are and good money.
          Who is the shaytan tell me who he is.

          I post facts you post your own views how is that rite, all you guys do is get of the subject and say your not rite I am.

          Back up things with facts Instead of saying(      that is not true don’t support anyone if its not true,,,,
          Dude support it with facts facts facts not rants from your one book learning, you are soo blided by those who teach you just like the Arabs who give thier people one and only one book and say this is the truth, get a life and read the truth not just what you want, that is kypocrisy.
          Back your comments by FACTS by qoutes not by my friends heard this or that.
          Look at other points of view and not just yours and devulge and than make a clear comment.
          I am not saying you are always wrong  but most comments you put on here are rants and no facts, Try paste and post that gives facts to back your remarks.
          Good day dude and by the way I am at peace I dont look for trouble and dont care what you or others think. I will be at peace with God and my neighbour.  


          1. leobetapar Avatar

            you say facts facts facts but we are waiting to see your facts
            you just put your opinion never facts
            and when we answer you with facts you go on general consideration let this behaviour for your meeting here you can con nobody

          2. leobetapar Avatar

            you say facts facts facts but we are waiting to see your facts
            you just put your opinion never facts
            and when we answer you with facts you go on general consideration let this behaviour for your meeting here you can con nobody

      3. antar2011 Avatar

        lets look at the european pple who you want to be to the extent that you have given up your roots and perhaps language to be like them…

        most wars in the world in the last century at least have had involvement one of another of european men… most of the european men you are so want to be like, are so eager to leave home and never tuto see their parents again especially their mum, most of the european men you so wanna be like sleep with whomever they like probably from one **** to another with no string attached just like what we call in arabic “al rajol al qadeem’….pre civilisation era [any civilisation] treating of women [in general] like prostitutes and an object of pleasure with no soul or civil rights especially when women get pregnant…they are ready to run away from responsibility…oh yes…they have discovered condoms but they have not discovered a cure for aids yet pitty!…

        if that’s the example you wanna be…then thank God you have disowned your roots an arab it is the honourable thing…to the arabs.

        the equality you have rightly expressed when you can sit down and have lunch with a president or a minister is something correct and undoubtly good….but what’s the use of having lunch with a politician during election time and that same politician is too busy to see you outside election period? what’s the use of having this false equality with a politician when after election period you bring your wife who has hijab on her head [but not niqab it is “illegal”!] wanting to get help from that same politican but not given the same treatment as say your neighbour who is born and bred anglo saxon.

        this false equality you are talking about is just for appearance’s sake because [esp after 9/11] this equality has been shaken.

        what good in a man who disowns his own roots and wants to be like someone who he can never be?
        disowning from own roots is the primary reason that lead to the downfall of our arab nations .
        isn’t it time to go back to our roots and just get rid of this split personality?

        something i have always said: i cannot be fully lebanese/arabic but i am not fully australian/western…i am lost… i choose to go back to my roots and make reform, others choose to disown their roots and be something they are not…they can, but they will live in hate and anger all their lives…

        1. master09 Avatar

          Dude I think you miss undertood what I am trying to say.
          I don’t want to be like anyone American Australian or Arabs, I have not lost my roots trust me.
          I don’t care what women do or how they treat thier family.
          I have my family who I share my roots with and still eat falafal with.
          I do not follow how other people live and do.
          I never had to change or rethink I am the person I was when I came from Lebanon but I have changed my thinking because you tell me when have the Arabs lived in peace for more than a day from thier own people.
          I teach people about our beautiful culture or amazing hills (( Lebanon )  our tasty food our night life one the most beautiful culture, but  I have changed my Arab thinking, THINKING.

          Lets talk about these ungrateful Arabs you talk about  
           I am talking about the HATE that come out of these people who move to Australia USA and other countries and get looked after like never before, collect the dole cheque not on one name but because they have 4 wives collect four cheques, get free medical, free schools and the freedom to speak  and free accommadation.
          How do they say thank you they don,t like you they talk about how others live women men and culture and can not stand These countries. I have not changed my culture but I am GRATEFUL  They where taken in by these countries because their own governments where KILLING YES KILLING thier families.

          They hate where they live well do something about it and stop collecting from these governments you soo much hate and Go back
          to no money no food lack of free speech live in fear no jobs no electricity or a park where your kids can play.
          I have not lost my culture or my love for my past, But I am thankfull for what this new nation has done for me.
          Thats what I am talking about the ARABS are always ungratefull and they bring and live with HATE you are talking about.

          I visit my country every year or two so I am not lost or carry HATE in my heart I am more clear than what you can dream about.
          But I live and let live I have god in my heart my country in my heart and my culture well  that too,  but I do not JUDGE how other cultures work I respect and if they have evil in them I will not be part of that. You carry the hate by talking about other cultures and blinded about your own personal one.  


          1. antar2011 Avatar

            if you really don’t care then you should not have mentioned the misconception of the treatment of arabs to their women….

            i will give you the benefit of the doubt

          2. antar2011 Avatar

            if you really don’t care then you should not have mentioned the misconception of the treatment of arabs to their women….

            i will give you the benefit of the doubt

        2. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Our ‘roots’ … First roots are the parents, second the grandparents; and if one is so  lucky to know them, the great-grandparents (who will be so far removed from your thinking they are curious entities) 😉
            Second is the little house, then street, then neighbourhood you were born in, and the friends you made as you aged.
          Third is the effect of the culture everyone around you programmes into your brain.
            If, in life, you are lucky enough to adventure into the world, you will see that all humans basically are the same … they wish to work, eat, have a roof over their head, find love, make a new family, die happily and peacefully. (The perfect human life.) You may see or live in different cultures, but you will never forget those roots.
           If you move into another ‘culture’ you do not forget … but you may find a need to adjust somewhat. Your children will adjust too, and their children will become more ‘native’ to that culture than you ever expected. But if you have been good parents, and documented the past in the family, the ‘roots’ will never be forgotten – even after several generations.
          The later generations may look at pictures and text and say ‘Wow. Weird.’ And that will be natural too. 🙂
            Culture shock happens to many of the first generation … especially if they have not researched the new one enough before moving into it. And if they have, then they should adapt as best they can. Their children will have fewer problems.
            If you have half a brain, you will attempt to use the best of all the cultures you meet – and be happiest in your own home.
          The rest of us sit around bitching … hahahahahaa

          Good speech master09

        3. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Our ‘roots’ … First roots are the parents, second the grandparents; and if one is so  lucky to know them, the great-grandparents (who will be so far removed from your thinking they are curious entities) 😉
            Second is the little house, then street, then neighbourhood you were born in, and the friends you made as you aged.
          Third is the effect of the culture everyone around you programmes into your brain.
            If, in life, you are lucky enough to adventure into the world, you will see that all humans basically are the same … they wish to work, eat, have a roof over their head, find love, make a new family, die happily and peacefully. (The perfect human life.) You may see or live in different cultures, but you will never forget those roots.
           If you move into another ‘culture’ you do not forget … but you may find a need to adjust somewhat. Your children will adjust too, and their children will become more ‘native’ to that culture than you ever expected. But if you have been good parents, and documented the past in the family, the ‘roots’ will never be forgotten – even after several generations.
          The later generations may look at pictures and text and say ‘Wow. Weird.’ And that will be natural too. 🙂
            Culture shock happens to many of the first generation … especially if they have not researched the new one enough before moving into it. And if they have, then they should adapt as best they can. Their children will have fewer problems.
            If you have half a brain, you will attempt to use the best of all the cultures you meet – and be happiest in your own home.
          The rest of us sit around bitching … hahahahahaa

          Good speech master09

    3. leobetapar Avatar

      hy John again you are wonderfull but i have two point
      one it’s not the website it’s the people who write on just stay writting that the solution they never censure me
      two Noam Chomsky is a great thinker who have been able to show the achievment of Descartes (dynamisation of the idea of Platon,Nature have all time the same answer to the same how….) but it’s a weak political analist G.W Bush is the greatest politician of the 20 century he free the arab (before the kenyan come to the withe house 35% of the egyptian parliement was for the opposition,no cia in south america (he even dodge the venezuela’s army calls for a coup) and give lot of money to africa 
      you are great in analizing Lebanon even Ghassan have to shut is cobbed propaganda but you follow to much the crowd when it’s international politic

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Wow … Leo … sometimes you come close for sure. 🙂
        Rene Descartes – 16th Century Philosopher … liked the Dutch enough to live there. (More freedom?) Great Mathematician too.
        (Je pense, donc je suis; – English: I think, therefore I am; or I am thinking, therefore I exist or I do think, therefore I do exist)
        Sometimes, I think that you think too. Even if a little off-track …. Descartes didn’t need Chomsky fouling him up.

        1. leobetapar Avatar

          5thdrawer please don’t act like buffon ,have you ever open a book of philosophy by Chomsky do you understand and even know something about the cartesianisme of chomsky please stay where you are able to be meaningfull
          It’s not french or english (ignorant) it’s latin :cogito ego sum

    4. leobetapar Avatar

      but hope you will intervene more often

    5.  You are deluded, John.  This website is an open forum. I like Ya Libnan. I don’t thinkt many Israelis at all post here though there has been one or two….but the net is supposed to be an open  place and and exchange of ideas.

      Heck, the Israelis probably don’t like to post on HaAretz that much b/c it is as good as the newspaper “pravda” was for the soviets under communism.  It doesn’t bare any semblance with reality.  Pretty biased. 

      As far as GOOD International Newpapers : The Washington Post, Wallstret Journal, World Newsnet Daily of joseph Farah and in the Middle East, Israel Hayom.

      Noam Chomsky is an an EXTREMIST idiot and a liar, disproven many times. I know,  I read some of his rubbish when I was studying for my international relations degree.
      I don’t disagree with you 100% but on the whole, yes, I do.  You do attempt to spread misinformation.

      1. master09 Avatar

        On the spot…. open forum with comments about the subject, not attacks at each other.That is a grown up view and  debate the topics and not your own hates or likes, as most do on this site and what I like most is when people back up with facts with paste and copy it gives everyone a chance to compare and not have one point of the story. .
        Good day Kobi

      2. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Actually, Pravda (Truth) is still way off and slanted in it’s ‘reporting’. 🙂

    6. antar2011 Avatar

      he is also a jew

  8.  Avatar

    Ghassan Karam,
    You are currently taking an introverted approach to the Lebanese situation. The whole story is not being told here at all. Lebanon is being magnified with a magnifying glass as if the entire world’s politics have no effect on Lebanon and that this country is the reason behind all the problems. Trying to impose the will of the UN body and criticizing Lebanese politicians just to fulfill a certain political agenda is not a good idea. When did you criticize Sanioura for his various mistakes in the government or the Future Movement for bringing in Fatah Al-Islam to Lebanon which killed 150 Lebanese Soldiers and not to mention hundreds of people. And no don’t tell me that they came from Syria, maybe they passed through Syria to get here but they were brought in with the signature of March 14 leaders to counter Hezbollah and they were trained in Saudi Arabia with the approval of Bandar Bin Sultan. I have relatives in the Lebanese Armed Forces which had access to them and they told me that the weapons, training and technology in their possession was traced back to Saudi Arabian licensed material that was given to them by the US. The Future Movement is covering this up to avoid the embarrassment. This was one other reason I left March 14.
    You support Mikati when he fits your agenda but then criticize him when he doesn’t. You are a hypocrite. I’m not being harsh at all with this word but this is the plain and simple truth.
    If this site had a true purpose of being a Lebanese news website then we would see articles in support of both sides which analyze both opinions.  But no! This website was created right after the Hariri assassination to support the Cedar Revolution(of which I was actively part of and did my part).The story is just being told with one side of the story and with a definite bias. You are dragging your hate for the opposing side for far too long.Enough is Enough.
     Lebanon on this website is being shown through the propaganda and eyes of its enemies.  Why do you think all the Israelis post here, Haaretz is more pro-democratic and Lebanese than this website. And I’m going to continue to post here to counter your misinformation. Any support of Lebanon you are portraying is mere lip service because you see the International Community as more senior to determining the future of this country than the Lebanese themselves.
    Read some Noam Chomsky and understand politics. He’s not just some leftist , he speaks the truth.

    1. 2160John,
                    Rants do not deserve a response since they are mere ramblings.  

      1.  Avatar

        It takes a real man to respond to my comments because not only are they right, they hit you spot on and stripped you naked. Go on, cut your losses and dismiss the truth.

        1.  Avatar

          I like being naked … it is a level of freedom we don’t enjoy often enough … especially on a warm beach.
          Lebanon was touted as being the only ‘democratic’ and ‘free’ country of all the Arabic states … the ‘example’ to the world that that such a thing could actually occur … and under HARIRI for a few short years, even if you didn’t like all the aspects of his time in office, the country began rebuilding, became happier generally, and began to put on a new face to the world. It was POSITIVE after too many decades of being seen as a place for practicing urban warfare. The world, of course represented by the UN which you seem to despise, began to look favourably on the place once again. Perhaps the ‘confessional experiment’ could work. ?? WHO didn’t like that? ??  When he was killed – along with others – for desiring Lebanon to be an example to the world, the people managed to express their sorrow-filled opinions in huge numbers, peacefully, and then thought for a while they had successfully ousted the Syrian army-of-occupation.
            But now – what do they AND the world see happening once again?

          The world’s politics, I will agree, DO have an effect on Lebanon. Why should they not? Do we not wish to be part of the world?? With the exception of some countries like Syria the world has progressed to a very large extent for the good of it’s people GENERALLY – and generally those people are happy to have the freedoms particular to democracies – which exist in various forms to be sure – yet which all allow ‘the people’ to determine their own fate in, while hoping the concept of a liberal education advances the existence of humankind.
            This site is not a ‘news’ site – the news is made by others. I saw this as a more liberal one than most ‘blogs’ in this strange ether-net world. And blogs are opinion-oriented, I am sure. I felt Ghassan had a desire to have the discussion-site to see which way the wind blew as much as to ‘propagandize’ as you accuse him of doing. I suppose you are sorry that most on here see no need to discuss those bits of stupidity from ancient history … when trying to look forward to something better .. as I am sure Hariri was attempting to have happen .. because we have seen the history often enough.
            For sure we see the FUTURE history that is unfolding in Lebanon … and it is ugly. If you wish it be so, then keep picking at the little faults of mere men and passions of the past. If you wish something better, as I suspect MOST do, then see the mistakes of history accurately, and correct your thinking to search for a better concept. Post the concept here, not the hate, and you may become happier that you are allowed to participate.
            What is your ‘agenda’ for people in the future? Peace and open thought? Or the slide back into mummification?

    2.  Avatar

      What makes you so 100% on the mark and everyone else is working for Isreal, a spy or an idiot. These comments make you worse than the people you talk about. The problem with all of you is that you support a group and a sect and that will keep you blind and unable to see the truth and the real facts. A judge must be neutral to be able to come up with un biased results.

      I heared  from my friends or a friends, friend who was in the army. Your getting your facts from an army officer, yeh they know a lot LOl.
      If you think this newspaper is one sided why are you still on hear, your smarter than that.     

      1.  Avatar

        Reply to the specific facts I divulged or shut up.

      2.  Avatar

        Reply to the specific facts I divulged or shut up.

        1.  Avatar

          mere ramblings they are your facts not public facts. Read 5th draw dont need to repeat.

      3.  Avatar

        sorry that not true John don’t support anyone if it’s not truth itslef
        you are like 5thdrawer everyone who doesn’t follow you in the selling of your soul to the shaytan is hating
        John show no hate and no passion other than for the truth but anyone who doesn’t tell you follow your belly cause only your belly is right put you in despair ,upset you, and inflame yoour heart putting the fire of hate on you
        calm down people accept that there is people who live for other thing than the belly
        i know that 5th drawer don’t consider himself as an arab and you pseudo master 09 do you consider yourself as an arab?

        1.  Avatar

          Leo I am Lebanese but will never be an Arab. Arabs have been killing each other for how long, they will sell thier mother for a dollar and will live in the 17th century for ever. They treat thier women like dogs, keep them hungry and in fear so they can control them till death. Travel the world who like an Arab WHY THINK HARD ON THIS WHY? I live in a country where I can have dinner with the leader of the country, who stands in line with other people to vote, The Arabs will cut your head of if you spoke about  a leader.
          How is your life in europe nice yes??   I thought sooo 

          1.  Avatar

            i am desesperate a so nice boy like pseudo master who is nothing just parasiting the african (easy to guess)when is pseudo real country is on the verge of a so big change

        2.  Avatar

          No Im working for the so called enamy who ever they are and good money.
          Who is the shaytan tell me who he is.

          I post facts you post your own views how is that rite, all you guys do is get of the subject and say your not rite I am.

          Back up things with facts Instead of saying(      that is not true don’t support anyone if its not true,,,,
          Dude support it with facts facts facts not rants from your one book learning, you are soo blided by those who teach you just like the Arabs who give thier people one and only one book and say this is the truth, get a life and read the truth not just what you want, that is kypocrisy.
          Back your comments by FACTS by qoutes not by my friends heard this or that.
          Look at other points of view and not just yours and devulge and than make a clear comment.
          I am not saying you are always wrong  but most comments you put on here are rants and no facts, Try paste and post that gives facts to back your remarks.
          Good day dude and by the way I am at peace I dont look for trouble and dont care what you or others think. I will be at peace with God and my neighbour.  


          1.  Avatar

            you say facts facts facts but we are waiting to see your facts
            you just put your opinion never facts
            and when we answer you with facts you go on general consideration let this behaviour for your meeting here you can con nobody

      4.  Avatar

        lets look at the european pple who you want to be to the extent that you have given up your roots and perhaps language to be like them…

        most wars in the world in the last century at least have had involvement one of another of european men… most of the european men you are so want to be like, are so eager to leave home and never tuto see their parents again especially their mum, most of the european men you so wanna be like sleep with whomever they like probably from one **** to another with no string attached just like what we call in arabic “al rajol al qadeem’….pre civilisation era [any civilisation] treating of women [in general] like prostitutes and an object of pleasure with no soul or civil rights especially when women get pregnant…they are ready to run away from responsibility…oh yes…they have discovered condoms but they have not discovered a cure for aids yet pitty!…

        if that’s the example you wanna be…then thank God you have disowned your roots an arab it is the honourable thing…to the arabs.

        the equality you have rightly expressed when you can sit down and have lunch with a president or a minister is something correct and undoubtly good….but what’s the use of having lunch with a politician during election time and that same politician is too busy to see you outside election period? what’s the use of having this false equality with a politician when after election period you bring your wife who has hijab on her head [but not niqab it is “illegal”!] wanting to get help from that same politican but not given the same treatment as say your neighbour who is born and bred anglo saxon.

        this false equality you are talking about is just for appearance’s sake because [esp after 9/11] this equality has been shaken.

        what good in a man who disowns his own roots and wants to be like someone who he can never be?
        disowning from own roots is the primary reason that lead to the downfall of our arab nations .
        isn’t it time to go back to our roots and just get rid of this split personality?

        something i have always said: i cannot be fully lebanese/arabic but i am not fully australian/western…i am lost… i choose to go back to my roots and make reform, others choose to disown their roots and be something they are not…they can, but they will live in hate and anger all their lives…

        1.  Avatar

          Dude I think you miss undertood what I am trying to say.
          I don’t want to be like anyone American Australian or Arabs, I have not lost my roots trust me.
          I don’t care what women do or how they treat thier family.
          I have my family who I share my roots with and still eat falafal with.
          I do not follow how other people live and do.
          I never had to change or rethink I am the person I was when I came from Lebanon but I have changed my thinking because you tell me when have the Arabs lived in peace for more than a day from thier own people.
          I teach people about our beautiful culture or amazing hills (( Lebanon )  our tasty food our night life one the most beautiful culture, but  I have changed my Arab thinking, THINKING.

          Lets talk about these ungrateful Arabs you talk about  
           I am talking about the HATE that come out of these people who move to Australia USA and other countries and get looked after like never before, collect the dole cheque not on one name but because they have 4 wives collect four cheques, get free medical, free schools and the freedom to speak  and free accommadation.
          How do they say thank you they don,t like you they talk about how others live women men and culture and can not stand These countries. I have not changed my culture but I am GRATEFUL  They where taken in by these countries because their own governments where KILLING YES KILLING thier families.

          They hate where they live well do something about it and stop collecting from these governments you soo much hate and Go back
          to no money no food lack of free speech live in fear no jobs no electricity or a park where your kids can play.
          I have not lost my culture or my love for my past, But I am thankfull for what this new nation has done for me.
          Thats what I am talking about the ARABS are always ungratefull and they bring and live with HATE you are talking about.

          I visit my country every year or two so I am not lost or carry HATE in my heart I am more clear than what you can dream about.
          But I live and let live I have god in my heart my country in my heart and my culture well  that too,  but I do not JUDGE how other cultures work I respect and if they have evil in them I will not be part of that. You carry the hate by talking about other cultures and blinded about your own personal one.  


          1.  Avatar

            if you really don’t care then you should not have mentioned the misconception of the treatment of arabs to their women….

            i will give you the benefit of the doubt

        2.  Avatar

          Our ‘roots’ … First roots are the parents, second the grandparents; and if one is so  lucky to know them, the great-grandparents (who will be so far removed from your thinking they are curious entities) 😉
            Second is the little house, then street, then neighbourhood you were born in, and the friends you made as you aged.
          Third is the effect of the culture everyone around you programmes into your brain.
            If, in life, you are lucky enough to adventure into the world, you will see that all humans basically are the same … they wish to work, eat, have a roof over their head, find love, make a new family, die happily and peacefully. (The perfect human life.) You may see or live in different cultures, but you will never forget those roots.
           If you move into another ‘culture’ you do not forget … but you may find a need to adjust somewhat. Your children will adjust too, and their children will become more ‘native’ to that culture than you ever expected. But if you have been good parents, and documented the past in the family, the ‘roots’ will never be forgotten – even after several generations.
          The later generations may look at pictures and text and say ‘Wow. Weird.’ And that will be natural too. 🙂
            Culture shock happens to many of the first generation … especially if they have not researched the new one enough before moving into it. And if they have, then they should adapt as best they can. Their children will have fewer problems.
            If you have half a brain, you will attempt to use the best of all the cultures you meet – and be happiest in your own home.
          The rest of us sit around bitching … hahahahahaa

          Good speech master09

    3.  Avatar

      hy John again you are wonderfull but i have two point
      one it’s not the website it’s the people who write on just stay writting that the solution they never censure me
      two Noam Chomsky is a great thinker who have been able to show the achievment of Descartes (dynamisation of the idea of Platon,Nature have all time the same answer to the same how….) but it’s a weak political analist G.W Bush is the greatest politician of the 20 century he free the arab (before the kenyan come to the withe house 35% of the egyptian parliement was for the opposition,no cia in south america (he even dodge the venezuela’s army calls for a coup) and give lot of money to africa 
      you are great in analizing Lebanon even Ghassan have to shut is cobbed propaganda but you follow to much the crowd when it’s international politic

      1.  Avatar

        Wow … Leo … sometimes you come close for sure. 🙂
        Rene Descartes – 16th Century Philosopher … liked the Dutch enough to live there. (More freedom?) Great Mathematician too.
        Je pense, donc je suis; – English: I think, therefore I am; or I am thinking, therefore I exist or I do think, therefore I do exist)
        Sometimes, I think that you think too. Even if a little off-track …. Descartes didn’t need Chomsky fouling him up.

        1.  Avatar

          5thdrawer please don’t act like buffon ,have you ever open a book of philosophy by Chomsky do you understand and even know something about the cartesianisme of chomsky please stay where you are able to be meaningfull
          It’s not french or english (ignorant) it’s latin :cogito ego sum

      2.  Avatar

        Wow … Leo … sometimes you come close for sure. 🙂
        Rene Descartes – 16th Century Philosopher … liked the Dutch enough to live there. (More freedom?) Great Mathematician too.
        Je pense, donc je suis; – English: I think, therefore I am; or I am thinking, therefore I exist or I do think, therefore I do exist)
        Sometimes, I think that you think too. Even if a little off-track …. Descartes didn’t need Chomsky fouling him up.

    4.  Avatar

      but hope you will intervene more often

    5.  You are deluded, John.  This website is an open forum. I like Ya Libnan. I don’t thinkt many Israelis at all post here though there has been one or two….but the net is supposed to be an open  place and and exchange of ideas.

      Heck, the Israelis probably don’t like to post on HaAretz that much b/c it is as good as the newspaper “pravda” was for the soviets under communism.  It doesn’t bare any semblance with reality.  Pretty biased. 

      As far as GOOD International Newpapers : The Washington Post, Wallstret Journal, World Newsnet Daily of joseph Farah and in the Middle East, Israel Hayom.

      Noam Chomsky is an an EXTREMIST idiot and a liar, disproven many times. I know,  I read some of his rubbish when I was studying for my international relations degree.
      I don’t disagree with you 100% but on the whole, yes, I do.  You do attempt to spread misinformation.

      1.  Avatar

        On the spot…. open forum with comments about the subject, not attacks at each other.That is a grown up view and  debate the topics and not your own hates or likes, as most do on this site and what I like most is when people back up with facts with paste and copy it gives everyone a chance to compare and not have one point of the story. .
        Good day Kobi

      2.  Avatar

        Actually, Pravda (Truth) is still way off and slanted in it’s ‘reporting’. 🙂

    6.  Avatar

      he is also a jew

  9. Leborigine Avatar

    Well said Mr 5thJaroor :-). This is the longest comment that i have seen you written.

    Are you sure your not a Zioniestein??! It seems that if we disagree with HA and do not enjoy syrian hegemony of our land, then we are zionistyiens. We can’t just be Lebanese its a sin. So we only have 2 choices, either bend over and let the syrians doughnut punch us or else we are zionists

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Eeewwww …. Both might be considered poor choices, indeed. 😉
        Pardon me while I enjoy coffee from South America or Africa called ‘Arabia-Dark’ – purchased from Al-Halabi or Al-Rifai or anyone I choose, a banana from Honduras, and a Dark Chocolate from Switzerland, while I contemplate what moves on the sand before my eyes … what is good is good. Actually, I am a Hedonist. 🙂

  10.  Avatar

    Well said Mr 5thJaroor :-). This is the longest comment that i have seen you written.

    Are you sure your not a Zioniestein??! It seems that if we disagree with HA and do not enjoy syrian hegemony of our land, then we are zionistyiens. We can’t just be Lebanese its a sin. So we only have 2 choices, either bend over and let the syrians doughnut punch us or else we are zionists

    1.  Avatar

      Eeewwww …. Both might be considered poor choices, indeed. 😉
        Pardon me while I enjoy coffee from South America or Africa called ‘Arabia-Dark’ – purchased from Al-Halabi or Al-Rifai or anyone I choose, a banana from Honduras, and a Dark Chocolate from Switzerland, while I contemplate what moves on the sand before my eyes … what is good is good. Actually, I am a Hedonist. 🙂

  11. antar2011 Avatar

    i wonder what miqati is thinking now?
    but more importantly what is suleiwoman is also thinking?

    are they proud with their achievements this year so far?

    i hope when they put their head on their pillows at night they sleep with clear conscience that they have done a good thing for their country…because no one believes they are doing a good job for their country.

    it’s disappointing such decision and mannerism comes from miqati a billionaire who has visited holy lands asking forgiveness.

    he should have more belief in what he is reading and asking God for..

    Allah yehdeeh, he bought the country to its enemies!

  12.  Avatar

    i wonder what miqati is thinking now?
    but more importantly what is suleiwoman is also thinking?

    are they proud with their achievements this year so far?

    i hope when they put their head on their pillows at night they sleep with clear conscience that they have done a good thing for their country…because no one believes they are doing a good job for their country.

    it’s disappointing such decision and mannerism comes from miqati a billionaire who has visited holy lands asking forgiveness.

    he should have more belief in what he is reading and asking God for..

    Allah yehdeeh, he bought the country to its enemies!

  13. antar2011 Avatar

    @PROPHET T you are right not all shia pple support HA and there was a substantial number of our shia brothers who went down to freedom square in march this year to say no to HA hopefully more of them follow.

    i tend to disagree with you about their silence on the unjust activities of HA…. they are silent because they do not support HA and also do not support M14 movement. they have no one to support because they disagree with both.

    one of the mistakes m14 had made is not to work hard to convince shia pple of their outlook.
    as a m14 supporter and a harriri die hard i know that harriri has never endorsed or allowed anyone use his name in a sectarian way. he has always said lebanon to all and he works for all lebanese not just for the sunnis… his father ra7imahoo Allah is the ideal example of this. but again with any group there are pple with different views in different subjects there are the extremist and the moderest…but harriri never endorsed sectarianism and stressed that with his dealings with lebanese pple….but he needed to make that more obvious to the shia pple because they keep on hearing something else in their areas….

    the mistake m14 had made and saad harriri in particular is not to reach out to shia pple earlier then this year and convince them that he accepts them rather than put them under the umbrella of HA.

    m14 and Harriri actually albeit unintentionnaly has given big service to HA and AMAL….the biggest insult to shia pple is seeing Berri in the parliament when he was replying to the deputy of parliemnt that he gave the ministerial position that was traditionaly shia to a sunni because he thinks it is his god given right to do so… if anything the shia pple should hang him for that.

  14.  Avatar

    @PROPHET T you are right not all shia pple support HA and there was a substantial number of our shia brothers who went down to freedom square in march this year to say no to HA hopefully more of them follow.

    i tend to disagree with you about their silence on the unjust activities of HA…. they are silent because they do not support HA and also do not support M14 movement. they have no one to support because they disagree with both.

    one of the mistakes m14 had made is not to work hard to convince shia pple of their outlook.
    as a m14 supporter and a harriri die hard i know that harriri has never endorsed or allowed anyone use his name in a sectarian way. he has always said lebanon to all and he works for all lebanese not just for the sunnis… his father ra7imahoo Allah is the ideal example of this. but again with any group there are pple with different views in different subjects there are the extremist and the moderest…but harriri never endorsed sectarianism and stressed that with his dealings with lebanese pple….but he needed to make that more obvious to the shia pple because they keep on hearing something else in their areas….

    the mistake m14 had made and saad harriri in particular is not to reach out to shia pple earlier then this year and convince them that he accepts them and do not put them under th eumbrella of HA.

  15. Fauzia45 Avatar

    I agree that this government cannot govern for many reasons!In fact this government was not formed to govern ! It was formed to face the STL !That is their main concern!!

    1. you hit the nail on the head,  qualified based on where they stand on the issue of stl as everything else was and still is secondary.

  16.  Avatar

    I agree that this government cannot govern for many reasons!In fact this government was not formed to govern ! It was formed to face the STL !That is their main concern!!

    1. you hit the nail on the head,  qualified based on where they stand on the issue of stl as everything else was and still is secondary.


    1. PROPHET.T Avatar

      geo metro,
      I have the  utmost  respect for  you, marc, beiruti ( although  we  don’t  always  agree) and  few others  who always  draw  me  back  into  this  forum.
       With the  busy schedule that  most  of  us have to  live  by, this site is a good  outlet for  us to  vent  our  frustrations, and seek hope for our  aspirations and wishes  for  our  country  of  birth.
      It is always our  humanity and  upbringings which   keeps us respectful toward each other and tolerant  of  each  other  views and opinions; while other factors such as  naivety and hate bring  the  worst  out of us. At the  end of the day, we learn  to  ignore  the things  that  aggravate  us, and  go  on  with our  lives. But the most important  thing  is for  us  to  realize  when  we  make a mistake, and try  to  learn  from  it.
      Peace My friend. You make   me  proud of  you as  a brother and as a fellow citizen in  humanity and  nationality.

      1. thanks  a million prophet,  although i am reluctant to devulge this  due to  a pending publication i am working  i feel  a need to share something with you and all others that may be of benefit to  anyone that does not believe my neutral stance and  views of  the civil war.

        with a  little experience with phsycology and profiling and lots of insomnia  i realized that the breakdown is a human one  and not a nationality or so much religion although the two are simply used as a vehicle to  justify and amplify our imperfect dna to feel supperior and to have an object of hate because of our human imperfect traits. now what made me change?

        i went ahead and did the exercise with a lot of thinking  and history reading,,the results as follow.

        plo wins war with israel- plo will split into 2 factions and and kill one another

        christians  win and take over lebanon- they will split into 2 and kill one another again

        israel takes over the world shortly after will split into 2 groups and kill one another

        sunnis take over middle east — shortly after will split into 2 groups and kill one another

        shia take over middle east–shortly after will split into 2 groups and kill one another

        and the same goes for all other races and parties  because they fail to see the core of the problem is a human defect.
         we look for what we dont have in common instead of what we do.

        sample of my  proof: 2 harley davidsons on a busy intersection with a  a hundred cars, the guys on  the harleys wave to one another like they were brothers, now if you are driving a car and wave to one of the bikers he will likely flip you the bird, now same intersection with 100 bikers and no cars and not one of the bikers will make eye contact with another as its a fight waiting to happen unless both bikes are electic blue and both dudes have he same tatoo. i  know its long winded comment but the above is my reasoning why i want nothing to do with any group,color,gang,label that divides but applaude those who reach out and unite.

        1. PROPHET.T Avatar

          It’s one of those instances when One feels at loss for words (typical human defect .lol), where you resort to borrowing a quote from someone to express a thought, just like  using a credit  card to  purchase  something  you  have no money  for,lol 
          Lawrence G. Lovasik nailed it down when He said:
          “The practice of patience toward one another, the overlooking of one another’s defects, and the bearing of one another’s burdens is the most elementary condition of all human and social activity in the family, in the professions, and in society.”

        2. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Like I said before .. too damn many people making more than 2.5 babies. Like rats on this planet, we eat ourselves out of space, create too much pollution, etc. Malthusian Theory … the Planet ‘adjusts’ us. 🙂

        3. @PROPHET  very nice quote!    @5thDrawer:disqus h drawer.Malthusian Theory..so basically we are like lemmings and the biosphere is thinning us out whether through disease or our violent, hateful, war-mentality.  There may be some truth to that.

          However, I think there is nothing wrong in general  with maintinaing population by hainv 2.0 children per couple.   However, there is a problem. It seems the msartest people are having fewer childrena nd the dumber and more violent people are hainvg many any more. This is dangerous and this genetic “dumbing down” was chronicled in the feature fictional film “Idiocracy”.  This is a classic.

          Somehow , it should be reversed.

        4. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Actually, Kobi … the little bugs we can’t see seem to on the winning side of evolution and adapt more easily.

    2. PROPHET.T Avatar

      geo metro,
      I have the  utmost  respect for  you, marc, beiruti ( although  we  don’t  always  agree) and  few others  who always  draw  me  back  into  this  forum.
       With the  busy schedule that  most  of  us have to  live  by, this site is a good  outlet for  us to  vent  our  frustrations, and seek hope for our  aspirations and wishes  for  our  country  of  birth.
      It is always our  humanity and  upbringings which   keeps us respectful toward each other and tolerant  of  each  other  views and opinions; while other factors such as  naivety and hate bring  the  worst  out of us. At the  end of the day, we learn  to  ignore  the things  that  aggravate  us, and  go  on  with our  lives. But the most important  thing  is for  us  to  realize  when  we  make a mistake, and try  to  learn  from  it.
      Peace My friend. You make   me  proud of  you as  a brother and as a fellow citizen in  humanity and  nationality.


    1. PROPHET.T Avatar

      geo metro,
      I have the  utmost  respect for  you, marc, beiruti ( although  we  don’t  always  agree) and  few others  who always  draw  me  back  into  this  forum.
       With the  busy schedule that  most  of  us have to  live  by, this site is a good  outlet for  us to  vent  our  frustrations, and seek hope for our  aspirations and wishes  for  our  country  of  birth.
      It is always our  humanity and  upbringings which   keeps us respectful toward each other and tolerant  of  each  other  views and opinions; while other factors such as  naivety and hate bring  the  worst  out of us. At the  end of the day, we learn  to  ignore  the things  that  aggravate  us, and  go  on  with our  lives. But the most important  thing  is for  us  to  realize  when  we  make a mistake, and try  to  learn  from  it.
      Peace My friend. You make   me  proud of  you as  a brother and as a fellow citizen in  humanity and  nationality.

      1. thanks  a million prophet,  although i am reluctant to devulge this  due to  a pending publication i am working  i feel  a need to share something with you and all others that may be of benefit to  anyone that does not believe my neutral stance and  views of  the civil war.

        with a  little experience with phsycology and profiling and lots of insomnia  i realized that the breakdown is a human one  and not a nationality or so much religion although the two are simply used as a vehicle to  justify and amplify our imperfect dna to feel supperior and to have an object of hate because of our human imperfect traits. now what made me change?

        i went ahead and did the exercise with a lot of thinking  and history reading,,the results as follow.

        plo wins war with israel- plo will split into 2 factions and and kill one another

        christians  win and take over lebanon- they will split into 2 and kill one another again

        israel takes over the world shortly after will split into 2 groups and kill one another

        sunnis take over middle east — shortly after will split into 2 groups and kill one another

        shia take over middle east–shortly after will split into 2 groups and kill one another

        and the same goes for all other races and parties  because they fail to see the core of the problem is a human defect.
         we look for what we dont have in common instead of what we do.

        sample of my  proof: 2 harley davidsons on a busy intersection with a  a hundred cars, the guys on  the harleys wave to one another like they were brothers, now if you are driving a car and wave to one of the bikers he will likely flip you the bird, now same intersection with 100 bikers and no cars and not one of the bikers will make eye contact with another as its a fight waiting to happen unless both bikes are electic blue and both dudes have he same tatoo. i  know its long winded comment but the above is my reasoning why i want nothing to do with any group,color,gang,label that divides but applaude those who reach out and unite.

        1. PROPHET.T Avatar

          It’s one of those instance when One feels at loss for words (typical human defect .lol), where you resort to borrowing a quote from someone to express a thought, just like  using a credit  card to  purchase  something  you  have no money  for,lol 
          Lawrence G. Lovasik nailed it down when He said:
          “The practice of patience toward one another, the overlooking of one another’s defects, and the bearing of one another’s burdens is the most elementary condition of all human and social activity in the family, in the professions, and in society.”

        2.  Avatar

          Like I said before .. too damn many people making more that 2.5 babies. Like rats on this planet, we eat ourselves out of space, create too much pollution, etc. Malthusian Theory … the Planet ‘adjusts’ us. 🙂

        3. @PROPHET  very nice quote!    @5thDrawer:disqus h drawer.Malthusian Theory..so basically we are like lemmings and the biosphere is thinning us out whether through disease or our violent, hateful, war-mentality.  There may be some truth to that.

          However, I think there is nothing wrong in general  with maintinaing population by hainv 2.0 children per couple.   However, there is a problem. It seems the msartest people are having fewer childrena nd the dumber and more violent people are hainvg many any more. This is dangerous and this genetic “dumbing down” was chronicled in the feature fictional film “Idiocracy”.  This is a classic.

          Somehow , it should be reversed.

        4.  Avatar

          Actually, Kobi … the little bugs we can’t see seem to on the winning side of evolution and adapt more easily.

  19. PROPHET.T Avatar

    I’d like to  leave  you an  email. camou222@yahoo.com.

  20. PROPHET.T Avatar

    I’d like to  leave  you an  email. camou222@yahoo.com.

  21. PROPHET.T Avatar

    I’d like to  leave  you an  email. camou222@yahoo.com.

  22. PROPHET.T Avatar

    You highlighted couple of points I had touched on, and you made some valid points there.
    I’m not  sure  what  really  defined M14  outlook  to  begin  with. I don’t believe most  M14  Leaders  knew or even  agreed on  one  to begin  with.
     Shiia who do not  support HA  are  not  necessarily  enemies of  HA, and one of the mistakes M14  made is that  they  didn’t  address the  Shiia public, instead, they tried  to play  on  the differences between HA and Berri on one side, and the  few  corrupt Shiia  who were no  longer close to Amal or HA on the other  side.
     M14 mistakenly thought  that  bringing  in  some  “Dead Feudal  Names” could  counter HA and Amal, forgetting that  both  political movements  thrived   on fighting  those  feudal families. No southerner  wanted to  replace  either movement(HA  OR Aamal)  with  the family  of Amad Al-Assaad or  some  journalist who  had a  good  tongue ,no matter what the excuse  was.
     Bringing  in  few faces who were  former  Amal  officials or  deputies was  not  a smart   idea, considering  the  level of  corruption  some of these people had been  involved  in. Relying  on  few religious  leaders who  owe  their position to  either  HA  OR  Amal was not  a smart  idea  either .In other  word, buying and  paying for people to  bring  Shiia  support did not work, ESPECIALLY  after the  2006  war.
    M14 forgot that  the  greatest majority  of  Shiia ,whether they  like HA or not, admire the  success of the  resistance against  Israel. Another issue M14 failed to deal with correctly was the result of 2006 war. Rightly  or  not, most  Shiia  believed that  this  war  had  already  been  planned  regardless of what  excuse Israel had. The devastation (which  seemed  directed  at  the whole Shiia community)of the war reinforced this view, and this  made it  harder  for non supporters of HA to  swing and support some of the hardcore M14 sentiments. All of these factors played very well in the hands of HA and Amal in consolidating the support of the greatest majority of Shiia. Add to  that, the sectarian  divides which  made  most  people rely  on  the  strongest of their  sects to defend them and  protect their  rights. This happened in all sects unfortunately.

  23. PROPHET.T Avatar

    You highlighted couple of points I had touched on, and you made some valid points there.
    I’m not  sure  what  really  defined M14  outlook  to  begin  with. I don’t believe most  M14  Leaders  knew or even  agreed on  one  to begin  with.
     Shiia who do not  support HA  are  not  necessarily  enemies of  HA, and one of the mistakes M14  made is that  they  didn’t  address the  Shiia public, instead, they tried  to play  on  the differences between HA and Berri on one side, and the  few  corrupt Shiia  who were no  longer close to Amal or HA on the other  side.
     M14 mistakenly thought  that  bringing  in  some  “Dead Feudal  Names” could  counter HA and Amal, forgetting that  both  political movements  thrived   on fighting  those  feudal families. No southerner  wanted to  replace  either movement(HA  OR Aamal)  with  the family  of Amad Al-Assaad or  some  journalist who  had a  good  tongue ,no matter what the excuse  was.
     Bringing  in  few faces who were  former  Amal  officials or  deputies was  not  a smart   idea, considering  the  level of  corruption  some of these people had been  involved  in. Relying  on  few religious  leaders who  owe  their position to  either  HA  OR  Amal was not  a smart  idea  either .In other  word, buying and  paying for people to  bring  Shiia  support did not work, ESPECIALLY  after the  2006  war.
    M14 forgot that  the  greatest majority  of  Shiia ,whether they  like HA or not, admire the  success of the  resistance against  Israel. Another issue M14 failed to deal with correctly was the result of 2006 war. Rightly  or  not, most  Shiia  believed that  this  war  had  already  been  planned  regardless of what  excuse Israel had. The devastation (which  seemed  directed  at  the whole Shiia community)of the war reinforced this view, and this  made it  harder  for non supporters of HA to  swing and support some of the hardcore M14 sentiments. All of these factors played very well in the hands of HA and Amal in consolidating the support of the greatest majority of Shiia. Add to  that, the sectarian  divides which  made  most  people rely  on  the  strongest of their  sects to defend them and  protect their  rights. This happened in all sects unfortunately.

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