Gemayel questions the merit of dialogue talks


Former Lebanese president and current Phalange party leader Amin Gemayel questioned the merit of re-launching the national dialogue sessions when some categorize the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) as a tool of “ruling and vengeance,” according to a statement issued by his press office on Saturday.

He also asked what the use of dialogue is when non-state arms, in reference to Hezbollah’s weapons , are “described as everlasting.”

Addressing an expatriates’ delegation, Gemayel said President Michel Suleiman should form a “party of experts to look into controversial issues and find ways to resolve them.”

Suleiman has been calling for dialogue , but March 14 has been insisting that the only issue that should be discussed is Hezbollah arms, otherwise it will be a waste of time

March 14 MP Butros Harb told Voice of Lebanon:

“The conferees should discuss the issue of Hezbollah’s arms and implement previous agreements reached at the dialogue such as disarmament of Palestinians outside the camps, the demarcation of the border with Syria and the commitment to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.”

“Suleiman can’t launch the dialogue on the same foundations of the previous all-party talks”, he said.



62 responses to “Gemayel questions the merit of dialogue talks”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    This guy sounds better all the time … I’m beginning to hope he runs in the next elections …

    1. PROPHET.T Avatar

      He’s part of the same warlords’ gang that participated in the civil wars. These people should be ashamed to be in public life. A prison cell is where all warlords should be for all the   crimes they committed against Lebanese people. Lebanese should stop worshipping these low lives. You and I know that   we need fresh  start,  reformed political  structure, modern nonsectarian election  law, and new faces  who have  no  history  of  corruption

  2.  Avatar

    This guy sounds better all the time … I’m beginning to hope he runs in the next elections …

    1. PROPHET.T Avatar

      He’s part of the same warlords’ gang that participated in the civil wars. These people should be ashamed to be in public life. A prison cell is where all warlords should be for all the   crimes they committed against Lebanese people. Lebanese should stop worshipping these low lives. You and I know that   we need fresh  start,  reformed political  structure, modern nonsectarian election  law, and new faces  who have  no  history  of  corruption

      1.  Avatar

        Great idea but
        Who do you think should replace these people?
        How do we go about  all the following issues ?   ( we need fresh  start,  reformed political  structure, modern nonsectarian election  law, and new faces  who have  no  history  of  corruption )

        1.  Avatar

          Corruption can often be corrupted … and it will need some ‘old guard’ who can pull voters who never think … so get the ones most amenable to change and helping the people … give a little to get a little.
          At first. Tell them they could be ‘heros’ … and afterward retire normally.

        2. PROPHET.T Avatar

          I may not have  all the  answers you need, but I will attempt to give  you  some  basic  idea on  how  to  go about reforming our political  system as well as our  society.
          A good start would be  to get  rid of the  sectarian and  tribal political  system  which  have  been nothing but a failure since  the  creation  of  the modern  state of Lebanon.
          Second; establishing a modern and fair-non sectarian- electoral law, where every vote counts and where qualified people can run, win, and be accountable to the voters.
          Third, a total separation of religion and politics must be a national demand. Religious institutions have always been an obstacle to social and political reform.
          When every citizen  has  same  responsibilities,  duties, and rights; a national  identity  can be formed  based  on patriotism  instead of religion  or  sects. This will get   rid of the political families who pass on political leadership from fathers to sons, and who always behave like we have a duty to follow them.
          Law and order, when enforced on politicians and officials, as well as the average citizen, can and will eliminate organized corruption.
          A reformed political structure will eventually determine a consensus on many issues as well as the question of who is foe and who is a friend.
          Remember, many of the political issues at the table now, didn’t exist years ago, when the political system, and political culture was deteriorating. Our issues have been with us before the weapons of HA, OR the birth of HA. When The Gemayel family was an ally of Israel, Ha was not around. There was no M8 or M14, but there always has been a rotten political structure as well as corrupt elites running the country.

        3. PROPHET.T Avatar

          I may not have  all the  answers you need, but I will attempt to give  you  some  basic  idea on  how  to  go about reforming our political  system as well as our  society.
          A good start would be  to get  rid of the  sectarian and  tribal political  system  which  have  been nothing but a failure since  the  creation  of  the modern  state of Lebanon.
          Second; establishing a modern and fair-non sectarian- electoral law, where every vote counts and where qualified people can run, win, and be accountable to the voters.
          Third, a total separation of religion and politics must be a national demand. Religious institutions have always been an obstacle to social and political reform.
          When every citizen  has  same  responsibilities,  duties, and rights; a national  identity  can be formed  based  on patriotism  instead of religion  or  sects. This will get   rid of the political families who pass on political leadership from fathers to sons, and who always behave like we have a duty to follow them.
          Law and order, when enforced on politicians and officials, as well as the average citizen, can and will eliminate organized corruption.
          A reformed political structure will eventually determine a consensus on many issues as well as the question of who is foe and who is a friend.
          Remember, many of the political issues at the table now, didn’t exist years ago, when the political system, and political culture was deteriorating. Our issues have been with us before the weapons of HA, OR the birth of HA. When The Gemayel family was an ally of Israel, Ha was not around. There was no M8 or M14, but there always has been a rotten political structure as well as corrupt elites running the country.

        4.  Avatar

          We can hope MANY will listen to the Prophet …

        5.  Avatar

          If the fish stinks from the head, look for an educated (but willing) tail.

        6.  Avatar

          If the fish stinks from the head, look for an educated (but willing) tail.

        7.  Avatar

          If the fish stinks from the head, look for an educated (but willing) tail.

      2.  Avatar

        This is the same or like western politics and 100% agree this is what should happen, but how do we rid the ways.
        What steps can we take to stop children from having a political view, I have seen and heard 10 year old kids talk about politics.
        What steps can we take to rid the secterian part.
        What steps should we take to rid the weapons or at least the big stuff from all groups.

        What I am saying is the ideas are there, but How is the ? do we implament all this.
        how do we put all that into action and come out with a result.

        Don’t misunderstand me I don’t care what relg a president or prime minister or mayor is but how do we rid this when people in power make so much money being in power.


        1.  Avatar

          You could put out a carefully and accurately worded ‘National Referendum’ and ask the people if they want the changes.
          Yes / No
          Run like an election to ensure no ‘voter’ fraud, it would give the base numbers, and perhaps the mandate, needed.
          And a beginning.

        2.  Avatar

          You could put out a carefully and accurately worded ‘National Referendum’ and ask the people if they want the changes.
          Yes / No
          Run like an election to ensure no ‘voter’ fraud, it would give the base numbers, and perhaps the mandate, needed.
          And a beginning.

        3.  Avatar

          You could put out a carefully and accurately worded ‘National Referendum’ and ask the people if they want the changes.
          Yes / No
          Run like an election to ensure no ‘voter’ fraud, it would give the base numbers, and perhaps the mandate, needed.
          And a beginning.

        4. PROPHET.T Avatar

          Societies are not built overnight, nor can be changed through a magic bullet. But the seeds of a modern, civil nonsectarian state need to be put in place, so the next generation would be less poisoned.
          Our issues are the weapons, but  rather  the  fear  of Lebanese of each  other.  Our  issue is the lack of a  national identity that can make all Lebanese  protected .
           Lebanese parties and leaders  have been  busy  destroying the  country  for the past  60  years, I’m willing  to  witness a build  up of a new state for the next  20  years.
          Separation of state and religion is one of the most urgent law we need, in order to stop politicians and political parties   from using, religion and sectarianism to draw support.  
          All secular, successful societies were built by laws and regulations. Law and order teach people. All reforms need   laws, and all laws need to be enforced..
          When we live in the west, we obey laws, but as soon as we visit Lebanon, we stop obeying laws because we know there is no enforcement, nor consequences.
          If  you  study  the  experience of many  of the  new  nations that are made  up  of people  from  different  backgrounds, cultures, and  faiths, and the  way  everyone melted into a new  society with one common  language, Lebanon would be  an  easier  case to deal  with. After all, Lebanese are made up of same race, culture, language, and history.
          There is no need to prevent 10 year olds from talking politics, but there a need to protect them  from  the poison of sectarianism and  hate. There is a need to  teach  kids  to  get involved in politics and public  life  on the bases of social  and political issues instead of loyalty  to the  sect or the religion. There is a need to teach kids not to follow sectarian leaders blindly because they tell him, they intend to defend the sect or the faith.
          Maybe  we need  a movement or a revolution.
           Maybe we need  to stop supporting the current  sectarian leaderships, what ever  it  is,  the last  60  years  have been a failure, and  everyone must understand that the  only  solution is  to  reform the  whole  system so we can reform  the  society.
          I’m not  ready to call for a presidential system with one man one  vote, because of the sensitivity of the  religion issue.  Being a Muslim born myself, I  don’t  mind  keeping that  post to the Christians, since Lebanon is the only  county in the Muslim /Arab world with a Christian president.

        5.  Avatar

          Prophet is right again 🙂  But you don’t a system with a president … there are better systems without one. Look around. LAW – by and for all the the people – and RESPECT for it – is definitely needed.
          Everyone seems to like committees .. put a committee on for ‘change’. Non-sectarian, of course.

        6. PROPHET.T Avatar

          If the sectarian and the religious leaders agree to listen, and give up their monopoly and their power, Lebanon has enough capable people to come up with a new structure of government. We have the means, but we need the will.
          I’m sure there are plenty of cases to be studied and learned from around the world.

      3.  Avatar

        Why is it thats its only the Christian warlords that seem to bother you?

        1.  Avatar

          Well .. he did use the word ‘all’.

        2. PROPHET.T Avatar

          I never specified Christians or Muslim warlords. All warlords are the same. Criminals have no religion, but they do use religion to justify their criminal behavior
          I have been writing about warlords for the past year. All you need to do is go to my profile, and you will be assured that I treat Geagea, Gemayel, Jumblat, Berri Bashir, and the rest   of the criminal warlords the same treatment.

      4.  Avatar

        Funny how you forgot Nasrallah from your list.

        1. PROPHET.T Avatar

          Not defending Nasaralla, but He and his party were not  part of the  civil  war.

      5.  Avatar

        Prophet and 5th draw

        I think you hit the nail on the head, Our polies are too late to fix so maybe a revolution is needed for now but the following would be a great start to change for the better with the following you wrote.

         There is no need to prevent 10 year olds from talking politics, but there a need to protect them  from  the poison of sectarianism and  hate. There is a need to  teach  kids  to  get involved in politics and public  life  on the bases of social  and political issues instead of loyalty  to the  sect or the religion. There is a need to teach kids not to follow sectarian leaders blindly because they tell them, they intend to defend the sect or the faith.

        Change the thinking of our future Lebanon, OUR  children to teach them love for Lebanon and the people no matter what God you follow  and to live in peace with our neighbours and carry the name of Lebanon abroad with pride through…. xample sport and travellers.

        Thanks for your time but I think Muslim or Christian we all love Lebanon the same   

        1.  Avatar

          I think so too …. MUST learn to share. 🙂  Find those orphan children to start. They know how to share with each other.

        2.  Avatar

          Master09 – et al …
            There is a long way to go … when you see these stories …
           A News Item about the International Scout Jamboree In Sweden this year (an international meeting of scouts from over 160 countries) which is a chance for children to see and meet people of the world, and it runs this astounding line which most countries would find embarrassing to put in:
            “Not to be forgotten among the festivities, however, were the complexities of international politics. A delegation of Scouts from Israel will be in attendance at the Jamboree, and as Lebanese law prohibits any form of contact between Lebanese and Israeli citizens, the participants were instructed not to speak with or fraternize with the Israeli Scouts.”

            Considering that parents pay for these things, I think as a parent I would be telling my child to ignore those instructions and enjoy all that a Jamboree has to offer. The child might learn something.

      6.  Avatar

        “The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind.”

        — William James

    2. PROPHET.T Avatar

      He’s part of the same warlords’ gang that participated in the civil wars. These people should be ashamed to be in public life. A prison cell is where all warlords should be for all the   crimes they committed against Lebanese people. Lebanese should stop worshipping these low lives. You and I know that   we need fresh  start,  reformed political  structure, modern nonsectarian election  law, and new faces  who have  no  history  of  corruption

  3. 316909 Avatar

    I say no dialog! Lets wait for the elections next year and see what the people want. as of now they have the majority and use it as an excuse to do what they want but I dont think Mikati, Safadi and some of Jumblats list will be reelected. Also as time passes and assad gets weaker or changes sides to save his regime things will change (either to better or worst). I think the situation in Syria is tied to Lebanon more than Syria. I think it may be used to put pressure on Assad to change his ways with Iran, Hmas, Hizbollah. Just give it time…..

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Well .. I hope you’re praying 😉

    2. dm9076 Avatar

      Likely ha will sabotage the election.

    3. josephphdman Avatar

      316909 you are a wise man i agree with you 90% of the time

  4. 316909 Avatar

    I say no dialog! Lets wait for the elections next year and see what the people want. as of now they have the majority and use it as an excuse to do what they want but I dont think Mikati, Safadi and some of Jumblats list will be reelected. Also as time passes and assad gets weaker or changes sides to save his regime things will change (either to better or worst). I think the situation in Syria is tied to Lebanon more than Syria. I think it may be used to put pressure on Assad to change his ways with Iran, Hmas, Hizbollah. Just give it time…..

  5.  Avatar

    I say no dialog! Lets wait for the elections next year and see what the people want. as of now they have the majority and use it as an excuse to do what they want but I dont think Mikati, Safadi and some of Jumblats list will be reelected. Also as time passes and assad gets weaker or changes sides to save his regime things will change (either to better or worst). I think the situation in Syria is tied to Lebanon more than Syria. I think it may be used to put pressure on Assad to change his ways with Iran, Hmas, Hizbollah. Just give it time…..

    1.  Avatar

      Well .. I hope you’re praying 😉

    2.  Avatar

      Likely ha will sabotage the election.

    3.  Avatar

      316909 you are a wise man i agree with you 90% of the time

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