Hezbollah accuses March 14 of blackmail


Hezbollah deputy Executive Council leader, Sheikh Nabil Qaouq accused the March 14 opposition alliance of exerting international pressure to weaken, blackmail and topple the newly formed government of PM Nagib Mikati calling their action a national sin .

Qaouq said on Sunday that “luring international pressure on the Lebanese cabinet is more than a national sin.”

“It is unfortunate to see that at a time when the cabinet is seeking to confront the Israeli danger, the March 14 forces are luring international pressure to weaken, blackmail and topple the government,” he said and added

“We have blocked the road to American hegemony and we won’t allow it to return.”

He slammed the international community for not being concerned with Lebanon’s sovereignty, wondering why it isn’t defending Lebanon’s right to reclaim the Shebaa farms, Kfarshouba hills and the village of Ghajar from Israel.

The Iranian and Syrian backed brought down PM Saad Hariri’s government on January 12 over the Special Tribunal for Lebanon’s ( STL) indictment which was widely expected to implicate Hezbollah members in the assassination of former PM Rafik Hariri in 2005.

The Special Tribunal for Lebanon issued the indictments in the assassination of Lebanon’s former PM Hariri on June 30. An STL delegation met with Lebanon’s state prosecutor Said Mirza and handed him a copy of the Lebanon portion of the indictment and the arrest warrants. Two of the suspects Mustafa Badreddine and Salim Ayyash are reportedly senior members of the Iranian and Syrian-backed Hezbollah while the other two Hassan Aneissy, also known as Hassan Issa, and Assad Sabra played a supporting role in the execution of the assassination.



41 responses to “Hezbollah accuses March 14 of blackmail”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Hmmmm .. Animal Farm … Seeking truth becomes blackmail.
    One tends to think that UN 1701 – a desire and goal of the international community – has not been fully resolved (Shebaa Farms, etc.) basically because ‘certain people’ keep lobbing rockets in to Israel and saying they want to kill all the Jews in the world.

  2.  Avatar

    Hmmmm .. Animal Farm … Seeking truth becomes blackmail.
    One tends to think that UN 1701 – a desire and goal of the international community – has not been fully resolved (Shebaa Farms, etc.) basically because ‘certain people’ keep lobbing rockets in to Israel and saying they want to kill all the Jews in the world.

  3. 316909 Avatar

    Threaten and weaken? You threaten the entire country and weaken every institution in the country with your weapons that have been used on us a number of times already.

  4.  Avatar

    Threaten and weaken? You threaten the entire country and weaken every institution in the country with your weapons that have been used on us a number of times already.

  5. Patience2 Avatar

    A government which is there through it’s OWN criminal activities!  This man is so full of s**t that when he opens his mouth he stinks.  Reminds me of ‘Ol Potty Mouth’ (Mr. ‘A’, of Lebanon, or maybe France??).

  6.  Avatar

    A government which is there through it’s OWN criminal activities!  This man is so full of s**t that when he opens his mouth he stinks.  Reminds me of ‘Ol Potty Mouth’ (Mr. ‘A’, of Lebanon, or maybe France??).

  7. It takes a man with brass b..ls to accuse the other side of exerting pressure to weaken, blackmail and topple the newly formed( in Syria)
    government, when he and his group just finished toppling the previous government that was elected by the majority of Lebanese.
    What is more discusting is that there are idiots who follow him.

    1. Patience2 Avatar

      This man is no fool, he is following a hardened agenda of disinformation.

  8.  Avatar

    It takes a man with brass b..ls to accuse the other side of exerting pressure to weaken, blackmail and topple the newly formed( in Syria)
    government, when he and his group just finished toppling the previous government that was elected by the majority of Lebanese.
    What is more discusting is that there are idiots who follow him.

    1.  Avatar

      This man is no fool, he is following a hardened agenda of disinformation.

  9. answering Patience2.
    The USA will not do anything to remove Assaad because he is the best partner Israel has in the middle east and what Israel wants the US does. Meanwhile it is blamed on the Russians and Chinese because of their veto power.

    1. 316909 Avatar

      @ex40mm. Assad is not the best partner Israel has. He keeps the golan border quiet but helps fund Hamas and Hezbollah 2 of Israelis biggest threats. Not a very good friend. A better friend would keep the border quiet and not fund & supply your direct enemy. They just need to finish with Libya before focusing on Syria. Slowly as the revolution in Syria grows we see a slight shift in U.S Actions like the visit to Hama by U.S envoy (temp ambassador) ford last week and recent state department statements.

      1. antar2011 Avatar

        Assad IS the best partner Israel has…what do the rockets propelled from south lebanon that destroy a building or perhaps a road sign does? the israelis were happy to have HA fire rockets as long as Assad kept the Golen height’s front quiet. they are certainly NOT happy the Assad regime’s end is nearing even if that meant tolerating HA’s rockets if Assad was kept in power.

        HA are the last ones to talk about sins and betrayals. they are full of it and they know it. it is just a matter of the lebanese pple to wake up and get rid of all the political class it currently has.

  10.  Avatar

    answering Patience2.
    The USA will not do anything to remove Assaad because he is the best partner Israel has in the middle east and what Israel wants the US does. Meanwhile it is blamed on the Russians and Chinese because of their veto power.

    1.  Avatar

      @ex40mm. Assad is not the best partner Israel has. He keeps the golan border quiet but helps fund Hamas and Hezbollah 2 of Israelis biggest threats. Not a very good friend. A better friend would keep the border quiet and not fund & supply your direct enemy. They just need to finish with Libya before focusing on Syria. Slowly as the revolution in Syria grows we see a slight shift in U.S Actions like the visit to Hama by U.S envoy (temp ambassador) ford last week and recent state department statements.

      1.  Avatar

        Assad IS the best partner Israel has…what do the rockets propelled from south lebanon that destroy a building or perhaps a road sign does? the israelis were happy to have HA fire rockets as long as the Golen heights wre quiet. they are certainly NOT happy the Assad regime’s end is nearing.

        HA are the last ones to talk about sins and betrayals. they are full of it and they know it. it is just a matter of the lebanese pple to wake up and get rid of all the political class it currently has.

  11. master09 Avatar

    Here we go again , you mention Isreal to sound like you guys are our heroes our freedom fighters.
    Running out of shit to talk about. 

    1. plomca Avatar

      Actually I also talked about economics. If you really think you can follow the examples with Tehran and Damascus for their policies, you must be watching only Al Manar. Have you tried to apply for any jobs in Iran or Syria lately?

      I am not saying it is not any better now – but it will get worse, especially if key allies will withdraw support to Beirut, if a  Iranian government runs Beirut. I would not want my tax dollars from my country to continue supporting a Hezbollah run government. Why I should I? Get your money from Iran instead!

      You think Iranian people want to? I bet you if a referendum took place in Iran today, the majority of them would not support using their tax dollars to prop up the Hezbollah government? But we all know the thugs of Iran are also in control there.

      Trust me, it will be many failed policies, besides foreign policy. Israel is just a neighbor, that has to put up with your shit with Hezbollah, the so call Resistance. Come on, you must be running out crap to talk about Resistance all the time. You think they are your freedom fighters!

      1. master09 Avatar

        I think you miss understand what I say.
        I do not support any group but I am against an action.
        Ha is Lebanons enemy they are using the land to change the ME and as long as this is a threat to Isreal ,Lebanon will live in the dark.
        As long as they are talking this up Lebanon will be a failed state and Isreal will be on guard and will stay in Lebanon land.
        Lebanon was a friend to the Jews but as soon as plo and others came to our land we can not live in peace.
        This group HA and its voices is nothing more than a gang and the least a resistance.
        May Lebanon the true Lebanon come out of this stronger for the people to live, work and play as ONE.
        As long as we have this group work for Iran and not the Lebanese we are in trouble.
        peace for Lebanon.   

        1. plomca Avatar

          Master09 – I agree most of your points – I think we are on the same page – Hezbollah is the enemy. I’m not Jewish, but I really believe Israel no longer wants to occupy any parts of Lebanon. They will do so, if Hezbollah inflicts harm to Israel, until the problem in no longer and return to Israel.

          But if Israel does in any way occupy Lebanon for their own interests, trust me, I will be protesting along with you and all Lebanese. And I know the rest of the world will support Lebanon also.

          And I believe in this – let Lebanon deal with Hezbollah. It might be long painful process in doing so. Israel does not need to resolve Lebanon’s problems. Lebanon needs to do that themselves. I just hope they have the will to do so!

  12.  Avatar

    Here we go again , you mention Isreal to sound like you guys are our heroes our freedom fighters.
    Running out of shit to talk about. 

    1.  Avatar

      Actually I also talked about economics. If you really think you can follow the examples with Tehran and Damascus for their policies, you must be watching only Al Manar. Have you tried to apply for any jobs in Iran or Syria lately?

      I am not saying it is not any better now – but it will get worse, especially if key allies will withdraw support to Beirut, if a  Iranian government runs Beirut. I would not want my tax dollars from my country to continue supporting a Hezbollah run government. Why I should I? Get your money from Iran instead!

      You think Iranian people want to? I bet you if a referendum took place in Iran today, the majority of them would not support using their tax dollars to prop up the Hezbollah government? But we all know the thugs of Iran are also in control there.

      Trust me, it will be many failed policies, besides foreign policy. Israel is just a neighbor, that has to put up with your shit with Hezbollah, the so call Resistance. Come on, you must be running out crap to talk about Resistance all the time. You think they are your freedom fighters!

      1.  Avatar

        I think you miss understand what I say.
        I do not support any group but I am against an action.
        Ha is Lebanons enemy they are using the land to change the ME and as long as this is a threat to Isreal ,Lebanon will live in the dark.
        As long as they are talking this up Lebanon will be a failed state and Isreal will be on guard and will stay in Lebanon land.
        Lebanon was a friend to the Jews but as soon as plo and others came to our land we can not live in peace.
        This group HA and its voices is nothing more than a gang and the least a resistance.
        May Lebanon the true Lebanon come out of this stronger for the people to live, work and play as ONE.
        As long as we have this group work for Iran and not the Lebanese we are in trouble.
        peace for Lebanon.   

        1.  Avatar

          Master09 – I agree most of your points – I think we are on the same page – Hezbollah is the enemy. I’m not Jewish, but I really believe Israel no longer wants to occupy any parts of Lebanon. They will do so, if Hezbollah inflicts harm to Israel, until the problem in no longer and return to Israel.

          But if Israel does in any way occupy Lebanon for their own interests, trust me, I will be protesting along with you and all Lebanese. And I know the rest of the world will support Lebanon also.

          And I believe in this – let Lebanon deal with Hezbollah. It might be long painful process in doing so. Israel does not need to resolve Lebanon’s problems. Lebanon needs to do that themselves. I just hope they have the will to do so!

  13. plomca Avatar

    I cannot wait for the next election to take place, to show the current government that the majority of the Lebanese will not stand behind March 9th. But instead, through their support behind the March 14th group.

    If not, Lebanon will suffer terribly under these Iranian/Syrian coalition March 9th group. With failed policies, especially economic policies and also, most especially, foreign policy with their neighbor to the south – Israel. The longer March 9th controls most important government portfolios at the hands of Hezbollah, I can bet you the next war with Israel will be nothing in comparison to one that took place in 2006. It will be more bloodier, with Lebanon suffering the most. Israel will not tolerate a rogue state on it’s borders, especially a Iranian controlled government in Beirut.

    March 14th – stay true and strong for Lebanon. Don’t give up!

  14.  Avatar

    I cannot wait for the next election to take place, to show the current government that the majority of the Lebanese will not stand behind March 9th. But instead, through their support behind the March 14th group.

    If not, Lebanon will suffer terribly under these Iranian/Syrian coalition March 9th group. With failed policies, especially economic policies and also, most especially, foreign policy with their neighbor to the south – Israel. The longer March 9th controls most important government portfolios at the hands of Hezbollah, I can bet you the next war with Israel will be nothing in comparison to one that took place in 2006. It will be more bloodier, with Lebanon suffering the most. Israel will not tolerate a rogue state on it’s borders, especially a Iranian controlled government in Beirut.

    March 14th – stay true and strong for Lebanon. Don’t give up!

  15.  Avatar

    I cannot wait for the next election to take place, to show the current government that the majority of the Lebanese will not stand behind March 9th. But instead, through their support behind the March 14th group.

    If not, Lebanon will suffer terribly under these Iranian/Syrian coalition March 9th group. With failed policies, especially economic policies and also, most especially, foreign policy with their neighbor to the south – Israel. The longer March 9th controls most important government portfolios at the hands of Hezbollah, I can bet you the next war with Israel will be nothing in comparison to one that took place in 2006. It will be more bloodier, with Lebanon suffering the most. Israel will not tolerate a rogue state on it’s borders, especially a Iranian controlled government in Beirut.

    March 14th – stay true and strong for Lebanon. Don’t give up!

  16. this man coming up with a word call sin does he know what does it mean the sin was when they attacked the residents of beirut with there stupid arms the one the always said it against israel is sin to keep seeing some ugly faces every day on the news the shebaa farm residents don;t want the lebanese government as shebaa is looking much better then down town its sin to keep lebanon like a farm house anyone can come and have a pie in it its a big sin to see your ugly face and beard all the time lets hope you will make the same mistake twice and let israel this time wipe the smile of your faces you sinners traitors killers of lebanon and the lebanese 

  17. this man coming up with a word call sin does he know what does it mean the sin was when they attacked the residents of beirut with there stupid arms the one the always said it against israel is sin to keep seeing some ugly faces every day on the news the shebaa farm residents don;t want the lebanese government as shebaa is looking much better then down town its sin to keep lebanon like a farm house anyone can come and have a pie in it its a big sin to see your ugly face and beard all the time lets hope you will make the same mistake twice and let israel this time wipe the smile of your faces you sinners traitors killers of lebanon and the lebanese 

  18. this man coming up with a word call sin does he know what does it mean the sin was when they attacked the residents of beirut with there stupid arms the one the always said it against israel is sin to keep seeing some ugly faces every day on the news the shebaa farm residents don;t want the lebanese government as shebaa is looking much better then down town its sin to keep lebanon like a farm house anyone can come and have a pie in it its a big sin to see your ugly face and beard all the time lets hope you will make the same mistake twice and let israel this time wipe the smile of your faces you sinners traitors killers of lebanon and the lebanese 

  19. 5thDrawer Avatar

    See the documentary film: “Getting Away With Murder”

    1. plomca Avatar

      If you want to see this documentary, here is the link on YouTube:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Szv9D2ymfPY

  20.  Avatar

    See the documentary film: “Getting Away With Murder”

  21.  Avatar

    See the documentary film: “Getting Away With Murder”

  22. dm9076 Avatar

    Bunch of squatters; you had over 20 years to demonstrate and win your claimed war, instead you simply justify your squatting proposal.

  23.  Avatar

    Bunch of squatters; you had over 20 years to demonstrate and win your claimed war, instead you simply justify your squatting proposal.

  24. antar2011 Avatar

    i find it discusting to see him wearing a religious garb while saying evil words that reflect the sins pple like him keep accumulating. 

  25.  Avatar

    i find it discusting to see him wearing a religious garb while saying evil words that reflect the sins pple like him keep accumulating. 

  26. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Doesn’t want to see any international ‘recognition’ of his own little fief.

  27. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Doesn’t want to see any international ‘recognition’ of his own little fief.

  28.  Avatar

    Doesn’t want to see any international ‘recognition’ of his own little fief.

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