Arslan’s resignation accepted


Al Jamhouriah newspaper has revealed that intensive discussions took place during the past 24 hours between PM Najib Mikati, president Suleiman and Minister Talal Arslan who resigned his ministerial post on Monday.

Following the discussions Arslan’s resignation was accepted on condition that he will name another member of the Lebanese Democratic Party within 48 hours to take over his ministerial seat

Arslan resigned from the newly-formed cabinet shortly following the announcement of its formation on Monday after he found out that he was not assigned a key cabinet portfolio .

Arslan announced his resignation during a press conference and accused PM Nagib Mikati of lying and causing a rift between him , MP Walid Jumblatt and MP Michel Aoun.

He said “I cannot sit next to a man like Mikati in the same cabinet ”

He said “Mikati lied to all the Lebanese and caused rifts between many people , he thinks he is the smartest and this is something we cannot accept”. He added :” I have lost all confidence in Mikati and his abilities to seriously run the country”.

Arslan was always insisting on being allocated a ministerial portfolio , but instead he was assigned a ministry of state . He accused Mikati of discriminating against the Druze community.

Ministries of state are usually used as a filler to complete the lineup.



11 responses to “Arslan’s resignation accepted”

  1. kamille1 Avatar

    who cares

  2.  Avatar

    who cares

  3. Blame it on the chameleon! His your boss!

  4. Blame it on the chameleon! His your boss!

  5. Blame it on the chameleon! His your boss!

  6. lebster Avatar

    Freaking cry baby…getting a ministerial post as a freebee and whining about it. I guess the theft margin for that position was too low..Go see how the regular Lebanese are coping with $600 a month.

  7.  Avatar

    Freaking cry baby…getting a ministerial post as a freebee and whining about it. I guess the theft margin for that position was too low..Go see how the regular Lebanese are coping with $600 a month.

  8. what a disgrace to humanity…this guy should be imprisoned for his acts

  9. what a disgrace to humanity…this guy should be imprisoned for his acts

  10. what a disgrace to humanity…this guy should be imprisoned for his acts

  11. what a disgrace to humanity…this guy should be imprisoned for his acts

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