Finally Lebanon has a cabinet


Secretary general of the Government , Suheil al-Bouji, announced at Baabda palace the formation of the cabinet which is headed by Prime Minister-designate Najib Mikati

The decree number is 5818 and the names of the cabinet ministers as follows:

Prime minister : Nagib Mikati – Sunni **

Samir Moqbel Deputy Prime Minister, Orthodox

Talal Arslan, Minister of State, Druze #

Nicolas Fattoush Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs, Catholic ##

Ghazi Aridi Minister of public works and transport, Druze***

Ali Qansou Minister of State, Shiite ###

Ali Hassan Khalil, Minister of Public Health, Shiite*****

Mohammad Safadi Minister of Finance , Sunni **

Mohammed Fneish, Minister of State for Administrative Development Affairs, Shiite******

Wael Abu Faour, Minister of Social Affairs , Druze ***

Gebran Basil Minister of Energy, Maronite ****

Hussein Hajj Hassan Minister of agriculture, Shiite ******

Charbel Nahas, Minister of Labour, Catholic ****

Fadi Abboud, Minister of Tourism, Maronite ****

Salim Karam, Minister of State, Maronite **** Marada Movement

Aladdin Terru ,Minister of Displaced, Sunni ***

Ahmad Karami Minister of State, Sunni **

Nazem Khoury, Minister of Environment, Maronite *

Fayez Ghosn, Minister of National Defence, Orthodox**** Marada Movement

Chakib Qurtbawi Minister of Justice, Maronite ****

Adnan Mansour, Minister of Foreign Affairs , Shiite *****

Nicola Nahhas Minister of Economy and Trade, Orthodox ****

Marwan Charbel, Minister of Interior and Municipalities, Maronite *

Freije Sabounjian Minister of Industry, Armenian**** Tashnaq

Walid Daouk , Minister of information, Sunni **

Panos Malajian , Minister of State, Armenian **** Tashnaq

Hassan Diab Minister of Education, Sunni **

Gaby Layyoun Minister of Culture, Orthodox ****

Nicola Sahnawi Minister of Telecom, Catholic ****

Faisal Karami Minister of Youth and Sports. Sunni ******

Following announcement of the cabinet , Mikati said: We remain committed to the constitution, liberation of occupied Lebanese territory, and calm dialogue to settle disputes among Lebanese and to the Taef accord

Don’t judge us by the names , judge us by our actions . “He added this cabinet could not have seen the light if it wasn’t for the sacrifices of Speaker Berri ”

Earlier today President Michel Suleiman, Prime Minister-designate Najib Mikati and Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri held talks at Baabda Palace Monday to discuss the 30-member Cabinet lineup that was presented by the PM designate

Bouji, arrived at the Presidential Palace following the tripartite meeting . Tradition has it that the secretary general reads the decrees announcing the appointment of the government.

Berri left Baabda Palace without making any statement, but sources said he had reservations on the lineup, namely the sixth Sunni seat, the third Druze seat and the sixth Maronite seat.

The Iranian and Syrian -backed Hezbollah brought down PM Saad Hariri’s government on January 12 over the Special Tribunal for Lebanon’s (STL) imminent indictment which is widely expected to implicate Hezbollah members in the assassination of former PM Rafik Hariri in 2005

Mikati was appointed in January as the PM designate with the backing of the Hezbollah March 8 alliance and MPs Walid Jumblatt and Mohammad Safadi . March 14 leaders have repeatedly said that intimidation from Hezbollah’s weapons helped secure the parliamentary majority for Mikati’s nomination.

Jumblatt and his PSP parliament members reportedly switched allegiance to Hezbollah’s PM candidate, following threats by Hezbollah.

Jumblatt, Mikati and Safadi were all elected on March 14 electoral tickets during the 2009 parliamentary elections.

Update: This cabinet has 7 Sunni ministers and 5 Shiite ministers for the first time since Taef accord. This according to observers was the result of insistence by Hezbollah to include Faisal Karami , son of former PM Omar Karami in the cabinet despite Mikati’s objections who is also represented by another Karami ( Ahmad)

Update : Allocation

* President Suleiman’s share

** PM Nagib Mikati’s share

*** MP Jumblatt’s share

**** MP Michel Aoun’s share

***** Speaker Berri’s share

****** Hezbollah’s share

# Lebanese democratic party

## Independent

### Syrian Social Nationalist Party



32 responses to “Finally Lebanon has a cabinet”

  1. eblashko Avatar

    Congratulations Lebanon!

  2.  Avatar

    Congratulations Lebanon!

  3.  Avatar

    Congratulations Lebanon!

  4. VeryLost Avatar

    is this a propper government, or like all previous ones? 

    1. Crossed Avatar

      Only time will tell my friend.

    2. Crossed Avatar

      Only time will tell my friend.

    3. Elinjaim Avatar

      It is same image of the Lebanese. One will say yes and without any brain analysis, the other says no.  Go figure!

    4. Elinjaim Avatar

      It is same image of the Lebanese. One will say yes and without any brain analysis, the other says no.  Go figure!

  5.  Avatar

    is this a propper government, or like all previous ones? 

    1.  Avatar

      Only time will tell my friend.

    2.  Avatar

      It is same image of the Lebanese. One will say yes and without any brain analysis, the other says no.  Go figure!

  6. Sebouh80 Avatar

    Ya ani hal govevernment.  What a bunch of losers.

  7. Sebouh80 Avatar

    Ya ani hal govevernment.  What a bunch of losers.

  8.  Avatar

    Ya ani hal govevernment.  What a bunch of losers.

  9. libnan1 Avatar

     All these names don’t make any difference. Aoun and Nassrallah are the only relevant names. This Dikati guy is a follower not a leader.

    1. Elinjaim Avatar

      “Aoun and Nassrallah are the only relevant names. This (Dikati) guy is a follower not a leader” Disrespectfully you said
      libnan1. We hope and pray that your bosses Aoun and Nasrallah will not lead us to where they came from, THE HELL.

      1. libnan1 Avatar

        Give them a chance and then we’ll judge them.

    2. Elinjaim Avatar

      “Aoun and Nassrallah are the only relevant names. This (Dikati) guy is a follower not a leader” Disrespectfully you said
      libnan1. We hope and pray that your bosses Aoun and Nasrallah will not lead us to where they came from, THE HELL.

  10.  Avatar

     All these names don’t make any difference. Aoun and Nassrallah are the only relevant names. This Dikati guy is a follower not a leader.

    1.  Avatar

      “Aoun and Nassrallah are the only relevant names. This (Dikati) guy is a follower not a leader” Disrespectfully you said
      libnan1. We hope and pray that your bosses Aoun and Nasrallah will not lead us to where they came from, THE HELL.

      1.  Avatar

        Give them a chance and then we’ll judge them.

  11. Crossed Avatar

    Congratulations to all those named. Hopefully the new majority will address the issues all Lebanese are facing, and help our pearl in the East reclaim its glory. I hope dismissing the STL for a Lebanese inquiry, water resource development, transportaion solutions, and job creations are near the top of the agenda!

    1. The STL is happening,there is no dismissal…Expect the warrants in the next 30 days..

  12.  Avatar

    Congratulations to all those named. Hopefully the new majority will address the issues all Lebanese are facing, and help our pearl in the East reclaim its glory. I hope dismissing the STL for a Lebanese inquiry, water resource development, transportaion solutions, and job creations are near the top of the agenda!

    1. The STL is happening,there is no dismissal…Expect the warrants in the next 30 days..

  13. antar2011 Avatar

    commiserations lebanon….hizbollah/the butcher next door controled govt has just been born..

    as a tripolian, the sunnis in theis govt have proven themselves as syrian dogs…some are theives while others have blood on their hands. they do not give anyone from tripoli in particular and the broader lebanese in genral any honour.

    the fact that they are saying since taef accord there hasn’t been as many sunnis which meant to silence the sunnis just emphasises the dishonour of these sunni syrian dogs to the pple of tripoli and lebanon….3ayb 3alehom, it is an insult to think that these money grabbing power hungry Assad worshipers actually represent the sunnis in lebanon.  w 3ambimanenouna kamaan.

    yet…there is only one thing to say to the new opposition…. if you weren’t hopeless at politics things have not reached to this phase…

    ALLAH yer7am lebnaan….daa3.

  14.  Avatar

    commiserations lebanon….hizbollah/the butcher next door controled govt has just been born..

    as a tripolian, the sunnis in theis govt have proven themselves as syrian dogs…some are theives while others have blood on their hands. they do not give anyone from tripoli in particular and the broader lebanese in genral any honour.

    the fact that they are saying since taef accord there hasn’t been as many sunnis which meant to silence the sunnis just emphasises the dishonour of these sunni syrian dogs to the pple of tripoli and lebanon….3ayb 3alehom, it is an insult to think that these money grabbing power hungry Assad worshipers actually represent the sunnis in lebanon.  w 3ambimanenouna kamaan.

    yet…there is only one thing to say to the new opposition…. if you weren’t hopeless at politics things have not reached to this phase…

    ALLAH yer7am lebnaan….daa3.

  15. kareemthehippy Avatar

    Hopeless.  The same old people on there as usual.  None of these people really care..same old shit

  16.  Avatar

    Hopeless.  The same old people on there as usual.  None of these people really care..same old shit

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