Lebanon president opposed to confrontational cabinet, Al Mustaqbal


Baabda sources have informed al Mustaqbal newspaper that president Michel Suleiman is approaching the issue of government formation on the following basis:

1- The importance of not forming a confrontational cabinet, or a one color cabinet

2- Wants to keep the ministries of interior and defense away from politicization due to the domestic and international negative implications.

The sources said the discussions on Thursday between the president and PM designate Nagib Mikati revolved around these two conditions in addition to the respect of the spirit of the constitution and the Doha accord. The president implied that he does not want to be an obstacle against the government formation. An agreement on the above basis has already been reached on the ministry of interior and discussions are ongoing on allocating another Maronite minister for the president .

The sources have also revealed that Mikati did not carry with him on Friday a draft cabinet lineup but he put the president in the picture on some suggested names for some of the portfolios noting that the final lineup will still require further consultations.

The Iranian and Syrian backed Hezbollah brought down PM Saad Hariri’s government on January 12 over the Special Tribunal for Lebanon’s (STL) imminent indictment which is widely expected to implicate Hezbollah members in the assassination of former PM Rafik Hariri in 2005.

Lebanon has been run by a caretaker government since last January. Mikati was appointed in January as the PM designate with the backing of the Hezbollah led-March 8 alliance, MPs Jumblatt and Mohammad Safadi . March 14 leaders have repeatedly said that intimidation from Hezbollah’s weapons helped secure the parliamentary majority for Mikati’s nomination.

A dispute over the Interior Ministry portfolio between President Michel Suleiman and MP Michel Aoun was blamed for the delay in the formation of a new cabinet headed by Mikati.

According to analysts Hezbollah is hiding behind Aoun’s demands for the ministries of Interior , Communications and justice in order to have full control of Lebanon’s security when STL indictments are issued and made public.

During his last speech Hezbollah chief hinted that he will be cooperating over the cabinet formation

According to a report by al Hayat newspaper a recent meeting between Saudi and Syrian representatives may have paved the way for the formation of the cabinet.



2 responses to “Lebanon president opposed to confrontational cabinet, Al Mustaqbal”

  1. Elinjaim Avatar

    The President is absolutely right. The ministries of Interior and Defense should be kept away from politicians,
    especially away from those who are strictly under regional power influence. Several International personalities
    praised Mr. Baroud for his handling of the national election and nonbias standing. Mr. Al-Murr is independent.
    Unfortunately the rest of the national unity ministers were and still are taking sides with Syria, Iran and Saudi Arabia
    not with Lebanon. The best solution is forming a cabinet of Lebanese intellectuals that aren’t with March 14 or 8 sects
    to run Lebanon professionally until the upcomming election. I wish that the president still has the power to desolve the
    Parliament and call for early election. The present political landscape and election law are terrible and a new election
    law should be prepared before the election. Otherwise will see same politicians returning to the parliament. I think the
    best solution is electing 20 Senators, ten by Christian voters and ten by Muslim/Druze voters to deal with issues such
    as International Treaties, Defence Strategy, confirming the appointments of Class A government employees and nutral
    policy of Lebanon. Then create 100 single electorial districts and anyone from any religion can run for any district based
    on platform not ethnic affiliation. Limiting the serving term of the Senate and Parliament to 8 years is a must. Then
    electing a president and a vice president to head the executive branch with full authorities directly by the people.
    any Lebanese can run for this position on a work platform not ethnic affiliation, but I don’t see any problem with a
    Maronite president to satisfy the Patriarch.

  2.  Avatar

    The President is absolutely right. The ministries of Interior and Defense should be kept away from politicians,
    especially away from those who are strictly under regional power influence. Several International personalities
    praised Mr. Baroud for his handling of the national election and nonbias standing. Mr. Al-Murr is independent.
    Unfortunately the rest of the national unity ministers were and still are taking sides with Syria, Iran and Saudi Arabia
    not with Lebanon. The best solution is forming a cabinet of Lebanese intellectuals that aren’t with March 14 or 8 sects
    to run Lebanon professionally until the upcomming election. I wish that the president still has the power to desolve the
    Parliament and call for early election. The present political landscape and election law are terrible and a new election
    law should be prepared before the election. Otherwise will see same politicians returning to the parliament. I think the
    best solution is electing 20 Senators, ten by Christian voters and ten by Muslim/Druze voters to deal with issues such
    as International Treaties, Defence Strategy, confirming the appointments of Class A government employees and nutral
    policy of Lebanon. Then create 100 single electorial districts and anyone from any religion can run for any district based
    on platform not ethnic affiliation. Limiting the serving term of the Senate and Parliament to 8 years is a must. Then
    electing a president and a vice president to head the executive branch with full authorities directly by the people.
    any Lebanese can run for this position on a work platform not ethnic affiliation, but I don’t see any problem with a
    Maronite president to satisfy the Patriarch.

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