Kuwaiti MPs call for severing ties with Syria


Al-Jazeera has reported that 25 Kuwaiti MPs , mostly from the opposition have demanded the expulsion of the Syrian ambassador to Kuwait and the severing of diplomatic ties with Damascus.

Major General Bassam Abdel Majeed ( pictured) is the current Syrian ambassador to Kuwait. He also served as the interior minister of Syria between 2006 and 2009.

The 25 MPs represent 50 % of the Kuwaiti parliament membership.

The 25 MPs, denounced the “massacre” in Syria where the regime has repressed “peaceful demonstrations of the Syrian people defending their legitimate rights to liberty and justice,”

“We will take further steps to support the resisting people [of Syria] and we will work on isolating this regime internationally,” Kuwaiti MP Walid al-Tabtabaie told reporters on Tuesday.

The Kuwait MPs action came after Syria denied entry to a Kuwaiti humanitarian aid convoy sent to Syria’s southern city of Daraa, the flashpoint of the uprising against the Syrian regime



59 responses to “Kuwaiti MPs call for severing ties with Syria”

  1. Hannibal Avatar

     Good for Kuwait… Now Lebanon el-7urria well karaama do the same and send the Syrian ambassador packing… They do not respect our sovereignty anyways. Listen to him making fun of our independence: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHiAoMTG8-0

    1. In_a_Mosh Avatar

      I just saw this clip on you tube it made me cringe. this bastard is proper taking the p155. 

      1. Hannibal and Metalking,

        It would be nice to see the same passion you guys have against Syria and its leadership,

        be followed against the Bahranian leadership,or should I takee a page out of Hannibals

        book and say you guys dnt give a rats asss about Shia blood…not one word,not one article,

        not one comment for the what the Bahranians are going through…Good Day to both of u

        1. In_a_Mosh Avatar

          michael, you’re wrong buddy. I was very critical of bahrain’s deeds against shias as they are the majority in that country.  
          I’m a londoner of lebanese origin, I have syrian friends here in the uk who have told me first hand about the atrocities going on in syria. one of my friends has had two cousins killed so far, neither of whom was armed.

          I’m a man of principals michael, and even if my own family go against my principals, then I’ll be critical.

        2. Hannibal Avatar

          Yup Michael I say the same and I mentioned BRING ALL DICTATORS DOWN (That meant the dictatorships of Bahrain, Saudi, and Iran alike).

      2. antar2011 Avatar

        wallah bastard is too nice a word for him.

        f**** ars***h** 

  2. Hannibal Avatar

     Good for Kuwait… Now Lebanon el-7urria well karaama do the same and send the Syrian ambassador packing… They do not respect our sovereignty anyways. Listen to him making fun of our independence: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHiAoMTG8-0

    1. In_a_Mosh Avatar

      I just saw this clip on you tube it made me cringe. this bastard is proper taking the p155. 

      1. Hannibal and Metalking,

        It would be nice to see the same passion you guys have against Syria and its leadership,

        be followed against the Bahranian leadership,or should I takee a page out of Hannibals

        book and say you guys dnt give a rats asss about Shia blood…not one word,not one article,

        not one comment for the what the Bahranians are going through…Good Day to both of u

        1. In_a_Mosh Avatar

          michael, you’re wrong buddy. I was very critical of bahrain’s deeds against shias as they are the majority in that country.  
          I’m a londoner of lebanese origin, I have syrian friends here in the uk who have told me first hand about the atrocities going on in syria. one of my friends has had two cousins killed so far, neither of whom was armed.

          I’m a man of principals michael, and even if my own family go against my principals, then I’ll be critical.

        2. Hannibal Avatar

          Yup Michael I say the same and I mentioned BRING ALL DICTATORS DOWN (That meant the dictatorships of Bahrain, Saudi, and Iran alike).

  3.  Good for Kuwait… Now Lebanon el-7urria well karaama do the same and send the Syrian ambassador packing… They do not respect our sovereignty anyways. Listen to him making fun of our independence: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHiAoMTG8-0

    1.  Avatar

      I just saw this clip on you tube it made me cringe. this bastard is proper taking the p155. 

      1. Hannibal and Metalking,

        It would be nice to see the same passion you guys have against Syria and its leadership,

        be followed against the Bahranian leadership,or should I takee a page out of Hannibals

        book and say you guys dnt give a rats asss about Shia blood…not one word,not one article,

        not one comment for the what the Bahranians are going through…Good Day to both of u

        1.  Avatar

          michael, you’re wrong buddy. I was very critical of bahrain’s deeds against shias as they are the majority in that country.  
          I’m a londoner of lebanese origin, I have syrian friends here in the uk who have told me first hand about the atrocities going on in syria. one of my friends has had two cousins killed so far, neither of whom was armed.

          I’m a man of principals michael, and even if my own family go against my principals, then I’ll be critical.

        2. Yup Michael I say the same and I mentioned BRING ALL DICTATORS DOWN (That meant the dictatorships of Bahrain, Saudi, and Iran alike).

      2. Hannibal and Metalking,

        It would be nice to see the same passion you guys have against Syria and its leadership,

        be followed against the Bahranian leadership,or should I takee a page out of Hannibals

        book and say you guys dnt give a rats asss about Shia blood…not one word,not one article,

        not one comment for the what the Bahranians are going through…Good Day to both of u

      3.  Avatar

        wallah bastard is too nice a word for him.

        f**** ars***h** 

      4.  Avatar

        wallah bastard is too nice a word for him.

        f**** ars***h** 

  4. In_a_Mosh Avatar

    the whole world should follow kuwait’s example on this one. 

    1.  MetalKIng and Hannibal,

      Thank your for your clairification,but all i see on this site is bashing Syria,

      so im glad i got your views on that subject…I also condemn any bloodshed against

      innocent syrians,and would like to see the goverment practice restraint why trying

      restrain order in the country…To me that seems alot easier said than done…

  5. In_a_Mosh Avatar

    the whole world should follow kuwait’s example on this one. 

  6.  Avatar

    the whole world should follow kuwait’s example on this one. 

  7. And wht Kuwait is doing is all politics from those panzy ass bitches….they have a major problem

    with Iran,and Syria is Irans closest ally,so they want to punish Syria for siding with Iran,and ofcourse

    they wanna bring down the alawaite power,god forbid they take a stand against bahrain,but that would

    mean going against there sunnie brotheres…can u guys not see whats going on here..please tell me

    ur not that blind…. 

    1. Avnerouchlemanouch Avatar

       You are the one that is blind,any ways they have destroyed their own regimes by themselves..and it is so predictable ,just look at Syria ,you are the one that is blind..by the way can you even answer me without insulting even though you do not recognize my  nationality???

    2. Avnerouchlemanouch Avatar

      Last one for you Mike….you will not destroy my beloved homeland either….nor you nor your Hezbokhara or the Waffen SS colonel called Assad and his ‘guide’ aka Hitler from Iran….

  8. And wht Kuwait is doing is all politics from those panzy ass bitches….they have a major problem

    with Iran,and Syria is Irans closest ally,so they want to punish Syria for siding with Iran,and ofcourse

    they wanna bring down the alawaite power,god forbid they take a stand against bahrain,but that would

    mean going against there sunnie brotheres…can u guys not see whats going on here..please tell me

    ur not that blind…. 

    1. Avnerouchlemanouch Avatar

       You are the one that is blind,any ways they have destroyed their own regimes by themselves..and it is so predictable ,just look at Syria ,you are the one that is blind..by the way can you even answer me without insulting even though you do not recognize my  nationality???

  9. And wht Kuwait is doing is all politics from those panzy ass bitches….they have a major problem

    with Iran,and Syria is Irans closest ally,so they want to punish Syria for siding with Iran,and ofcourse

    they wanna bring down the alawaite power,god forbid they take a stand against bahrain,but that would

    mean going against there sunnie brotheres…can u guys not see whats going on here..please tell me

    ur not that blind…. 

    1.  Avatar

       You are the one that is blind,any ways they have destroyed their own regimes by themselves..and it is so predictable ,just look at Syria ,you are the one that is blind..by the way can you even answer me without insulting even though you do not recognize my  nationality???

    2.  Avatar

      Last one for you Mike….you will not destroy my beloved homeland either….nor you nor your Hezbokhara or the Waffen SS colonel called Assad and his ‘guide’ aka Hitler from Iran….

    3.  Avatar

      Last one for you Mike….you will not destroy my beloved homeland either….nor you nor your Hezbokhara or the Waffen SS colonel called Assad and his ‘guide’ aka Hitler from Iran….

  10. And wht Kuwait is doing is all politics from those panzy ass bitches….they have a major problem

    with Iran,and Syria is Irans closest ally,so they want to punish Syria for siding with Iran,and ofcourse

    they wanna bring down the alawaite power,god forbid they take a stand against bahrain,but that would

    mean going against there sunnie brotheres…can u guys not see whats going on here..please tell me

    ur not that blind…. 

  11. Avnerouchlemanouch ,

    Whn you recognize palestinans as humans talk to me…until than i have nothing else to say to u,

    go back to your raping,murdering,and occupying the land you stole…. 

  12. Avnerouchlemanouch ,

    Whn you recognize palestinans as humans talk to me…until than i have nothing else to say to u,

    go back to your raping,murdering,and occupying the land you stole…. 

    1.  Avatar

      Really ,isn’t that what you call lying…..So i will keep on breathing and living while I resist you with everything I have..;what your people did to us in 1948 in the Arab states will not happen again…NEVER AGAIN!!!Talking about humans,i will defend my house lands and families as long as morons like you open up to the idea of negotiations…The Israeli army is the children of the  Jewish resistance against Hitler in Europe ,with all our sad Jewish history we are free in our lands that we bought or already have…I am not afraid of your wars. You have no moral ground…Israel will not be extinct I promise you.

  13.  MetalKIng and Hannibal,

    Thank your for your clairification,but all i see on this site is bashing Syria,

    so im glad i got your views on that subject…I also condemn any bloodshed against

    innocent syrians,and would like to see the goverment practice restraint why trying

    restrain order in the country…To me that seems alot easier said than done…

  14.  MetalKIng and Hannibal,

    Thank your for your clairification,but all i see on this site is bashing Syria,

    so im glad i got your views on that subject…I also condemn any bloodshed against

    innocent syrians,and would like to see the goverment practice restraint why trying

    restrain order in the country…To me that seems alot easier said than done…

  15. Avnerouchlemanouch ,

    One final comment to you,I have very good jewish friends in the state,we discuss religon,and poltics,

    we talk bout what we have in common and what we dont,but i can tell you this sir that almost every

    jewish person i know condems the state of zionesm and is embarrased that they hijacked

    a peaceful religon such as judiasm…..so to answer your question i ackknowldege jews as followers of

    judiasm which i respect as much as christianity and islam,but i cant say i respect one inch of zionism…

    if you condemn what the state of Israel has done since 1948,you and i will be buddy buddys…i promise u that..

    1. Avnerouchlemanouch Avatar

      Hupty dumpty Assad ,had a great fall,all the king’s horses and all the king’s men,couldn’t put Assad together again….that goes for naskhara and all those like you that don’t recognize me as a human.I do recognize all humans as humans…and I also recognize Palestine (west bank -gaza)it is you whom does not recognize me and my rights Israel….

  16. Avnerouchlemanouch ,

    One final comment to you,I have very good jewish friends in the state,we discuss religon,and poltics,

    we talk bout what we have in common and what we dont,but i can tell you this sir that almost every

    jewish person i know condems the state of zionesm and is embarrased that they hijacked

    a peaceful religon such as judiasm…..so to answer your question i ackknowldege jews as followers of

    judiasm which i respect as much as christianity and islam,but i cant say i respect one inch of zionism…

    if you condemn what the state of Israel has done since 1948,you and i will be buddy buddys…i promise u that..

    1. Avnerouchlemanouch Avatar

      Hupty dumpty Assad ,had a great fall,all the king’s horses and all the king’s men,couldn’t put Assad together again….that goes for naskhara and all those like you that don’t recognize me as a human.I do recognize all humans as humans…and I also recognize Palestine (west bank -gaza)it is you whom does not recognize me and my rights Israel….

  17. Avnerouchlemanouch ,

    One final comment to you,I have very good jewish friends in the state,we discuss religon,and poltics,

    we talk bout what we have in common and what we dont,but i can tell you this sir that almost every

    jewish person i know condems the state of zionesm and is embarrased that they hijacked

    a peaceful religon such as judiasm…..so to answer your question i ackknowldege jews as followers of

    judiasm which i respect as much as christianity and islam,but i cant say i respect one inch of zionism…

    if you condemn what the state of Israel has done since 1948,you and i will be buddy buddys…i promise u that..

    1.  Avatar

      Hupty dumpty Assad ,had a great fall,all the king’s horses and all the king’s men,couldn’t put Assad together again….that goes for naskhara and all those like you that don’t recognize me as a human.I do recognize all humans as humans…and I also recognize Palestine (west bank -gaza)it is you whom does not recognize me and my rights Israel….

  18. Avnerouchlemanouch ,

    One final comment to you,I have very good jewish friends in the state,we discuss religon,and poltics,

    we talk bout what we have in common and what we dont,but i can tell you this sir that almost every

    jewish person i know condems the state of zionesm and is embarrased that they hijacked

    a peaceful religon such as judiasm…..so to answer your question i ackknowldege jews as followers of

    judiasm which i respect as much as christianity and islam,but i cant say i respect one inch of zionism…

    if you condemn what the state of Israel has done since 1948,you and i will be buddy buddys…i promise u that..

  19. antar2011 Avatar

    finaly someone from gulf countries with shahaameh!

    my hat goes off to you kuwaiti pple.

    hopefuly you will be an example from other arab countries to follow you. 

  20.  Avatar

    finaly someone from gulf countries with shahaameh!

    my hat goes off to you kuwaiti pple.

    hopefuly you will be an example from other arab countries to follow you. 

  21.  Avatar

    finaly someone from gulf countries with shahaameh!

    my hat goes off to you kuwaiti pple.

    hopefuly you will be an example from other arab countries to follow you. 

  22.  Avatar

    finaly someone from gulf countries with shahaameh!

    my hat goes off to you kuwaiti pple.

    hopefuly you will be an example from other arab countries to follow you. 

  23. antar2011 Avatar

     the fact that some lebanese pple support a regime that behaves similarily like nazis of germany or red army of stalin soviet is unacceptable.

  24.  Avatar

     the fact that some lebanese pple support a regime that behaves similarily like nazis of germany or red army of stalin soviet is unacceptable.

  25.  Avatar

     the fact that some lebanese pple support a regime that behaves similarily like nazis of germany or red army of stalin soviet is unacceptable.

  26.  Avatar

     the fact that some lebanese pple support a regime that behaves similarily like nazis of germany or red army of stalin soviet is unacceptable.

  27. I see ICC crimes against humanity warrants in Assad’s future…

  28. I see ICC crimes against humanity warrants in Assad’s future…

  29. I see ICC crimes against humanity warrants in Assad’s future…

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