Geagea: March 8 wants a confrontational cabinet


During an interview with MTV Monday evening Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea Commented on the reason behind the delay in cabinet formation : “Hezbollah and Syria, which are the main players in the new ( March 8) majority, want a “confrontational ” cabinet that will void the protocols signed with the Special Tribunal for Lebanon and that will be a cover up for Hezbollah arms, while president Michel Suleiman and PM Designate Nagib Mikqati want a cabinet that resembles them and somehow represents the Lebanese situation.”

He added: “Given the status of the defense ministry, they want to get the interior ministry portfolio to enable them to be in full control of the security situation in the country.”

Geagea said “a cabinet of real technocrats is the best solution for Lebanon at this time “adding and “I mean technocrats and none of the familiar figures of the new majority should be in it.”

Asked about MP Walid Jumblatt’s new position after his criticism today of the new majority , Geagea said: I am not so sure he will change his position and return to March 14 alliance because he is keen on not upsetting Syria or Hezbollah

Commenting on the unrest in Syria he said : Where are Syria’s allies in Lebanon? are they for democracy everywhere except for Syria ? He added :” What is happening in Syria is a humanitarian issue and the crackdown cannot go on like this , don’t the Syrian people deserve democracy too?

Commenting on the new bylaws of his party he said : “They will be endorsed within two weeks and after that the party’s base will elect the party’s leader. He said this will be a democratic election and member can run”.



49 responses to “Geagea: March 8 wants a confrontational cabinet”

  1. FadiAbboud Avatar

    Commenting on the unrest in Syria he said : Where are Syria’s allies in Lebanon? are they for democracy everywhere except for Syria ?
    Love it.

    1. UrOtherSide Avatar

      The muslim brotherhood also wants democracy in Syria; So they can take control since they are the biggest organized group there. As a christian from the middle east (Lebanon) I would rather have Mr Bashar’s secular regime. I guess you will not find out that I am right unless Bashar goes down, so I hope you never do find out. But these days for most (like LF) it is not about the grand picture anynmore but it is about winning a small battle. Guys, guys the MB will not be your buddies, you are the infidels.

      1. kamille1 Avatar

        i don’t know where you see the brotherhood in all the pictures that we see coming out of syria. all i see are regular human beings asking peacefuly for their basic rights. as far as the LF, sure they made a lot of mistakes, but how quickly we forget the sacrifice that 1000’s of men made defending not just the christians but all of lebanon long before aoun came in the picture..and just to set the reccord straight, aoun was the one who attacked the lf and wanted to disarm the militias in lebanon like he is trying to do today, right????? if it wasn’t for the lf bkirki will be today in canada or somewhere else in the world.

        1. libnan1 Avatar

          Kamille, Bikirki will always stay in Lebanon. LF did not defend Bikirki, it was the other way around. If and only IF the LF united with the army back then we would not had the Taif accord and have to deal with what we have now. Aoun and HA are trying, they will succeed, to reverse the Taif. Lebanon will never gets its glory back until the so called Taif accord is scratched. Join the Aouni movement and you’ll happy you did. Aoun’s book will clarify all of these issues.

      2. ohliban75 Avatar

        Since you would rather have Mr Bashar’s secular regime instead of a country run by the people for the people,it would be more appropriate for you to crawl up his ass and live there since his wife has left,i’m sure he would love to have someone like you to be the first lady.Who the hec are you to speak in behalf of the Syrian people,

        1. libnan1 Avatar

          Thanks for the reminder ohliban75. Syria is not our enemy anymore, they don’t occupy Lebanon. We should look at them as neighbors and have good mutual relations with them no matter the government.

    2. UrOtherSide Avatar

      The muslim brotherhood also wants democracy in Syria; So they can take control since they are the biggest organized group there. As a christian from the middle east (Lebanon) I would rather have Mr Bashar’s secular regime. I guess you will not find out that I am right unless Bashar goes down, so I hope you never do find out. But these days for most (like LF) it is not about the grand picture anynmore but it is about winning a small battle. Guys, guys the MB will not be your buddies, you are the infidels.

      1. kamille1 Avatar

        i don’t know where you see the brotherhood in all the pictures that we see coming out of syria. all i see are regular human beings asking peacefuly for their basic rights. as far as the LF, sure they made a lot of mistakes, but how quickly we forget the sacrifice that 1000’s of men made defending not just the christians but all of lebanon long before aoun came in the picture..and just to set the reccord straight, aoun was the one who attacked the lf and wanted to disarm the militias in lebanon like he is trying to do today, right????? if it wasn’t for the lf bkirki will be today in canada or somewhere else in the world.

        1. libnan1 Avatar

          Kamille, Bikirki will always stay in Lebanon. LF did not defend Bikirki, it was the other way around. If and only IF the LF united with the army back then we would not had the Taif accord and have to deal with what we have now. Aoun and HA are trying, they will succeed, to reverse the Taif. Lebanon will never gets its glory back until the so called Taif accord is scratched. Join the Aouni movement and you’ll happy you did. Aoun’s book will clarify all of these issues.

      2. ohliban75 Avatar

        Since you would rather have Mr Bashar’s secular regime instead of a country run by the people for the people,it would be more appropriate for you to crawl up his ass and live there since his wife has left,i’m sure he would love to have someone like you to be the first lady.Who the hec are you to speak in behalf of the Syrian people,

  2.  Avatar

    Commenting on the unrest in Syria he said : Where are Syria’s allies in Lebanon? are they for democracy everywhere except for Syria ?
    Love it.

    1.  Avatar

      The muslim brotherhood also wants democracy in Syria; So they can take control since they are the biggest organized group there. As a christian from the middle east (Lebanon) I would rather have Mr Bashar’s secular regime. I guess you will not find out that I am right unless Bashar goes down, so I hope you never do find out. But these days for most (like LF) it is not about the grand picture anynmore but it is about winning a small battle. Guys, guys the MB will not be your buddies, you are the infidels.

      1.  Avatar

        i don’t know where you see the brotherhood in all the pictures that we see coming out of syria. all i see are regular human beings asking peacefuly for their basic rights. as far as the LF, sure they made a lot of mistakes, but how quickly we forget the sacrifice that 1000’s of men made defending not just the christians but all of lebanon long before aoun came in the picture..and just to set the reccord straight, aoun was the one who attacked the lf and wanted to disarm the militias in lebanon like he is trying to do today, right????? if it wasn’t for the lf bkirki will be today in canada or somewhere else in the world.

        1.  Avatar

          Kamille, Bikirki will always stay in Lebanon. LF did not defend Bikirki, it was the other way around. If and only IF the LF united with the army back then we would not had the Taif accord and have to deal with what we have now. Aoun and HA are trying, they will succeed, to reverse the Taif. Lebanon will never gets its glory back until the so called Taif accord is scratched. Join the Aouni movement and you’ll happy you did. Aoun’s book will clarify all of these issues.

      2.  Avatar

        i don’t know where you see the brotherhood in all the pictures that we see coming out of syria. all i see are regular human beings asking peacefuly for their basic rights. as far as the LF, sure they made a lot of mistakes, but how quickly we forget the sacrifice that 1000’s of men made defending not just the christians but all of lebanon long before aoun came in the picture..and just to set the reccord straight, aoun was the one who attacked the lf and wanted to disarm the militias in lebanon like he is trying to do today, right????? if it wasn’t for the lf bkirki will be today in canada or somewhere else in the world.

      3.  Avatar

        Since you would rather have Mr Bashar’s secular regime instead of a country run by the people for the people,it would be more appropriate for you to crawl up his ass and live there since his wife has left,i’m sure he would love to have someone like you to be the first lady.Who the hec are you to speak in behalf of the Syrian people,

        1.  Avatar

          Thanks for the reminder ohliban75. Syria is not our enemy anymore, they don’t occupy Lebanon. We should look at them as neighbors and have good mutual relations with them no matter the government.

  3. libnan1 Avatar

    I think the LF should unite with the Tayar, Mustaqbal unite with HA and elect Aoun as president. Lebanon will prosper.

    1. kamille1 Avatar

      nothing that included aoun’s name has ever prospered, in lebanon or anywhere in the world. anything that guy has touched was destroyed.

      1. UrOtherSide Avatar

        I thought it was LF that was going after destroying the rest of the christian powers in Lebanon. They fought the Ahrar, the Franjieh’s, and Aoun. Talk about destruction.

  4.  Avatar

    I think the LF should unite with the Tayar, Mustaqbal unite with HA and elect Aoun as president. Lebanon will prosper.

    1.  Avatar

      nothing that included aoun’s name has ever prospered, in lebanon or anywhere in the world. anything that guy has touched was destroyed.

      1.  Avatar

        I thought it was LF that was going after destroying the rest of the christian powers in Lebanon. They fought the Ahrar, the Franjieh’s, and Aoun. Talk about destruction.

        1.  Avatar

          Aoun Caused 2/3 Of the Beirut population to run away, made the Syrians occupy Lebanon and massacre people in that cold 1988- 1990 era. Franjieh was a backstabber who allied with Syria. They shouldnt have fought the Ahrar but they have good relations now with them. Even Amal and Hezbollah fought eachother and they are strong allies now.

    2.  Avatar

      nothing that included aoun’s name has ever prospered, in lebanon or anywhere in the world. anything that guy has touched was destroyed.

    3.  Avatar

      Are you drinking arak? 🙂 yeah, in our wildest dreams these guys would become buddies

      1.  Avatar

        Kasak, I’m glad you joined the madness on this site. All Lebanese are united in defense of Lebanon. LF and Aounist were united during the nineties against the occupation !!!! Now Lebanon is not occupied any more, why are the Lebanese divided????Some people get stomach ache when you mention Aoun’s name.

        1.  Avatar

          @ libnan 1, UrOtherSide is a she not a he,you should’ve said “Kasik” instead of Kasak.
          just a friendly remark.

        2. Lebanon is occupied by Iran and Syria BY PROXY!!! Aoun is the veil over your eyes…

        3.  Avatar

          @Hannibal, Aoun is the sun shining over Lebanon. His vision is 20 years ahead, he saw exactly what is happening now 21 years ago to be exact. I hope he lives for the next 69 years ….

      2.  Avatar

        Kasak, I’m glad you joined the madness on this site. All Lebanese are united in defense of Lebanon. LF and Aounist were united during the nineties against the occupation !!!! Now Lebanon is not occupied any more, why are the Lebanese divided????Some people get stomach ache when you mention Aoun’s name.

    4. Aoun will die with his eyes WIDE SHUT on the Baabda Palace as he will NEVER see it his own.

      1.  Avatar

        Baabda is a symbolic place anymore. Lebanon is controlled from Rabyieh, so effectively Aoun is the president of Lebanon. People deal with it, it’s reality.

  5. Fadi81 Avatar

    Thank God there is still at least ONE credible man in Lebanon! Still telling it how it is, and never switching directions like the wind. Thankyou Dr Samir GeaGea for keeping up the good fight! God Bless Lebanon

  6.  Avatar

    Thank God there is still at least ONE credible man in Lebanon! Still telling it how it is, and never switching directions like the wind. Thankyou Dr Samir GeaGea for keeping up the good fight! God Bless Lebanon

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