Iran’s Revolutionary Guard helps Al-Qaeda, report


A US Congressional panel released a report late Wednesday alleging that Iran’s elite Al-Quds force offers support to Al-Qaeda, adding a new dimension to the militant threat to the United States.

In its report to the Congressional Anti-Terrorism Caucus, the strategic advisory firm Kronos highlighted what it says are increasingly strong links between the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps force and Al-Qaeda, according to Agence-France Presse.

The caucus released the report after US troops killed Osama Bin Laden in a raid in Pakistan that raised fresh doubts about Pakistan’s willingness or ability to track down Al-Qaeda suspects.

“Iran has quietly forged a strong working relationship with core Al-Qaeda’s leaders,” said the report’s author, Michael S. Smith II.

“This relationship has been established to counter American influence in the Middle East and South Asia,” according to his report.

“Through it, Iran will likely also help Al-Qaeda mobilize terrorists to carry out attacks against the US and our allies, providing the support required to extend Al-Qaeda’s operational reach,” the report added.

Mr. Smith argued that not enough attention has been paid to the links between the two entities because of a “pervasive” belief that Shiite and non-Arab Iran will not work with the Sunni Arab militants of Al-Qaeda.

The ties date back to the 1990s when Al-Quds members worked with the Iranian-backed Hezbollah to train and equip Bin Laden’s holy warriors. He cites the 9/11 Commission Report for operational linkages between the two.

“Since 9/11, these partnerships have become all the more pronounced. Hundreds of Al-Qaeda members, along with family members of core Al-Qaeda leaders like Osama Bin Laden, have found refuge inside Iran,” he wrote.

In appealing for US policy makers to address the links, Smith warned that “if left unchecked, Iran’s relationship with Al-Qaeda could cost America and our allies dearly.”

The congressional caucus’s Andy Polk said in an email to AFP that: “With the death of Bin Laden, and with Iran’s Al-Quds Force being listed as part of the new sanctions against Syria, this is an interesting and timely report.”

Mr. Smith told AFP that a member of the House of Representative’s permanent select committee on intelligence indicated there is “mounting interest” in the apparent links between Al-Quds and Al-Qaeda.

The member, who he did not name, suggested that Kronos could help by presenting a report about that relationship based on open-source materials, one that could be discussed with intelligence and defense officials.

Later, he said, a caucus representative contacted him and offered to distribute such a report to the nearly 100 members of Congress affiliated with the Anti-Terrorism Caucus.

Iran had said that there was no excuse for the United States to continue deploying troops in the Middle East after the killing of Mr. Bin Laden.

Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman, Ramin Mehmanparast, said the US can no longer send troops to the region under the pretext of fighting terrorism, The Associated Press reported on Monday citing Iran’s official IRNA news agency.

Iran said it cooperated with the US in fighting terrorism but instead of being rewarded, former President George W. Bush placed Iran in his “axis of evil.”

Iran said it has cracked down on Al-Qaeda operatives, especially along its border with Afghanistan, but also criticized the US for invading Afghanistan and Iraq, according to AP

al Arabiya



26 responses to “Iran’s Revolutionary Guard helps Al-Qaeda, report”

  1. antar2011 Avatar

    look we do not like khamenei nor we like the brutality of the Irani security guards…but i hope it is not looking like they have been set up in the same way Saddam Hussein has and the yet to be seen WMD…

    the means do not justify the ends, something USA need to learn.

  2.  Avatar

    look we do not like khamenei nor we like the brutality of the Irani security guards…but i hope it is not looking like they have been set up in the same way Saddam Hussein has and the yet to be seen WMD…

    the means do not justify the ends, something USA need to learn.

  3.  Avatar

    look we do not like khamenei nor we like the brutality of the Irani security guards…but i hope it is not looking like they have been set up in the same way Saddam Hussein has and the yet to be seen WMD…

    the means do not justify the ends, something USA need to learn.

  4. sam_shaker Avatar

    This relationship between the two thug entities been going on for a long time. As a matter of facts Iran encouraged Al Qaada to attack Shiites to create rifts between Sunnis and Shiites. Iran do not care if few hundreds even thousands shiites died. It considered part of the bigger cause in order to reach its ultimate goal. the goal is to establish their rules and control all over the arabian pennisula.. I am sure Nassrallah is aware of all this and many other Shiites leaders. They want us to ignore the alliance between the two and pretend on the surface they’re enemies. They don’t like each other for sure. But for now they have the US, ISrael and the West to fight against. So its good marriage between terrorists. I hope all these jackasses rot in hell just like Bin Baby..

  5.  Avatar

    This relationship between the two thug entities been going on for a long time. As a matter of facts Iran encouraged Al Qaada to attack Shiites to create rifts between Sunnis and Shiites. Iran do not care if few hundreds even thousands shiites died. It considered part of the bigger cause in order to reach its ultimate goal. the goal is to establish their rules and control all over the arabian pennisula.. I am sure Nassrallah is aware of all this and many other Shiites leaders. They want us to ignore the alliance between the two and pretend on the surface they’re enemies. They don’t like each other for sure. But for now they have the US, ISrael and the West to fight against. So its good marriage between terrorists. I hope all these jackasses rot in hell just like Bin Baby..

  6. lebnaneh Avatar

    is the US waking up now or what whatever this report saying is old the prove is when bounch of asshole of naher el barid attack the lebanese forces the first ass to come on TV and said the camps are red line was nasrallah and the people who save shaker abbsy from the army was the hizballah brave man the man of dignity they die for lebanon and they do anything for there country what a bounche of treaters

  7. UrOtherSide Avatar

    Yeeeeeeeeeeeehaw .. I hear the war drums. All for israel baby. Kill kill kill.

    They sure need another big terrorist attack on USA so they can go after Iran.

    1. youyes4u Avatar

      Absolutely fabulous,eliminating the axis of evil is a must and over due.The terminator hasn’t fullfil his mission yet.
      Those who are against democracy and freedom and hate what the USA stands for will be wiped off permanently from the worlds map..

      1. UrOtherSide Avatar

        I was being sarchastic. I share nothing with people like you or people like bin laden. I consider both of you as evil.

        1. youyes4u Avatar

          your are a deceptive bitch with too many colors i know who you are’

    2. youyes4u Avatar

      Absolutely fabulous,eliminating the axis of evil is a must and over due.The terminator hasn’t fullfil his mission yet.
      Those who are against democracy and freedom and hate what the USA stands for will be wiped off permanently from the worlds map..

      1. UrOtherSide Avatar

        I was being sarchastic. I share nothing with people like you or people like bin laden. I consider both of you as evil.

        1. youyes4u Avatar

          your are a deceptive bitch with too many colors i know who you are’

  8.  Avatar

    Yeeeeeeeeeeeehaw .. I hear the war drums. All for israel baby. Kill kill kill.

    They sure need another big terrorist attack on USA so they can go after Iran.

    1.  Avatar

      Absolutely fabulous,eliminating the axis of evil is a must and over due.The terminator hasn’t fullfil his mission yet.
      Those who are against democracy and freedom and hate what the USA stands for will be wiped off permanently from the worlds map..

      1.  Avatar

        I was being sarchastic. I share nothing with people like you or people like bin laden. I consider both of you as evil.

        1.  Avatar

          your are a deceptive bitch with too many colors i know who you are’

  9. youyes4u Avatar

    Yeah Baby,,,,,USA…RULES…..

  10.  Avatar

    Yeah Baby,,,,,USA…RULES…..

  11.  Avatar

    Yeah Baby,,,,,USA…RULES…..

  12. Whatever happened to assassination of idiots like Nejad! Get rid of little Lucifer and his evil theocratic axis!

  13. Whatever happened to assassination of idiots like Nejad! Get rid of little Lucifer and his evil theocratic axis!

  14. Whatever happened to assassination of idiots like Nejad! Get rid of little Lucifer and his evil theocratic axis!

  15. youyes4u Avatar

    UrOtherSide,listen baby USA will always be the crown you are wearing on your head,forever and ever.

  16.  Avatar

    UrOtherSide,listen baby USA will always be the crown you are wearing on your head,forever and ever.

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