Syria wants Lebanon to censor Lebanese media


Visitors returning from Damascus are reporting that the Syrian authorities are outraged over the behavior of the Lebanese towards the uprising in Syria and believe that some in Lebanon are participating in the “conspiracy” against the Syrian regime, few in Lebanon support the Syrian regime , while the majority is just watching and specially the Lebanese authorities who are doing nothing to stop the conspiracy against the regime .

This indifference towards Syria is what reportedly prompted the authorities to broadcast on Syrian television the confessions of a number of Syrian individuals who accused MP Jamal Jarrah of providing them with money and weapons.

According to Kuwaiti newspaper al Seyasseh , Syria’s biggest objection is against the Lebanese media which the Syrian regime considers loose and accuses it of inciting sedition and subversion” inside Syria”.

The Syrian authorities reportedly threatened to take actions that will have painful impact on Lebanon if the Lebanese authorities do not control the Lebanese media



22 responses to “Syria wants Lebanon to censor Lebanese media”

  1. Dont you Dare censor anything.Post,Print,Mail,call, whatever it takes get the story onto the net.Screw the dentist,he cant see anyways,haha.Get ride of him and free Syria!

  2. Dont you Dare censor anything.Post,Print,Mail,call, whatever it takes get the story onto the net.Screw the dentist,he cant see anyways,haha.Get ride of him and free Syria!

  3. Leborigine Avatar

    Get stuffed. We will respect you and show you gratitude the same way you showed us in the last 36 years. ssnp and HA are loyal to you and if they want to not broadcast it, its up to them, they are your subjects, but for the rest of Lebanon, we are free to do what we desire and so will the free Syrians.
    As for the painful impact the authorities will put Lebanon through, go for it, there is nothing that Lebanon has not endured in the last 60 years, whether it was from syria, israel or its own traitors. We do not need access through you for anything, if israel can survive by being isolated, I am pretty sure so can we!

  4. Leborigine Avatar

    Get stuffed. We will respect you and show you gratitude the same way you showed us in the last 36 years. ssnp and HA are loyal to you and if they want to not broadcast it, its up to them, they are your subjects, but for the rest of Lebanon, we are free to do what we desire and so will the free Syrians.
    As for the painful impact the authorities will put Lebanon through, go for it, there is nothing that Lebanon has not endured in the last 60 years, whether it was from syria, israel or its own traitors. We do not need access through you for anything, if israel can survive by being isolated, I am pretty sure so can we!

  5.  Avatar

    Get stuffed. We will respect you and show you gratitude the same way you showed us in the last 36 years. ssnp and HA are loyal to you and if they want to not broadcast it, its up to them, they are your subjects, but for the rest of Lebanon, we are free to do what we desire and so will the free Syrians.
    As for the painful impact the authorities will put Lebanon through, go for it, there is nothing that Lebanon has not endured in the last 60 years, whether it was from syria, israel or its own traitors. We do not need access through you for anything, if israel can survive by being isolated, I am pretty sure so can we!

  6. leb_expatriate Avatar

    Lebanon is free and will remain free and its freedom is a thorn in the eye of the Syrian regime.

    HA and other Syrian regime stooges don’t you dare impose any media censorship at the behest of the Syrian leadership.

  7. leb_expatriate Avatar

    Lebanon is free and will remain free and its freedom is a thorn in the eye of the Syrian regime.

    HA and other Syrian regime stooges don’t you dare impose any media censorship at the behest of the Syrian leadership.

  8.  Avatar

    Lebanon is free and will remain free and its freedom is a thorn in the eye of the Syrian regime.

    HA and other Syrian regime stooges don’t you dare impose any media censorship at the behest of the Syrian leadership.

  9. Fawzi94 Avatar

    It’s ironic how angry they are about the protestors (possibly) being armed by Lebanese, yet we are apparently supposed to be grateful for their arming of Hizballah and others.

    1. Fawzi94 Avatar

      We’ve been fucked over by the Assads for years and years…it’s about time we fuck back!!!!!!!!

      1. God Bless the Syrian People, who, after 50 years, have finally found the courage to overthrow this dictator and his regime. Hafez el Assad is turning in his grave, ibn’il kha’leb…..yel’aoun,abou,kiss’emou,sharmoutha…..:)

    2. Fawzi94 Avatar

      We’ve been fucked over by the Assads for years and years…it’s about time we fuck back!!!!!!!!

    3. Fawzi94 Avatar

      The Assads have been messing with our internal affairs for years…NOW IT’S OUR TURN TO MESS BACK!!!!!!

      1. Crossed Avatar

        Two wrongs don’t make a right. I think it’s better if we learn from past mistakes. We’re better than that as Lebanese, aren’t we?

  10.  Avatar

    It’s ironic how angry they are about the protestors (possibly) being armed by Lebanese, yet we are apparently supposed to be grateful for their arming of Hizballah and others.

    1.  Avatar

      The Assads have been messing with our internal affairs for years…NOW IT’S OUR TURN TO MESS BACK!!!!!!

      1.  Avatar

        Two wrongs don’t make a right. I think it’s better if we learn from past mistakes. We’re better than that as Lebanese, aren’t we?

  11. God Bless the Syrian People, who, after 50 years, have finally found the courage to overthrow this dictator and his regime. Hafez el Assad is turning in his grave, ibn’il kha’leb…..yel’aoun,abou,kiss’emou,sharmoutha…..:)

  12. God Bless the Syrian People, who, after 50 years, have finally found the courage to overthrow this dictator and his regime. Hafez el Assad is turning in his grave, ibn’il kha’leb…..yel’aoun,abou,kiss’emou,sharmoutha…..:)

  13. Fauzia45 Avatar

    Regimes like this have to understand that they can no longer continue to censor , make people see only what they want,make up conspiracy theories and arrest people that are demanding their rights!!

  14. Fauzia45 Avatar

    Regimes like this have to understand that they can no longer continue to censor , make people see only what they want,make up conspiracy theories and arrest people that are demanding their rights!!

  15.  Avatar

    Regimes like this have to understand that they can no longer continue to censor , make people see only what they want,make up conspiracy theories and arrest people that are demanding their rights!!

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