US: iran involved in suppressing Syrian protests


Al-Arabiya reported that the US State Department is saying that Iran is involved in suppressing Syrian protests



9 responses to “US: iran involved in suppressing Syrian protests”

  1. sam_shaker Avatar

    And Hezbollah is accusing the Future movement of arming Muslim brotherhood and they know its all false. yet They Hezbollah and Iran are very heavily involved in the security crackdown on Syrian Protesters. They always manage to switch it around so they look so innocent. Sounds like my ex-wife allright..

    1. lebanesesam Avatar

      Ah ya Shaker AH – hahahaha – love the wife comment. Life is a b*tch and then you marry one LOL

  2. sam_shaker Avatar

    And Hezbollah is accusing the Future movement of arming Muslim brotherhood and they know its all false. yet They Hezbollah and Iran are very heavily involved in the security crackdown on Syrian Protesters. They always manage to switch it around so they look so innocent. Sounds like my ex-wife allright..

    1. lebanesesam Avatar

      Ah ya Shaker AH – hahahaha – love the wife comment. Life is a b*tch and then you marry one LOL

  3.  Avatar

    And Hezbollah is accusing the Future movement of arming Muslim brotherhood and they know its all false. yet They Hezbollah and Iran are very heavily involved in the security crackdown on Syrian Protesters. They always manage to switch it around so they look so innocent. Sounds like my ex-wife allright..

    1.  Avatar

      Ah ya Shaker AH – hahahaha – love the wife comment. Life is a b*tch and then you marry one LOL

  4. leb_expatriate Avatar

    Dogs helping other dogs. Its only their nature.

  5. leb_expatriate Avatar

    Dogs helping other dogs. Its only their nature.

  6.  Avatar

    Dogs helping other dogs. Its only their nature.

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