Grotto similar to Jeita discovered in south Lebanon


A Grotto similar to the famous Jeita Grotto was discovered in south Lebanon between the towns of Alnafahiyah and Srifa in the district of Tyre ( sour).

Attorney General of south Lebanon Samih al Hajj immediately ordered the closure of the Grotto. The Ministries of Tourism and Culture will assume responsibility for the newly discovered Grotto.

The discovered cave is approximately 100 meters in length and is thousands of years old .

The mayor of Srifa Mohammad Nazzal said the discovery of the cave represents a major archaeological wealth for the South of Lebanon . He called on the State authorities to immediately address the issue of this ” this precious discovery” , which will be a major tourist attraction. Lebanon Files



  1. lebnaneh Avatar

    another place for hizballah to fill with guns what a great discovery will be soon a restricted area

  2. lebnaneh Avatar

    another place for hizballah to fill with guns what a great discovery will be soon a restricted area

  3.  Avatar

    another place for hizballah to fill with guns what a great discovery will be soon a restricted area

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