MP Sakr: Time to change Lebanon speaker


Lebanon First parliamentary bloc MP Okab Sakr told Future News TV on Thursday evening :

“ [Lebanon Speaker Nabih] Berri is one of the symbols of power who has exceeded the term of the Arab rulers, which makes the [parliamentary] administration flabby,”

Lebanon has had various premiers and presidents since 1992 but there has not been any change in the parliamentary speakership since then, Sakr said

“Speaker Nabih Berri has monopolized this seat and MPs either pledge allegiance to him or wait to pledge. This has made him a king,” he said.

“It is also notable that Berri has headed the Amal Movement for 35 years,which is longer than Hosni Mubarak was president of Egypt, than the rule of the house of Assad in Syria, and the rule of Prince Hamad bin Khalifah in Qatar.” Now Lebanon



  1. Mosetsfire Avatar

    Sakr should be speaker. Hands down one of our brightest MPs and a true believer in Lebanese democracy and a model that all Shi3aLebanese should follow.

    PS he doesn’t live in a cave

  2. Sakr should be speaker. Hands down one of our brightest MPs and a true believer in Lebanese democracy and a model that all Shi3aLebanese should follow.

    PS he doesn’t live in a cave

  3. Constantin7 Avatar

    It was a big mistake to elect him as the speaker after March 14 won the parlimentary elections, in the first place.

  4. Constantin7 Avatar

    It was a big mistake to elect him as the speaker after March 14 won the parlimentary elections, in the first place.

  5.  Avatar

    It was a big mistake to elect him as the speaker after March 14 won the parlimentary elections, in the first place.

  6. PROPHET.T Avatar

    Simple things amuse simple people.
    Maybe sakr can explain to us how He is able to live in a multi-million dollar apartment in downtown Beirut?
    $$$ from Mini-Hariri, maybe?
    Do we want to replace a corrupt with another?lol,

    1. nabilabuzaid Avatar

      Any maybe you can explain to us how could Hezbollah have 1 billions dollars budget a year?
      Could it be part of Money Laundering, Drug dealings and video piracy and some side donations of course.
      And another major contributor called Iran? can you tell us how could Aoun can manage a TV Station that cost nearly 100 Millions dollars a year? what does his line of work that makes him earn that much? How did Berri Cousin doing Money Laundering from Drugs and Arms selling and having the money transfer via LCB? and some Lebanese Shiites who’s a consulate in some african nations that is generating 100 millions dollars in drugs and arms selling? You say before that Mubarak and arab regimes outlasting their stay in their position? why not Berri? what qualified him so far and he hardly done anything useful all those years in Lebanon. You’re so quick when criticzing March 14th figures but keep a blind eye on Berri, Tehran ruthless regime and Nassrallah thug diplomacy? double standard is your motto as always been.

      1. PROPHET.T Avatar

        One billion dollars? I did not know Maybe all of the above, but not the money made out of stolen land in Solider.
        As for berri, read what i said :””Do we want to replace a corrupt with another?”””lol,
        You are full of nonsense.

        1. nabilabuzaid Avatar

          Yes i read many articles that Hezbollah budget is one Billion dollars a year. Well according to you and March 8th Hariri is corrupt. But what can you say about Aoun, Basil who owns many properties in the north after he became MP. What about all the big money in the Shiite Leadership. Where did Berri’s cousin get so many millions? you say replacing one corrupt with another. I wander why you didn’t say that about Mubarak then? why replace one corrupt leader with another? How do you know the next speaker is going to be corrupt? what about everyone being afraid of Nassrallah power and several ministers are heeding his orders not to cooporeate with STL? is he corrupt with power? so you need to be fair when criticizing harshly march 14th figures then do the same with march 8th. But we all know here that you are very mild when it comes to critcizing your buddies and we all know that you fully support them and you’re part of them. Therefore you are corrupt as well..

        2. nabilabuzaid Avatar

          Yes i read many articles that Hezbollah budget is one Billion dollars a year. Well according to you and March 8th Hariri is corrupt. But what can you say about Aoun, Basil who owns many properties in the north after he became MP. What about all the big money in the Shiite Leadership. Where did Berri’s cousin get so many millions? you say replacing one corrupt with another. I wander why you didn’t say that about Mubarak then? why replace one corrupt leader with another? How do you know the next speaker is going to be corrupt? what about everyone being afraid of Nassrallah power and several ministers are heeding his orders not to cooporeate with STL? is he corrupt with power? so you need to be fair when criticizing harshly march 14th figures then do the same with march 8th. But we all know here that you are very mild when it comes to critcizing your buddies and we all know that you fully support them and you’re part of them. Therefore you are corrupt as well..

    2. guss043 Avatar

      at least he have no blood, there is any bastard who didnt have the Hariri money including the assassins Assad the sn and the father in Damascus, and who knows maybe you too!!!!

    3. So, are you saying that there are no other choices????that all others are corrupt!!!!! come on…it’s about time to wake up from long overdue sleep

  7. PROPHET.T Avatar

    Simple things amuse simple people.
    Maybe sakr can explain to us how He is able to live in a multi-million dollar apartment in downtown Beirut?
    $$$ from Mini-Hariri, maybe?
    Do we want to replace a corrupt with another?lol,

    1. So, are you saying that there are no other choices????that all others are corrupt!!!!! come on…it’s about time to wake up from long overdue sleep

  8. PROPHET.T Avatar

    Simple things amuse simple people.
    Maybe sakr can explain to us how He is able to live in a multi-million dollar apartment in downtown Beirut?
    $$$ from Mini-Hariri, maybe?
    Do we want to replace a corrupt with another?lol,

    1.  Avatar

      Any maybe you can explain to us how could Hezbollah have 1 billions dollars budget a year?
      Could it be part of Money Laundering, Drug dealings and video piracy and some side donations of course.
      And another major contributor called Iran? can you tell us how could Aoun can manage a TV Station that cost nearly 100 Millions dollars a year? what does his line of work that makes him earn that much? How did Berri Cousin doing Money Laundering from Drugs and Arms selling and having the money transfer via LCB? and some Lebanese Shiites who’s a consulate in some african nations that is generating 100 millions dollars in drugs and arms selling? You say before that Mubarak and arab regimes outlasting their stay in their position? why not Berri? what qualified him so far and he hardly done anything useful all those years in Lebanon. You’re so quick when criticzing March 14th figures but keep a blind eye on Berri, Tehran ruthless regime and Nassrallah thug diplomacy? double standard is your motto as always been.

      1. PROPHET.T Avatar

        One billion dollars? I did not know Maybe all of the above, but not the money made out of stolen land in Solider.
        As for berri, read what i said :””Do we want to replace a corrupt with another?”””lol,
        You are full of nonsense.

        1.  Avatar

          Yes i read many articles that Hezbollah budget is one Billion dollars a year. Well according to you and March 8th Hariri is corrupt. But what can you say about Aoun, Basil who owns many properties in the north after he became MP. What about all the big money in the Shiite Leadership. Where did Berri’s cousin get so many millions? you say replacing one corrupt with another. I wander why you didn’t say that about Mubarak then? why replace one corrupt leader with another? How do you know the next speaker is going to be corrupt? what about everyone being afraid of Nassrallah power and several ministers are heeding his orders not to cooporeate with STL? is he corrupt with power? so you need to be fair when criticizing harshly march 14th figures then do the same with march 8th. But we all know here that you are very mild when it comes to critcizing your buddies and we all know that you fully support them and you’re part of them. Therefore you are corrupt as well..

    2. guss043 Avatar

      at least he have no blood, there is any bastard who didnt have the Hariri money including the assassins Assad the sn and the father in Damascus, and who knows maybe you too!!!!

    3. So, are you saying that there are no other choices????that all others are corrupt!!!!! come on…it’s about time to wake up from long overdue sleep

  9. guss043 Avatar

    agree 100 % le voyou Berri is the first that should go, this bastard is behind many of the miseries that Lebanon suffered ,need to say that he head the Gang Amal one of the first shiite terrorist organizations, from the civil war an Mughnie who was a sniper in amal to TWA and killing an innocent marines who was a civilian and throwing his body on the tarmac.

  10. guss043 Avatar

    agree 100 % le voyou Berri is the first that should go, this bastard is behind many of the miseries that Lebanon suffered ,need to say that he head the Gang Amal one of the first shiite terrorist organizations, from the civil war an Mughnie who was a sniper in amal to TWA and killing an innocent marines who was a civilian and throwing his body on the tarmac.

  11. guss043 Avatar

    agree 100 % le voyou Berri is the first that should go, this bastard is behind many of the miseries that Lebanon suffered ,need to say that he head the Gang Amal one of the first shiite terrorist organizations, from the civil war an Mughnie who was a sniper in amal to TWA and killing an innocent marines who was a civilian and throwing his body on the tarmac.

  12. Are Lebanese people ready to accept change??????

  13. Are Lebanese people ready to accept change??????

  14. Are Lebanese people ready to accept change??????

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