“Hezbollah arms are illegitimate”, says Future Movement


The Future Movement bloc issued a statement following its weekly meeting in which it stated : “Hezbollah’s weapons have proved to be illegitimate” adding “ they are pointed at the chests of the Lebanese citizens.”

“The arms are being used to influence public opinion and are being employed in regional conflicts,” the statement said

The bloc added that it has a constitutional right to become the country’s opposition in order to “confront the terror [of the Hezbollah-led March 8 coalition].”

The bloc also reiterated that the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) is the “only body that is authorized to uncover the truth behind the murder of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri [in 2005] and the martyrs of assassinations.”

“The tribunal is not a revenge tool but it intends to achieve justice.”

Outgoing PM Saad Hariri vowed on Monday to fight the use of non-state weapons in Lebanon in a “peaceful and democratic way.”

Tensions in Lebanon have been simmering for months as it has become increasingly apparent the United Nations Special Tribunal for Lebanon STL) is leaning toward charging Hezbollah , the Shiite militant Muslim group with killing former PM Rafik Hariri on Valentine’s Day 2005.

The massive, 1,000 kilogram, car bomb that killed Mr. Hariri as he traveled along Beirut’s fashionable seaside Corniche, left a crater 10 meters deep, knocked down several buildings and killed 21 other people, in addition to killing the billionaire tycoon who had rebuilt war-shattered Beirut.

Lebanese politicians fear any indictment of Hezbollah members for the killing could lead to a situation where the group might militarily seize large parts of Lebanon, just as it did in May 2008, when it briefly grabbed control of the western part of Beirut and tried, but failed, to occupy the Druze stronghold of Mt. Lebanon.

For months now, rumors have hinted UN investigators have uncovered evidence a Hezbollah hit-squad carried out the killing.

Hezbollah’s leaders have denied the charge.

Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah also warned all Lebanese last November not to assist UN investigators, saying to do so would be tantamount to an attack on his movement.

Nasrallah vowed to “cut off the hand” of anyone who tried to arrest a Hezbollah fighter.



  1. Again,

    These comments are not true and anyone who knows poltics would know its not true,its really sad to see saad harriri
    acting like a spoiled child,the resistance changed the goverment with the help of its allies,politically..jumblatt changed,why is it u guys are shocked why is it whn jumblatt changed to ur side u didnt say he was threatend but whn he came to our side you say he was threatend,jumblatt is known for switching sides,he was not threatned he went to syria on his own,and made peace with everyone on his own,and switched sides on his own,with his switch the resistance and its allies were able to gain majority,just as the last election if they had jumblatt on there side they wouldve been majority,jumblatt will switch again one day,its how he survives i dont like it but it works for him and his people.we all know why the resistance was forced into the streets on may 8th no need to go there,but it gets old hearing the same arguments…

    Here is my take on it..March 8 has majority of the shia on there side,majority of the druze on there side,majority of the
    christians on there side,michel aoun has 27 seats thats majority,and partial sunnie representation,so my question is
    can some one argue these numbers if u can please do so…the reason i mention this is because it eliminates the argument
    that weapons are making descions when in essense the people are…even whn u won the election u didnt win the popular

    Saad Harriri is really making a fool out of himself on a daily basis his political carreer is being terminated with each usless
    speech he has made….he has surrounded himself with the wrong people and trusted the wrong people…will see how it ends for his life in poltics…so dissapointing to see a man act like a child.

    1. Mosetsfire Avatar

      Those Druze were elected on March 14th tickets…That prime minister was elected on a March 14th ticket…Safadi was elected on a March 14th ticket.

      Again. Let us have elections now and let them serve as a public referendum.

      Hezbollah is a terrorist organization. Their weapons are indiscriminate between Lebanese and Israeli and for that reason their weapons should be considered illegitimate.

      Hariri is finally standing up to this filth which has allowed its people to steal and plunder from the state. Go take a walk in the dahiye, or down the weze3e..Look at how they steal electricity, ask their business owners how many of them pay taxes to the state.

      hezbollah stands for tyranny and anarchy and they deserve to be driven into the sea…All but Hassan Nassrallah…He deserves to hang from the walls of Baabda so the Lebanese can see him die a traitors death.

      1. Fadi81 Avatar

        could not have said it better myself! How many Lebanese children died in 2006 so this coward can launch an attack on Israel and kidnap its soldiers? He is nothing more than an animal. he will continue to live his days in a hole or come up and face the world!

    2. all4lebanon Avatar

      well, you really think hizbullah cares about the lebanese?
      then watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pdY7trIqV8&feature=player_embedded

    3. nabilabuzaid Avatar

      Everyone in March 8th is picking on Saad Hariri but the bottom line is Hezbollah, Syria and Iran killed many Lebanese and are especially associated with the assassinations of hariri and the 18 great people that went down with him. Many more to follow and you want us to believe in Hezbollah and the freaking resistance. Most people are aware that Hariri has a lot to learn and every one in Lebanon especially on high level do their wheeling and dealings. So the corruptions on all level in our society but at least Hariri is more peaceful and his father helped many Lebanese across the sectarian lines. Hariri is not going around avenging his father and using Lebanese to do his bidding. Many other people would have gone nuts if they have close killed like that. And you jackasses taking Hezbollal lightly as if nothing happened. Grow up and if we’re to build a nation then we need to put these criminals away meaning those who were responsible for many killings starting from the killing of Taha Hussein the Great Shiites writer, to Salim Al louzi to Bachir, to Mouwad up to the last assassinations. if we don’t prosecute these criminals then we can never live in peace. we need to of course get rid of these sectarian rules and corruptions then we can move to more civilized society. Not able to do that when March 8th is intimidating everyone to have the STL stop issuing its indictment is going to frustrate many Lebanese and it will result in Chaos and eventually civil war. Anyone protecing the Hezbollah Leadership who took a wholy resistance and turned it into their own private militia.

  2. Again,

    These comments are not true and anyone who knows poltics would know its not true,its really sad to see saad harriri
    acting like a spoiled child,the resistance changed the goverment with the help of its allies,politically..jumblatt changed,why is it u guys are shocked why is it whn jumblatt changed to ur side u didnt say he was threatend but whn he came to our side you say he was threatend,jumblatt is known for switching sides,he was not threatned he went to syria on his own,and made peace with everyone on his own,and switched sides on his own,with his switch the resistance and its allies were able to gain majority,just as the last election if they had jumblatt on there side they wouldve been majority,jumblatt will switch again one day,its how he survives i dont like it but it works for him and his people.we all know why the resistance was forced into the streets on may 8th no need to go there,but it gets old hearing the same arguments…

    Here is my take on it..March 8 has majority of the shia on there side,majority of the druze on there side,majority of the
    christians on there side,michel aoun has 27 seats thats majority,and partial sunnie representation,so my question is
    can some one argue these numbers if u can please do so…the reason i mention this is because it eliminates the argument
    that weapons are making descions when in essense the people are…even whn u won the election u didnt win the popular

    Saad Harriri is really making a fool out of himself on a daily basis his political carreer is being terminated with each usless
    speech he has made….he has surrounded himself with the wrong people and trusted the wrong people…will see how it ends for his life in poltics…so dissapointing to see a man act like a child.

    1. Those Druze were elected on March 14th tickets…That prime minister was elected on a March 14th ticket…Safadi was elected on a March 14th ticket.

      Again. Let us have elections now and let them serve as a public referendum.

      Hezbollah is a terrorist organization. Their weapons are indiscriminate between Lebanese and Israeli and for that reason their weapons should be considered illegitimate.

      Hariri is finally standing up to this filth which has allowed its people to steal and plunder from the state. Go take a walk in the dahiye, or down the weze3e..Look at how they steal electricity, ask their business owners how many of them pay taxes to the state.

      hezbollah stands for tyranny and anarchy and they deserve to be driven into the sea…All but Hassan Nassrallah…He deserves to hang from the walls of Baabda so the Lebanese can see him die a traitors death.

      1.  Avatar

        could not have said it better myself! How many Lebanese children died in 2006 so this coward can launch an attack on Israel and kidnap its soldiers? He is nothing more than an animal. he will continue to live his days in a hole or come up and face the world!

    2.  Avatar

      Everyone in March 8th is picking on Saad Hariri but the bottom line is Hezbollah, Syria and Iran killed many Lebanese and are especially associated with the assassinations of hariri and the 18 great people that went down with him. Many more to follow and you want us to believe in Hezbollah and the freaking resistance. Most people are aware that Hariri has a lot to learn and every one in Lebanon especially on high level do their wheeling and dealings. So the corruptions on all level in our society but at least Hariri is more peaceful and his father helped many Lebanese across the sectarian lines. Hariri is not going around avenging his father and using Lebanese to do his bidding. Many other people would have gone nuts if they have close killed like that. And you jackasses taking Hezbollal lightly as if nothing happened. Grow up and if we’re to build a nation then we need to put these criminals away meaning those who were responsible for many killings starting from the killing of Taha Hussein the Great Shiites writer, to Salim Al louzi to Bachir, to Mouwad up to the last assassinations. if we don’t prosecute these criminals then we can never live in peace. we need to of course get rid of these sectarian rules and corruptions then we can move to more civilized society. Not able to do that when March 8th is intimidating everyone to have the STL stop issuing its indictment is going to frustrate many Lebanese and it will result in Chaos and eventually civil war. Anyone protecing the Hezbollah Leadership who took a wholy resistance and turned it into their own private militia.

  3. One more thing Mohamad,

    Did u ever think if your wish came true and the Sayed was hung im baabda as you fantasize about,that maybe the next
    leader may make you wish that the Sayed was still alive,you see it will be after his death that you will realize if your views were correct or not…and than just maybe than,you will understand politics a little more clearly…

    1. Mosetsfire Avatar

      First and foremost, He is not my Sayyed and I will never under any circumstances refer to him as such…

      Second, what comes next? another terrorist? He is not an elected leader, he is a dictator living in a country within a country. I understand politics perfectly well and he is not a politician. He is a militia leader living in a cave, and this is what March 8 fails to see. The man isn’t fit to lead a country because the views of the citizenry do not play into his math when he makes his decisions. This was amply highlighted by the 2006 war he dragged us into against our will.

    2. Fadi81 Avatar

      No one will dare come after him because he will be a perfect example for the rest of the dogs and cowards out there! By suggesting that we will wish he was still alive because his successor will be worse you are acknowledging that this man is an animal, but yet he has your support? go play victim in Iran, you see what they did to that poor girl in the streets for protesting against that regime, these are the same people as your beloved resistance!

      1. Fadi81,

        The man that freed your land is a dog and coward,the man that sacrificed his sons life so
        you can live and call him these insults,if you consider him an enemy,at least have the decency
        to respect your enemy,this will seperate you from the rest,I was suggesting that he is good to
        the ones that attack him verbally on a daily basis,have you ever heard him attack any of ur
        leaders by name,and what I also meant was if he is killed the next leader of the resistance
        might not be to kind to your likes and may not be as patient,and at that moment you will wish he
        is back,but idk maybe im wrong,but I do know there are many in lebanon and abroad that wonder
        why with all his power he lets you guys get away with ur disgusting language and lack of respect,
        Fadi,If you learn anything today,Learn this my man,respect your enemy,it will give you a clear
        mind and a clear consious on what about him you dont like,if you dont respect your enemy,you will
        be guided by hate which will never lead you to the answers that your body and mind deserve..

        In conclusion I am one person,as are you..I witnessed things done to my family,as have you..
        whn my grandfather was dying in 2002,he looked at me and said “today i die proud of the land that
        brought you here cause we are free,the men you see in the streets today are the heroes that
        gave me a heroes death,not the dogs that occupied us for 18years”, I dont know where Lebanon
        will be tommorow,I Just know the honor it brought my family yesterday…No matter what Fadi,we argue
        and we debate,me and my brother debate all the time,if you and I are out and we dont know eachother but
        we know were both lebanese,and someone starts trouble with you,you can bet your last dollar i will be
        there and have your back,im not gonna come do a political report backround before I help you,im gonna
        react on my instincts of you being Lebanese..and that my man is what unites us,not are political views…
        Good Day Fadi….

  4. One more thing Mohamad,

    Did u ever think if your wish came true and the Sayed was hung im baabda as you fantasize about,that maybe the next
    leader may make you wish that the Sayed was still alive,you see it will be after his death that you will realize if your views were correct or not…and than just maybe than,you will understand politics a little more clearly…

    1. Mosetsfire Avatar

      First and foremost, He is not my Sayyed and I will never under any circumstances refer to him as such…

      Second, what comes next? another terrorist? He is not an elected leader, he is a dictator living in a country within a country. I understand politics perfectly well and he is not a politician. He is a militia leader living in a cave, and this is what March 8 fails to see. The man isn’t fit to lead a country because the views of the citizenry do not play into his math when he makes his decisions. This was amply highlighted by the 2006 war he dragged us into against our will.

    2. Fadi81 Avatar

      No one will dare come after him because he will be a perfect example for the rest of the dogs and cowards out there! By suggesting that we will wish he was still alive because his successor will be worse you are acknowledging that this man is an animal, but yet he has your support? go play victim in Iran, you see what they did to that poor girl in the streets for protesting against that regime, these are the same people as your beloved resistance!

      1. Fadi81,

        The man that freed your land is a dog and coward,the man that sacrificed his sons life so
        you can live and call him these insults,if you consider him an enemy,at least have the decency
        to respect your enemy,this will seperate you from the rest,I was suggesting that he is good to
        the ones that attack him verbally on a daily basis,have you ever heard him attack any of ur
        leaders by name,and what I also meant was if he is killed the next leader of the resistance
        might not be to kind to your likes and may not be as patient,and at that moment you will wish he
        is back,but idk maybe im wrong,but I do know there are many in lebanon and abroad that wonder
        why with all his power he lets you guys get away with ur disgusting language and lack of respect,
        Fadi,If you learn anything today,Learn this my man,respect your enemy,it will give you a clear
        mind and a clear consious on what about him you dont like,if you dont respect your enemy,you will
        be guided by hate which will never lead you to the answers that your body and mind deserve..

        In conclusion I am one person,as are you..I witnessed things done to my family,as have you..
        whn my grandfather was dying in 2002,he looked at me and said “today i die proud of the land that
        brought you here cause we are free,the men you see in the streets today are the heroes that
        gave me a heroes death,not the dogs that occupied us for 18years”, I dont know where Lebanon
        will be tommorow,I Just know the honor it brought my family yesterday…No matter what Fadi,we argue
        and we debate,me and my brother debate all the time,if you and I are out and we dont know eachother but
        we know were both lebanese,and someone starts trouble with you,you can bet your last dollar i will be
        there and have your back,im not gonna come do a political report backround before I help you,im gonna
        react on my instincts of you being Lebanese..and that my man is what unites us,not are political views…
        Good Day Fadi….

  5. One more thing Mohamad,

    Did u ever think if your wish came true and the Sayed was hung im baabda as you fantasize about,that maybe the next
    leader may make you wish that the Sayed was still alive,you see it will be after his death that you will realize if your views were correct or not…and than just maybe than,you will understand politics a little more clearly…

    1. First and foremost, He is not my Sayyed and I will never under any circumstances refer to him as such…

      Second, what comes next? another terrorist? He is not an elected leader, he is a dictator living in a country within a country. I understand politics perfectly well and he is not a politician. He is a militia leader living in a cave, and this is what March 8 fails to see. The man isn’t fit to lead a country because the views of the citizenry do not play into his math when he makes his decisions. This was amply highlighted by the 2006 war he dragged us into against our will.

    2.  Avatar

      No one will dare come after him because he will be a perfect example for the rest of the dogs and cowards out there! By suggesting that we will wish he was still alive because his successor will be worse you are acknowledging that this man is an animal, but yet he has your support? go play victim in Iran, you see what they did to that poor girl in the streets for protesting against that regime, these are the same people as your beloved resistance!

      1. Fadi81,

        The man that freed your land is a dog and coward,the man that sacrificed his sons life so
        you can live and call him these insults,if you consider him an enemy,at least have the decency
        to respect your enemy,this will seperate you from the rest,I was suggesting that he is good to
        the ones that attack him verbally on a daily basis,have you ever heard him attack any of ur
        leaders by name,and what I also meant was if he is killed the next leader of the resistance
        might not be to kind to your likes and may not be as patient,and at that moment you will wish he
        is back,but idk maybe im wrong,but I do know there are many in lebanon and abroad that wonder
        why with all his power he lets you guys get away with ur disgusting language and lack of respect,
        Fadi,If you learn anything today,Learn this my man,respect your enemy,it will give you a clear
        mind and a clear consious on what about him you dont like,if you dont respect your enemy,you will
        be guided by hate which will never lead you to the answers that your body and mind deserve..

        In conclusion I am one person,as are you..I witnessed things done to my family,as have you..
        whn my grandfather was dying in 2002,he looked at me and said “today i die proud of the land that
        brought you here cause we are free,the men you see in the streets today are the heroes that
        gave me a heroes death,not the dogs that occupied us for 18years”, I dont know where Lebanon
        will be tommorow,I Just know the honor it brought my family yesterday…No matter what Fadi,we argue
        and we debate,me and my brother debate all the time,if you and I are out and we dont know eachother but
        we know were both lebanese,and someone starts trouble with you,you can bet your last dollar i will be
        there and have your back,im not gonna come do a political report backround before I help you,im gonna
        react on my instincts of you being Lebanese..and that my man is what unites us,not are political views…
        Good Day Fadi….

  6. Mohamad,

    Your such in hurry to attack that you dont even realize what your typing sir…whn did i refer to you as “YOUR” Sayed?

    Your funny,actually your entertaining,I hope your day gets better and tommorow is a new day…Assalam

    1. Mosetsfire Avatar

      hbb thank you for the well wishes but my day is grand. I hope that one day you will wake up and see that March 8 and your sayyed care nothing for Lebanon or its well being, and you will join a political party that strives for the good will of our country.

    2. Mosetsfire Avatar

      hbb thank you for the well wishes but my day is grand. I hope that one day you will wake up and see that March 8 and your sayyed care nothing for Lebanon or its well being, and you will join a political party that strives for the good will of our country.

  7. Mohamad,

    Your such in hurry to attack that you dont even realize what your typing sir…whn did i refer to you as “YOUR” Sayed?

    Your funny,actually your entertaining,I hope your day gets better and tommorow is a new day…Assalam

    1. hbb thank you for the well wishes but my day is grand. I hope that one day you will wake up and see that March 8 and your sayyed care nothing for Lebanon or its well being, and you will join a political party that strives for the good will of our country.

  8. master09 Avatar

    Everyone hates Isreal and what they do, they did nothing compared to what the muslims did to the Christians in Lebanon and other arab countries does anyone say a thing about that, no support another radical Islamic group so when they have full control we will live under sharia law. That is the wave coming from Iran yes, they clearly and openly talk about wanting to destroy any man women and child who are not muslim.

  9.  Avatar

    Everyone hates Isreal and what they do, they did nothing compared to what the muslims did to the Christians in Lebanon and other arab countries does anyone say a thing about that, no support another radical Islamic group so when they have full control we will live under sharia law. That is the wave coming from Iran yes, they clearly and openly talk about wanting to destroy any man women and child who are not muslim.

  10.  Avatar

    Straight from his mouth, how can any march 8 supporters deny this? we remind them daily of this cancers true intentions, where it gets it orders and whos interests it puts first…if u are a Lebanese patriot and a True Lebanese who loves his country dearly than u must understand why this man must go….NO MORE LEBANESE BLOOD SHOULD FLOW IN THE NAME OF IRAN AND KHOMIENI! please open your eyes people.

  11. All4Lebanon,

    R u saying in life and politics,people are not allowed to evolve from one stance to another,
    r u saying if youtube every lebanese leader that I will not find views and changes of what they
    once wanted or dreamed of,compared to where they are today,really unfair to bring somehting,
    that old and use it for your example,it honestly shows how bankrupt you are that you have to
    dig that far back,whn if thats what he really wanted im sure you could find somehting more
    recent,you can fool some of the people some of the time,but you cant fool all the people
    all the time…Good Day…

    1.  Avatar

      Hezbollah evolve? are you like joking.. Just one simple reminder Michael Aoun when the Shiites celeberated Ashura, Hezbollah brought busloads of them to celebrate it in Christians areas. After they leaving back to their areas, they were spitting on the Christians. Why Celebrate in Christians can you tell me? just because they’re being smart politically that don’t change a damn thing from 30 yrs ago. You’re either naive or plain ignorant or you could be a Shiites dressed as Michael. its okay several muslims friends here in the us changed their name from Mohamed to Michael so they can date American woman. Aoun is being used plain and simple for hezbollah to reach their goals among other Christians and Sunnis leaders. in 2005 they callaborated with the Syrian and Iranians to kill hariri and many more. You might say you don’t have a proof. I say yes its the STL and guess who’s fighting it before its issuing its indictment. I am sure you can blame it on Israel as always do. We all know now that Hezbollah did it with their axes of evil and they will not stop to achieve the greater goal of totally controlling Lebanon under the banner of Waliet AL Faqih.

  12. All4Lebanon,

    R u saying in life and politics,people are not allowed to evolve from one stance to another,
    r u saying if youtube every lebanese leader that I will not find views and changes of what they
    once wanted or dreamed of,compared to where they are today,really unfair to bring somehting,
    that old and use it for your example,it honestly shows how bankrupt you are that you have to
    dig that far back,whn if thats what he really wanted im sure you could find somehting more
    recent,you can fool some of the people some of the time,but you cant fool all the people
    all the time…Good Day…

  13. all4lebanon Avatar

    Michael-and i believe there is a reason why you choosed this name- is this the way you answe? just because you don’t like whst you hear or don’t like that other people can see it now you call me corrupt. i don’t say that people can’t chage but: 1. what he said is hizbullah’s point of view and he is still the head of them, isn’t he?
    2. he said this on tv and made it public, but i can’t remember that he stood in front of the le anese people, raised his voice and said that he was wrong or that he changed in any way. no, instead he is bringing the iranian president who kills his own people to lebanon to celebrate him like a damn hero.
    3. i heard a girls telling their friend who asked them why they are wearing a headscarf now, that hizbullah is paying them money to do this and as they need money, they do it. and this is NOT many years ago. this is a reality a lot of people already know. so calm down.
    so, i am waiting for the day he says that he changed and to behave like he changed. i am not fooling people.

    1. All4Lebanon,

      First of all my name is Mohamed Makhyle,my last name is not important,my friends
      and family call me Mohamed,Mo,Makhyle,Hammoody,and Michael,so maybe you
      can explain those names as well,thats my name on one of many of my yahoo accounts
      and thats the one i had chosen for this forum if you may know,now your wrong
      the sayed came out last year with a new memorandum for HA,and he clearly stated
      we are no longer pursuing the idea of creating an islamic state in Lebanon,if you need
      proof I will assist you with some,the israelies call him more trustworthy than there own
      goverment,so maybe the lebanese should try it as well,and your comment bout you heard
      some girl telling other girls they pay money to where the scarfs,let me know where i can
      sign up ill wear one to for the right price..lol…common man,do you really want to take this
      intellectual debate to I heard and she heard and you heard…thts kid stuff to me,if you wanna
      debate im here if you wanna report what you heard create a hot line…Good Day …

      1. When I visited back then in 1977-78 Lebanon there was a flee market by Pigeon Rocks in Rauche and I noticed lots of women were covering up there head and had long dresses this was odd when I used to go to AUB I hardly saw Muslim women covering up except some very old Sunni women and when I inquired people in Lebanon told me they get paid $200 per adult girl to cover their heads. Mostly summer months Muslim women coming from Gulf region were covered but Kuwaity and Saudi girls in A.U.B. wore the shortest mini skirts compared to Lebanese female students. Just an observation.

  14.  Avatar

    Michael-and i believe there is a reason why you choosed this name- is this the way you answe? just because you don’t like whst you hear or don’t like that other people can see it now you call me corrupt. i don’t say that people can’t chage but: 1. what he said is hizbullah’s point of view and he is still the head of them, isn’t he?
    2. he said this on tv and made it public, but i can’t remember that he stood in front of the le anese people, raised his voice and said that he was wrong or that he changed in any way. no, instead he is bringing the iranian president who kills his own people to lebanon to celebrate him like a damn hero.
    3. i heard a girls telling their friend who asked them why they are wearing a headscarf now, that hizbullah is paying them money to do this and as they need money, they do it. and this is NOT many years ago. this is a reality a lot of people already know. so calm down.
    so, i am waiting for the day he says that he changed and to behave like he changed. i am not fooling people.

    1. All4Lebanon,

      First of all my name is Mohamed Makhyle,my last name is not important,my friends
      and family call me Mohamed,Mo,Makhyle,Hammoody,and Michael,so maybe you
      can explain those names as well,thats my name on one of many of my yahoo accounts
      and thats the one i had chosen for this forum if you may know,now your wrong
      the sayed came out last year with a new memorandum for HA,and he clearly stated
      we are no longer pursuing the idea of creating an islamic state in Lebanon,if you need
      proof I will assist you with some,the israelies call him more trustworthy than there own
      goverment,so maybe the lebanese should try it as well,and your comment bout you heard
      some girl telling other girls they pay money to where the scarfs,let me know where i can
      sign up ill wear one to for the right price..lol…common man,do you really want to take this
      intellectual debate to I heard and she heard and you heard…thts kid stuff to me,if you wanna
      debate im here if you wanna report what you heard create a hot line…Good Day …

      1.  Avatar

        When I visited back then in 1977-78 Lebanon there was a flee market by Pigeon Rocks in Rauche and I noticed lots of women were covering up there head and had long dresses this was odd when I used to go to AUB I hardly saw Muslim women covering up except some very old Sunni women and when I inquired people in Lebanon told me they get paid $200 per adult girl to cover their heads. Mostly summer months Muslim women coming from Gulf region were covered but Kuwaity and Saudi girls in A.U.B. wore the shortest mini skirts compared to Lebanese female students. Just an observation.

  15. Nabil,

    Brother,I dont know who killed the harriri im not that advanced,time will tell how all that
    will play out,why insult me,does that make you fell better,my name has been explained
    in previous post,and I wish you could see me or see what I do in my good life and maybe
    you will see I dont need to change my name to pick up girls,lol,,,,who are u fooling
    with this propaganda of spitting in faces,if this is the case wouldnt the chrisitans of
    aoun leave him and come on tv and say all this was happening,you see HA is to well
    discplined and respectful to ever do that…not there style and I dont even know them,
    but I know they wouldnt be where they are at if they are spitting in chrisitans faces..
    anyway nabil I noticed you also are part of the “i heard group”u seem to hear alot of things
    that no one else does..i call that poor political propaganda….Im not gonna change your mind
    but at least try to be more honest…Im starting to see what prophet is saying bout u..its false..and ur
    so bankrupt in poltics you went after my name..wow,lolll honestly is this a kids forum..someone clarify.
    its to bad,this will be a short stay for me as well….take care nabil

    1. nabilabuzaid Avatar

      Michael i didn’t insult you just because i said your name could be Mohamed. Many people here change it to Michael because there are racism here against the name Mohamed. I meant it as a joke to pick up girls chill out.
      But to be honest several come here and use christians names in order to justify their attacks on March 14th.
      Sorry again i never meant any insults and I am no way supporter of any one and I do not care if the person in charge belongs to any sects as long as he/she work for the interest of the country and not use their weapons in order to hide their personal agenda. I have seen enough of SSNP claiming to want to unite so many arab countries under the banner of Greater Syria yet even among themselves are not united and alos they turned into assassins for the Syrian regimes.
      As far not knowing who killed Hariri i don’t blame you but why is hezbollah and syria are so quick to discredit the STL? why not hear and view the evidence against them if indicted before jumping to conclusions. I know the Lebanese mentality they get very defensive when guilty and I am married to one. If Hezbollah are true men and true resistance, then they would admit their guilt if guilty of course and ask the people for forgivness and move on. But they won’t and they want to destroy the country like Gaddafi just to make sure no one touches them. Gaddafi said i will remain until the last man but not his last son or daughter lol. Same with Nassrallah and Iran will sacrifice all shiites if needed to stay in control. AOun has not sacrified himself but his followers and his soldiers and anyone that follows him and defends him is guilty as him in my book,. Yes the current leaders many were guilty in the past but at least some of them are trying to walk a peaceful way unlike others who keeps continuing their intimidations and threats to get their way. I hope you understand my viewpoint. And again i meant no insults toward you and sorry if you feel that way.

  16. all4lebanon Avatar

    ok michael.
    1. i did’t say that you have to tell me your name. this is anonymus and we should respect this. so it is up to you to keep you name secret. you got me wrong.
    2. i didn’t say that someone told me he knoew someone who heard… bla bla and so on. i heard it with my own ears. it is an open secret-if it is a secret at all. i don’t give a thing about stories people tell as i know there are too many rumours in the world.
    it is up to you to believe what you want, but i judge people only by what they do. and i am really concerned about the situation in lebanon and hope that one day at least the new generation will understand that we are people of the same country. hope is not big as many people plant the hate in the souls and minds of their little children instead of seeking for peace and a better life for them.

    1. All4Lebanon,

      Bro i can tell your a good person,stay that way..dont let hate of a certain group
      or culture misguide you..we all want the same thing..differnt routes but same
      location..I dont hate anyone,i dont hate jews and i dont even hate the zionest
      which killed half of my family,and I mean half of my family,the zionest tried to kill
      everything but they couldnt kill my strength and courage,or my heart or my soul,
      its because of them I made it to who I am today,they showed me that evil is the wind
      that blows through the world,but never dies,and tht goodness is the life that walks
      either with the wind or against it,but never lives,its so complicated just to live one day
      without hate,and its impossible to live one day without love,the martyrs of my family died
      from the evil of the wind,and the soul of myself lives through the goodness of there souls…
      This is my life, this is how I think,this is how i get by everyday,this is how my life will always
      be,cuz the minute I start to hate what happened to all my family,is the minute i start to hate
      god….Good Day..

  17. Nabil,

    Brother,I dont know who killed the harriri im not that advanced,time will tell how all that
    will play out,why insult me,does that make you fell better,my name has been explained
    in previous post,and I wish you could see me or see what I do in my good life and maybe
    you will see I dont need to change my name to pick up girls,lol,,,,who are u fooling
    with this propaganda of spitting in faces,if this is the case wouldnt the chrisitans of
    aoun leave him and come on tv and say all this was happening,you see HA is to well
    discplined and respectful to ever do that…not there style and I dont even know them,
    but I know they wouldnt be where they are at if they are spitting in chrisitans faces..
    anyway nabil I noticed you also are part of the “i heard group”u seem to hear alot of things
    that no one else does..i call that poor political propaganda….Im not gonna change your mind
    but at least try to be more honest…Im starting to see what prophet is saying bout u..its false..and ur
    so bankrupt in poltics you went after my name..wow,lolll honestly is this a kids forum..someone clarify.
    its to bad,this will be a short stay for me as well….take care nabil

    1.  Avatar

      Michael i didn’t insult you just because i said your name could be Mohamed. Many people here change it to Michael because there are racism here against the name Mohamed. I meant it as a joke to pick up girls chill out.
      But to be honest several come here and use christians names in order to justify their attacks on March 14th.
      Sorry again i never meant any insults and I am no way supporter of any one and I do not care if the person in charge belongs to any sects as long as he/she work for the interest of the country and not use their weapons in order to hide their personal agenda. I have seen enough of SSNP claiming to want to unite so many arab countries under the banner of Greater Syria yet even among themselves are not united and alos they turned into assassins for the Syrian regimes.
      As far not knowing who killed Hariri i don’t blame you but why is hezbollah and syria are so quick to discredit the STL? why not hear and view the evidence against them if indicted before jumping to conclusions. I know the Lebanese mentality they get very defensive when guilty and I am married to one. If Hezbollah are true men and true resistance, then they would admit their guilt if guilty of course and ask the people for forgivness and move on. But they won’t and they want to destroy the country like Gaddafi just to make sure no one touches them. Gaddafi said i will remain until the last man but not his last son or daughter lol. Same with Nassrallah and Iran will sacrifice all shiites if needed to stay in control. AOun has not sacrified himself but his followers and his soldiers and anyone that follows him and defends him is guilty as him in my book,. Yes the current leaders many were guilty in the past but at least some of them are trying to walk a peaceful way unlike others who keeps continuing their intimidations and threats to get their way. I hope you understand my viewpoint. And again i meant no insults toward you and sorry if you feel that way.

  18.  Avatar

    ok michael.
    1. i did’t say that you have to tell me your name. this is anonymus and we should respect this. so it is up to you to keep you name secret. you got me wrong.
    2. i didn’t say that someone told me he knoew someone who heard… bla bla and so on. i heard it with my own ears. it is an open secret-if it is a secret at all. i don’t give a thing about stories people tell as i know there are too many rumours in the world.
    it is up to you to believe what you want, but i judge people only by what they do. and i am really concerned about the situation in lebanon and hope that one day at least the new generation will understand that we are people of the same country. hope is not big as many people plant the hate in the souls and minds of their little children instead of seeking for peace and a better life for them.

    1. All4Lebanon,

      Bro i can tell your a good person,stay that way..dont let hate of a certain group
      or culture misguide you..we all want the same thing..differnt routes but same
      location..I dont hate anyone,i dont hate jews and i dont even hate the zionest
      which killed half of my family,and I mean half of my family,the zionest tried to kill
      everything but they couldnt kill my strength and courage,or my heart or my soul,
      its because of them I made it to who I am today,they showed me that evil is the wind
      that blows through the world,but never dies,and tht goodness is the life that walks
      either with the wind or against it,but never lives,its so complicated just to live one day
      without hate,and its impossible to live one day without love,the martyrs of my family died
      from the evil of the wind,and the soul of myself lives through the goodness of there souls…
      This is my life, this is how I think,this is how i get by everyday,this is how my life will always
      be,cuz the minute I start to hate what happened to all my family,is the minute i start to hate
      god….Good Day..

    2. All4Lebanon,

      Bro i can tell your a good person,stay that way..dont let hate of a certain group
      or culture misguide you..we all want the same thing..differnt routes but same
      location..I dont hate anyone,i dont hate jews and i dont even hate the zionest
      which killed half of my family,and I mean half of my family,the zionest tried to kill
      everything but they couldnt kill my strength and courage,or my heart or my soul,
      its because of them I made it to who I am today,they showed me that evil is the wind
      that blows through the world,but never dies,and tht goodness is the life that walks
      either with the wind or against it,but never lives,its so complicated just to live one day
      without hate,and its impossible to live one day without love,the martyrs of my family died
      from the evil of the wind,and the soul of myself lives through the goodness of there souls…
      This is my life, this is how I think,this is how i get by everyday,this is how my life will always
      be,cuz the minute I start to hate what happened to all my family,is the minute i start to hate
      god….Good Day..

  19. plomca Avatar

    Hezbollah arms are legitimate as any other terrorist organization arms are legitimate. Hezbollah could not achieve their goals through democracy. They do so so with terror and threats. Without the arms, they know themselves, they cannot succeed in attaining their goals. The arms are not for defending, but to conquer and rule. It’s the only politics they really know, like any other terrorist or criminal organization.

  20. plomca Avatar

    Hezbollah arms are legitimate as any other terrorist organization arms are legitimate. Hezbollah could not achieve their goals through democracy. They do so so with terror and threats. Without the arms, they know themselves, they cannot succeed in attaining their goals. The arms are not for defending, but to conquer and rule. It’s the only politics they really know, like any other terrorist or criminal organization.

  21.  Avatar

    Hezbollah arms are legitimate as any other terrorist organization arms are legitimate. Hezbollah could not achieve their goals through democracy. They do so so with terror and threats. Without the arms, they know themselves, they cannot succeed in attaining their goals. The arms are not for defending, but to conquer and rule. It’s the only politics they really know, like any other terrorist or criminal organization.

  22. Amine123 Avatar

    I am not sure why everyone in Lebanon crying foul over HA arming themselves inorder to take Lebanon? Are the other group unable to arm themselves too or what, instead of waiting for them to come over and slaughter you why not prepare your self for the inevitable?

  23. Amine123 Avatar

    I am not sure why everyone in Lebanon crying foul over HA arming themselves inorder to take Lebanon? Are the other group unable to arm themselves too or what, instead of waiting for them to come over and slaughter you why not prepare your self for the inevitable?

  24.  Avatar

    I am not sure why everyone in Lebanon crying foul over HA arming themselves inorder to take Lebanon? Are the other group unable to arm themselves too or what, instead of waiting for them to come over and slaughter you why not prepare your self for the inevitable?

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