This comes after Hariri addressed the participants at Biel during the ceremony commemorating the 6th anniversary of the assassination of his father Lebanon’s former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

We do not accept submitting to weapons that become a means of blackmail, or when they becomes an instrument of pressure on MPs. In reference to Hezbollah and its use of arms in pressuring PSP leader MP Walid Jumblatt to switch allegiance during the January consultations over selecting a new PM to lead the new cabinet .
He also called for a March 14, 2011 rally to say no. “No to change our lifestyle, no to corruption, no to fear, no to oppression, and no to crime.”
March 14 marks the 6th anniversary of the Cedar revolution when over 1 million Lebanese gathered in down Beirut to protest against the murder of the the late PM and called on Syrian troops to leave Lebanon. The Syrian troops withdrew in April 2005
The Iranian- and Syrian-backed Hezbollah brought down PM Saad Hariri’s government on January 12 over the Special Tribunal for Lebanon’s imminent indictment which is widely expected to implicate Hezbollah members in the assassination of former PM Rafik Hariri in 2005 .
Nagib Mikati, who was backed by Hezbollah and its March 8 allies including Jumblatt and Mohammad Safadi, was appointed by president Michel Suleiman as PM-designate to form and head the next cabinet , giving Hezbollah and its allies increased leverage in the country and provoking widespread protests.
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