Blast in Egypt church near Gaza border, report


An explosion hit a church in Rafah, near the Egyptian border with the Gaza Strip, but the source and the scale of the blast were not immediately clear, witnesses said on Saturday.

Witnesses said they saw several armed men around the church but it was not clear whether they were involved. Smoke rose from the Mari Gerges church, which was empty of people, they added.

Egyptian officials had earlier blamed the Gaza-based Army of Islam for a New Year’s Day church bombing in Alexandria that killed 23 people. The group denied the charge. Reuters



3 responses to “Blast in Egypt church near Gaza border, report”

  1. josephphdman Avatar

    20 millions people coptics they need there own state because the governement of egypt cannot protect them
    and let the rest of egypt figure there own democracy
    the united nation should issue a vote mandate for a coptic state and let the united nation members vote on it

  2. josephphdman Avatar

    20 millions people coptics they need there own state because the governement of egypt cannot protect them
    and let the rest of egypt figure there own democracy
    the united nation should issue a vote mandate for a coptic state and let the united nation members vote on it

  3.  Avatar

    20 millions people coptics they need there own state because the governement of egypt cannot protect them
    and let the rest of egypt figure there own democracy
    the united nation should issue a vote mandate for a coptic state and let the united nation members vote on it

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