Wikileaks: Syria transferred $50 million to Aoun’s OTV


A US diplomatic cable released by WikiLeaks last week cited Prime Minister Saad Hariri and his advisor, Ghattas Khoury, as telling a US official on February 11, 2008 that Syrian Director of Military Intelligence Asaf Shawkat helped transfer $50 million for OTV television in Qatar under the names of Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun’s daughters.

Hariri and Khoury also “alleged that Rami Makhlouf, first cousin of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad had assisted the Syrian president in moving funds out of Syria to Dubai.”

According to the cable, Hariri and Khoury also asked for the US to designate Makhlouf and Shawkat (as regime insiders who improperly benefits from and aids the public corruption of Syrian officials) “as a means of punishing Syria for its interference in Lebanon and because their activities in promoting corruption.” Now Lebanon



11 responses to “Wikileaks: Syria transferred $50 million to Aoun’s OTV”

  1. Hariri and Khoury are re-braded ex Syrian puppets and corrupt Banana Republic members as described by this UN report corruption in Lebanon, under the Hariri and Saniora government ( G. Michel Aoun founded OTV which is now publicly owned. He owns leads the opposition, which denounces sectarianism and corruption is the Banana Republic. Basically he makes us not available for the next civil war. Hmm… I wonder what colonizers , who divides and conquers small countries, would have an issue with that! Saudi’s US, and whomever is in on the current round of gambling with the lives of small countries? I also wonder what publicity stunt they would use to sabotage him.

  2. We don’t need wikileaks to tell us that our politicians are corrupt. We had Lebnanleaks way long before wikileaks.

    1. PROPHET.T Avatar

      We’ve had nini-leaks, this is the Big “O”,lol

  3. We don’t need wikileaks to tell us that our politicians are corrupt. We had Lebnanleaks way long before wikileaks.

  4.  Avatar

    We don’t need wikileaks to tell us that our politicians are corrupt. We had Lebnanleaks way long before wikileaks.

    1. PROPHET.T Avatar

      We’ve had nini-leaks, this is the Big “O”,lol

  5. master09 Avatar

    Its the same when we have elections in Lebanon, a friend was offered $7,000US and a return tkt from Australia to take family and vote for a party. WOW that is freedom of speech, most of this money is also funded by Iran, Syria and other nations.Way to go next time an election is on my price will be set at a lot higher than that. LOL The fact is I will not accept a lira because I will not stoop that low.

  6. master09 Avatar

    Its the same when we have elections in Lebanon, a friend was offered $7,000US and a return tkt from Australia to take family and vote for a party. WOW that is freedom of speech, most of this money is also funded by Iran, Syria and other nations.Way to go next time an election is on my price will be set at a lot higher than that. LOL The fact is I will not accept a lira because I will not stoop that low.

  7.  Avatar

    Its the same when we have elections in Lebanon, a friend was offered $7,000US and a return tkt from Australia to take family and vote for a party. WOW that is freedom of speech, most of this money is also funded by Iran, Syria and other nations.Way to go next time an election is on my price will be set at a lot higher than that. LOL The fact is I will not accept a lira because I will not stoop that low.

  8. FormerLebanese Avatar

    Lebanon89, the article you are referring to is no more pathetic than the comments you have typed. At the end of the day any idiot with 2 functional fingers can type and have their waste posted on the internet.

    Unlike Salim Hoss who wore the cleanest pants as a Prime Minister in lebanon, yet we were pretty much under 100% complete control of Syria and he was a puppet. Rafik was a pioneer and a visionary not Buddha. He could’ve probably increased his fortune and became one of the Top5 billionaires world wide if he decided to move his business ventures away from the Lebanese politics and could’ve still been alive and enjoying his riches.

    No he decided to try to rescue his war torn country for personal reasons. He realized that going against Syria from the getgo will never get him anywhere and will never put him in the position needed. Like any person with intelligence sometimes you have to befriend the beast to get what you want from him. He did until it became unbareable not only to him but his allies and friends that’s when things went sour France and Lebanese Christians (Including and more like Spearheaded by Aoun) were lobbying every country to try to get Syria out of Lebanon. Hariri was attempting to do it behind the scenes without causing such an impact, but this eventually costed him his life.

    You want to label Hariri a Thief label him what you wish to, but the memory of the people will never be forgotten or altered. He was to the day the best man to come to the Lebanese political scene and I wish he didn’t for his own sake.

  9.  Avatar

    Lebanon89, the article you are referring to is no more pathetic than the comments you have typed. At the end of the day any idiot with 2 functional fingers can type and have their waste posted on the internet.

    Unlike Salim Hoss who wore the cleanest pants as a Prime Minister in lebanon, yet we were pretty much under 100% complete control of Syria and he was a puppet. Rafik was a pioneer and a visionary not Buddha. He could’ve probably increased his fortune and became one of the Top5 billionaires world wide if he decided to move his business ventures away from the Lebanese politics and could’ve still been alive and enjoying his riches.

    No he decided to try to rescue his war torn country for personal reasons. He realized that going against Syria from the getgo will never get him anywhere and will never put him in the position needed. Like any person with intelligence sometimes you have to befriend the beast to get what you want from him. He did until it became unbareable not only to him but his allies and friends that’s when things went sour France and Lebanese Christians (Including and more like Spearheaded by Aoun) were lobbying every country to try to get Syria out of Lebanon. Hariri was attempting to do it behind the scenes without causing such an impact, but this eventually costed him his life.

    You want to label Hariri a Thief label him what you wish to, but the memory of the people will never be forgotten or altered. He was to the day the best man to come to the Lebanese political scene and I wish he didn’t for his own sake.

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