Wikileaks Commotion: Does It Have Legs?


By Ghassan Karam

It is no exaggeration to say that the world media is abuzz about Wkileaks, the not-for-profit international organization that has been making public leaked information regarding a gamut of subjects from a list of censored films by Lebanon, to files about the Afghan war, the Iraqi war and now 250,000 US diplomatic cables involving 270 embassies.

Many remember the Pentagon papers that revealed clearly that the “Administration had systematically lied, not only to the public but also to Congress, about a subject of transcendent national interest and significance”. Many more remember with sadness the tendency of the Ford Pinto to explode essentially because the management had deliberately undertaken a cost-benefit analysis that showed that the corporation would be better served by not upgrading a dangerous fuel system that has the tendency to explode. There are many such examples, real and imagined where documents hidden from the public were meant to mislead and or cover up negligence and even criminal activities.

The documents released by Wiki leaks in connection to the conduct/misconduct of war in Afghanistan and Iraq meet the above aim that public disclosure will shine a bright light on events and developments that were meant to deceive and even deny justice. But is this the case in the sensational revelations that have caused so much coverage, the world over, when Wiki leaks made public the contents of 250,000 US diplomatic cables from all over the world? Of course not.

These cables are in essence the private analysis of employees that were required to provide their employer in confidence their non public evaluation of events and political leaders. The other highly sensational and even inflammatory issue in these cables was the public disclosure of the private opinions of various government officials all over the world who met with and were urged to discuss in strict confidence their views regarding a large variety of matters that range from the Iranian nuclear standoff to the UK military performance  in Afghanistan.

Many countries and possibly most have adopted the legal principle of privileged communications that prevents certain parties, say physicians, from testifying against their patients by making their privileged information public. Courts will not admit into evidence such information on the grounds that the patient/client  is protected from having the doctor, the priest, her lawyer or her suppose use her words against her under any set of circumstances. Don’t you think that a politician should have just as much right to keep his views private if he chooses? We do have a very wide understanding when practically every single one of us either seeks advice in confidence or offers it with the expectation that the ideas will not be plastered across the internet screens all over the globe.

Nothing more than embarrassment of some will result from these leaks. No higher purpose will be served and no one’s welfare will be protected by their release. Their effects will be momentary at best, until the novelty and shock value of such revelations die out. What did anyone gain from the knowledge that the King of Bahrain spoke freely about his fears from a nuclear Iran or from the fact that some US analysts suspect that the Russian mafia might have infiltrated the highest level of the Russian government.   Was it really unexpected to hear Elias Murr, the Lebanese Minister of Defense telling the US ambassador that the Lebanese army will not engage the Israelis if and when a war between them and Hezbollah is waged? Yes it is highly embarrassing for a defense minister to speak so openly about the impotency of his armed forces but should that be a surprise when the Lebanese army is underequipped, undertrained. It’s an army without ammunitions.

I am not suggesting that the media organizations should not have covered the leaks. It’s a news story and that is the sole rationale for their existence. Even Wiki leaks itself had to distribute the information once that information was given to it. All calls by some to prosecute and even assassinate Mr. Assange the Wiki leaks human face are deplorable but those that delivered the information to Wiki leaks should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law in this case. It is immensely important not to confuse the forest for the trees; private opinions given in confidence are not the same thing as conspiracies to defraud and cover-up illegal and criminal activities. And this too shall pass without any major repercussions. The leaks in question have been highly titillating and will cause lots of discomforts to the principals but no higher purpose will be served as a result of these essentially stolen private remarks opinions that were not meant for public consumption.



31 responses to “Wikileaks Commotion: Does It Have Legs?”

  1. Sebouh80 Avatar

    As it seems from the reactions from most politicians and media pundits around the world which indicate clearly that indeed there is limits to freedom and democracy. To my understanding, democracy and transparency are entwined together and one cannot have democratic institutions without full transparency in all areas.
    Today unfortunately the same mafia-type criminality is being deployed with full force against Wikileaks and Private Bradley Manning, who is charged with leaking some of the documents. In the US, politicians of both parties are united in their determination to see Assange arrested. The Obama administration has branded the leakers, as well as Wikileaks, “criminals,” with the US attorney general pledged to “close the gap” by inventing pseudo-legal basis for prosecution if one does not exist at present.
    Yesterday the US State Department spokesman P J Crowely told reporters that Julian Paul Assange founder and editor-in-chief of WikiLeaks is trying to undermine the international system and said he cannot be considered as a journalist or a whistleblower but a political actor with a political agenda.
    The truth is Julien Assange is being tried for simply exposing the truth about the real image of US imperialism and their subject states around the world. This is why the likes of Mr. P J Crowely are deeply agitated.

    1. Ghassankaram Avatar

      I am afraid that you are “confusing the forest for the trees”. Whether Mr. Assage has been an accessory to a criminal activity or not is a matter for the courts to decide. You cannot possibly claim that there are no basis for privileged communications when the concept plays a huge role in most legal systems. Your physician is not allowed to testify against you for cheating your insurance company by claiming that you don’t have a certain disease that the doctor has been treating you for. Let me repeat the doctor will not be allowed to testify against you even if she wanted to. Your rights are protected. I hope that we will not need to pass special statues to protect the rights of analyste to speak confidentlly in a closed meeting. Do you know of any organization anywhere in the world that does not periodically need to hold an executive session? Is there a parent who has not at times spoken in confidence about a child or even a spouse again in confidence? Is there a single university that does not require letters of recommendation written in confidence?
      The fact that one does not think highly of capitalism must not be allowed to colour ones judgment. How in the world is the concept of a leak a blow to capitalism? Are you suggesting that China or even North Korea do not promise to keep some conversations with friends and allies away from public disclosure? This is an act that must be judged on its own merits. Try as you might, it has no ideological conotations whatsoever. It is simply about whether individuals have the right to conceal from the public their opinions.

    2. PROPHET.T Avatar

      think we’d have to wait for another big leak(somewhere/somehow) so we can find out if Mr. Assange is being set up with those alleged criminal activities .Or we many never

    3. PROPHET.T Avatar

      think we’d have to wait for another big leak(somewhere/somehow) so we can find out if Mr. Assange is being set up with those alleged criminal activities .Or we many never

  2.  Avatar

    As it seems from the reactions from most politicians and media pundits around the world which indicate clearly that indeed there is limits to freedom and democracy. To my understanding, democracy and transparency are entwined together and one cannot have democratic institutions without full transparency in all areas.

    Today unfortunately the same mafia-type criminality is being deployed with full force against Wikileaks and Private Bradley Manning, who is charged with leaking some of the documents. In the US, politicians of both parties are united in their determination to see Assange arrested. The Obama administration has branded the leakers, as well as Wikileaks, “criminals,” with the US attorney general pledged to “close the gap” by inventing pseudo-legal basis for prosecution if one does not exist at present.

    Yesterday the US State Department spokesman P J Crowely told reporters that Julian Paul Assange founder and editor-in-chief of WikiLeaks is trying to undermine the international system and said he cannot be considered as a journalist or a whistleblower but a political actor with a political agenda.

    The truth is Julien Assange is being tried for simply exposing the truth about the real image of US imperialism and their subject states around the world. This is why the likes of Mr. P J Crowely are deeply agitated.


    1.  Avatar

      I am afraid that you are “confusing the forest for the trees”. Whether Mr. Assage has been an accessory to a criminal activity or not is a matter for the courts to decide. You cannot possibly claim that there are no basis for privileged communications when the concept plays a huge role in most legal systems. Your physician is not allowed to testify against you for cheating your insurance company by claiming that you don’t have a certain disease that the doctor has been treating you for. Let me repeat the doctor will not be allowed to testify against you even if she wanted to. Your rights are protected. I hope that we will not need to pass special statues to protect the rights of analyste to speak confidentlly in a closed meeting. Do you know of any organization anywhere in the world that does not periodically need to hold an executive session? Is there a parent who has not at times spoken in confidence about a child or even a spouse again in confidence? Is there a single university that does not require letters of recommendation written in confidence?
      The fact that one does not think highly of capitalism must not be allowed to colour ones judgment. How in the world is the concept of a leak a blow to capitalism? Are you suggesting that China or even North Korea do not promise to keep some conversations with friends and allies away from public disclosure? This is an act that must be judged on its own merits. Try as you might, it has no ideological conotations whatsoever. It is simply about whether individuals have the right to conceal from the public their opinions.

    2. PROPHET.T Avatar

      think we’d have to wait for another big leak(somewhere/somehow) so we can find out if Mr. Assange is being set up with those alleged criminal activities .Or we many never

  3. Hannibal Avatar

    I totally disagree with you Mr. Karam. Any elected official to any seat should be totally transparent. Private opinions are for private common people not for public officials. That my friend is standing by hypocrisy at best. It is NOT OK for a person like Murr to issue statements in public about unity and what have you and behind doors undermine this unity by privately saying otherwise. What type of a defense minister whose army is made up in its majority by Shia moslems would say it is OK to bombard their bridges but do not touch the Christians’ area so that they (the Christians) won’t take side with their brothers in the South. That is tribal at best. A minister of defense should be the minister of defense of all Lebanon, not just selective bits and pieces. As for the last paragraph, I am totally against it as well. Let me give you an example. Let us say that the public is eager for a war on Cancer. An official elected by the same people demanding that war comes to light promising actions against cancer and money to start programs and research. However, now behind doors, speaking with officials, makes remarks, not for public consumption, like who cares if some people die from the disease, as it is we are overpopulated. Now that is hypocrisy and hypocrisy has no place in politics but the majority of Politicians are just that. May be wikileaks is what we need to hold them accountable. You give an example about Arab leaders’ fear of Nuclear Iran. I believe they would serve the cause better if they stop the public lies and all together come out with a public statement telling Iran that we won’t stay silent if you continue on that path rather than cowering like rats conniving behind doors.

    1. Ghassankaram Avatar

      I think that you are confusing the merits of a position with the rights of an individual to hold that position. The Wikileaks regarding the 250000 diplomatic cables have not contributed to any higher goal in society. They have only violated a public trust of a private conversation that might in its own way be a reflection of a hypocritical person. Ultimately public officials should be judged not by what they say in private but by their action. I do not think very highly, as I have made it clear over the years, of any of the Arab regimes but this does not mean that King Abdallah does not have the right to express in private conversations his anxiety about having to live next to a nclearly armed country.
      The ability to speak in confidence about all sorts of issues plays a huge role in assuring honest opinions in many fields. I am sure that you have your own reasons for using the moniker Hannibal but I would not be surprised if one of the reasons is to that of protecting your personal identity from being associated with certain views that you wish to conceal from friends and neighbours.:-)

  4. Hannibal Avatar

    I totally disagree with you Mr. Karam. Any elected official to any seat should be totally transparent. Private opinions are for private common people not for public officials. That my friend is standing by hypocrisy at best. It is NOT OK for a person like Murr to issue statements in public about unity and what have you and behind doors undermine this unity by privately saying otherwise. What type of a defense minister whose army is made up in its majority by Shia moslems would say it is OK to bombard their bridges but do not touch the Christians’ area so that they (the Christians) won’t take side with their brothers in the South. That is tribal at best. A minister of defense should be the minister of defense of all Lebanon, not just selective bits and pieces. As for the last paragraph, I am totally against it as well. Let me give you an example. Let us say that the public is eager for a war on Cancer. An official elected by the same people demanding that war comes to light promising actions against cancer and money to start programs and research. However, now behind doors, speaking with officials, makes remarks, not for public consumption, like who cares if some people die from the disease, as it is we are overpopulated. Now that is hypocrisy and hypocrisy has no place in politics but the majority of Politicians are just that. May be wikileaks is what we need to hold them accountable. You give an example about Arab leaders’ fear of Nuclear Iran. I believe they would serve the cause better if they stop the public lies and all together come out with a public statement telling Iran that we won’t stay silent if you continue on that path rather than cowering like rats conniving behind doors.

    1. Ghassankaram Avatar

      I think that you are confusing the merits of a position with the rights of an individual to hold that position. The Wikileaks regarding the 250000 diplomatic cables have not contributed to any higher goal in society. They have only violated a public trust of a private conversation that might in its own way be a reflection of a hypocritical person. Ultimately public officials should be judged not by what they say in private but by their action. I do not think very highly, as I have made it clear over the years, of any of the Arab regimes but this does not mean that King Abdallah does not have the right to express in private conversations his anxiety about having to live next to a nclearly armed country.
      The ability to speak in confidence about all sorts of issues plays a huge role in assuring honest opinions in many fields. I am sure that you have your own reasons for using the moniker Hannibal but I would not be surprised if one of the reasons is to that of protecting your personal identity from being associated with certain views that you wish to conceal from friends and neighbours.:-)

  5. I totally disagree with you Mr. Karam. Any elected official to any seat should be totally transparent. Private opinions are for private common people not for public officials. That my friend is standing by hypocrisy at best. It is NOT OK for a person like Murr to issue statements in public about unity and what have you and behind doors undermine this unity by privately saying otherwise. What type of a defense minister whose army is made up in its majority by Shia moslems would say it is OK to bombard their bridges but do not touch the Christians’ area so that they (the Christians) won’t take side with their brothers in the South. That is tribal at best. A minister of defense should be the minister of defense of all Lebanon, not just selective bits and pieces. As for the last paragraph, I am totally against it as well. Let me give you an example. Let us say that the public is eager for a war on Cancer. An official elected by the same people demanding that war comes to light promising actions against cancer and money to start programs and research. However, now behind doors, speaking with officials, makes remarks, not for public consumption, like who cares if some people die from the disease, as it is we are overpopulated. Now that is hypocrisy and hypocrisy has no place in politics but the majority of Politicians are just that. May be wikileaks is what we need to hold them accountable. You give an example about Arab leaders’ fear of Nuclear Iran. I believe they would serve the cause better if they stop the public lies and all together come out with a public statement telling Iran that we won’t stay silent if you continue on that path rather than cowering like rats conniving behind doors.

    1.  Avatar

      I think that you are confusing the merits of a position with the rights of an individual to hold that position. The Wikileaks regarding the 250000 diplomatic cables have not contributed to any higher goal in society. They have only violated a public trust of a private conversation that might in its own way be a reflection of a hypocritical person. Ultimately public officials should be judged not by what they say in private but by their action. I do not think very highly, as I have made it clear over the years, of any of the Arab regimes but this does not mean that King Abdallah does not have the right to express in private conversations his anxiety about having to live next to a nclearly armed country.
      The ability to speak in confidence about all sorts of issues plays a huge role in assuring honest opinions in many fields. I am sure that you have your own reasons for using the moniker Hannibal but I would not be surprised if one of the reasons is to that of protecting your personal identity from being associated with certain views that you wish to conceal from friends and neighbours.:-)

  6. PROPHET.T Avatar

    Ghasan,Although, You and I had an exchange at a another blog regarding the wikileaks revelation, I will repeat for the record, few key points I had made;some of which, you and I agreed to disagree on.These documents may not have any value in any court, but they do have a big value in the court of public opinion. They expose the hypocrisy of most leaders, and public officials who are supposed to serve the public in whatever position they are in. They confirm the impression that many people already had of Arab leaders in particular.These cables may be private analysis of employees serving their employers, but the contents of these cables are statements, for the most part , made by people who have official capacities, and responsibilities.These cables are documents,that are based on discussions taking place at official meetings, where people make statements that are taken seriously..There is a big difference between private conversations, and an official (elected or appointed) discussing his nation’s policies with an official of another nation at a meeting. We’re not taking about a private discussion at a bar, or private function. Yes officials and politicians are entitled to their own private opinions, but NOT to make a national policy out of them when they were hired to serve the public. An elected official, in a democracy, may pay for his mistake in his next election, but how would an appointed official be help accountable. An appointed official is hired to serve, according to laws and constitutions, not to have private opinions in official meeting, where his opinions could have an effect on policies of other nations, and could expose his own people to danger or destruction.A king is the creator of his own laws, but a defense minster can not act like a king; not privately, nor officially. What you consider a private opinion is in fact a state policy being passed on to a representative of another nation. Specific information, such an instruction to an army commander not to defend his country, was made. THIS IS NOT A PRIVATE OPINION.We can’t blame people for believing that there is a conspiracy theory behind everything.If some one had written an article a month ago, alleging what was revealed about Mr. Murr, You and I would have said that it is a conspiracy to discredit the man.

    1. Ghassankaram Avatar

      Nothing about the likes of Murr would ever surprise me:-) Lest we forget, his best idea was to finance the Lebanese army through public donations. That idea had the life span of a moth close to a 200 watt incandescent light bulb.

      I find no value in these revelations but some do . That is fine by me.:-)

      1. PROPHET.T Avatar

        I bet most Lebanese , especially people of the south found some value in this.The comical part of this revelation is that He, The defense minister of Lebanon, was informing the ambassador of the united of state of an imminent attack by Israel( big secret). Like the US would never have an idea if that was to ever take place. I bet Sison was laughing so hard after ward.On another note;Good way of challenging Hannibal to reveal his identity, lolBtw, I was planning to start using my real name here. But after this thread, I decided ,the wise thing to do ,is to hold off until Lebanon has a different defense Minster. I don’t wish to be held by security at the airport next time I visit Lebanon, lol

        1. Hannibal Avatar

          OK Prophet I will tell you who I am… Bruce Wayne… Here you have it. 😛

        2. Hannibal Avatar

          OK Prophet I will tell you who I am… Bruce Wayne… Here you have it. 😛

        3. PROPHET.T Avatar

          Now you’re camouflaging yourself with the best look,lol
          I was serious about using my name.

        4. PROPHET.T Avatar

          Now you’re camouflaging yourself with the best look,lol
          I was serious about using my name.

  7. PROPHET.T Avatar

    Ghasan,Although, You and I had an exchange at a another blog regarding the wikileaks revelation, I will repeat for the record, few key points I had made;some of which, you and I agreed to disagree on.These documents may not have any value in any court, but they do have a big value in the court of public opinion. They expose the hypocrisy of most leaders, and public officials who are supposed to serve the public in whatever position they are in. They confirm the impression that many people already had of Arab leaders in particular.These cables may be private analysis of employees serving their employers, but the contents of these cables are statements, for the most part , made by people who have official capacities, and responsibilities.These cables are documents,that are based on discussions taking place at official meetings, where people make statements that are taken seriously..There is a big difference between private conversations, and an official (elected or appointed) discussing his nation’s policies with an official of another nation at a meeting. We’re not taking about a private discussion at a bar, or private function. Yes officials and politicians are entitled to their own private opinions, but NOT to make a national policy out of them when they were hired to serve the public. An elected official, in a democracy, may pay for his mistake in his next election, but how would an appointed official be help accountable. An appointed official is hired to serve, according to laws and constitutions, not to have private opinions in official meeting, where his opinions could have an effect on policies of other nations, and could expose his own people to danger or destruction.A king is the creator of his own laws, but a defense minster can not act like a king; not privately, nor officially. What you consider a private opinion is in fact a state policy being passed on to a representative of another nation. Specific information, such an instruction to an army commander not to defend his country, was made. THIS IS NOT A PRIVATE OPINION.We can’t blame people for believing that there is a conspiracy theory behind everything.If some one had written an article a month ago, alleging what was revealed about Mr. Murr, You and I would have said that it is a conspiracy to discredit the man.

  8. PROPHET.T Avatar

    Ghasan,Although, You and I had an exchange at a another blog regarding the wikileaks revelation, I will repeat for the record, few key points I had made, which you and I agreed to disagree on some.These documents may not have any value in any court, but they do have a big value in the court of public opinion. They expose the hypocrisy of most leaders, and public officials who are supposed to serve the public in whatever position they are in. They confirm the impression that many people already had of Arab leaders in particular.These cables may be private analysis of employees serving their employers, but the contents of these cables are statements, for the most part , made by people who have an official capacities, and responsibilities.These cables are documents, which are based on official meeting, where people make statements.There is a big difference between private conversations, and an official (elected or appointed) discussing his nation’s policies with an official of another nation at a meeting. We’re not taking about a private discussion at a bar, or private function. Yes officials and politicians are entitled to their own private opinions, but NOT to make a national policy out of them when they were hired to serve the public. An elected official, in a democracy, may pay for his mistake in his next election, but how would an appointed official be help accountable. An appointed official is hired to serve, according to laws and constitutions, not to have private opinions in official meeting, where his opinions could have an effect on policies of other nations, and could expose his own people to danger or destruction.A king is the creator of his own laws, but a defense minster can not act like a king; not privately, nor officially. What you consider a private opinion is in fact a state policy being passed on to a representative of another nation. Specific information, such an instruction to an army commander not to defend his country, was made. We can’t blame people for believing that there is a conspiracy theory behind everything.If some one had written an article a month ago, alleging what was revealed about Mr. Murr, You and I would have said that it is a conspiracy to discredit the man.

    1.  Avatar

      Nothing about the likes of Murr would ever surprise me:-) Lest we forget, his best idea was to finance the Lebanese army through public donations. That idea had the life span of a moth close to a 200 watt incandescent light bulb.

      I find no value in these revelations but some do . That is fine by me.:-)

      1. PROPHET.T Avatar

        I bet most Lebanese , especially people of the south found some value in this.

        The comical part of this revelation is that He, The defense minister of Lebanon, was informing the ambassador of the united of state of a big secret; where Israel was about to invade Lebanon. Like the US would never have an idea if that was to ever take place. I bet Sison was laughing so hard after ward.

        1. OK Prophet I will tell you who I am… Bruce Wayne… Here you have it. 😛

        2. PROPHET.T Avatar

          Now you’re camouflaging yourself with the best look,lol
          I was serious about using my name.

  9. Presumably you would agree that the president of Yemen has an obligation to his people to be honest about an attack on Yemeni soil where Yemenis were killed. When the Yemeni people learn that he was in fact not being truthful and had lied outright about attacks by the Americans saying that they were his own forces, I take that to be an important revelation. I don’t care how the information was revealed. Will I use it in court? That’s not the point. It is firm proof that the president lied. I do find the Wikileaks to be significant.

    I do not have to deny the importance of private information and communication in some circumstances to think that these leaks were important and that they will have an impact. How they were leaked is not my concern. Did the person who leaked them commit a crime? I think so. But that says nothing about whether I can or cannot base my political action (in a democracy of course) on what they reveal. And to me they reveal a lot.

  10. Presumably you would agree that the president of Yemen has an obligation to his people to be honest about an attack on Yemeni soil where Yemenis were killed. When the Yemeni people learn that he was in fact not being truthful and had lied outright about attacks by the Americans saying that they were his own forces, I take that to be an important revelation. I don’t care how the information was revealed. Will I use it in court? That’s not the point. It is firm proof that the president lied. I do find the Wikileaks to be significant.

    I do not have to deny the importance of private information and communication in some circumstances to think that these leaks were important and that they will have an impact. How they were leaked is not my concern. Did the person who leaked them commit a crime? I think so. But that says nothing about whether I can or cannot base my political action (in a democracy of course) on what they reveal. And to me they reveal a lot.

    1.  Avatar

      I have no problem whatsoever in using the information revealed by the leaks in order to arrive at a judgment of athe character of a principal and I do not have any problem with a leak that rises to the level of revealing a conspiracy or a criminal act. I believe that the Yemeni leak might foot the bill .I do not believe however that revealing the record of a chit chat serves much purpose besides that of embarrassment.

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