Editorial: Stop the Christian exodus from Muslim countries

Residents gather outside Our Lady of Salvation church in Baghdad . Almost sixty people died when militants attacked the church

By Dr. Hamad Al-Majid*

The attack on the Church of Our Lady of Salvation in Iraq not only caused murder and destruction, but it has led to wider religious, humanitarian, and legal turmoil. Among those primarily affected by this reckless Al Qaeda attack have been the advocates of a moderate, tolerant Islam, as was the case in the aftermath of the 9/11 atrocities. After 9/11, calls for moderate Islam declined significantly, and hundreds of Islamic institutions were closed. Furthermore, a large number of preachers lost their funding, and thousands of orphans and widows, who were being supported by such institutions, were displaced.

Al Qaeda’s horrific attack against the Church of Our Lady of Salvation in Iraq represents a self-inflicted blow for the organization. The noose around its neck has subsequently tightened in a number of countries, including Saudi Arabia. Even when Al Qaeda focussed its rhetoric on ‘resisting America’ and ‘targeting Americans’, this failed to resonate with a segment of their religiously indoctrinated youth. Nevertheless there was little opposition to this rhetoric from within, with members following the principle of “I do not support this, but it does not affect me.” Yet Al Qaeda was soon exposed as merely a brutal force, with a skewed ideology, when it began to target Saudi Arabian economic institutions. The terrorist group launched an attack on the entire Saudi security network, firstly by targeting its head office, and then later attempting to assassinate one of its key figures, Saudi Assistant Interior Minister for Security Affairs, Prince Muhammad bin Naif. Whilst people became aware of Al Qaeda, they soon became disillusioned with its methods, and were not convinced by its ideology, except for fools with questionable intellect.

Photos of slain Iraqi priests Thair Saadallah, right, and Wassem Sabieh, left.

The Iraqi branch of Al Qaeda attempted to justify its attack on the Iraqi Church, by suggesting it was a response to an earlier incident, whereby two [Christian] women, who had reportedly converted to Islam, had subsequently been abducted by a Church [in Egypt]. If we accept such a justification, then hypothetically we must also accept a British right-wing group attacking a mosque in London, causing a massacre, in support of two Muslim women converting to Christianity, and then being detained in an Islamic institution in France. What a nonsensical pretext! What is this twisted logic? This is the shame that Al Qaeda has brought to our religion, and into the minds of its followers.

One of the most important duties for our scholars, preachers, and intellectuals, who are interested in Islamic affairs, is to raise their voices to denounce such unprovoked crimes committed by Al Qaeda against Christian churches and Shiites. This should be equivalent to our condemnation of aggressive attacks against mosques and Sunni centres, committed by some Shiite extremists, or radical Christian groups. The language of condemnation should also be strong, clear and unequivocal, because when Al Qaeda commits such crimes, it distorts the image of Islam and Muslims everywhere. We should suffocate them intellectually, and free ourselves from their heinous acts. Silence, or even the mild language that confronted Al Qaeda’s crimes in some Muslim countries in the 1990s, has helped, along with other factors, to prolong the influence of this poisonous ideology. No scholars or preachers have so far been able to stop Al Qaeda intellectually, and systematically isolate them, whether in the official public arena, or in the private domain.

In order to confront this radical trend, we can also consider a number of quotes from historical religious figures, whom Al Qaeda has tried to transform into champions of its ideology. One such figure was Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, who once famously said “the people under our protection come before the people of our own religion”. This was in response to the [invading] Tartars, who had captured both Muslims and Christians [in the Mongol invasion of Damascus]. Sultan Qalawun brought both sets of prisoners, in order to negotiate with the Sheikh, and offered to release the Muslims, whilst retaining the Christians. However Ibn Taymiyyah responded with his famous retort and this represents an air of wisdom that Al Qaeda’s criminals certainly lack.

*Dr. Hamad Al-Majid is a journalist and former member of the official Saudi National Organization for Human Rights. Al-Majid is a graduate of Imam




17 responses to “Editorial: Stop the Christian exodus from Muslim countries”

  1. PROPHET.T Avatar

    This is from a person who hates religious institutions. But the fact that religion exists, and it’s an important part of human lives, there must be a peaceful coexistence among all religions. The Middle East is in dear need for this coexistence now,more than any other time in recent history.
    I believe the Middle East and Muslim countries would be the biggest losers, if they allow their countries to become Christian free societies. Christianity was born in the Middle East, and from there, it spread out to the rest of the world. The Middle East should always be the first home for Christians, and Christianity.
    Arab and Muslim countries have an urgent responsibility to protect, and treat Christian communities equally, and make sure that there is no interference or restriction on their rights to practice their faith as they wish. They need to ensure that Christians have proper political representation in government institutions. Political representation is the corner stone for any community’s existence and integration in its surrounding.
    They need to ensure that the laws of their countries protect these rights, and further more, ensure that these laws are enforced. Societies, usually behave according to the laws of the land, and the efficiency of which these laws are enforced. It’s the society’s responsibility as much as that of governments to promote tolerance of other faiths, and cultures. The more diverse a society is the richer culture of that society becomes. Religious leaders, as well as civil, and political leaders are urged to speak out constantly against discrimination and attacks against Christians, and other minority groups. Laws, and regulations alone may not be enough to create a tolerant environment, it requires a combined efforts by governments and communities to create an environment where Christians, and other minorities remain living in the lands of their origin comfortably, and peacefully.
    The west has a responsibility as well. They must stop treating Christianity and Christians in the Middle East as if they were European Christians who happened to live in Muslim countries. The west must always be reminded that Christians of the Middle East are among the original natives of the land. And that they must remain the east. The western countries must stop encouraging them to move to the west; instead they should urge the Arab governments, who happened to be The West’s allies, to protect, and support the presence of Christianity in their countries. Arab and Muslim countries must take a solid stand, and fight those who kill innocent people in the name of Islam. They must educate people that acceptance and tolerance are the essence of all religions teachings. There is nothing in any religious teachings that justifies the killing of innocent people.
    Christians and Muslims alike should stop the practice of trying to convert each other. Let every one believe in whatever he/she wants as long as that belief does not interfere with others rights.

  2. PROPHET.T Avatar

    The Middle East , and Muslim countries would become the biggest losers if they allow their countries to become Christian free societies. Christianity was born in the Middle East, and from there it spread out to the rest of the world. The Middle East should always be the first home of Christians.

    Arab and Muslim countries have an urgent responsibility to protect, and treat Christian communities equally, and make sure that there is no interference in their rights to practice their faith as they wish. They need to ensure that they have political presentation in government institutions. Political representation is the corner stone for any community’s existence and integration in its surrounding.

    They need to ensure that the laws of their countries protect these rights, and further more ,ensure that these laws are enforced .I always believed that societies behave according to the laws of the land. It’s the societies responsibility as much as that of governments to promote tolerance of other faiths ,and cultures. The more cultures a society has, the richer the over all cultures becomes. Religious leaders, as well as civil leaders are urged to speak out constantly against discrimination and attacks against Christians. Laws alone may not be enough, it would have to take a combined efforts by governments and communities to create an environment where Christians remain living in the lands of their origin.

    The west has a responsibility as well. They must stop treating Christianity and Christians in the Middle East as if they were European Christians who happened to live in Muslim countries. They must stop encouraging them to move to the west; instead they should urge the Arab governments, who happened to be The West’s allies, to protect, and support the presence of Christianity in their countries. Christians and Muslims alike should stop the practice of trying to convert each other. Let every one believe in whatever he/she wants as long as that belief does not interfere with others rights.

  3. These groups have no logic at all!Full of hatred,irrational dogma,these ignorant indoctrinated fanatics with radical militant ideologies escaping their miserable realities commit these horrific crimes!To commit such atrocities ,to kill Christians in Iraq and to endanger their lives should not only be condemned by all Muslims and Muslim scholars but should not happen and must not happen again!Muslim scholars should declare a jihad against ignorance,intolerance and against these radical militant fanatics !Then and only then will people of all religions be able to live in peace and not in fear!!Then and only then will the Christian exodus stop!They have the right to live ,believe and worship in the land where they were born and where they have always lived! .

  4. These groups have no logic at all!Full of hatred,irrational dogma,these ignorant indoctrinated fanatics with radical militant ideologies escaping their miserable realities commit these horrific crimes!To commit such atrocities ,to kill Christians in Iraq and to endanger their lives should not only be condemned by all Muslims and Muslim scholars but should not happen and must not happen again!Muslim scholars should declare a jihad against ignorance,intolerance and against these radical militant fanatics !Then and only then will people of all religions be able to live in peace and not in fear!!Then and only then will the Christian exodus stop!They have the right to live ,believe and worship in the land where they were born and where they have always lived! .

  5.  Avatar

    These groups have no logic at all!Full of hatred,irrational dogma,these ignorant indoctrinated fanatics with radical militant ideologies escaping their miserable realities commit these horrific crimes!To commit such atrocities ,to kill Christians in Iraq and to endanger their lives should not only be condemned by all Muslims and Muslim scholars but should not happen and must not happen again!Muslim scholars should declare a jihad against ignorance,intolerance and against these radical militant fanatics !Then and only then will people of all religions be able to live in peace and not in fear!!Then and only then will the Christian exodus stop!They have the right to live ,believe and worship in the land where they were born and where they have always lived! .

  6. joseph_phdmath Avatar

    any violent act against any human beeing based on religion,color, or race is a big crime against humanity and is not acceptable to god as he created all man to be equals
    the person should be judge by his or her character and wheter they do constructive and positive things in thier communnitie and help other people and mankind or they do negative and bad things to hurt sociaty and man kind that would be the the difference between good and bad .

  7. joseph_phdmath Avatar

    any violent act against any human beeing based on religion,color, or race is a big crime against humanity and is not acceptable to god as he created all man to be equals
    the person should be judge by his or her character and wheter they do constructive and positive things in thier communnitie and help other people and mankind or they do negative and bad things to hurt sociaty and man kind that would be the the difference between good and bad .

  8.  Avatar

    any violent act against any human beeing based on religion,color, or race is a big crime against humanity and is not acceptable to god as he he created all man to be equals

    the person should be judge by his or her character and wheter they do constructive and positive things in thier communnitie and help the human kind or they do negative and bad things to hurt sociaty and man kind that would be the the difference between good and bad

  9. joseph_phdmath Avatar

    history has proved that evil ideologies similar to those of alquade has always failed
    alquaeda is the nazis of the middleeast and as the world had joined forces in world war two to defeat the evil hitler and his nazi ideology , the world will join forces again and defeat these evil groups alquaaeda

  10. joseph_phdmath Avatar

    history has proved that evil ideologies similar to those of alquade has always failed
    alquaeda is the nazis of the middleeast and as the world had joined forces in world war two to defeat the evil hitler and his nazi ideology , the world will join forces again and defeat these evil groups alquaaeda

  11.  Avatar

    history has proved that evil ideologies similar to those of alquade has always failed

    alquaeda is the nazis of the middleeast and as the world had joined forces in world war two to defeat the evil hitler and his nazi ideology , the world will join forces again and defeat these evil groups alquaaeda

  12. Dr. Al-Majid, you are “on point”. It was a pleasure to have read you report.

    Thank you,

  13.  Avatar

    Dr. Al-Majid, you are “on point”. It was a pleasure to have read you report.

    Thank you,

  14. i am sorry but how many times do prominent muslim scholars need to denounce extremist?

    ever since 9/11, all major muslim scholars do is to say the terrorists that target civilians are not part of Islam, even if the terrorists claim otherwise.

    why do muslim scholars need to repeat this over and over again while silence is defening on other kinds of terrorism in the world?

  15.  Avatar

    i am sorry but how many times do prominent muslim scholars need to denounce extremist?

    ever since 9/11, all major muslim scholars do is to say the terrorists that target civilians are not part of Islam, even if the terrorists claim otherwise.

    why do muslim scholars need to repeat this over and over again while silence is defening on other kinds of terrorism in the world?

  16. I dont think anyone looks for the ?????? but everyone has the answers.BLIND. Control of world economy that is all this is about. Go back to 9/11 and see what happened on the Asian stock market 3 days before the attack. Look at the numbers you will be amazed.

  17.  Avatar

    I dont think anyone looks for the ?????? but everyone has the answers.BLIND. Control of world economy that is all this is about. Go back to 9/11 and see what happened on the Asian stock market 3 days before the attack. Look at the numbers you will be amazed.

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