Lebanon MP: The issue of false witnesses is a fabrication


March 14 MP Jamal Jarrah told the Voice of Lebanon (VOL) on Wednesday that the issue of false witnesses is a fabrication.

“there is no real false witnesses’ case.” He said

“All statements regarding the false witnesses are politically motivated ,” Jarrah said, adding that “there is not enough information on false witnesses because the 2005 assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri case is in the hands of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL).”

March 8 figures have called for the false testimonies to be referred to the Judicial Council, while March 14 parties want the regular judicial bodies to deal with the issue.

According to Ya Libnan legal advisers there is no such a thing as a false witness before indictments are made . Only the courts during the trial can determine whether a witness is for real or false. At this stage no body knows who will be indicted, despite the fact that Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has revealed that some members of the party will be indicted. Such information is not coming from STL …such information is most probably assumptions or extrapolations coming from Hezbollah members that were interrogated by the Investigators. The trials will start after the indictments are made . There are 12 judges , 4 of them are Lebanese .

Many Lebanese legal experts believe that the issue of false witnesses is being used by Hezbollah and its allies to undermine and discredit the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.



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