Geagea: Hezbollah arms are biggest cause of unrest


Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea on Tuesday said Hezbollah arms are “the biggest cause for strife.”

“They say that the issue of false witnesses will cause strife in Lebanon. No. You are a cause for unrest. Hezbollah weapons, to us, are the biggest cause for strife,” Geagea said at a press conference from Maarab.

“Let us refer the events that took place May 7, 2008 and the events of Borj Abi Haidar to the Judicial Council before we refer a crime that did not occur,” he said, stressing that false witnesses do no exist.

Geagea believes that the “real purpose” of the opposition and its allies in Lebanon and outside Lebanon is that they do not want the International Tribunal.

“The aim at raising the false witnesses’ issue is to destroy the International Tribunal,” he said.

Geagea insisted that “we cannot talk about false witnesses before the trial is concluded, “adding that “there are no false testimonies.”

He said the investigating judge is the only person entitled to describe fake witnesses as “false witnesses.”

“Isn’t it normal to doubt those who promoted Abu Adas’ tape,” he asked.

Geagea believed that demands to refer the false witnesses’ report to the Judicial Council are “not innocent.” Naharnet



24 responses to “Geagea: Hezbollah arms are biggest cause of unrest”

  1. yeslam timak ya hakeem
    You are one of the few in lebanon who have not changed their political views.
    Everybody seems to dance around the issue of the “resistance” and pussy foot about the real issues.
    We claim that Lebanon is a pro european country, democratic, freedom of speech etc.., when we have a group of thugs roaming the streets with no regards to legitimacy, government or answering to international law.
    Nassralah hides behind a video wall and makes a big thing of planting a tree, whilst his gangs are ripping Lebanon left, right and centre of any prospect of lasting peace. What kind of country we claim to have when people are struggling financially, hardly can make ends meet, but they don’t have an issue buying the latest AK47 to show off. look at your children, is this the country we would like to leave for them.

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    yeslam timak ya hakeem

    You are one of the few in lebanon who have not changed their political views.

    Everybody seems to dance around the issue of the “resistance” and pussy foot about the real issues.

    We claim that Lebanon is a pro european country, democratic, freedom of speech etc.., when we have a group of thugs roaming the streets with no regards to legitimacy, government or answering to international law.

    Nassralah hides behind a video wall and makes a big thing of planting a tree, whilst his gangs are ripping Lebanon left, right and centre of any prospect of lasting peace. What kind of country we claim to have when people are struggling financially, hardly can make ends meet, but they don’t have an issue buying the latest AK47 to show off. look at your children, is this the country we would like to leave for them.

  3. What right does Geagea have to bring up the Burj Abu Haidar incident as something that causes unrest?
    Does that mean that when his people as well killed Tayyar el Marada members in 2 incidents in the last 2 years in the North this is not Unrest? Only when others do something this is considered unrest?

    Around the time of the 2008 incidents, I read an interview of a man who said he was going to train with (LF or Kataeb) Militia in order to fight other Lebanese, yet Geagea is trying to say that he doesn’t own Arms?

    We ALL know he was involved in the Zgharta Massacre in 1978, so really – what right does he have to open his mouth about unrest or talk about justice?

    Lebanon was a lot more peaceful when he was back in Jail, and in my opinion – ANYONE who stirs violence between Lebanese on purpose in order to suit their political or religious goals belong in Jail as well -for the sake of Peace and Stability.

    1. First I am not a big fan of Geagea and I only support him when he’s preaching for the sake of lebanon and advocating any killing. Second the two people were killed in Dahr Al Ein according to their parents they were not Marada supporters. But Franjiah used the incident to intimidate everyone in there area during the election time. By doing that, his opponent Moaawad give up and basically submitted to the will and intimidation of Franjieh. I should say it was sad incident and I wish it didn’t happen basically because two people were killed for stupid arguments. Anyway neither you and I were there so you cannot go blame the LF for it and many times in those areas SSNP instigate problems so they get pro and anti LF at each other. Several incident like that happened in the North and one few years ago in Bsarma where Marada Supporter killed a friend of money because he was simply trying to collect money from him. And guess who hid the Marada supporter and Franjiah never asked him to give himself up like LF did with their supporter. Also hezbollah aided in hiding him and sending him away from the govt so he could not be arrested. don’t start with me because i know all about it. Your criminals organization hides people from the Law so they cannot be arrested.
      As far as Ehden massacre again it was unfortunate and sad to see them but i am sure you and SSNP were very happy to see them going at each other. But it was again the Marada who started the whole thing and it started in Chekka in who’s in charge or trying to control cement factory. Marada supporter kept antoganizing the LF and kidnapped many of them and placed them in their car trunks and later killed them. Well we’re talking civil war then and obviously hot heads take over and many threats between Tony Franjiah then and Kataab that lead to the incident. Yes LF acted brutal and so did everyone in Lebanon. During the massacre of Sabra and Shatila it was ordered then by Elie Hobeikah whom your organization and Syria embraced afterward and used him to attack Christians. Also to mention that many Shiites fought alongside Kataab and also attacked the Camps and massacred people too. Also according to Geagea he was injured and didn’t make it to Zgharta and therefore he was not responsible for what his supporters do. After all the miltias then and even now with Hezbollah supporters act out of control and even when their leaders ask them not to get out of control. Yes Lebanon was peacefull according to you? when was that? in your dreams? yes because hezbollah and syria were busy killing people and terrorizing the nation. When their scumbags Jamil Al Syyed was jailing people and torturing them because they were anti-syrians. Face your responsibility like men instead of setting up car bombs and killing so many leaders. You killed Harriri and many more with him and after him. You can deny the truth all you like. But God will not protect you just because you call yourself party of Allah. Allah will not have mercy on you if you keep behaving the way you are now. And neither will the Lebanese people. Israel is strong and mighty and it will erase you off the face of the earth soon inshallah. I am george haddad from NJ stay tuned for devastation from the South and Dahia.

      1. You have an excuse for everything GHaddad. You come up with stories “this person said this, this person did that” How do you know all these things?

        How come you have an excuse to bounce any and all blame from the “Anti-Syrian” Politicians – yet you have all the proof in the world to blame the “Pro-Syrians” For all the crimes in Lebanon? Are you God to know what is everything happening in Lebanon and who is exactly to blame?

        And yes, Lebanon was alot more peacefull in respects to the fact that we didnt have to listen to stupid politicians everyday whenever someone opens their mouth, someone else having to respond and say something stupid or hypocritical in return.

        Didn’t you ever notice, that everytime someone got killed in Lebanon since he got out – Geagea always gave some warning before that people will be killed? Did an Angel come down from Heaven and tell him this?
        Or is it maybe because he is a part of the Israeli-Spy Ring being arrested in Lebanon now? And they are the ones who told him?

        Notice too that all the March 14 Parties lost people EXCEPT for anyone from the LF even though they were some of the loudest anti-Syrians ever? How do you explain that one to me GHaddad. And Please, try to make some sense in your explanation of you can.

        If you really think that Israel will eradicate Hizballah, you are the idiot. Like Hassan Nasrallah said, “What more can the Israelis do to us, that they didn’t do through occupying South Lebanon for 18 years or what they did in 2006?”

        The Only way – is if Israel uses Nuclear Bombs on Lebanon – and if you welcome that, then you are not Lebanese, and obviously you would welcome that because you don’t give a damn since you are living in the USA.

        1. Saik i was there in parts of the events i talked about. Others I know how it went down. I want to clarify that no one in Lebanon during the civil war was Saint and that’s includes the Kataab, LF and everybody else. I supported Hezbollah when they pushed Israel out of Lebanon and had lots of respect for them. But you cannot help but think that it went downhill afterward. Hezbollah didn’t have anyone to stand against them or outspoken like Geagea, that’s why it was peace and quiet for you. I am not saying that HA is afraid of him, but obviously he’s bothering them so much, they’re sending all their gangs to attack him. I am not going to keep arguing with you after making so many points and you ignoring them. But you got one thing right on your last sentence and that’s exactly what’s going to end up happening sadly to say.

    2. First I am not a big fan of Geagea and I only support him when he’s preaching for the sake of lebanon and advocating any killing. Second the two people were killed in Dahr Al Ein according to their parents they were not Marada supporters. But Franjiah used the incident to intimidate everyone in there area during the election time. By doing that, his opponent Moaawad give up and basically submitted to the will and intimidation of Franjieh. I should say it was sad incident and I wish it didn’t happen basically because two people were killed for stupid arguments. Anyway neither you and I were there so you cannot go blame the LF for it and many times in those areas SSNP instigate problems so they get pro and anti LF at each other. Several incident like that happened in the North and one few years ago in Bsarma where Marada Supporter killed a friend of money because he was simply trying to collect money from him. And guess who hid the Marada supporter and Franjiah never asked him to give himself up like LF did with their supporter. Also hezbollah aided in hiding him and sending him away from the govt so he could not be arrested. don’t start with me because i know all about it. Your criminals organization hides people from the Law so they cannot be arrested.
      As far as Ehden massacre again it was unfortunate and sad to see them but i am sure you and SSNP were very happy to see them going at each other. But it was again the Marada who started the whole thing and it started in Chekka in who’s in charge or trying to control cement factory. Marada supporter kept antoganizing the LF and kidnapped many of them and placed them in their car trunks and later killed them. Well we’re talking civil war then and obviously hot heads take over and many threats between Tony Franjiah then and Kataab that lead to the incident. Yes LF acted brutal and so did everyone in Lebanon. During the massacre of Sabra and Shatila it was ordered then by Elie Hobeikah whom your organization and Syria embraced afterward and used him to attack Christians. Also to mention that many Shiites fought alongside Kataab and also attacked the Camps and massacred people too. Also according to Geagea he was injured and didn’t make it to Zgharta and therefore he was not responsible for what his supporters do. After all the miltias then and even now with Hezbollah supporters act out of control and even when their leaders ask them not to get out of control. Yes Lebanon was peacefull according to you? when was that? in your dreams? yes because hezbollah and syria were busy killing people and terrorizing the nation. When their scumbags Jamil Al Syyed was jailing people and torturing them because they were anti-syrians. Face your responsibility like men instead of setting up car bombs and killing so many leaders. You killed Harriri and many more with him and after him. You can deny the truth all you like. But God will not protect you just because you call yourself party of Allah. Allah will not have mercy on you if you keep behaving the way you are now. And neither will the Lebanese people. Israel is strong and mighty and it will erase you off the face of the earth soon inshallah. I am george haddad from NJ stay tuned for devastation from the South and Dahia.

  4. What right does Geagea have to bring up the Burj Abu Haidar incident as something that causes unrest?
    Does that mean that when his people as well killed Tayyar el Marada members in 2 incidents in the last 2 years in the North this is not Unrest? Only when others do something this is considered unrest?

    Around the time of the 2008 incidents, I read an interview of a man who said he was going to train with (LF or Kataeb) Militia in order to fight other Lebanese, yet Geagea is trying to say that he doesn’t own Arms?

    We ALL know he was involved in the Zgharta Massacre in 1978, so really – what right does he have to open his mouth about unrest or talk about justice?

    Lebanon was a lot more peaceful when he was back in Jail, and in my opinion – ANYONE who stirs violence between Lebanese on purpose in order to suit their political or religious goals belong in Jail as well -for the sake of Peace and Stability.

    1. First I am not a big fan of Geagea and I only support him when he’s preaching for the sake of lebanon and advocating any killing. Second the two people were killed in Dahr Al Ein according to their parents they were not Marada supporters. But Franjiah used the incident to intimidate everyone in there area during the election time. By doing that, his opponent Moaawad give up and basically submitted to the will and intimidation of Franjieh. I should say it was sad incident and I wish it didn’t happen basically because two people were killed for stupid arguments. Anyway neither you and I were there so you cannot go blame the LF for it and many times in those areas SSNP instigate problems so they get pro and anti LF at each other. Several incident like that happened in the North and one few years ago in Bsarma where Marada Supporter killed a friend of money because he was simply trying to collect money from him. And guess who hid the Marada supporter and Franjiah never asked him to give himself up like LF did with their supporter. Also hezbollah aided in hiding him and sending him away from the govt so he could not be arrested. don’t start with me because i know all about it. Your criminals organization hides people from the Law so they cannot be arrested.
      As far as Ehden massacre again it was unfortunate and sad to see them but i am sure you and SSNP were very happy to see them going at each other. But it was again the Marada who started the whole thing and it started in Chekka in who’s in charge or trying to control cement factory. Marada supporter kept antoganizing the LF and kidnapped many of them and placed them in their car trunks and later killed them. Well we’re talking civil war then and obviously hot heads take over and many threats between Tony Franjiah then and Kataab that lead to the incident. Yes LF acted brutal and so did everyone in Lebanon. During the massacre of Sabra and Shatila it was ordered then by Elie Hobeikah whom your organization and Syria embraced afterward and used him to attack Christians. Also to mention that many Shiites fought alongside Kataab and also attacked the Camps and massacred people too. Also according to Geagea he was injured and didn’t make it to Zgharta and therefore he was not responsible for what his supporters do. After all the miltias then and even now with Hezbollah supporters act out of control and even when their leaders ask them not to get out of control. Yes Lebanon was peacefull according to you? when was that? in your dreams? yes because hezbollah and syria were busy killing people and terrorizing the nation. When their scumbags Jamil Al Syyed was jailing people and torturing them because they were anti-syrians. Face your responsibility like men instead of setting up car bombs and killing so many leaders. You killed Harriri and many more with him and after him. You can deny the truth all you like. But God will not protect you just because you call yourself party of Allah. Allah will not have mercy on you if you keep behaving the way you are now. And neither will the Lebanese people. Israel is strong and mighty and it will erase you off the face of the earth soon inshallah. I am george haddad from NJ stay tuned for devastation from the South and Dahia.

      1. You have an excuse for everything GHaddad. You come up with stories “this person said this, this person did that” How do you know all these things?

        How come you have an excuse to bounce any and all blame from the “Anti-Syrian” Politicians – yet you have all the proof in the world to blame the “Pro-Syrians” For all the crimes in Lebanon? Are you God to know what is everything happening in Lebanon and who is exactly to blame?

        And yes, Lebanon was alot more peacefull in respects to the fact that we didnt have to listen to stupid politicians everyday whenever someone opens their mouth, someone else having to respond and say something stupid or hypocritical in return.

        Didn’t you ever notice, that everytime someone got killed in Lebanon since he got out – Geagea always gave some warning before that people will be killed? Did an Angel come down from Heaven and tell him this?
        Or is it maybe because he is a part of the Israeli-Spy Ring being arrested in Lebanon now? And they are the ones who told him?

        Notice too that all the March 14 Parties lost people EXCEPT for anyone from the LF even though they were some of the loudest anti-Syrians ever? How do you explain that one to me GHaddad. And Please, try to make some sense in your explanation of you can.

        If you really think that Israel will eradicate Hizballah, you are the idiot. Like Hassan Nasrallah said, “What more can the Israelis do to us, that they didn’t do through occupying South Lebanon for 18 years or what they did in 2006?”

        The Only way – is if Israel uses Nuclear Bombs on Lebanon – and if you welcome that, then you are not Lebanese, and obviously you would welcome that because you don’t give a damn since you are living in the USA.

  5. What right does Geagea have to bring up the Burj Abu Haidar incident as something that causes unrest?

    Does that mean that when his people as well killed Tayyar el Marada members in 2 incidents in the last 2 years in the North this is not Unrest? Only when others do something this is considered unrest?

    Around the time of the 2008 incidents, I read an interview of a man who said he was going to train with (LF or Kataeb) Militia in order to fight other Lebanese, yet Geagea is trying to say that he doesn’t own Arms?

    We ALL know he was involved in the Zgharta Massacre in 1978, so really – what right does he have to open his mouth about unrest or talk about justice?

    Lebanon was a lot more peaceful when he was back in Jail, and in my opinion – ANYONE who stirs violence between Lebanese on purpose in order to suit their political or religious goals belong in Jail as well -for the sake of Peace and Stability.

    1.  Avatar

      First I am not a big fan of Geagea and I only support him when he’s preaching for the sake of lebanon and advocating any killing. Second the two people were killed in Dahr Al Ein according to their parents they were not Marada supporters. But Franjiah used the incident to intimidate everyone in there area during the election time. By doing that, his opponent Moaawad give up and basically submitted to the will and intimidation of Franjieh. I should say it was sad incident and I wish it didn’t happen basically because two people were killed for stupid arguments. Anyway neither you and I were there so you cannot go blame the LF for it and many times in those areas SSNP instigate problems so they get pro and anti LF at each other. Several incident like that happened in the North and one few years ago in Bsarma where Marada Supporter killed a friend of money because he was simply trying to collect money from him. And guess who hid the Marada supporter and Franjiah never asked him to give himself up like LF did with their supporter. Also hezbollah aided in hiding him and sending him away from the govt so he could not be arrested. don’t start with me because i know all about it. Your criminals organization hides people from the Law so they cannot be arrested.
      As far as Ehden massacre again it was unfortunate and sad to see them but i am sure you and SSNP were very happy to see them going at each other. But it was again the Marada who started the whole thing and it started in Chekka in who’s in charge or trying to control cement factory. Marada supporter kept antoganizing the LF and kidnapped many of them and placed them in their car trunks and later killed them. Well we’re talking civil war then and obviously hot heads take over and many threats between Tony Franjiah then and Kataab that lead to the incident. Yes LF acted brutal and so did everyone in Lebanon. During the massacre of Sabra and Shatila it was ordered then by Elie Hobeikah whom your organization and Syria embraced afterward and used him to attack Christians. Also to mention that many Shiites fought alongside Kataab and also attacked the Camps and massacred people too. Also according to Geagea he was injured and didn’t make it to Zgharta and therefore he was not responsible for what his supporters do. After all the miltias then and even now with Hezbollah supporters act out of control and even when their leaders ask them not to get out of control. Yes Lebanon was peacefull according to you? when was that? in your dreams? yes because hezbollah and syria were busy killing people and terrorizing the nation. When their scumbags Jamil Al Syyed was jailing people and torturing them because they were anti-syrians. Face your responsibility like men instead of setting up car bombs and killing so many leaders. You killed Harriri and many more with him and after him. You can deny the truth all you like. But God will not protect you just because you call yourself party of Allah. Allah will not have mercy on you if you keep behaving the way you are now. And neither will the Lebanese people. Israel is strong and mighty and it will erase you off the face of the earth soon inshallah. I am george haddad from NJ stay tuned for devastation from the South and Dahia.

      1. You have an excuse for everything GHaddad. You come up with stories “this person said this, this person did that” How do you know all these things?

        How come you have an excuse to bounce any and all blame from the “Anti-Syrian” Politicians – yet you have all the proof in the world to blame the “Pro-Syrians” For all the crimes in Lebanon? Are you God to know what is everything happening in Lebanon and who is exactly to blame?

        And yes, Lebanon was alot more peacefull in respects to the fact that we didnt have to listen to stupid politicians everyday whenever someone opens their mouth, someone else having to respond and say something stupid or hypocritical in return.

        Didn’t you ever notice, that everytime someone got killed in Lebanon since he got out – Geagea always gave some warning before that people will be killed? Did an Angel come down from Heaven and tell him this?

        Or is it maybe because he is a part of the Israeli-Spy Ring being arrested in Lebanon now? And they are the ones who told him?

        Notice too that all the March 14 Parties lost people EXCEPT for anyone from the LF even though they were some of the loudest anti-Syrians ever? How do you explain that one to me GHaddad. And Please, try to make some sense in your explanation of you can.

        If you really think that Israel will eradicate Hizballah, you are the idiot. Like Hassan Nasrallah said, “What more can the Israelis do to us, that they didn’t do through occupying South Lebanon for 18 years or what they did in 2006?”

        The Only way – is if Israel uses Nuclear Bombs on Lebanon – and if you welcome that, then you are not Lebanese, and obviously you would welcome that because you don’t give a damn since you are living in the USA.

        1.  Avatar

          Saik i was there in parts of the events i talked about. Others I know how it went down. I want to clarify that no one in Lebanon during the civil war was Saint and that’s includes the Kataab, LF and everybody else. I supported Hezbollah when they pushed Israel out of Lebanon and had lots of respect for them. But you cannot help but think that it went downhill afterward. Hezbollah didn’t have anyone to stand against them or outspoken like Geagea, that’s why it was peace and quiet for you. I am not saying that HA is afraid of him, but obviously he’s bothering them so much, they’re sending all their gangs to attack him. I am not going to keep arguing with you after making so many points and you ignoring them. But you got one thing right on your last sentence and that’s exactly what’s going to end up happening sadly to say.

    2.  Avatar

      First I am not a big fan of Geagea and I only support him when he’s preaching for the sake of lebanon and advocating any killing. Second the two people were killed in Dahr Al Ein according to their parents they were not Marada supporters. But Franjiah used the incident to intimidate everyone in there area during the election time. By doing that, his opponent Moaawad give up and basically submitted to the will and intimidation of Franjieh. I should say it was sad incident and I wish it didn’t happen basically because two people were killed for stupid arguments. Anyway neither you and I were there so you cannot go blame the LF for it and many times in those areas SSNP instigate problems so they get pro and anti LF at each other. Several incident like that happened in the North and one few years ago in Bsarma where Marada Supporter killed a friend of money because he was simply trying to collect money from him. And guess who hid the Marada supporter and Franjiah never asked him to give himself up like LF did with their supporter. Also hezbollah aided in hiding him and sending him away from the govt so he could not be arrested. don’t start with me because i know all about it. Your criminals organization hides people from the Law so they cannot be arrested.
      As far as Ehden massacre again it was unfortunate and sad to see them but i am sure you and SSNP were very happy to see them going at each other. But it was again the Marada who started the whole thing and it started in Chekka in who’s in charge or trying to control cement factory. Marada supporter kept antoganizing the LF and kidnapped many of them and placed them in their car trunks and later killed them. Well we’re talking civil war then and obviously hot heads take over and many threats between Tony Franjiah then and Kataab that lead to the incident. Yes LF acted brutal and so did everyone in Lebanon. During the massacre of Sabra and Shatila it was ordered then by Elie Hobeikah whom your organization and Syria embraced afterward and used him to attack Christians. Also to mention that many Shiites fought alongside Kataab and also attacked the Camps and massacred people too. Also according to Geagea he was injured and didn’t make it to Zgharta and therefore he was not responsible for what his supporters do. After all the miltias then and even now with Hezbollah supporters act out of control and even when their leaders ask them not to get out of control. Yes Lebanon was peacefull according to you? when was that? in your dreams? yes because hezbollah and syria were busy killing people and terrorizing the nation. When their scumbags Jamil Al Syyed was jailing people and torturing them because they were anti-syrians. Face your responsibility like men instead of setting up car bombs and killing so many leaders. You killed Harriri and many more with him and after him. You can deny the truth all you like. But God will not protect you just because you call yourself party of Allah. Allah will not have mercy on you if you keep behaving the way you are now. And neither will the Lebanese people. Israel is strong and mighty and it will erase you off the face of the earth soon inshallah. I am george haddad from NJ stay tuned for devastation from the South and Dahia.

  6. With all his issues and past at least Geagea is enough man between all the half man /half decent and most corrupt politicians who will sell their country for their personal glories.
    He’s’ between the few to face the corrupt and the Zaaran and the voice of deceits coming from Syrai and Iran allies, Geagea represent today what Winston Churchill describe the courageous people when he said and I quote what he said” Doomed are the nations that her decent and law abiding citizens don’t have the courage to face the corrupt and street guys of their country”.
    Geagea and few others are the voice of what Churchill called the silent courageous law abiding citizens, even Okab Saker yesterday lowered his tone and start honeymooning with the Iranian party. In my opinion never kissing a s s e s lead to any glory not in personal life and certainly not in the history of the nation

  7. With all his issues and past at least Geagea is enough man between all the half man /half decent and most corrupt politicians who will sell their country for their personal glories.
    He’s’ between the few to face the corrupt and the Zaaran and the voice of deceits coming from Syrai and Iran allies, Geagea represent today what Winston Churchill describe the courageous people when he said and I quote what he said” Doomed are the nations that her decent and law abiding citizens don’t have the courage to face the corrupt and street guys of their country”.
    Geagea and few others are the voice of what Churchill called the silent courageous law abiding citizens, even Okab Saker yesterday lowered his tone and start honeymooning with the Iranian party. In my opinion never kissing a s s e s lead to any glory not in personal life and certainly not in the history of the nation

  8.  Avatar

    With all his issues and past at least Geagea is enough man between all the half man /half decent and most corrupt politicians who will sell their country for their personal glories.
    He’s’ between the few to face the corrupt and the Zaaran and the voice of deceits coming from Syrai and Iran allies, Geagea represent today what Winston Churchill describe the courageous people when he said and I quote what he said” Doomed are the nations that her decent and law abiding citizens don’t have the courage to face the corrupt and street guys of their country”.
    Geagea and few others are the voice of what Churchill called the silent courageous law abiding citizens, even Okab Saker yesterday lowered his tone and start honeymooning with the Iranian party. In my opinion never kissing a s s e s lead to any glory not in personal life and certainly not in the history of the nation

  9. josephphd Avatar

    dear geogea why do,nt you go to iran and support ahmadinijidad opposition groups(the soldiers of allah) and ship them weaopons and money and artilery and rockets you can buy the weaopons from egypt and send them to those groups i just want to see how the mf ahmadinijidad is going to feel
    what is the heck is the bs is that shipping weopons to lebanon to illegal gangs and groups that do,nt have the state legal authority
    by the way you tell ahmadinijidad you are supporting the soldiers of allah group in iran so they can defend iran just in case israel attack iran !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. josephphd Avatar

    dear geogea why do,nt you go to iran and support ahmadinijidad opposition groups(the soldiers of allah) and ship them weaopons and money and artilery and rockets you can buy the weaopons from egypt and send them to those groups i just want to see how the mf ahmadinijidad is going to feel
    what is the heck is the bs is that shipping weopons to lebanon to illegal gangs and groups that do,nt have the state legal authority
    by the way you tell ahmadinijidad you are supporting the soldiers of allah group in iran so they can defend iran just in case israel attack iran !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11.  Avatar

    dear geogea why do,nt you go to iran and support ahmadinijidad opposition groups(the soldiers of allah) and ship them weaopons and money and artilery and rockets you can buy the weaopons from egypt and send them to those groups i just want to see how the mf ahmadinijidad is going to feel

    what is the heck is the bs is that shipping weopons to lebanon to illegal gangs and groups that do,nt have the state legal authority

    by the way you tell ahmadinijidad you are supporting the soldiers of allah group in iran so they can defend iran just in case israel attack iran !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. No Patriotic Lebanese would want intervention, attacks or lost of Lebanese lives, The focus of Our lives must be Our Land, Our Autonomy and independence, Israel or Hezbollah have no right to divide and defeat true Patriotic Lebanese.
    True success come within inside Our Land where it has to Be the New Summit of the returning Lebanese abroad to make a new revolution based in economy and power investing and buying Lebanese Products that carry a donation for Our Army and Fortify Our Forces to get rid of any invasion or Civilian unrest that only harms Lebanese living in Lebanon, and favours foreign influence inside and out of Our Country, I strongly oppose opinions who say that Lebanon can or should be bombarded either by Israel or Hezbollah because behind this two is only greed and Land Grab as a principle and both don’t give a damn for Innocent Lebanese Lives.

  13. No Patriotic Lebanese would want intervention, attacks or lost of Lebanese lives, The focus of Our lives must be Our Land, Our Autonomy and independence, Israel or Hezbollah have no right to divide and defeat true Patriotic Lebanese.
    True success come within inside Our Land where it has to Be the New Summit of the returning Lebanese abroad to make a new revolution based in economy and power investing and buying Lebanese Products that carry a donation for Our Army and Fortify Our Forces to get rid of any invasion or Civilian unrest that only harms Lebanese living in Lebanon, and favours foreign influence inside and out of Our Country, I strongly oppose opinions who say that Lebanon can or should be bombarded either by Israel or Hezbollah because behind this two is only greed and Land Grab as a principle and both don’t give a damn for Innocent Lebanese Lives.

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    No Patriotic Lebanese would want intervention, attacks or lost of Lebanese lives, The focus of Our lives must be Our Land, Our Autonomy and independence, Israel or Hezbollah have no right to divide and defeat true Patriotic Lebanese.
    True success come within inside Our Land where it has to Be the New Summit of the returning Lebanese abroad to make a new revolution based in economy and power investing and buying Lebanese Products that carry a donation for Our Army and Fortify Our Forces to get rid of any invasion or Civilian unrest that only harms Lebanese living in Lebanon, and favours foreign influence inside and out of Our Country, I strongly oppose opinions who say that Lebanon can or should be bombarded either by Israel or Hezbollah because behind this two is only greed and Land Grab as a principle and both don’t give a damn for Innocent Lebanese Lives.

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