Will Ahmadinejad use or support Lebanon?


Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun , a close ally of Hezbollah told the Iranian Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) on Sunday that

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s upcoming visit to Lebanon will have positive results.

Ahmadinejad is expected to arrive in Lebanon on Wednesday for a two day visit.

During his trip his first to Lebanon since he became president in 2005 , will meet with his counterpart Michel Suleiman as well as Prime Minister Saad Hariri and parliament speaker Nabih Berri.

He will also attend a rally in the Lebanese capital organized on his behalf by the Iranian backed Shiite militant group Hezbollah, considered a proxy of Iran. Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, is expected to attend the rally, though it is not known whether he will do so in person or via video link. He rarely appeared in public since the 2006 war with Israel.

Use or support Lebanon?

The most controversial part of the visit will be on Thursday, when the Iranian leader is scheduled to tour several villages along Lebanon’s southern border with Israel.

Members of the March 14 parliament majority alliance in Lebanon have described the border visit as a provocation specially since Ahmadinjad during his last visit to Damascus said Iran’s borders start in south Lebanon.

The timing of the visit is also critical. Tension has grown steadily in Lebanon after unconfirmed reports said that the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) will soon issue its indictment into the 2005 assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. Last July, Nasrallah said that the tribunal is “an Israeli project” that will indict Hezbollah members. Nasrallah accused Israel of being behind Hariri’s assassination but refused to provide the evidence to STL. Some March 8 coalition politicians have been calling for the abolition of the tribunal… Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun called for civil disobedience and former head of General Security Jamil as-Sayyed publicly attacked the government.

The tensions are raising fears of sectarian violence and the collapse of the national unity government, in which Hezbollah has two ministers.

The visit also comes at a time of high tension between Tehran and Tel Aviv over Iran’s controversial nuclear program.

Fadia Kiwan, head of the political science department at Beirut’s Saint Joseph University said the issue is whether Ahmadinjad is here to show support for Lebanon or to use Lebanon.

“At stake is whether Ahmadinejad is coming to show support for Lebanon or whether he plans to use Lebanese territory as a springboard for his own interests,” she said

“The Lebanese, and Hezbollah in particular, must fully take advantage of Iran’s support but must also realize the limits of this support, that it’s a double edged-sword,” Kiwan added.

In a speech last Saturday , Nasrallah called for a massive turnout to greet the Ahmadinejad and denied rumors that Ahmadinejad planned to throw a symbolic stone across the border at Israel.

“If President Ahmadinejad asks my opinion, I would tell him: ‘A stone? You are capable of throwing more than a stone’,” Nasrallah said

Ahmadinejad will be accompanied on his trip by Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki and a delegation of businessmen from the private sector.

A number of agreements covering the energy and water sectors will be signed during the visit.

The Lebanese president will be hosting Ahmadinejad for lunch while the speaker of parliament is hosting him for dinner. Prime Minister Hariri will also be hosting him for lunch on Thursday.

Aoun said he expects the most important matters that will be discussed during the visit to be defensive issues.



33 responses to “Will Ahmadinejad use or support Lebanon?”

  1. josephphd Avatar

    thanks but no thanks we told you you are not welcome in lebanon
    how can the lebaneese people trust a man like this for a support a crimpnal who murder innocent people of his own citizens
    a man who cheats his election againt moussavi

    a man who uses a few thousands militias lebaneese group to defend his 70 millions people country
    and when they get bombed he watches them get hammered and he hides from fear
    a man who ca,nt solve his own problems with the un and who is hated by 59% of his own people in iran
    this man cannot even solve his problem with the un ;his economy is going down to bankruptcy .how could he help other countries solve their problems while he ca,nt solve his own
    please saty home we have had enouph loosers and crazy people in lebanon for the past 30 years we do,nt need any more

  2. josephphd Avatar

    thanks but no thanks we told you you are not welcome in lebanon
    how can the lebaneese people trust a man like this for a support a crimpnal who murder innocent people of his own citizens
    a man who cheats his election againt moussavi

    a man who uses a few thousands militias lebaneese group to defend his 70 millions people country
    and when they get bombed he watches them get hammered and he hides from fear
    a man who ca,nt solve his own problems with the un and who is hated by 59% of his own people in iran
    this man cannot even solve his problem with the un ;his economy is going down to bankruptcy .how could he help other countries solve their problems while he ca,nt solve his own
    please saty home we have had enouph loosers and crazy people in lebanon for the past 30 years we do,nt need any more

  3.  Avatar

    thanks but no thanks we told you you are not welcome in lebanon

    how can the lebaneese people trust a man like this for a support a crpmpnal who murder innocent people of his own citizen

    a man who lie and cheat in the the election against hosin moussavi

    a coward who uses 5.000 mikita lebaneese group to defend his 70 millions people country

    and they get bombed he watches them get hammered and he hides from fear

    a man who ca,nt solve his own problem with the un and 59% of his own people in iran against him

    please stay away lebanon do,nt need no more criminala and loosers go home

  4. I think the most intelligent answer I can think of is DDAAAAAHHH

  5. I think the most intelligent answer I can think of is DDAAAAAHHH

  6.  Avatar

    Lets consider some facts here. First, the Southern Part of Lebanon is neglected by the Lebanese Government which anyhow lacking the funds to do basic support to its citizens all over the country. Hezbollah (Supported by Iran) is providing social and medical services that should have been provided by the government. In addition, Hezbollah is providing the FIRST LINE DEFENSE to Lebanon, a country that has an official NEGLIGIBLE military force. Israel has made fun of Lebanon almost on daily basis: the violations to Lebanese Air Space and See territories. Internationally, Lebanon has no respect among international community because of his own “I do not care”-attitude towards defending own Sovereignty. Hezbollah is, however, standing up and performing a dignity task….a task that should have come first from Lebanon’s Government in the name of ALL Lebanese! In a nutshell: Lets stop speaking bad over Hezbollah and repeating the backward MOUTHS of BACKWARD WESTERN CONSERVATIVES. If you look carefully, you will find out that the Western Power are just about to CHANGE Their minds and attitudes in relation to Hezbollah and the whole Middle East question ! (Just witness the next ten years; Change is coming and has already started).

  7. ToTheWellBeingOfLebanon Avatar

    Lets consider some facts here. First, the Southern Part of Lebanon is neglected by the Lebanese Government which anyhow lacking the funds to do basic support to its citizens all over the country. Hezbollah (Supported by Iran) is providing social and medical services that should have been provided by the government. In addition, Hezbollah is providing the FIRST LINE DEFENSE to Lebanon, a country that has an official NEGLIGIBLE military force. Israel has made fun of Lebanon almost on daily basis: the violations to Lebanese Air Space and See territories. Internationally, Lebanon has no respect among international community because of his own “I do not care”-attitude towards defending own Sovereignty. Hezbollah is, however, standing up and performing a dignity task….a task that should have come first from Lebanon’s Government in the name of ALL Lebanese! In a nutshell: Lets stop speaking bad over Hezbollah and repeating the backward MOUTHS of backward Western Zionists. If you look carefully, you will find out that the Western Power are just about to CHANGE Their minds and attitudes in relation to Hezbollah and the whole Middle East question ! (Just witness the next ten years; Change is coming and has already started).

    1. Well they need to stop killing Lebanese and turn their guns on the enemies of LEbanon which are Syria and Israel. Why did they kill Hariri and many more? don’t tell me I am assuming guilt based on rumors. its them who are accusing themselves? nobody minds if hezbollah was fighting israel or getting aid from anybody. That’s the not the issue here. We mind when our beloved ones are getting killed also by hezbollah and syria? we mind when hezbollah wants the gov’t and the lebanese people to submit to their will just because they fought israel or were neglected. We mind when you stop the gov’t from arresting thugs like Jamil Al Syyed and these thugs standing behind security officers at the airport to make sure they’re not going to arrest that Saadan of yours. we mind when hezbollah is trying to protect four criminals who only spent 4 yrs in jail not only because they aided in the killing of hariri and his associates. But for killing for many other lebanese in the past. Stop protecting criminals and stop acting like one. Then you get our full respect and we will salute your for fighting israel until kingdom come. Otherwise do not tell us or shut the voices of truth because you speak the language of evil just like the Iranian head of snake. Iran is corrupt society which runs by Waliat Al faqih. they use the ruling to suppress and sodomize their own people. You want us to believe that iran is helping us for because they love us? or they feel bad for us? who are you kidding men? why don’t they help their own troubled economy? they can help you all they like but do not step on our freedom and our rights at the same time just because you feel the gov’t neglected you. we’re neglected by the gov’t but that don’t mean we go around and kill people. Just because israel our enemy we should not let syrian destroy us for 30 yrs and going.. The same for Iran now who considers Lebanon is afront for it? Just because you call yourselves party of Allah that don’t make you his people only? anybody who can be trained and armed and discplined can fight anybody else. there is nothing special about hezbollah. Al Qaeda has been doing pretty well against many countries. its because they been provided with training from many countries including Syria and iran and Pakistan and God knows who. Who do you think you are or give you the rights to take over Lebanon because you are taking advantage of weak gov’t. If Syria and iran worked on strenghtening the army and the gov’t when Syria was in Lebanon. Then hezbollah would not be needed. But there were a reason why the choose Hezbollah over the army and the gov’t in general. They’re higher goals to be accomplished by Syria and Iran. I am not going into details here because its wasting more time.. Enough of hezbollah and I hope they vanish soon even at the hands of the israelis I really couldn’t careless.

  8. ToTheWellBeingOfLebanon Avatar

    Lets consider some facts here. First, the Southern Part of Lebanon is neglected by the Lebanese Government which anyhow lacking the funds to do basic support to its citizens all over the country. Hezbollah (Supported by Iran) is providing social and medical services that should have been provided by the government. In addition, Hezbollah is providing the FIRST LINE DEFENSE to Lebanon, a country that has an official NEGLIGIBLE military force. Israel has made fun of Lebanon almost on daily basis: the violations to Lebanese Air Space and See territories. Internationally, Lebanon has no respect among international community because of his own “I do not care”-attitude towards defending own Sovereignty. Hezbollah is, however, standing up and performing a dignity task….a task that should have come first from Lebanon’s Government in the name of ALL Lebanese! In a nutshell: Lets stop speaking bad over Hezbollah and repeating the backward MOUTHS of backward Western Zionists. If you look carefully, you will find out that the Western Power are just about to CHANGE Their minds and attitudes in relation to Hezbollah and the whole Middle East question ! (Just witness the next ten years; Change is coming and has already started).

  9.  Avatar

    Lets consider some facts here. First, the Southern Part of Lebanon is neglected by the Lebanese Government which anyhow lacking the funds to do basic support to its citizens all over the country. Hezbollah (Supported by Iran) is providing social and medical services that should have been provided by the government. In addition, Hezbollah is providing the FIRST LINE DEFENSE to Lebanon, a country that has an official NEGLIGIBLE military force. Israel has made fun of Lebanon almost on daily basis: the violations to Lebanese Air Space and See territories. Internationally, Lebanon has no respect among international community because of his own “I do not care”-attitude towards defending own Sovereignty. Hezbollah is, however, standing up and performing a dignity task….a task that should have come first from Lebanon’s Government in the name of ALL Lebanese! In a nutshell: Lets stop speaking bad over Hezbollah and repeating the backward MOUTHS of backward Western Zionists. If you look carefully, you will find out that the Western Power are just about to CHANGE Their minds and attitudes in relation to Hezbollah and the whole Middle East question ! (Just witness the next ten years; Change is coming and has already started).

    1.  Avatar

      Well they need to stop killing Lebanese and turn their guns on the enemies of LEbanon which are Syria and Israel. Why did they kill Hariri and many more? don’t tell me I am assuming guilt based on rumors. its them who are accusing themselves? nobody minds if hezbollah was fighting israel or getting aid from anybody. That’s the not the issue here. We mind when our beloved ones are getting killed also by hezbollah and syria? we mind when hezbollah wants the gov’t and the lebanese people to submit to their will just because they fought israel or were neglected. We mind when you stop the gov’t from arresting thugs like Jamil Al Syyed and these thugs standing behind security officers at the airport to make sure they’re not going to arrest that Saadan of yours. we mind when hezbollah is trying to protect four criminals who only spent 4 yrs in jail not only because they aided in the killing of hariri and his associates. But for killing for many other lebanese in the past. Stop protecting criminals and stop acting like one. Then you get our full respect and we will salute your for fighting israel until kingdom come. Otherwise do not tell us or shut the voices of truth because you speak the language of evil just like the Iranian head of snake. Iran is corrupt society which runs by Waliat Al faqih. they use the ruling to suppress and sodomize their own people. You want us to believe that iran is helping us for because they love us? or they feel bad for us? who are you kidding men? why don’t they help their own troubled economy? they can help you all they like but do not step on our freedom and our rights at the same time just because you feel the gov’t neglected you. we’re neglected by the gov’t but that don’t mean we go around and kill people. Just because israel our enemy we should not let syrian destroy us for 30 yrs and going.. The same for Iran now who considers Lebanon is afront for it? Just because you call yourselves party of Allah that don’t make you his people only? anybody who can be trained and armed and discplined can fight anybody else. there is nothing special about hezbollah. Al Qaeda has been doing pretty well against many countries. its because they been provided with training from many countries including Syria and iran and Pakistan and God knows who. Who do you think you are or give you the rights to take over Lebanon because you are taking advantage of weak gov’t. If Syria and iran worked on strenghtening the army and the gov’t when Syria was in Lebanon. Then hezbollah would not be needed. But there were a reason why the choose Hezbollah over the army and the gov’t in general. They’re higher goals to be accomplished by Syria and Iran. I am not going into details here because its wasting more time.. Enough of hezbollah and I hope they vanish soon even at the hands of the israelis I really couldn’t careless.

  10. PROPHET.T Avatar

    Hours away from the historic visit of the most distinguished guest ever to visit Lebanon. Najad Soon will visit the land his country helped liberate. He will visit the hills and valleys that witnessed the most patriotic battles against the Israeli enemy. Some Lebanese may not like him or, his visit to Lebanon. I can understand, they don’t have to like him.
    Not everyone liked it when Condy Rice visited Lebanon while her bombs were falling on our cities, yet our officials and politicians told us then; that Lebanon will always be respectful to foreign dignitaries who visit our country, even when they are bombing our children, destroying our bridges, and homes. Yes they received her with “hugs and kisses”. For god’s sake, some Lebanese received the biggest criminal of all times, Ariel Sharon on our soil, why would the visit of Najad be so offensive?
    I don’t see Iran bombing Lebanese children and villages, nor do I see Iran invading the Lebanese capital. Instead, Iran helped Lebanese liberate their occupied land, and defend against Israeli aggression. They have been offering all kind of support, financially and economically. They even offered to arm the Lebanese army when other ‘friendly countries” refused to do so , except offering conditions on the use of a machine gun they had given the army. I don’t advocate Iran arming the army anyway, not when Lebanese are divided on Iran’s policy, or if it is conditional.
    Most Lebanese will welcome the visitor with the utmost respect; any visitor from a friendly country should be welcomed with. Not everyone has to agree with Najad’s policy or Iran’s for that matter, but everyone should be courteous enough to respect that the Lebanese president, who was well received when he visited Iran, had invited president Najad to visit Lebanon. I could imagine the Lebanese outrage, had our president been received by the same critisizm an opposition President Najad is receiving from some Lebanese officials and media.
    Lebanese should never start a new pattern of making the visits of foreign leaders’ part of their internal conflicts. I don’t want to see anyone opposing( or being disrespectful to) a visit by The king of Saudi Arabia ,or The president of France , or the president of Egypt, or any other head of state, because of stupid domestic conflicts.
    We all witnessed how all Lebanese welcomed, with respect and joy, the king of Saudi Arabia and the president of Syria recently, despite the feelings toward either by other Lebanese.
    The right thing for all Lebanese to do is to be a good host, regardless of how one feels about our visitor. I hate to think that if this visit isn’t treated with respect, next time another head of state visits, other Lebanese will oppose his visit, and may treat him with disrespect , just to make a point of Najad’s treatment by some.
    One should look at this way; not every one that ever visited your house was your favorite friend, but you always received them with respect. You don’t insult people in your home. It is not the Lebanese tradition to do make your visitors unwelcome, by criticizing them while ther are at your own home.

    1. This distinguished guest is very well hated by the people closest to him his own people? this monster caused many death because him and the gangs in Iran ruling party rigged the election whereby it caused many death because of protest against this fraudulent votes. This distinguished guest want to light up the South so in return the Southerners will even suffer more.. This is what you been complaining about in the first place isn’t it? As far as far Condie Rice visit, it was to seek the release of israeli soldiers so in order to stop the fighting and nothing else. It was condie rice who pushed israel and UN 1701 in order to stop it. Stop deviating from the truth. The President of Iran is coming his front according to him where many Lebanese will die because of the problems between them, israel and the west. We don’t oppose to him visiting, we oppose his statmts and his provocations against a enemy that will not hesitate to use brutal force if provoked. Stop your war acts and get to the peace table and resolve our issue internally and lets’ forget Iran, the US and everyone else and resolve things peacefully. This visitor is nothing but a thugs who terrorize his own people and if his people do not like him, why should we? did the people like the Shah of Iran and in his end of days he was well hated. The United States during Carter admins. could have helped survive or replace him with a different dictator? France could have kept Khomeimin there without letting him go and maybe he would not have ruled Iran? the US helped bring freedom then. Yes you’re going to tell me they installed the Shah and whether they did or not, its not their fault if he turned out to be a crazy ruler like his K. and everyone there. SA helps Lebanon without much conditions Iran wants to control Lebanon thru hezbollah. Therefore he’s rejected and we reject Hezbollah on all ground. When Hezbollah will face Israel, many people will be waiting for their fallout. God Help them because they’re going to need it because they will humbled by the Lebanese people. Stop while you’re at and make peace and not war.

  11. PROPHET.T Avatar

    Hours away from the historic visit of the most distinguished guest ever to visit Lebanon. Najad Soon will visit the land his country helped liberate. He will visit the hills and valleys that witnessed the most patriotic battles against the Israeli enemy. Some Lebanese may not like him or, his visit to Lebanon. I can understand, they don’t have to like him.
    Not everyone liked it when Condy Rice visited Lebanon while her bombs were falling on our cities, yet our officials and politicians told us then; that Lebanon will always be respectful to foreign dignitaries who visit our country, even when they are bombing our children, destroying our bridges, and homes. Yes they received her with “hugs and kisses”. For god’s sake, some Lebanese received the biggest criminal of all times, Ariel Sharon on our soil, why would the visit of Najad be so offensive?
    I don’t see Iran bombing Lebanese children and villages, nor do I see Iran invading the Lebanese capital. Instead, Iran helped Lebanese liberate their occupied land, and defend against Israeli aggression. They have been offering all kind of support, financially and economically. They even offered to arm the Lebanese army when other ‘friendly countries” refused to do so , except offering conditions on the use of a machine gun they had given the army. I don’t advocate Iran arming the army anyway, not when Lebanese are divided on Iran’s policy, or if it is conditional.
    Most Lebanese will welcome the visitor with the utmost respect; any visitor from a friendly country should be welcomed with. Not everyone has to agree with Najad’s policy or Iran’s for that matter, but everyone should be courteous enough to respect that the Lebanese president, who was well received when he visited Iran, had invited president Najad to visit Lebanon. I could imagine the Lebanese outrage, had our president been received by the same critisizm an opposition President Najad is receiving from some Lebanese officials and media.
    Lebanese should never start a new pattern of making the visits of foreign leaders’ part of their internal conflicts. I don’t want to see anyone opposing( or being disrespectful to) a visit by The king of Saudi Arabia ,or The president of France , or the president of Egypt, or any other head of state, because of stupid domestic conflicts.
    We all witnessed how all Lebanese welcomed, with respect and joy, the king of Saudi Arabia and the president of Syria recently, despite the feelings toward either by other Lebanese.
    The right thing for all Lebanese to do is to be a good host, regardless of how one feels about our visitor. I hate to think that if this visit isn’t treated with respect, next time another head of state visits, other Lebanese will oppose his visit, and may treat him with disrespect , just to make a point of Najad’s treatment by some.
    One should look at this way; not every one that ever visited your house was your favorite friend, but you always received them with respect. You don’t insult people in your home. It is not the Lebanese tradition to do make your visitors unwelcome, by criticizing them while ther are at your own home.

  12. PROPHET.T Avatar

    Hours away from the historic visit of the most distinguished guest ever to visit Lebanon. Najad Soon will visit the land his country helped liberate. He will visit the hills and valleys that witnessed the most patriotic battles against the Israeli enemy. Some Lebanese may not like him or, his visit to Lebanon. I can understand, they don’t have to like him.

    Not everyone liked it when Condy Rice visited Lebanon while her bombs were falling on our cities, yet our officials and politicians told us then; that Lebanon will always be respectful to foreign dignitaries who visit our country, even when they are bombing our children, destroying our bridges, and homes. Yes they received her with “hugs and kisses”. For god’s sake, some Lebanese received the biggest criminal of all times, Ariel Sharon on our soil, why would the visit of Najad be so offensive?

    I don’t see Iran bombing Lebanese children and villages, nor do I see Iran invading the Lebanese capital. Instead, Iran helped Lebanese liberate their occupied land, and defend against Israeli aggression. They have been offering all kind of support, financially and economically. They even offered to arm the Lebanese army when other ‘friendly countries” refused to do so , except offering conditions on the use of a machine gun they had given the army. I don’t advocate Iran arming the army anyway, not when Lebanese are divided on Iran’s policy, or if it is conditional.

    Most Lebanese will welcome the visitor with the utmost respect; any visitor from a friendly country should be welcomed by. Not everyone has to agree with Najad’s policy or Iran’s for that matter, but everyone should be courteous enough to respect that the Lebanese president, who was well received when he visited Iran, had invited president Najad to visit Lebanon. I could imagine the Lebanese outrage, had our president been received by the same critisizm an opposition President Najad is receiving from some Lebanese officials and media.

    Lebanese should never start a new pattern of making the visits of foreign leaders’ part of their internal conflicts. I don’t want to see anyone opposing( or being disrespectful to) a visit by The king of Saudi Arabia ,or The president of France , or the president of Egypt, or any other head of state, because of stupid domestic conflicts.

    We all witnessed how all Lebanese welcomed, with respect and joy, the king of Saudi Arabia and the president of Syria recently, despite the feelings toward either by other Lebanese.

    The right thing for all Lebanese to do is to be a good host, regardless of how one feels about our visitor. I hate to think that if this visit isn’t treated with respect, next time another head of state visits, other Lebanese will oppose his visit, and may treat him with disrespect , just to make a point of Najad’s treatment by some.

    1.  Avatar

      This distinguished guest is very well hated by the people closest to him his own people? this monster caused many death because him and the gangs in Iran ruling party rigged the election whereby it caused many death because of protest against this fraudulent votes. This distinguished guest want to light up the South so in return the Southerners will even suffer more.. This is what you been complaining about in the first place isn’t it? As far as far Condie Rice visit, it was to seek the release of israeli soldiers so in order to stop the fighting and nothing else. It was condie rice who pushed israel and UN 1701 in order to stop it. Stop deviating from the truth. The President of Iran is coming his front according to him where many Lebanese will die because of the problems between them, israel and the west. We don’t oppose to him visiting, we oppose his statmts and his provocations against a enemy that will not hesitate to use brutal force if provoked. Stop your war acts and get to the peace table and resolve our issue internally and lets’ forget Iran, the US and everyone else and resolve things peacefully. This visitor is nothing but a thugs who terrorize his own people and if his people do not like him, why should we? did the people like the Shah of Iran and in his end of days he was well hated. The United States during Carter admins. could have helped survive or replace him with a different dictator? France could have kept Khomeimin there without letting him go and maybe he would not have ruled Iran? the US helped bring freedom then. Yes you’re going to tell me they installed the Shah and whether they did or not, its not their fault if he turned out to be a crazy ruler like his K. and everyone there. SA helps Lebanon without much conditions Iran wants to control Lebanon thru hezbollah. Therefore he’s rejected and we reject Hezbollah on all ground. When Hezbollah will face Israel, many people will be waiting for their fallout. God Help them because they’re going to need it because they will humbled by the Lebanese people. Stop while you’re at and make peace and not war.

  13. PROPHET.T Avatar

    I just love(not really) it , when some people appoint themselves experts on foreign policy, terrorism, and human right issues, along with every issue human kind ever faced.
    They must have terrorized others so much, to the point where they can, instantly, spot a terrorist. They must have killed enough civilians in their past, to recognize a cold blooded killer, immediately. They must have loved working with the enemies of their country so much, that they dream of doing it again, and try , again, to defeat their own people. They must have had enough hatred in their upbringing, that they start showering their fellow Lebanese with hate.
    They must have abused everyone’s human rights,+ so much, that they lost their own humanity. They have so much misery in their lives that happiness becomes their enemy.
    They have so much hatred and bitterness, that they can’t stand love no more. They become self-righteous to the point where they become irrational, and dangerous to themselves, and to humanity altogether.
    They have been used and abused, to the point of turning into public hazard themselves.
    All I can say is; I feel sorry for them. Though I’m not religious, and I don’t pray, I might start for their sake; God have mercy on them. God show them the human way. God, it’s in your power to forgive them, for their hatred of their fellow human. Forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing. Yes God; they deserve another chance, to become natural humans, and show the goods that is in every creature of yours. Yes they can heal, and with love ,we will meet them

    1. Prophet you sound more and more like an Iranian in your post. Please take into consideration that is own people believe that he is not rigth for their country. This what they mean when they says that lebanese put other nation first instead of puting lebanon interest in the forefront of any argurment

      1. He wants to be the expert in everything and want to be so righteous and is trying very hard to make Hezbollah and their Masters look very good. he claims not to belong to any party but what difference does it make if you’re a big sympathizer and indirectly pledge allegiance to Syria and Iran. He claims that all those who favors peace or deal with israel are traitors.. But those who destroyed Lebanon like Syria is a friendly state. He claims that hezbollah did not kill hariri but they’re already defending themselves in the Court of Law by spreading fears, dangers and words of civil strife. These people are not resistance, they’re animals and anyone sides with them is an animal too in my opinion. These people were poor and they saw power and money. Now they forgot their past and they want to live a the expense of everyone because the felt gov’t neglect. Remember your past and go back to it and stay humble. Or God wrath will humble you soon. Leave your arrogant ways Hezbollah or God will strike and bring you down faster than he did to the jews during the denied Holocaust by Iran..

      2. PROPHET.T Avatar

        I wish you can explain to me how I sounded more like an Iranian?
        I don’t need to prove to you my nationalism and patriotism.
        Are we to put every visitor through a litmus test before we receive him? If so what is this test? Is it Democracy? Or is it Popularity among his own people? None of our own leaders are privileged enough to pass any of these tests.
        Are we establishing new standards for heads of states that can visit Lebanon?what are those standards?would you want to apply them on all visitors?
        Following your logic, one can understand that, The president of Syria ,the king of Saudi Arabia , the president of Egypt, and all Arab heads of states are not welcomed in Lebanon , because they are all hated by their own people. None of them are elected by their own people, they are all feared by their own people, and none are qualified to visit Lebanon. Is this what you are suggesting?
        Though I’m not a big fan of Iran’s president, He was elected by his own people. I understand that his election was disputed by the opposition , but that is their problem, not ours.I don’t underestimate the domestic issues Iran is facing,and I’m sure they have a big chanlange to deal with. At least they have elected 5 presidents in 30 years. Can You you say the same about any other Arab state?
        Can you say that all of our Lebanese leaders are well loved by their own people? You know the answer to that, I think.

        Our “elected leaders” buy their way to their office ,or inherit it from their parents. Does our last election ring a bell?How much did the vote go for? $500 or $1000?
        Don’t preach what you don’t practice buddy.

  14. PROPHET.T Avatar

    I just love(not really) it , when some people appoint themselves experts on foreign policy, terrorism, and human right issues, along with every issue human kind ever faced.
    They must have terrorized others so much, to the point where they can, instantly, spot a terrorist. They must have killed enough civilians in their past, to recognize a cold blooded killer, immediately. They must have loved working with the enemies of their country so much, that they dream of doing it again, and try , again, to defeat their own people. They must have had enough hatred in their upbringing, that they start showering their fellow Lebanese with hate.
    They must have abused everyone’s human rights,+ so much, that they lost their own humanity. They have so much misery in their lives that happiness becomes their enemy.
    They have so much hatred and bitterness, that they can’t stand love no more. They become self-righteous to the point where they become irrational, and dangerous to themselves, and to humanity altogether.
    They have been used and abused, to the point of turning into public hazard themselves.
    All I can say is; I feel sorry for them. Though I’m not religious, and I don’t pray, I might start for their sake; God have mercy on them. God show them the human way. God, it’s in your power to forgive them, for their hatred of their fellow human. Forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing. Yes God; they deserve another chance, to become natural humans, and show the goods that is in every creature of yours. Yes they can heal, and with love ,we will meet them

    1. Prophet you sound more and more like an Iranian in your post. Please take into consideration that is own people believe that he is not rigth for their country. This what they mean when they says that lebanese put other nation first instead of puting lebanon interest in the forefront of any argurment

      1. He wants to be the expert in everything and want to be so righteous and is trying very hard to make Hezbollah and their Masters look very good. he claims not to belong to any party but what difference does it make if you’re a big sympathizer and indirectly pledge allegiance to Syria and Iran. He claims that all those who favors peace or deal with israel are traitors.. But those who destroyed Lebanon like Syria is a friendly state. He claims that hezbollah did not kill hariri but they’re already defending themselves in the Court of Law by spreading fears, dangers and words of civil strife. These people are not resistance, they’re animals and anyone sides with them is an animal too in my opinion. These people were poor and they saw power and money. Now they forgot their past and they want to live a the expense of everyone because the felt gov’t neglect. Remember your past and go back to it and stay humble. Or God wrath will humble you soon. Leave your arrogant ways Hezbollah or God will strike and bring you down faster than he did to the jews during the denied Holocaust by Iran..

      2. PROPHET.T Avatar

        I wish you can explain to me how I sounded more like an Iranian?
        I don’t need to prove to you my nationalism and patriotism.
        Are we to put every visitor through a litmus test before we receive him? If so what is this test? Is it Democracy? Or is it Popularity among his own people? None of our own leaders are privileged enough to pass any of these tests.
        Are we establishing new standards for heads of states that can visit Lebanon?what are those standards?would you want to apply them on all visitors?
        Following your logic, one can understand that, The president of Syria ,the king of Saudi Arabia , the president of Egypt, and all Arab heads of states are not welcomed in Lebanon , because they are all hated by their own people. None of them are elected by their own people, they are all feared by their own people, and none are qualified to visit Lebanon. Is this what you are suggesting?
        Though I’m not a big fan of Iran’s president, He was elected by his own people. I understand that his election was disputed by the opposition , but that is their problem, not ours.I don’t underestimate the domestic issues Iran is facing,and I’m sure they have a big chanlange to deal with. At least they have elected 5 presidents in 30 years. Can You you say the same about any other Arab state?
        Can you say that all of our Lebanese leaders are well loved by their own people? You know the answer to that, I think.

        Our “elected leaders” buy their way to their office ,or inherit it from their parents. Does our last election ring a bell?How much did the vote go for? $500 or $1000?
        Don’t preach what you don’t practice buddy.

  15. PROPHET.T Avatar

    I just love it , when some people appoint themselves experts on foreign policy, terrorism, and human right issues, along with every issue human kind ever faced.

    They must have terrorized others so much, to the point where they can instantly spot a terrorist. They must have killed enough civilians in their past, to recognize a cold blooded killer, immediately. They must have loved working with the enemies of their country so much, that they dream of doing it again, and try to defeat their own people. They must have had enough hatred in their upbringing, that they start showering their fellow Lebanese with hate.

    They must have abused everyone’s human rights so much, that they lost their own humanity. They have so much misery in their lives that happiness becomes their enemy.

    They have so much hatred and bitterness, that they can’t stand love no more. They become self-righteous to the point where they become irrational, and dangerous to themselves, and to humanity altogether.

    They have been used and abused, to the point of turning into public hazard themselves.

    All I can say is; I feel sorry for them. Though I’m not religious, and I don’t pray, I might start for their sake; God have mercy on them. God show them the human way. God, it’s in your power to forgive them, for their hatred of their fellow human. Forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing. Yes God; they deserve another chance, to become natural humans, and show the goods that is in every creature of yours. Yes they can heal, and with love ,we will meet them

    1.  Avatar

      Prophet you sound more and more like an Iranian in your post. Please take into consideration that is own people believe that he is not rigth for their country. This what they mean when they says that lebanese put other nation first instead of puting lebanon interest in the forefront of any argurment

      1.  Avatar

        He wants to be the expert in everything and want to be so righteous and is trying very hard to make Hezbollah and their Masters look very good. he claims not to belong to any party but what difference does it make if you’re a big sympathizer and indirectly pledge allegiance to Syria and Iran. He claims that all those who favors peace or deal with israel are traitors.. But those who destroyed Lebanon like Syria is a friendly state. He claims that hezbollah did not kill hariri but they’re already defending themselves in the Court of Law by spreading fears, dangers and words of civil strife. These people are not resistance, they’re animals and anyone sides with them is an animal too in my opinion. These people were poor and they saw power and money. Now they forgot their past and they want to live a the expense of everyone because the felt gov’t neglect. Remember your past and go back to it and stay humble. Or God wrath will humble you soon. Leave your arrogant ways Hezbollah or God will strike and bring you down faster than he did to the jews during the denied Holocaust by Iran..

      2.  Avatar

        He wants to be the expert in everything and want to be so righteous and is trying very hard to make Hezbollah and their Masters look very good. he claims not to belong to any party but what difference does it make if you’re a big sympathizer and indirectly pledge allegiance to Syria and Iran. He claims that all those who favors peace or deal with israel are traitors.. But those who destroyed Lebanon like Syria is a friendly state. He claims that hezbollah did not kill hariri but they’re already defending themselves in the Court of Law by spreading fears, dangers and words of civil strife. These people are not resistance, they’re animals and anyone sides with them is an animal too in my opinion. These people were poor and they saw power and money. Now they forgot their past and they want to live a the expense of everyone because the felt gov’t neglect. Remember your past and go back to it and stay humble. Or God wrath will humble you soon. Leave your arrogant ways Hezbollah or God will strike and bring you down faster than he did to the jews during the denied Holocaust by Iran..

      3. PROPHET.T Avatar


        I wish you can explain to me how I sounded more like an Iranian?

        I don’t need to prove to you my nationalism and patriotism.

        Are we to put every visitor through a litmus test before we receive him? If so what is this test? Is it Democracy? Or is it Popularity among his own people? None of our own leaders are privileged enough to pass any of these tests.

        Are we establishing a standard for heads of states that can visit Lebanon?

        Following your logic, one can understand that, The president of Syria ,the king of Saudi Arabia , the president of Egypt, and all Arab heads of states are not welcomed in Lebanon , because they are not loved by their own people. None of them are elected by their own people, every one of them is feared by their own people, and none are qualified to visit Lebanon. Is this what you are suggesting?

        Can you say that all of our Lebanese leaders are well loved by their own people? You know the answer to that, I think.

        Our “elected leaders” buy their way to their office ,or inherit it from their parents. Does our last election ring a bell?How much did the vote go for? $500 or $1000?

        Don’t preach what you don’t practice buddy.

    2. PROPHET.T Avatar


      I wish you can explain to me how I sounded more like an Iranian?

      I don’t need to prove to you my nationalism and patriotism.

      Are we to put every visitor through a litmus test before we receive him? If so what is this test? Is it Democracy? Or is it Popularity among his own people? None of our own leaders are privileged enough to pass any of these tests.

      Are we establishing a standard for heads of states that can visit Lebanon?

      Following your logic, one can understand that, The president of Syria ,the king of Saudi Arabia , the president of Egypt, and all Arab heads of states are not welcomed in Lebanon , because they are not loved by their own people. None of them are elected by their own people, every one of them is feared by their own people, and none are qualified to visit Lebanon. Is this what you are suggesting?

      Can you say that all of our Lebanese leaders are well loved by their own people? You know the answer to that, I think. Our “elected leaders” buy their way out. Does our last election ring a bell?

      Don’t preach what you don’t practice buddy.

    3. PROPHET.T Avatar


      I wish you can explain to me how I sounded more like an Iranian?

      I don’t need to prove to you my nationalism and patriotism.

      Are we to put every visitor through a litmus test before we receive him? If so what is this test? Is it Democracy? Or is it Popularity among his own people? None of our own leaders are privileged enough to pass any of these tests.

      Are we establishing a standard for heads of states that can visit Lebanon?

      Following your logic, one can understand that, The president of Syria ,the king of Saudi Arabia , the president of Egypt, and all Arab heads of states are not welcomed in Lebanon , because they are not loved by their own people. None of them are elected by their own people, every one of them is feared by their own people, and none are qualified to visit Lebanon. Is this what you are suggesting?

      Can you say that all of our Lebanese leaders are well loved by their own people? You know the answer to that, I think. Our “elected leaders” buy their way out. Does our last election ring a bell?

      Don’t preach what you don’t practice buddy.

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