Security source: We are sure that Hezbollah killed Hariri


“We are convinced Hezbollah killed Lebanon’s former PM Rafik Hariri and the international investigation (committee) has evidence to prove that,” al-Akhbar newspaper on Friday quoted an “authoritative security source” close to Premier Saad Hariri as saying.

The source added, explaining in chronological order, that in 2006 and before the Israel-Hezbollah July war, Lebanese Police Intelligence Bureau was able through its data and evidence to prove the involvement of Hezbollah members in the implementation process of the murder .

The source reportedly said that the head of the police Intelligence bureau, Col. Wissan al-Hasan, informed Prime Minister Saad Hariri of the data. The prime minister, in turn, dispatched al-Hasan to Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.

But Nasrallah did not agree with Hasan, neither did he deny, the source added.

He said three other meetings were held between Hezbollah and security officials to discuss the evidence, the source said.

The security source went on to explain the series of meetings and contacts between Hariri’s team and Hezbollah and between Internal Security Forces and Hezbollah which he said could be summarized in simple words:

We offered Hezbollah an exit that calls on the party to announce its readiness to prosecute members for evidence implicating them in Hariri’s murder, just like the road map presented by Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem, who echoed several times that Syria would try any Syrian citizen proved involved in the assassination process.

“We suggested that Hezbollah hide these persons or liquidate them or convict them morally,” the source said.

By doing so, the source explained, the investigation will not be able to get to the side that ordered the killing.

“But we were surprised when Nasrallah closed the door on us, saying he is responsible for any act done by any Hezbollah member as if the party is not penetrated, and we know that it is and we gave him evidence for that,” the security source told Al-Akhbar.

He said the three Hezbollah officials found to have ties to Israel have been “liquidated” after police informed Hezbollah of them.

Argument over the so-called false witnesses in the Hariri murder, the source added, and those trying to suggest that this is a big issue, is distortion of the facts.

Tension escalated in Lebanon after reports said that the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) will soon issue its indictment into the 2005 assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. Last July, Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said that the tribunal is “an Israeli project” that will indict Hezbollah members. Nasrallah accused Israel of being behind Hariri’s assassination but refused to provide the evidence to STL to prove his case. Some March 8 coalition politicians have been calling for the abolition of the tribunal, while Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun and former head of General Security Jamil as-Sayyed publicly attacked the government.

Saudi Arabia’s Ambassador to Lebanon Ali Awad Asiri urged the Lebanese political parties yesterday to sit together and develop a plan to deal with the International Tribunal indictment.

“Lebanese are able to sit with each other and prepare a plan on how to deal with the outcome of the Court’s decision regardless whether it is negative or positive,” Asiri told LBC television. Naharnet, Ya Libnan



8 responses to “Security source: We are sure that Hezbollah killed Hariri”

  1. I was in lebanon last week, and I have to say every night I went to bed I was wondering if I will wake up to a city in flames. The tension in the country is insane. No one you talk won’t say their will be war soon. I am quite scared to the fact that Al-akhbar HA’s media hand is the one that actually published this information!

  2. I was in lebanon last week, and I have to say every night I went to bed I was wondering if I will wake up to a city in flames. The tension in the country is insane. No one you talk won’t say their will be war soon. I am quite scared to the fact that Al-akhbar HA’s media hand is the one that actually published this information!

  3. guss043 Avatar

    Hezbollah and Syrian /Lebanese intelligence, did it , no one can bring such amount of explosives other than a state ,Iran and Syria, the print of the Syrian is everywhere, the Shiites /Iranian party and Syrian assassin Assad considered Hariri repsonsible for 1559 and condemned him to death.Bashir / Mouawad ,US Marines, we all know all terrorist organizations were born in Syria , same as Iran, biggest terrorist state, who killed Tueini, they only change the style of Killing on Pierre Gemayel to confuse everyone, we know well now how Hizbollha showed up at the Airport with cars with no license plates , same who Killed Pierre Gemayel , Nasrallah /Syria want to empty Lebanon from all leaders who have Charisma or potential leadership ,because their plan is to take over Lebanon .Syrian regime must be eliminated , but it is very difficult task as they enjoy the support of Israel and USA.

  4.  Avatar

    Hezbollah and Syrian /Lebanese intelligence, did it , no one can bring such amount of explosives other than a state ,Iran and Syria, the print of the Syrian is everywhere, the Shiites /Iranian party and Syrian assassin Assad considered Hariri repsonsible for 1559 and condemned him to death.Bashir / Mouawad ,US Marines, we all know all terrorist organizations were born in Syria , same as Iran, biggest terrorist state, who killed Tueini, they only change the style of Killing on Pierre Gemayel to confuse everyone, we know well now how Hizbollha showed up at the Airport with cars with no license plates , same who Killed Pierre Gemayel , Nasrallah /Syria want to empty Lebanon from all leaders who have Charisma or potential leadership ,because their plan is to take over Lebanon .Syrian regime must be eliminated , but it is very difficult task as they enjoy the support of Israel and USA.

  5. guss043 Avatar

    Syria or Hezbollah who else ? Mouawad by who? Syria – Tueini by Who Syrian agent? Pierre Gemayel ,by Syrian agent .Mufti Khaked ,Syria , Sobhi El Saleh made a speech in Morroco before about Syrian regime, he didn’t reach his aprtment alive after landing in Beirut Airport , Salim El Louzi 1978,his nails and eyes were pulled out and tightened to a tree and left to die in Aramoun, -Bashir Gemayel ,Hafez promised Frangie Soleiman he will not swear to be president , assassination executed by Habib El Charouni ( SSNP website praise Habib ) , the conspiracy master was Asaas Hardan the ucrrent MP who use Nabil El Alam to contact Habib, currently Habib live in Tartous , need to say tha Aoun promise to let him go if the Syrian in 1990 help him to beat the LF.
    We need arrest warrants against Hafez el Assad in his graveyard , to his Brother Rifaat for a genocide in Hama against the Sunni and to the Son Bashar the godfather who’s is behind mnay assassination from 2005 until now. Where is the Lebanese in the world ,what are they doing other than selling and trading, do they want to hand the country to the Syrian regime and the Iranian agents who want to bring the Mullah to our land , is this is what we want !!!!!!!

  6. guss043 Avatar

    Syria or Hezbollah who else ? Mouawad by who? Syria – Tueini by Who Syrian agent? Pierre Gemayel ,by Syrian agent .Mufti Khaked ,Syria , Sobhi El Saleh made a speech in Morroco before about Syrian regime, he didn’t reach his aprtment alive after landing in Beirut Airport , Salim El Louzi 1978,his nails and eyes were pulled out and tightened to a tree and left to die in Aramoun, -Bashir Gemayel ,Hafez promised Frangie Soleiman he will not swear to be president , assassination executed by Habib El Charouni ( SSNP website praise Habib ) , the conspiracy master was Asaas Hardan the ucrrent MP who use Nabil El Alam to contact Habib, currently Habib live in Tartous , need to say tha Aoun promise to let him go if the Syrian in 1990 help him to beat the LF.
    We need arrest warrants against Hafez el Assad in his graveyard , to his Brother Rifaat for a genocide in Hama against the Sunni and to the Son Bashar the godfather who’s is behind mnay assassination from 2005 until now. Where is the Lebanese in the world ,what are they doing other than selling and trading, do they want to hand the country to the Syrian regime and the Iranian agents who want to bring the Mullah to our land , is this is what we want !!!!!!!

  7.  Avatar

    Syria or Hezbollah who else ? Mouawad by who? Syria – Tueini by Who Syrian agent? Pierre Gemayel ,by Syrian agent .Mufti Khaked ,Syria , Sobhi El Saleh made a speech in Morroco before about Syrian regime, he didn’t reach his aprtment alive after landing in Beirut Airport , Salim El Louzi 1978,his nails and eyes were pulled out and tightened to a tree and left to die in Aramoun, -Bashir Gemayel ,Hafez promised Frangie Soleiman he will not swear to be president , assassination executed by Habib El Charouni ( SSNP website praise Habib ) , the conspiracy master was Asaas Hardan the ucrrent MP who use Nabil El Alam to contact Habib, currently Habib live in Tartous , need to say tha Aoun promise to let him go if the Syrian in 1990 help him to beat the LF.
    We need arrest warrants against Hafez el Assad in his graveyard , to his Brother Rifaat for a genocide in Hama against the Sunni and to the Son Bashar the godfather who’s is behind mnay assassination from 2005 until now. Where is the Lebanese in the world ,what are they doing other than selling and trading, do they want to hand the country to the Syrian regime and the Iranian agents who want to bring the Mullah to our land , is this is what we want !!!!!!!

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