Franjiyeh, unlike Aoun will not criticize the president


Marada Movement leader MP Suleiman Franjieh on Monday told reporters after meeting Maronite Patriarch Nasrallah Sfeir that he will not criticize Lebanese President Michel Suleiman.

“Aoun, however, has his own reasons for criticizing him (Suleiman),” Franjieh said

Franjieh described the meeting with Sfeir as the “beginning of a new political road with Bkirki,” adding that “we need ears to listen to us.”

“Each one of us has his own views with regards to Lebanon’s independence and sovereignty,” Franjieh said from Diman, the patriarch’s summer residence.

Franjieh said talks with Sfeir focused on inter-Christian reconciliation.

Franjieh arrived at the lunch meeting in Diman, north Lebanon, at midday.

Sfeir sent the invitation to Franjieh through Bishop Samir Mazloum. Franjieh accepted it.

Relations between Sfeir and Franjieh have been tense after the Marada leader accused the patriarch of bias and of favoring one Christian group against another.

Franjiyeh’s comment about president Suleiman comes after Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun attacked the president, the prime minister and the government in a televised speech on Sunday September 5 and called for resignations of several ministers.

Aoun also said that the Internal Security Forces (ISF) Information Branch is an “illegitimate branch “, “kidnaps people for months,” and “spreads rumors about people.”

His criticism was assumed to be in reference to the branch’s August 5 arrest of retired Brigadier General Fayez Karam on charges of spying for Israel.

Karam who is also a senior FPM official, was charged with espionage and providing the Jewish state with information on Hezbollah, Aoun’s closest ally.



12 responses to “Franjiyeh, unlike Aoun will not criticize the president”

  1. in democracy evryone is entitled to his opinion but not insult the others

  2. in democracy evryone is entitled to his opinion but not insult the others

  3. Another Gangster.

    1. this is a nice civilizes person he has not harm anyone so all of you lebaneese you need to respect this man and be glad he is willing to represent you

    2. this is a nice civilizes person he has not harm anyone so all of you lebaneese you need to respect this man and be glad he is willing to represent you

  4. Another Gangster.

  5. George Haddad N.J Avatar
    George Haddad N.J

    Another Gangster’s indeed. That’s why him, Aoun and Nassrallah work like a the A team.

  6. George Haddad N.J Avatar
    George Haddad N.J

    Another Gangster’s indeed. That’s why him, Aoun and Nassrallah work like a the A team.

  7. I know this Gangster like I know the palm of my hand.

  8. I know this Gangster like I know the palm of my hand.

  9. It is amazing how a small country in Lebanon has so many gangsters and it is also astonishing how so many leaders keep switching sides and principles as they wish…but what is really surprising is how some people still follow them blindly.

    If only every Lebanese forgets about his leader’s views and judges his leader based on his actions by putting Lebanon first, we wouldn’t have people like Aoun, Jumblat and franjieh and many others with so many followers…

    Let me ask you something, what is the last great thing you remember about any of the guys above….nothing right?

    What was Aoun, Jumblat, and Franjieh’s political views 10 years back, what is it now and what guarantees can anyone give me that they will not change their principles again in the next few days, weeks, months, etc…

  10. It is amazing how a small country in Lebanon has so many gangsters and it is also astonishing how so many leaders keep switching sides and principles as they wish…but what is really surprising is how some people still follow them blindly.

    If only every Lebanese forgets about his leader’s views and judges his leader based on his actions by putting Lebanon first, we wouldn’t have people like Aoun, Jumblat and franjieh and many others with so many followers…

    Let me ask you something, what is the last great thing you remember about any of the guys above….nothing right?

    What was Aoun, Jumblat, and Franjieh’s political views 10 years back, what is it now and what guarantees can anyone give me that they will not change their principles again in the next few days, weeks, months, etc…

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