Army arrests 2 on suspicion of spying for Israel


The Lebanese army intelligence has reportedly arrested two young men in the Bekaa valley in Eastern Lebanon to question them over phone calls they had received from numbers used by Israeli intelligence to contact Mossad agents in Lebanon.

Al-Akhbar daily said Tuesday that the army began questioning them to determine whether they were spying for Israel or not.

Meanwhile, the military court postponed to October 11 the trial of several people arrested on suspicion of spying for Israel after one of the defendants and witnesses failed to show up to Monday’s hearing.

The court also postponed to September 20 the trial of Mossad agent Mahmoud Qassem Rafeh who is accused of assassinating Hezbollah official Ali Hussein Saleh in 2003.

Lebanon compiled earlier this month a list of over 150 cases of espionage, intended to be filed as a complaint against Israel to the UN Security Council, Arab media sources have reported.

“The list cites some 150 cases which the law has managed to put its hand on, (including people) of all communities and denominations,” Lebanese Justice Minister Ibrahim Najjar told the London-based Arab daily Al-Hayyat, adding that it included findings that were “hardly believable.”



91 responses to “Army arrests 2 on suspicion of spying for Israel”

  1. good riddance.

  2. This is becoming like the French Revolution. Everyone was guillotined including the executioners. kess ekhta kamm 3amiil fii be hall balad? I think everyone in Lebanon is on the Mossad’s payroll. One should ask how much they pay. It must be lucrative since half the Lebanese own Mercedes Benz.

    Penis envy at best…

    If you do not work for the Mossad then you are CIA, and if you are neither then you are Moukhaabaraat and if you are not working for the Syrians then you work for the French and I guarantee you many are making money working for VEVAK. You dare ask me who they are? OK here you go: VEVAK is Vezarat-e Ettela’at va Amniyat-e Keshvar Jomhouri-ye Eslami-ye Iran (A mouthful but it says it all)

    Now feel free to add a list of other intelligence agencies I might have missed…

    That is the ultimate definition of a whore nation… Those who work for other “nations” no matter how sisterly (yeah you SSNPs out there) against your own people should be ashamed of yourselves.

    1. Walid…. you forgot the Scotland Yard……LOL

    2. Totally agree. work for Lebanon ONLY and no one else!

  3. Tarie AL Fanarie Avatar
    Tarie AL Fanarie

    Next thing you know HA is going to have the 9th Brigade arrest the President for spying. Let’s see how many arrests will be after the STL announces its ruling. I guess those who also spied for Syria all those years and caused these people to be murdered by Syrian security are they ever going to be arrested? oh wait yes Syria is our brazzarly nation and our relationship with them is complicated. Ah yes if they kills we cannot oppose them since we’re brothers and sisters. But if we kill them we’re doomed in hell. Amazing how people twist facts to their own advantage. The question are these people arrested for opposing someone views or are they really spies?

    1. thats what Ive been saying all along, are the libonais spies for syria going to be arrested aswell? what about the “ra7 jiblak il moukhabarat” gang, should they not be arrested also?

      its funny how all this time has gone by and as soon as this BS STL is about to send out its verdict, all these “spies” are caught, what a joke, I bet most of the arrested are innocent or they were assisted by the libonais government and when things got hot, they decided to frame them to get the pressure off of them. Doesnt anyone think here that maybe the libonais leadership itself are the spies? afterall, they all wanted to take HA down up until this year when they failed to do so.

    2. Tarie, this is what I dont understand.

      we are talking about israeli spies. why are you bringing HA into this and why are you talking about syrian spies as if they are worse than israeli spies. Killon adrab min ba3ed.

      but just to answer to never ending question about why they arent arrested, well because, technically, Israel and Lebanon are ennemies.

      now I dont want you people to start accusing me of liking the syrian spies. I dont. I think they are as guilty as anyone else who betrays lebanon for money like a whore.

      I am just trying to explain why legally, the israeli spies are arrested and prosecuted. It works that way in every country.

      and please Tarie, stop undermining israeli spies and always diverting attention from this to HA and syria.

      lets focus on one subject at a time.



      1. Tarie AL Fanarie Avatar
        Tarie AL Fanarie

        Cathy I bring HA because they started the catching of these spies and turned them in to the LAF. Many spies are caught by HA and again LAF is taking over. Now i can see LAF is handling the arrests. But I am so confused and disgusted when we bring the people who spied for syria and caused them torture and death. It falls on deaf ears? why i bring HA because they’re bringing pressure on the gov’t to arrest anyone suspicious to them. They were in control of the communications so why I would I not bring them up? they’re prisoners in Syria did Nassrallah ever mentioned these people? or fighting israelis is different from fightin a so called brazzerly nation who have subject lebanon to death and destructions for 30 yrs. yes i know all about israel and i know you going to tell me let’s talk one subject at at time. But i am going to bring HA in the picture because they’re the one who keep buttin in every decision the gov’t makes. Who should disarm and who shouldn’t. When you want to be the boss then expect criticism like it or not? they attack sunnis in beirut and now they’re coming with a formula that no one should be armed other than themselves. Nice sorry buttheads but until you do, then we don’t. If its going to cause civil strife so be it and its going to happen this time around in much bigger scale. God helps Lebanon from these tyrants and minafeekein. Until HA takes responsiblity and disarm itself other than then South. I see no one should disarm just to keep HA at bay.

      2. cathy its okay, we called tarie on it yesterday. when you posted all your israeli sayings and prophet did the same, he got angry and defended israel and said tht if you wanna attack israel you should attack HA.

        then he writes a whole big paper on how hes lebanese.

        thta guy is so pro-israel he cant even hide it anymore.

        notice that my comment of good riddance gets minus 4. gee i wonder who could have given me that?

        i had a feeling that this article will turn around and become about HA cos of someone like tarie.

        and then he thinks israel had nothing to do with the hariri assasination.

        even lebanon has sleeper cells and we’re busting them everyday.

        like i said good riddance.

      3. Tarie I understand your point of view, and you are right at some level, however, you should also be taking note of Israel that is infiltrating and infesting your country like little cockroaches!!

        I do not deny we have our issues with Syria and the prisoners and HA is not compleltly innocent.

        BUT it doesnt change the fact that this infestation, and I know you say HA caught them but now the army and state are handling these arrests and even HA admitted that there were some members of their party that were caught spying too, this infestation can not be ignored and can make you ask many questions about how far deep is Israel in lebanon and how much control does it REALLY have over everything that is going on?

        you have to wonder Tarie

    3. tarie quit while you’re ahead. would you rather we not flush any spies out??

      repetition repetition repetition.

      you’re good man, i’ll give you that.

      everything that happens has to come full circle to HA.

      i hand it to you man, they trained you well.

      we catch israeli spies,its HA’s fault and its weapons are a threat.

      gaegae invites HA to merge with LAF, its HA fault he’s calling them on it and they’re not gonna do it.

      good for you tarie.

  4. Tarie AL Fanarie Avatar
    Tarie AL Fanarie

    Tony just because i am accusing HA not israel of the assasinations of hariri and many leaders. That doesn’t constitute a defense of israel. I know the crimes committed by israelis. But HA is using that to attack lebanese and submit them to their will. I put in good words for you at the airport Tony now worry. When you arrive there soon, you will have some people arrest you for being a spy. Its ok I told them to bring you arak and sweets. No worry you will have fun there trust me.

    Just keep it a secret Tony. I am double agent and I work for both side. I get paid good money by HA too lol.

    1. tarie i dunno if you ever heard of the fal2 that the syrians give to prisoners. unfortunately when my father was travellin gthru syria with my pregnant mother at the time, he was jailed and beaten to a pulp fala2 style and mom knew nobody so she had to get a hotel.

      she had never been anywhere outside jordan at the time of her birth so even though the room was on the second floor she passed out cos she thought it was so high.

      back to my dad, the poor guy, they lie you down and take off your shoes and whack you as hard as they can on the soles of your feet.

      they eventually released him and you know what they said to him? “sorry it was a case of mistaken identity”

      nut have no fear tarie, when i go to lebanon in 5 days, i will make sure to leave your name with important people so when you go there eventually, no sweets will await you but a nice fala2 treatment for your pro-israeli love posts.

      have a good day man as i go to lebanon in 5 days and enjoy my beloved country and smell the life thats called LEBANON.

  5. Tarie AL Fanarie Avatar
    Tarie AL Fanarie

    Cathy let me make it clear here and I am saying this with all honesty. I am not and will not ever be pro-israelis and never in my entire life defended them. I didn’t like the way the treated the South. You, Tony and Prophet keep missing the point. We know HA fought the israelis hard in the 80’s and they managed to make them go away. But with all due respect israel was on the brink of withdrawal so its hard to say it was a battle that israel wanted. And they didn’t want to stay in 2006 either although they could have. yes they suffered losses and it seemed as israel was neck in neck with HA. But to be honest their planes was terrorizing the whole lebanon and nearly flattened half of it if they have continued. All i am saying here though HA needs to involve the gov’t in its decision of war and peace? You cannot arm yourself to the teeth in all over lebanon and then attack people too after they took your words you wouldn’t. You can’t kill leaders and civilians in lebanon and say these guns are for israel. if they’re, then go to the south and fight them. Every now and then we hear iranians generals saying that we have back up in lebanon, Syria, Gaza and Afghanistan and iraq. Why should i let HA decide at the whim of iran order to attack israel. I do not want to attack israel unless i am attacked? i do not wish to cross their borders and kidnaped their soldiers for the heck of freeing some killer name Samir Quntar? i am not being pro-israelis i just want peace like everybody else in lebanon and like every descent shiites out there who live in the South and Beirut and other areas. HA the way they’re attacking STL and attacking hariri and everyone.It shows more and more everyday that they’re guilty. You want me to forgive them for it and let go and pretend nothing happened? so they get more arrogant and cocky if they’re not being vindicated in the crimes committed. They will commit more and more and who is there to stop them? just recently they annoucing they should be the ones who can carry arms. What kind of arrogance is this? The LAF have proven that it can handle internal conflicts. Let the LAF in Dahia and all the areas they control. I say keep your weapons and use it as a backup to LAF. If they do, i am willing to change my religion for God’s sake. Just understand please what i am trying to rely too. And for the last time i am not here to defend israel, but i certainly do not wish to provoke them or attack them. I do not even want peace with them until they compensate lebanon and pay for the welfare of the palestinians. Get it!

    1. Tarie u said “But with all due respect israel was on the brink of withdrawal so its hard to say it was a battle that israel wanted.”

      Ok Tarie, you must be the only I know who analyses this situation in this manner.

      everyone in the world acknowledges that what happened in 2000 was because HA incurred so many losses to the IDF that Israel could not withstand anymore.

      based on what do you claim that they were on the verge of withdrawal?? why havent they withdrawn when the UN resolution was drafted years earlier??

      as far as 2006 goes, the WORLD criticized Israel except for the U.S.

      as much as they wanna act like they rule the world, they also need the world’s approval and this is why they always put so much effort into their PR caimpagns.

      do you have any idea how they looked when the death toll was 1000 compared to a few hundreds on the other side?

      besides that what country, decides to run an investigation on their own actions???

      im talking about the whole case with the flotilla…I mean they confiscated ALL video evidence from people on board and have REFUSED categorically to release them, releasing only their edited version of events.

      so all this to say, PR is very important to them and their image is important.

      they committ crimes but try to make it look like they are only “defending” themselves

      now as far as HA taking orders from Iran as to when to attack Israel.

      Listen, this may be true, and if it is, I am definitley not for it.

      but it is all heresay. you have NO proof of that, while there are countless very detailed articles and evidence that say the 2006 war was pre-planned.

      HA did not know that and did not think that Israel would answer the way it did to the capture of the soldiers. He (nassrallah) even said it himself sure they gave them an excuse to launch that pre-planned war, however, it would have taken any excuse to go in.

      I understand your replies are to HA’s actions in lebanon but try to see it for one second from their point of view, their population (shiaas from the south)are the first that will be attacked and destroyed if Israel decides to attack. so they dont want to disarm right now. they are scared of everyone turning against them and might be using force from time to time (I think others have intiated the violence in some incidents and then blamed it on HA).

      again I dont condone the way they are “defending themselves” BUT there has to be a middle ground where everyone can be happy.

      as the article that I posted here not too long ago said, they reacted violently in 2008 (again I repeat not correctly) because they needed those secret communication networks and they were right since Israeli spies have now been proven to be infesting everything in lebanon including the telecom network!!

      1. “Let the LAF in Dahia and all the areas they control. I say keep your weapons and use it as a backup to LAF”

        Tarie I actually agree with this part.

      2. prophet Avatar

        cathy, Tarie isn’t a lebanese as he claims. He’s a paid israeli impersonating a lebanese. He defends israel all the time.

  6. Tarie AL Fanarie Avatar
    Tarie AL Fanarie

    Cathy Barak himself said it was the wishes of the IDF to withdraw from Lebanon. I don’t know where you get your information that everybody in the world acknowledge that it was kicked out. Second many lebanese posted here it was withdrawal. In either case i do respect HA for fighting the israelis. So let’s just put this one behind us? as far as 2006 i condemned all bombings by israel without exception. All i was saying let’s not invite them to bomb us? what’s wrong with this idea? after HA crossed the border, killed and kidnapped their soldiers. Israel gave HA several days of warning to give those 2 kidnapped soldiers back. When HA refused they bombed? to say that’s not an excuse to bomb the whole country, I totally agree. But also HA been trying to do same operation before and it failed. Iran took the video and studied it and it figured it how to beat the israelis in the same operation in 2006. This was pre-meditated attack by HA and knowing they you could be endangering the South and the whole country. Why would you venture into doing such stupid operation that leads to nothing but destruction. Oh yah Nassrallah ego was so big to humilate the israelis and show them that he can free Samir Quntar. I am sorry and i know it sounds pathetic. But Samir Quntar is nothing but a murder just like those israelis who bombed our cities. But i would celebrate the freedom of child killer sorry. Had he killed an israeli soldier only, then i am with him. But to kill a father and a child is beyond me. For Lebanon to celebrate his freedom in such pathetic way, its beyond our civil minded people. Anyway i condenmed israel whenever it bombed lebanon on many occassions. I nearly got fired from my job because i argued on behalf of lebanon. So don’t tell me i am defending israel for God’s sake. ANyway this is wasting too much time and energy. I am getting tired of this. you guys resolve your own issues with ha and israel. you can have it all. I won’t post anymore. enjoy it since i won’t do it anymore. Adios Amigos

    1. Tarie, read every respected news organization source and every respected political expert’s opinion and you will see what the general concensus is. thats where I get my information from.

      why on earth do you think that they stayed for so long in lebanon if that was “Barak’s wishes” as you claim? you misunderstood my friend, it was barak’s promise during election to withdraw BECAUSE HA had incurred so much losses!!!!!

      then you say many here stated it was “withdrawal”? Im not sure i understand what you’re getting at. YES THEY WITHDREW but again it was due to the pressure and losses that HA incurred on them. withdrawal does not mean that they did it because they wanted to and werent forced to.

      again your argument holds no basis.

      Here is an exerpt from wikipedia”

      “By the end of the 1990s, continuing military strikes and casualties caused by the Islamic Resistance made the occupation too costly for Israel. Following his campaign promise, newly elected Prime Minister Ehud Barak withdrew Israeli forces from Southern Lebanon within the year.[1] in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 425, passed in 1978; the withdrawal consequently resulted in the immediate total collapse of the SLA.”

      I hope you saw in that paragraph WHEN the resolution to withdraw was passed. THUS WHY HA WAS CREATED.

      All of you who sit here and say israel doesnt want anything from Lebanon yet fail to see it ignore the resolution for decades as if it owns lebanon and can do whatever they want in there.

      Israel itself acknowledges that 2006 was military defeat yet people on this forum say that they withdrew only because they wanted to. you refuse to see facts.Period.

    2. VOICE OF TRUTH Avatar

      just to clarify one point, the israeli planned withdrawal from the buffer zone in south lebanon was being considered and proposed by the israeli government via diplomatic channels to the lebanese government and the syrians and was discussed with the united nations forces in lebanon several months before the actual withdrawal in the year 2000.

      the resistance played initially and for years a definite role

      in weakening the resolve of the israelis and lahd army to extend their stay in lebanon.

      the strangest thing that happened though was that the israelis were the first to propose the withdrawal from lebanon.

      under syrian pressure, the lebanese government, from ex president lahhoud to speaker berri to late pm hariri to even hezballah refused categorically to debate the withdrawal.

      nevertheless the israeli withdrawal happened all of a sudden despite official lebanese refusal to even consider it.

      the syrians definitely knew that once the israelis withdrew from lebanon their turn will come shortly after.

      1. VOT what are you talking about?

        “the israelis proposed the withdrawal” how is it proposing if they were asked to do so LEGALLY in 1978??

        they refused the withdrawal proposal?so why exactly did it happen in 2000 and why did they accept then?

        please cite some sources. I can put many sources where Israel itself was considering withdrawal only and only due to the losses it had incurred by HA.

        “Upon Israel’s withdrawal, there was increasing fear among the Christian people of the South that Hezbollah would seek vengeance against those thought to have supported Israel. Hezbollah met with Christian clerics to reassure them that the Israeli withdrawal was a victory for Lebanon as a nation, not just one sect or militia.[12]”

      2. Immediately after the withdrawal, Israeli aircraft crossed the Blue Line on an almost daily basis, penetrating deep into Lebanese airspace.[5][6] Since mid-December 2005, the number of Israeli air violations has decreased.[7] Israeli warships also continued to violate the Lebanese territorial waters.[8] On October 22, 2005 a Lebanese fisherman was reported missing. His boat ran aground in Israel, and was returned by the Israeli army. There were a number of bullet marks on the boat. The IDF explained that they had opened fire as a precaution in case the boat was booby-trapped, but that it was already empty at the time.[7] Many other incidents were reported along the Blue Line such as gunfire and cross border attacks. Both Lebanon and Israel have lodged multiple complaints regarding the other party’s violations.

      3. VOICE OF TRUTH Avatar


        i am referring only to the period around the year 2000, meaning the few months before the israeli withdrawal up to the withdrawal date not before not after.

        after the withdrawal of the israelis from the south the mood of the government and the public alike changed almost overnight from refusing the withdrawal idea to jumping on the liberation band wagon.

        and cathy, answering your comment,

        yes i mentioned precisely the role the resistance played in the israeli withdrawal episode.

        cathy, go back to the local news

        archives of the year 2000 and you will find exactly what i am talking about.

  7. prophet Avatar

    Tarie, get yourself another job. Noone believes your distortion anymore. You are here more than 12 hours a day.I wonder if they pay you enough. lol

  8. prophet Avatar

    You are such a pathetic person, do you really care about lebanon?

  9. prophet habeebi the guy flip flops more than jumblatt. i’ve read many of his posts where he didnt care if israel bombs HA like as if israel has such high accuracy in their fights. they carpet bomb indicriminately like they did in 2006.

    do they care they killed 1200 civilians? they probably had a big party and drank and danced all night long with tarie as guest of honor.

  10. prophet Avatar

    I’m starting to think that more then one person is posting under his name. Notice the different style of writing? Some are very journalistic style, others are more spontaneous. Every time we say He’s an I Israeli, he disappears for while, and comes back with a different article of lies. I know many Lebanese Armenians, none think like him.

    He’s so indifferent to any suffering his fellow Lebanese had gone through. He’s all about presenting Israel as a victim, and attacking HA, Syria, March 8, Iran, any opponent of Israel, and all Shiia.

  11. prophet they’re out there bro and i have made ya libnan my project to weed them out.

    i liked that abou daoud fella who came in as arab and before you know it he’s posting pro-israeli crap.

    of course you andi get minuses for that. i dont care. i will keep talking until the truth comes out.

  12. wilypagan Avatar

    Why don’t you Lebanese see that Hezbollah is much worse than Israel? What kind of society do you wish to live in? An Islamic theocracy. That is what you will get if Hizbollah takes over. All moderate Lebanese should encourage peace with Israel and establish a diverse, beautiful, modern, coastal country – kicking the Hizbollah into the sea. Perhaps Hariri and Suleiman (more likely Geagea) could do a deal with Israel to occupy South Lebanon, get rid of all Hizzy supporters and give their land to the “Palestinians” as a sort of separate buffer zone, so as not to screw up Lebanese demographics.

    Compare the Jews little strip of land to the lands with Muslim majorities (which Lebanon is now tipping to) and ask which land would you prefer to live in? Choose wisely – the alternatives are living under a 7th century theocracy like Iran, or total annihilation by Israel. Your fantasies of Hizbollah having won the 2006 skirmishes are only fantasies – Israel withdrew only to avoid negative public opinion. Next time, Lebanon will be reduced to dust. Sorry, but these are the true facts.

    1. wilypagan just shut the puck up you fool.

      HA and israel are both the shyte maynG and neither regimes are welcome in our country.

      as for you, you’re an idiot. sorry but these are the facts.

    2. Leb-Syrian Avatar

      shut ur face wilypig, ur annoying, every comment you make annoys my life. Please refrain from signing into your computer and typing

    3. George Haddad N.J Avatar
      George Haddad N.J

      I could not agree with you more my friend.

      1. prophet Avatar


      2. George who are you agreeing with exactly??


        did all of you read what that zionist wrote?????

        “get rid of all Hizzy supporters and give their land to the “Palestinians” as a sort of separate buffer zone, so as not to screw up Lebanese demographics”

        do you guys now see why me, tony, leb-syrian, etc always talk about the dangers of disarming HA right now and the TRUE COLORS of Israel???

        you see he wants us to give the south to palestinians!!!

        how great!!

        I hope all of you one day wake up and smell the freaking coffee!!

      3. George who are you agreeing with exactly??


        did all of you read what that zionist wrote?????

        “get rid of all Hizzy supporters and give their land to the “Palestinians” as a sort of separate buffer zone, so as not to screw up Lebanese demographics”

        do you guys now see why me, tony, leb-syrian, etc always talk about the dangers of disarming HA right now and the TRUE COLORS of Israel???

        you see he wants us to give the south to palestinians!!!

        how great!!

        I hope all of you one day wake up and smell the freaking coffee!!

    4. Leb-Syrian Avatar


      “get rid of all Hizzy supporters and give their land to the “Palestinians” as a sort of separate buffer zone, so as not to screw up Lebanese demographics”


    5. Leb-Syrian Avatar


      “get rid of all Hizzy supporters and give their land to the “Palestinians” as a sort of separate buffer zone, so as not to screw up Lebanese demographics”


    6. prophet Avatar


      Another typical Israeli guy, trying to get rid of a problem he created. Maybe a better solution is for you and your fellow Jews to go back to where you came from. God never told us about a promise He gave to anyone to have Palestine. If he really promised you that, more than five thousand years, what took him so long to deliver? Five thousand years, and still counting……. Why? It’s either your God isn’t real or you just made up such a lie

    7. prophet Avatar


      Another typical Israeli guy, trying to get rid of a problem he created. Maybe a better solution is for you and your fellow Jews to go back to where you came from. God never told us about a promise He gave to anyone to have Palestine. If he really promised you that, more than five thousand years, what took him so long to deliver? Five thousand years, and still counting……. Why? It’s either your God isn’t real or you just made up such a lie

    8. prophet Avatar


      1. Leb-Syrian Avatar


      2. Leb-Syrian Avatar


      3. George Haddad N.J Avatar
        George Haddad N.J

        hello Prophet! What the heck you’re up to man? How is everyone treating you on this site? take care my friend..

      4. George Haddad N.J Avatar
        George Haddad N.J

        hello Prophet! What the heck you’re up to man? How is everyone treating you on this site? take care my friend..

    9. prophet Avatar


    10. I think Lebanon has MORE (laahzo haa chohhoteyn taxet MORE) than 40000 missiles aimed at you. Next time you will fade in history and we will rewrite history as if you never existed you moron…

      I am NOT Sorry for these the true facts.

    11. I think Lebanon has MORE (laahzo haa chohhoteyn taxet MORE) than 40000 missiles aimed at you. Next time you will fade in history and we will rewrite history as if you never existed you moron…

      I am NOT Sorry for these the true facts.

  13. prophet Avatar

    The May 2000 decision to unilaterally end control of the Lebanon security zone was forced on Israel by the relentless stream of casualties inflicted on its forces by Hezbollah’s low-intensity guerrilla campaign. When then-Prime Minister Ehud Barak gave the order to withdraw, in line with a campaign promise to pull out within a year of his election, he was expressing the will of some 70 percent of Israeli voters, who could no longer see any valid purpose

    1. prophet Avatar


      I’m well my friend.


      It ‘s not easy to be a prophet. They all have

      1. George Haddad N.J Avatar
        George Haddad N.J

        Well prophet i might give you the finger now since you spelled my name almost like garage lol. That means you’re popular and you’re getting under someone skin. You should be proud of yourself then lol. I see you and tarie going at it. His real name I think is Tarro since he’s armenians as he claims to be. Anyway i have to admit I do not like hezbollah either and I more March 14th. But I do not wish death and destruction on my people and country. take care and going to get some groceries now..

      2. George Haddad N.J Avatar
        George Haddad N.J

        Well prophet i might give you the finger now since you spelled my name almost like garage lol. That means you’re popular and you’re getting under someone skin. You should be proud of yourself then lol. I see you and tarie going at it. His real name I think is Tarro since he’s armenians as he claims to be. Anyway i have to admit I do not like hezbollah either and I more March 14th. But I do not wish death and destruction on my people and country. take care and going to get some groceries now..

      3. prophet Avatar

        Yes Tarie and I were going at it. I ‘m not here to change people’s political affiliations. People can be at the opposite side of the issue, yet have an objective and constructive debate. But this guy is not a debater, and definitely isn’t an Armenian Lebanese. I think there is more than one person posting under his name. I‘ve been reading his comments for a while, and I noticed the different style of writing. So I’M GLAD TONYAND I WERE ABLE TO LIBERATE THIS SITE OF ANOTHER ISRAELI IMPERSONATING A LEBANESE.LOL. Walid gave us a name for the new army; LWLA (Lebanese Website Liberation Army).LOL

        Have a good night buddy. Time to go home now.

      4. prophet Avatar

        Yes Tarie and I were going at it. I ‘m not here to change people’s political affiliations. People can be at the opposite side of the issue, yet have an objective and constructive debate. But this guy is not a debater, and definitely isn’t an Armenian Lebanese. I think there is more than one person posting under his name. I‘ve been reading his comments for a while, and I noticed the different style of writing. So I’M GLAD TONYAND I WERE ABLE TO LIBERATE THIS SITE OF ANOTHER ISRAELI IMPERSONATING A LEBANESE.LOL. Walid gave us a name for the new army; LWLA (Lebanese Website Liberation Army).LOL

        Have a good night buddy. Time to go home now.

  14. Walid K is right, this is a whore country, where the most important thing in life for those people are a nice car to show off your neighbor and friends, nice clothes even though you’re broke, no penny in your pocket, live off a relative who works abroad, brag about ton of projects in your head to do and your head is full of hot air, women with so much silicon to cover the beach from Naquora to north Lebanon even to Halab, botox that sometime it shows some lips look like butt cheeks ( guess who pays for that) you guessed right!!! and so on… as long as someone pays those people off, they have no loyalty to their country and their culture, the $ is there god, that’s what they worship and then when couple of gangsters fued over a drug deal or something they’re out their defending their religion…look what happened last time… they were so happy and fast to start shooting before they had a chance to find out what happened or who started that incident….people like these do not deserve a country of their own… they need someone to reign in on them….what a waste…

    1. prophet Avatar


      1. Just cause women use botox and inject themselves with silicon to enhance physical features does not make them whores. you know what makes women whores, jawaz al mot3a. your close-minded bull shit that if a woman goes out and does whatever a man does makes her a whore shows your ignorance and jihil ya 7mar.

      2. prophet Avatar

        Karim, don’t get offended, whores are

      3. prophet Avatar

        Karim, don’t get offended, whores are

      4. whores are very good for the economy, just ask dubai

      5. whores are very good for the economy, just ask dubai

      6. MARIA, You read my mind.I was worried about people misinterpreting my comment. I only had the economy in mind. Prophets are not supposed to be naughty. LOL

      7. MARIA, You read my mind.I was worried about people misinterpreting my comment. I only had the economy in mind. Prophets are not supposed to be naughty. LOL

      8. is it prophet or profit 🙂 If youve ever been there you would totally understand, 75% of its economy is based on that, it is dubais main pillar lol

      9. is it prophet or profit 🙂 If youve ever been there you would totally understand, 75% of its economy is based on that, it is dubais main pillar lol



      12. Prophet- I know that you are good!

      13. Prophet- I know that you are good!

  15. prophet Avatar

    Again, very typical of Israeli mentality that does not view all human as equal. Is it the superiority factor that makes you say that? Did God create you super human???NO, it’s your racism, and hatred toward no Jews. Funny you called me transsexual. PEOPLE ARE MOST HONEST WHEN THEY ARE WEAK OR ANGRY. YOUER WEAKNESS AND ANGER REVEALED YOUR SEXUAL DESIRES AND FANTACIES.SORRY DUDE, YOU NEED TO LOOK SOMEWHERE ELSE FOR A SHEMALE.LOL

  16. prophet Avatar

    Tarie,Again, very typical of Israeli mentality that does not view all human as equal. Is it the superiority factor that makes you say that? Did God create you super human???NO, it’s your racism, and hatred toward no Jews. Funny you called me transsexual. PEOPLE ARE MOST HONEST WHEN THEY ARE WEAK OR ANGRY. YOUER WEAKNESS AND ANGER REVEALED YOUR SEXUAL DESIRES AND FANTACIES.SORRY DUDE, YOU NEED TO LOOK SOMEWHERE ELSE FOR A SHEMALE.LOL

  17. Tony Smith Avatar
    Tony Smith


    You are absolutely correct.When do we start arresting Syrian spies?

    Anyone that sticks their nose in other country’s affairs is a spy that includes the Syrians…

    1. maria and tony smith. lebanon and syria have opened embassies in each others’ countries so, the syrian spy album needs to be changed now.

      if you wanna arrest syrian spies, well, then start with berri, aoun and all these people.

      once peace treaty was signd with syria and the relationship is viewed as friendly, syria is no longer viewed as a hostile neighbor thus your syrian spy song needs to changed guys. as in move on, live in the present lol

      1. George Haddad N.J Avatar
        George Haddad N.J

        Tony many treaties were signed with Syria and they never respected them when it came to lebanon. They shutdown the borders as they please. Now what’s the holdup with borders demacration? if you all say we’re not at war with Syria, then why do we need peace treaty for? does HA abides by any agreements like doha and any other previous agreements. these people understand war and the only way you can teach them a lesson by crushing them. The syrian regime need to be changed not just for the sake of Lebanon but for the sake of Syrians who have suffered a lot under the Assad and previous ones. Lebanon needs to leave in peace enough of Hezb., Ahabash, extremists, Al qaada. They all need to give up their arms and support the gov’t and the army. Then I bet you most people will support HA and if syria once in its lifetime stood by us by acts not just words. Then we might consider it a friendly state. Otherwise its all on paper. Syria have annexed and still occupying more lands than israel. The two farms are syrians and do not belong to lebanon. People live there are syrians not lebanese and they indicated themselves they want to stay under israeli controls. Why Hezbollah is making huge deal out of something we don’t truly own and belong to us. Enough of these idiots making decision for us. They say they’re suffering for lebanon. But we have done well in peacetime instead of wars. What did war accomplish? Syria did not build lebanon it destroyed it as much as israel did. They israelis and syria are indirectly conspirators against lebanon. Stop being naive about making peace with syria. Syria leadership cares about themselves and nobody else. they deceit, trick you, bomb the living hell out of you. Then they come out on TV stating we do not interfere in lebanon’s affairs. This is internal matters. We only want stability for lebanon. Yes they butt in at every oppt. they have. they killed hariri and involved HA. Now they’re getting away with it. Same with israel it destroyed lebanon with no mercy and then it claims it wants peace with us. F.. this peace we don’t make peace with either one country until they respect us and treat us like independent country. Not part of the greater syria which the syrian leadership still thinking about it. Enough is enough. Syrian leadership needs to go. So if it means israel destroys them, then be it. that means we get rid of enemy regime. If it takes Hezb with it then another enemy of lebanon even though they consider themselves lebanese. while at take out all extremists. Then we can turn to israel and say either you compensate us for the wars and damages you cost us. Or no peace with you until hell freezes over..

      2. George Haddad N.J Avatar
        George Haddad N.J

        Tony many treaties were signed with Syria and they never respected them when it came to lebanon. They shutdown the borders as they please. Now what’s the holdup with borders demacration? if you all say we’re not at war with Syria, then why do we need peace treaty for? does HA abides by any agreements like doha and any other previous agreements. these people understand war and the only way you can teach them a lesson by crushing them. The syrian regime need to be changed not just for the sake of Lebanon but for the sake of Syrians who have suffered a lot under the Assad and previous ones. Lebanon needs to leave in peace enough of Hezb., Ahabash, extremists, Al qaada. They all need to give up their arms and support the gov’t and the army. Then I bet you most people will support HA and if syria once in its lifetime stood by us by acts not just words. Then we might consider it a friendly state. Otherwise its all on paper. Syria have annexed and still occupying more lands than israel. The two farms are syrians and do not belong to lebanon. People live there are syrians not lebanese and they indicated themselves they want to stay under israeli controls. Why Hezbollah is making huge deal out of something we don’t truly own and belong to us. Enough of these idiots making decision for us. They say they’re suffering for lebanon. But we have done well in peacetime instead of wars. What did war accomplish? Syria did not build lebanon it destroyed it as much as israel did. They israelis and syria are indirectly conspirators against lebanon. Stop being naive about making peace with syria. Syria leadership cares about themselves and nobody else. they deceit, trick you, bomb the living hell out of you. Then they come out on TV stating we do not interfere in lebanon’s affairs. This is internal matters. We only want stability for lebanon. Yes they butt in at every oppt. they have. they killed hariri and involved HA. Now they’re getting away with it. Same with israel it destroyed lebanon with no mercy and then it claims it wants peace with us. F.. this peace we don’t make peace with either one country until they respect us and treat us like independent country. Not part of the greater syria which the syrian leadership still thinking about it. Enough is enough. Syrian leadership needs to go. So if it means israel destroys them, then be it. that means we get rid of enemy regime. If it takes Hezb with it then another enemy of lebanon even though they consider themselves lebanese. while at take out all extremists. Then we can turn to israel and say either you compensate us for the wars and damages you cost us. Or no peace with you until hell freezes over..

      3. george habeebi regardless of your post brother, in hte eyes of the world community, ayria and lebanon are at peace now. i’m not talking about syrian meddling wth lebanese affairs or other things so when posters are saying syrian spies, the government of lebanon does not recognise it as such when we have MPs that will opnely share info.

        thats all i was saying habeebi as this is not in my control nor am i losing sleep over it.

        i will leave to lebanon in 5 days for a month and thats all i care about. i will enjoy lebanon as a civilian and leave the politics and murders to the politicians.

      4. george habeebi regardless of your post brother, in hte eyes of the world community, ayria and lebanon are at peace now. i’m not talking about syrian meddling wth lebanese affairs or other things so when posters are saying syrian spies, the government of lebanon does not recognise it as such when we have MPs that will opnely share info.

        thats all i was saying habeebi as this is not in my control nor am i losing sleep over it.

        i will leave to lebanon in 5 days for a month and thats all i care about. i will enjoy lebanon as a civilian and leave the politics and murders to the politicians.

    2. maria and tony smith. lebanon and syria have opened embassies in each others’ countries so, the syrian spy album needs to be changed now.

      if you wanna arrest syrian spies, well, then start with berri, aoun and all these people.

      once peace treaty was signd with syria and the relationship is viewed as friendly, syria is no longer viewed as a hostile neighbor thus your syrian spy song needs to changed guys. as in move on, live in the present lol

  18. Karim

    I think you are an ugly woman and missed all what Bill was hinting to… plus from you’re language, we can tell how smart you are!!!! you need some botox injected in your head to look like brains…

    1. I think your mom disagrees!

      1. kARIM,

        You’re such a low life. I NEVER SAID ANYTHING ABOUT YOUR MOTHER,AND I WON’T.

      2. prophet-

        I think your IQ is low for not knowing that the remark is directed at Mark

      3. prophet-

        I think your IQ is low for not knowing that the remark is directed at Mark

      4. Karim.I think your IQ is low for not dircting your comment to whom you to , by name.

      5. Karim.I think your IQ is low for not dircting your comment to whom you to , by name.

      6. prophet- tayib kol khara wa skot ba2a, sa7ee7 inak wa7ad habli. You are talking about low IQ, read your dumb statement “Karim.I think your IQ is low for not dircting your comment to whom you to , by name” to whom you to, sa73ee7 inak 7ado2a. One you are wrong or don’t have a come back, just take it like a big guy and move on rather than babbling on, it makes you look dumber than you really are.

      7. prophet- tayib kol khara wa skot ba2a, sa7ee7 inak wa7ad habli. You are talking about low IQ, read your dumb statement “Karim.I think your IQ is low for not dircting your comment to whom you to , by name” to whom you to, sa73ee7 inak 7ado2a. One you are wrong or don’t have a come back, just take it like a big guy and move on rather than babbling on, it makes you look dumber than you really are.

    2. I think your mom disagrees!

  19. Its a shame the Lebanese investigators reported how the spies were captured now all mosad needs to do is change its number so the real spies don’t get caught and use the old number to call people it wants arrested. What a joke

  20. Its a shame the Lebanese investigators reported how the spies were captured now all mosad needs to do is change its number so the real spies don’t get caught and use the old number to call people it wants arrested. What a joke

  21. there is a ot ofpeople spying for the mossad but i dought theta you can catch few every week or sow come on its getting like 007 in here every few day one spy get cought are the mossad very stupied to call from a knowing numbers i things those people are not agreeing with whatever so been charge as spy

  22. there is a ot ofpeople spying for the mossad but i dought theta you can catch few every week or sow come on its getting like 007 in here every few day one spy get cought are the mossad very stupied to call from a knowing numbers i things those people are not agreeing with whatever so been charge as spy

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