Nasrallah accuses Israel of killing Hariri


During a press conference on Monday Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah tried to present evidence to prove that Israel was behind the assassination of Lebanon’s former PM Rafik Hariri .

Hariri was assassinated on February 14 , 2005 in downtown Beirut.

Syria was initially accused of being behind Hariri’s murder , but a report in May 2009 in the German magazine Der Spiegel revealed that Hezbollah was behind the assassination of the the former Lebanese PM .

The Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) was formed by the United Nations security council to try the killers of the former Lebanese PM.

In his speech on Thursday July 22, Nasrallah admitted that some of his party members would be named in the tribunal’s formal charges but stressed that he will reject the indictments . In an another speech on Friday July 16 he questioned the STL’s credibility, calling it an “Israeli project” designed to create sectarian strife in the country.

During his last press conference, Nasrallah said he would provide evidence of Israel’s involvement in Hariri’s killing.

Many were questioning the reasons behind Nasrallah’s delay in presenting his evidence in the case of Hariri’s murder and wonder why he remained silent about the issue when all fingers were pointed at Syria. Many are also questioning why he did not present the evidence directly to STL and questioned his motives about presenting it directly to the media instead.

The evidence: Part I


In September 1993 following the Oslo accord Hezbollah protested against it in Dhahiah. The protest during which 10 died was opposed by the government which was headed by Hariri . Following the protest Israeli agents told Hariri that Imad Moughnieh was planning to kill him.

After the September 1993 clash , Syrian intelligence ordered the arrest of Ali Dib, a Hezbollah official.

Days after his arrest, I went to Anjar and asked the Syrians why Dib was arrested. Former Syrian Interior Minister Ghazi Kanaan told me at the time that Rafik Hariri visited him and told him that there was a person close to Imad Mugniyah who took part in a meeting where Moughnieh and others were plotting to kill Hariri.

Dib was sent to Damascus where the investigation continued

In 1996, Hezbollah was tracking an Israeli spy, called Ahmad Nasrallah.

I went to meet Syrian official Ali Douba, after which I was told Nasrallah’s claims were unfounded.

“After interrogating Ahmed Nasrallah and his confession of photographing houses of Hezbollah leaders, he also admitted that he had been blackmailing Hariri.”

Ahmad Nasrallah lied to Rafik Hariri’s security that Hezbollah wanted to kill him. He even told Hariri that Moughnieh was plotting to kill [Rafik Hariri’s] sister, MP Bahia Hariri, after which [Hezbollah] would kill Rafik Hariri when he would show up at her funeral.

We handed over Hezbollah member Abu Hassan Salameh to the Syrians over Ahmed Nasrallah ‘s false claim that Salameh had been plotting to murder Hariri, but later on we found out that Salameh was innocent.

Ahmad Nasrallah told Hariri once that Hezbollah will kill him with a car bomb.

While Hezbollah chief was talking Al-Manar broadcasts a video about Ahmad Nasrallah, which says that: Ahmad Nasrallah was arrested in 1996 and released in 2000, after which he escaped to Israel through the southern border. His family later joined him. The Hezbollah video shows Ahmad Nasrallah confessing that his claims to Rafik Hariri that Hezbollah aimed to kill the former PM were lies

Part II

Let us now move to part II of the conference

We Accuse Israel of Killing [Rafik] Hariri.

Israel has the capacity to carry out an operation that targets Rafik Hariri.

Lebanon is the best place for Israel to carry out its operations, due to its geographical location, etc.

Israel has collaborators in Lebanon in all fields.

As for the motive; everyone knows that Israel’s rivalry with Hezbollah is extremely fierce . Israel hence seeks the opportunity to act against Hezbollah .

Israel had no problem with Syria when it was in Lebanon. Israel has problems with Syria because it supports Hezbollah.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad told me in 2004, before UN Security Council] Resolution 1559, was issued , that the US does not mind having Syrian forces in Lebanon, but on two conditions: They need to disarm Hezbollah and Palestinian factions in Lebanon.

Assad told the US that Hezbollah is part of Lebanon’s national security, hence he denied the US’ request .

– Then came the project to force Syria out of Lebanon and isolate Hezbollah.

The Rafik Hariri assassination was used against Syria and Hezbollah.

I will discuss Israel’s methods of operation which will help us understand the evidence I will present.

First:Israel depends on aerial surveillance. Israel uses the MK [unmanned aerial vehicle] to spy on towns in Lebanon.

Second: I will discuss Israel’s use of technical support, including the telecom sector.

Third: I will discuss Israel’s use of spies.

Has Israel conducted intelligence operations in Lebanon since 2004?

When we answer this question, we will be able to understand the killings that were made.

We start with the Israeli collaborators, who were arrested between 2009 and 2010.

We start with the collaborators’ confessions to the Lebanese security forces.

Let us take a sample of the collaborators, after which I will make some remarks.

The names of some of the collaborators who confessed to being spies include: Sader, who was born in 1964, started spying for Israel in 2006, and was arrested in 2010. His role was to gather information about the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) and political figures. He confessed to providing information on President Michel Suleiman, and his residence in Amchit. Sader also confessed to gathering information on LAF commander General Jean Kahwaji.

I have to say that field inspections and the gathering of information is a phase that precedes the implementation [of a certain operation].

Does a spy inspect a site only to gather information, or to also plot for a certain operation?

Sader confessed to inspecting Kahwaji’s yacht. Could he have inspected the yacht because he wanted to put a bomb in it ?

Why did the International Independent Investigation Commission [commissioned by the UN to investigate Rafik Hariri’s assassination] not question Sader or other collaborators to see if they were involved in other killings?

Syrian officials were questioned by the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL), but none of the Israeli officers handling Israeli collaborators in Lebanon were questioned.

Hezbollah’s al manar shows another video on an alleged Israeli spy, which says that: Said Tanios Alam, who was arrested in 2009, started spying for Israel in 1990. He confessed to monitoring PM Saad Hariri and Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea as well as the movement of politicians in the Jbeil area.

Alam was asked to monitor Geagea. He was asked to determine when Saad Hariri visited Geagea. Why does Israel want to monitor Saad Hariri and Samir Geagea? This is the answer for the people asking “why were March 14 alliance members assassinated?”

Who goes to Jbeil coffee shops? Most politicians visiting Jbeil were from the March 14 alliance.

Hezbollah’s al Manar shows another video on an alleged Israeli spy, which says that: Nasser Nader, who was arrested in 2009, confessed to being involved in the 2004 killing of Hezbollah official Ghaleb Awali.

When Awali was killed, Jund al-Sham issued a statement that it was behind the assassination.

Hezbollah’s al Manar shows another video on an alleged Israeli spy, which says that: Faysal Maklad confessed to harboring Israeli troops in Lebanon and transporting weapons.

Hezbollah’s al Manar shows another video on an alleged Israeli spy, which says that: Adib Alam confessed to monitoring Lebanese regions as well as being involved, along with his wife, in the killing of Islamic Jihad Movement officials Mahmoud and Nidal al-Majzoub in 2006 in Saida .

The secret I want to reveal tonight is that before 1997, Hezbollah was able to catch an Israeli spy plane photographing South Lebanon and sending them to an Israeli operations center.

Hezbollah managed to access Israel’s spy maneuvers.

This was a technical achievement for Hezbollah.

We kept this to ourselves at first. The images we intercepted were difficult to analyze.

No one is capable of directly understanding these intercepted [images]. Our capacities did not allow us to intercept all the images taken by Israeli spy planes over Lebanon.

Israel later encrypted their [spy plane] operations, so sometimes we could not decipher what they photographed.

Hezbollah caught pictures of Israel taking pictures from the shore to a road that leads to the southern Lebanese town of Ansariya.

We identified the place that Israel was focusing on. We wondered if Israel wanted to conduct an operation at that location.

On September 5, 1997, Israel commandos landed on the beach and took the road to Ansariya that had been photographed by the Israelis , after which there was a clash.

We were not able to intercept the images of the Ansariya battle itself .

Hezbollah’s al Manar shows another video of an Israeli Unmanned Aerial Vehicle’s (UAV) footage: The video shows where Hezbollah planned an ambush against Israeli commandos. The video then shows an Israeli helicopter approaching to rescue the commandos. The video also shows Hezbollah rockets targeting the Israeli soldiers waiting for the helicopter’s rescue.

The narrator of the video says: Until now it is uncertain if the commandos were going to plant a bomb to target a Hezbollah official or to kidnap a Hezbollah official. The intercepted UAV’s footage proves that an assassination attempt was being planned.

Hezbollah’s al Manar shows another video of more UAV footage: The video shows surveillance of Hezbollah official Ali Dib as the plane flies over his house in Saida. Another spy plane monitors where he worked in Saida. The narrator of the video says: The monitoring was conducted for two years, before Dib was killed by a car bomb on the Saida road.

A video is shown of more UAV footage: The video depicts a surveillance operation over Mahmoud al-Majzoub’s residence and workplace in Saida. The narrator of the video says: Majzoub was killed in Saida in 2006.

Following Rafik Hariri’s assassination , I visited his family. They asked for Hezbollah’s help in finding out who was behind the assassination.

Syria was initially accused of assassinating Hariri , until German magazine Der Spiegel published an article in May 2009 accusing Hezbollah of murdering Hariri .

Hezbollah held a meeting addressing Israeli collaborators. We assumed many collaborators escaped from Lebanon, but a few others remained in Lebanon.

We decided to go back to archives we had since 2005 to see if we can intercept Israeli UAV footage of roads used by Rafik Hariri that could be targeted by Israel.

We will display footage of Israeli UAV surveillance, mostly over Beirut.

You will notice that the surveillance that we intercepted is being made from different angles. It is not being made [just] to conduct surveillance in general, but to prepare for a possible operation.

I want you to watch how they spied on the various routes taken by Rafik Hariri

Al Manar shows video of Israeli UAV surveillance of routes used by Rafik Hariri: Hariri’s house in Beirut is circled by the UAV , as is the PM’s palace, Nejmeh Square and the Parliament. The UAV also follows a road taken by Hariri along the sea, including the Saint George area where Hariri was killed . Surveillance focusing on the Saint George area in detail is shown. A red circle shows the spot where Rafik Hariri was killed.

Are there any Hezbollah offices in these areas monitored by Israel?

Why is Israel monitoring these locations?

Is it a coincidence that Israel is monitoring Rafik Hariri’s routes ?

Al Manar shows video is shown of Israeli UAV surveillance: The footage focuses on the Nahr al-Kalb tunnel, Jounieh, Dbayeh, after which the UAV focuses on the Faqra-Ayoun al-Siman area, which is covered in snow. The footage then shifts to the Yasou al-Malak road, which is the only road that leads to Rafik Hariri’s spa in Faqra.

Al Manar shows a video of Israeli UAV surveillance: The plane monitors the Jiyeh highway and the Saida entrance.

Al Manar shows another video of Israeli UAV surveillance: The UAV reaches Nejmeh Square, after which it flies over the residence of Rafik Hariri’s brother, Chafik.

We think that these videos were made in preparation for an operation.

Now we will move on to Israel’s activity on February 14, 2005, the day of Rafik Hariri’s assassination.

Al Manar shows another video on Israeli aerial activity over Lebanon on February 13 and 14, 2005: The video reports that Israeli reconnaissance planes flew over Saida on February 13, 2005, while several warplanes flew over Beirut ( hours before Hariri was killed) . On February 14, 2005, an Israeli AWACS plane flew over Beirut along with another Israeli spy plane.

This video can be acquired by any investigative commission to ensure it is correct. We are sure of this evidence, or else we would not risk showing it.

We have evidence that Ghassan al-Jedd, an alleged Israeli spy who hosted Israeli operations teams, was present at the Rafik Hariri crime scene. We presented the evidence to the Lebanese authorities, but Jedd escaped from Lebanon before he was caught.

Al Manar shows a video on Jedd: Jedd was born in 1940 and became an Israeli spy in the early 1990s, before he escaped from Lebanon in 2009. He hosted Israeli officers in Lebanon. In March 2004, Israeli officers entered Lebanon through the sea and were hosted by Jedd for 50 hours in a location in Mount Lebanon.

Nasrallah concluded

We don’t trust the ( Hariri ) investigation nor the the UN investigation committtee and if the Lebanese government wants to appoint a reliable entity or a committee to look into this evidence we are ready to cooperate .

This is the evidence we have now and will hold onto the balance of the evidence until a later date.


What will be your reaction if the investigation into the Rafik Hariri assassination dismissed the evidence?

Nasrallah: This will prove the international commission investigating [Hariri’s murder] is politicized.

You presented information linking Israel to Hariri’s murder. Will Hezbollah present this information to the STL?

Nasrallah: Unfortunately, Hezbollah does not trust the international investigation, but if the Lebanese government is willing to form a Lebanese commission to investigate the matter, we will cooperate.

How did you uncover information on [alleged Israeli spy] Ghassan al-Jedd?

Nasrallah: I will not answer this question.

Why did Hezbollah cover up evidence for all these years while tension in Lebanon was boiling? Even the story about Ahmad Nasrallah, which dates back to 1996. Why did Hezbollah not speak out before now? Second, Israel takes images of all of Lebanon. Can we doubt that the images showed tonight were and pasted to make it look like Israel was monitoring these places in particular?

Nasrallah: If I presented the evidence in 2005, 2006 or 2007 they would have asked us [at the time], ‘Why are you talking about it? You are not accused.’ As for the videos, they show surveillance efforts focusing on certain points at certain times, which is evidence that something is being prepared. Investigators can prove it.

Who do you want to convince that Israel killed Hariri?

Nasrallah: I am saying that I want to uncover the truth. Part of the battle is to distort Hezbollah’s image. Some [in reference to the US] spent $500 million against Hezbollah. We only want to show that Hezbollah is innocent, while there are others working day and night to ensure Israel comes out innocent.

Image from video of what is claimed to be Israeli reconnaissance aircraft footage intercepted by Hezbollah, showing the area of the death of slain Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri, displayed during a video press conference by Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah held in a southern suburb of Beirut, Lebanon, on Monday Aug. 9, 2010.
Journalists watch Hezbollah video footage of a man who is claimed to be a Lebanese spy for Israel in the 1990’s, Ahmed Nasrallah, saying that he had repeatedly tried mislead and falsely convince Rafik Hariri that Hezbollah intended to assassinate him,


222 responses to “Nasrallah accuses Israel of killing Hariri”

  1. michael Avatar

    Nasralla Undergroung is talking and talking and talking. This will not change the criminal character of harriri’s killers neither will change the veredict of the STL

    1. Leb-Syrian Avatar

      so much for having an open mind

  2. Ok this is way more detailed then what I read on manar.

    Kudos to Nasrallah. Hopefully the STL will take this into consideration as he asked and verify all the evidence.

    1. Anti Syrian Iranian Avatar
      Anti Syrian Iranian

      Morran Cathy, are you taking this for real? I watched him live yesterday, it’s relevant all made up. Israel photograph Lebanon as a whole every single second. Read the last reporters questions they really squeezed Nassralleh that any one cane create those video clips and how come they didn’t have a videoclip showing hariri car when it was bombed.

      Nassralleh has one objective to put us all in deep sleep to deviate the investigations by opening new channels, god knows what is he preparing for? This is why he is gaining time. The funny too the type of music been added to all the videos were great to entertain us like watching 24.

      But I understand you well how emotional you all are to accept those which they haven’t any evidences. Just a case built by HA. Wait then you can hear lots of criticism

    2. Anti Syrian Iranian Avatar
      Anti Syrian Iranian

      Morran Cathy, are you taking this for real? I watched him live yesterday, it’s relevant all made up. Israel photograph Lebanon as a whole every single second. Read the last reporters questions they really squeezed Nassralleh that any one cane create those video clips and how come they didn’t have a videoclip showing hariri car when it was bombed.

      Nassralleh has one objective to put us all in deep sleep to deviate the investigations by opening new channels, god knows what is he preparing for? This is why he is gaining time. The funny too the type of music been added to all the videos were great to entertain us like watching 24.

      But I understand you well how emotional you all are to accept those which they haven’t any evidences. Just a case built by HA. Wait then you can hear lots of criticism

  3. oh just read that he wants another commission appointed by the lebanese govt. well that’s not gonna happen….

  4. The point which I found most valid was this: Why didn’t the STL investigate Israeli spies who were proven to be operating around the time of Hariri’s killing? In other words, why was the STL so uninterested in the Israel line of investigation?

    1. Because the STL is, like the Hutton Inquiry in England, a cover-up to protect the assassins.

    2. cathy i agree with your point re the STL investigating israeli spies at the time of hariri killing.

    3. cathy i agree with your point re the STL investigating israeli spies at the time of hariri killing.

  5. How come nobody blames the Irish anymore?

  6. Hey israeli apologists, stop giving me a thumbs down and write something intelligent for a change.

    Losers unable to think for themselves!

    1. Nasrallah is a con artist, knowing that if one repeats a lie again and again people will start thinking it’s

      the truth ( a well knows psychological syndrome).

      That’s why, all of a sudden, they start catching, so called, Israeli spies like flies, which fits the strategy.

      Hey … get real this guy and his gang are going to turn Lebanon into a black hole, not worth living in for

      freedom and peace loving people, He is bulshiting you by calling Ha “the resistance”, resistance to what??

      . . . Oh yeah, i get it resistance to israel, how convenient to have israel around to advance his final solution

      or rather his masters in Iran final solution for all of us.

      1. Con artist!!!

        Here some facts, Nasrallah have not accused Israel of the killing since the murder. He did not accuse any one. He denied their invovlment and Syria. On the other hand, everybody blamed Syria and now suddenly Hezballah!!!

        Who is spreading lies (psychological syndrome)? Since Syria already withdrawen its army from Lebanon there is no gain on blaming Syria. It is more valuable to blame Hezbullah.

        Of course you cannot get it, you still wanna say Hezballah did it so you can believe they did.

      2. Hey Viewer, I can’t really say who murdered Hariri i’ve just the facts i suppose you have from the news,

        but if you look at the triangle Syria-Ha- Israel the first two have the most motives.

        How else can on interpret Nasrallah’s speech yesterday? Do you really think we are all idiots?

        who’s blaming ha? i didn’t

        Oh yes, Nasrallah is a con artist, and not only in regard to this issue, i stand by it 100%.

      3. Hey Viewer, I can’t really say who murdered Hariri i’ve just the facts i suppose you have from the news,

        but if you look at the triangle Syria-Ha- Israel the first two have the most motives.

        How else can on interpret Nasrallah’s speech yesterday? Do you really think we are all idiots?

        who’s blaming ha? i didn’t

        Oh yes, Nasrallah is a con artist, and not only in regard to this issue, i stand by it 100%.

  7. FYI George haddad and sri lanka and chuck…I was on an israeli news site and many comments are saying that Nasrallah is actually making sense and giving good arguments…plus many are making fun of Israel because a militia was able to hack their surveillance system! lol

    1. cathyyyy . I like your comments 🙂

    2. George Haddad N.J Avatar
      George Haddad N.J

      Yes Cathy how come he neglected to say one thing. Who cleaned up the scene of the bombing before the investigation? All this of his is theory and how can someone even though with his influence have all these videos? did the gov’t hand it over? shouldn’t the govt have these videos? who attacked Beirut in 2008? i think the mossad. i do not doubt the validity of surveillance by the israelis? but I would to have the STL interview outside of the country those big spies that are caught and ask them questions same way lebanese and hezbollah officials asked them. Will they say the same thing? many will dispute his claims and one like charbel qazzi who was a member of the LF during the civil war. Why syria is not accused because Russia and china and many countries that support the syrian regime did not want to have it. Is it politicized this way of accusing hezbollah and not syria. I say its for sure. But that do not execuse hezbollah from killing hariri. You want us to see that even israelis are agreeing with his claims. well check Natenyahu latest stmt. that he ridiculed hezbollah claims that israel behind it. So who is agreeing with him? Haaretz? who? yes and some israelis will go against the gov’t its part of their democracy unlike ours. Stop feeding us lies miss Fatameh whatever your name is? There is nothing christians about you. All you defend hezbollah and none of the christians leaders. So how do even verify you’re christians. We even heard wacko like John who claims to be still part of LF but he totally reject them? what kind of member is that? either you support the part you belong to or you don’t. There is nothing valid or proof that israel did kill him. he is going to set Lebanon on fire by trying to avoid the STL and blaming israel for it. You can try to convince me and others all you like. But try to convince hariri family, walid Eido, tueni and gemyal and many more. If israel watching hezbollah operative and members beside march 14th. How come they killed hardly any of hezbollah members? or any march 8th leaders? i am sure they can kill them easily. He is nothing but a lying bastard and he will have his days in hell. He maybe strong now but the bigger they are the harder they fall.

    3. George Haddad N.J Avatar
      George Haddad N.J

      Yes Cathy how come he neglected to say one thing. Who cleaned up the scene of the bombing before the investigation? All this of his is theory and how can someone even though with his influence have all these videos? did the gov’t hand it over? shouldn’t the govt have these videos? who attacked Beirut in 2008? i think the mossad. i do not doubt the validity of surveillance by the israelis? but I would to have the STL interview outside of the country those big spies that are caught and ask them questions same way lebanese and hezbollah officials asked them. Will they say the same thing? many will dispute his claims and one like charbel qazzi who was a member of the LF during the civil war. Why syria is not accused because Russia and china and many countries that support the syrian regime did not want to have it. Is it politicized this way of accusing hezbollah and not syria. I say its for sure. But that do not execuse hezbollah from killing hariri. You want us to see that even israelis are agreeing with his claims. well check Natenyahu latest stmt. that he ridiculed hezbollah claims that israel behind it. So who is agreeing with him? Haaretz? who? yes and some israelis will go against the gov’t its part of their democracy unlike ours. Stop feeding us lies miss Fatameh whatever your name is? There is nothing christians about you. All you defend hezbollah and none of the christians leaders. So how do even verify you’re christians. We even heard wacko like John who claims to be still part of LF but he totally reject them? what kind of member is that? either you support the part you belong to or you don’t. There is nothing valid or proof that israel did kill him. he is going to set Lebanon on fire by trying to avoid the STL and blaming israel for it. You can try to convince me and others all you like. But try to convince hariri family, walid Eido, tueni and gemyal and many more. If israel watching hezbollah operative and members beside march 14th. How come they killed hardly any of hezbollah members? or any march 8th leaders? i am sure they can kill them easily. He is nothing but a lying bastard and he will have his days in hell. He maybe strong now but the bigger they are the harder they fall.

    4. George Haddad N.J Avatar
      George Haddad N.J

      Cathy here is what the israelis are saying:

      Hizballah leader Hassan Nasrallah accused Israel of plotting to murder all of Lebanon’s political and military leaders in a speech he delivered Monday night, Aug. 9, thus going one better than his anticipated bid to pin the 2005 Hariri murder on the Jewish state. Although he produced no evidence, his Iranian backers were at his side. And so enough fuel was poured on the already incendiary Israel-Lebanese, Israel-Syrian borders to prompt a large-scale Israeli military exercise to start the following morning, Tuesday, Aug. 10.

      Iranian foreign minister Manouchehr Mottaki is meanwhile on his way to Damascus to hold Bashar Assad back from his promise to Saudi King Abdullah to break away from Hizballah. The Iranian ambassador called on the Lebanese chief of staff Gen. Jean Qahwaji Monday and advised him to invoke the new Iranian-Lebanese military accord for replacing the US with Iran as the Lebanese army’s main arms supplier.

      In an attempt to hold the line in Beirut, Washington sent its top Syrian-Lebanese expert Fredric Hof to Beirut to warn Gen. Qahwaji against falling for the Iranian line or again embarking on cross-border aggression against Israel.

      In an earlier item on Aug. 9, debkafile’s sources outlined the pressures on Iranian-Syrian relations and the strains which have prompted all these comings and goings, placed four armies on a high alert and made the Hizballah leader desperate enough to threaten his country with civil war and provoke a showdown with Israel.

      To read this report, click here.

      Israel is to move large tank, armored infantry and artillery up north as an extra warning to Tehran, Damascus and Beirut not to let their crises spill over to Israel’s borders or generate a repeat of the Aug. 3 military clash in which Lt. Col. Dov Harari was killed by a Lebanese sniper.

      Monday night, the Israeli military unusually warned citizens and motorists they would have to put up with heavy military traffic on the northern highways leading from the center of the country to the shores of the Sea of Galilee, Upper Galilee and the Golan – in particular Route 71 linking Afulah and Bet Shean, and Routes 90 and 92 which circle the lake and reach the Galilee Panhandle. They were advised to avoid the roads leading up to the Israeli-Syrian and Israeli-Lebanese borders.

      Nasrallah started out with an account of schemes he claimed Israeli agents had hatched against Lebanon in the 1990s and moved on to accusing Israel of plotting to murder Lebanese president Michel Suleiman, Chief of staff Gen. Jen Qahwaji, leader of the Shite Amal movement Nabih Berri, who is Speaker of Parliament, Prime Minister Saad Hariri, and leader of the Christian Phalange movement, Samir Geagea.

      And what motivates Israel to make a clean sweep of all Lebanon’s pro-Western as well as pro-Iranian leaders? Nasrallah asked rhetorically and answered: “To implicate Syria and Hizballah in the crimes, exactly as in the case of the Hariri murder” – which he claimed was committed by Israeli intelligence.

      Nasrallah’s effort to drum up a case for a common Syrian-Lebanese war against Israel was entirely transparent and predicted. All the same, it added a new level to the current military strains.

      1. Youssef Avatar

        Cut and paste from

      2. Youssef Avatar

        Cut and paste from

    5. George Haddad N.J Avatar
      George Haddad N.J

      Cathy here is what the israelis are saying:

      Hizballah leader Hassan Nasrallah accused Israel of plotting to murder all of Lebanon’s political and military leaders in a speech he delivered Monday night, Aug. 9, thus going one better than his anticipated bid to pin the 2005 Hariri murder on the Jewish state. Although he produced no evidence, his Iranian backers were at his side. And so enough fuel was poured on the already incendiary Israel-Lebanese, Israel-Syrian borders to prompt a large-scale Israeli military exercise to start the following morning, Tuesday, Aug. 10.

      Iranian foreign minister Manouchehr Mottaki is meanwhile on his way to Damascus to hold Bashar Assad back from his promise to Saudi King Abdullah to break away from Hizballah. The Iranian ambassador called on the Lebanese chief of staff Gen. Jean Qahwaji Monday and advised him to invoke the new Iranian-Lebanese military accord for replacing the US with Iran as the Lebanese army’s main arms supplier.

      In an attempt to hold the line in Beirut, Washington sent its top Syrian-Lebanese expert Fredric Hof to Beirut to warn Gen. Qahwaji against falling for the Iranian line or again embarking on cross-border aggression against Israel.

      In an earlier item on Aug. 9, debkafile’s sources outlined the pressures on Iranian-Syrian relations and the strains which have prompted all these comings and goings, placed four armies on a high alert and made the Hizballah leader desperate enough to threaten his country with civil war and provoke a showdown with Israel.

      To read this report, click here.

      Israel is to move large tank, armored infantry and artillery up north as an extra warning to Tehran, Damascus and Beirut not to let their crises spill over to Israel’s borders or generate a repeat of the Aug. 3 military clash in which Lt. Col. Dov Harari was killed by a Lebanese sniper.

      Monday night, the Israeli military unusually warned citizens and motorists they would have to put up with heavy military traffic on the northern highways leading from the center of the country to the shores of the Sea of Galilee, Upper Galilee and the Golan – in particular Route 71 linking Afulah and Bet Shean, and Routes 90 and 92 which circle the lake and reach the Galilee Panhandle. They were advised to avoid the roads leading up to the Israeli-Syrian and Israeli-Lebanese borders.

      Nasrallah started out with an account of schemes he claimed Israeli agents had hatched against Lebanon in the 1990s and moved on to accusing Israel of plotting to murder Lebanese president Michel Suleiman, Chief of staff Gen. Jen Qahwaji, leader of the Shite Amal movement Nabih Berri, who is Speaker of Parliament, Prime Minister Saad Hariri, and leader of the Christian Phalange movement, Samir Geagea.

      And what motivates Israel to make a clean sweep of all Lebanon’s pro-Western as well as pro-Iranian leaders? Nasrallah asked rhetorically and answered: “To implicate Syria and Hizballah in the crimes, exactly as in the case of the Hariri murder” – which he claimed was committed by Israeli intelligence.

      Nasrallah’s effort to drum up a case for a common Syrian-Lebanese war against Israel was entirely transparent and predicted. All the same, it added a new level to the current military strains.

    6. You have been reading to much pulp fiction, my dear.

      Unstable and/or war mongering Lebanon can’t possibly be the wish of any israeli government.

      In fact Egypt, Jordan and even the old scorpion Arafat, got more concession out of israel

      by talking, then from decades of bloody hostilities.

      I often wonder why would any normal person support, evil suicidal maniacs like Nasrallah&Co.

      and find them trust worthy or believable?

      1. you know tiger, you people make me laugh. you use Jordan and Egypt as examples. lol

        first of all, despite all peace efforts between these countries, Israel continues daily massacres, & humiliation of the palestinian people (muslim and christian) and Jordan has always spoken out against Israel whenever they have acted this way (which is almost always)…even Queen Rania came to the states and talked about what it is like for a palestinian to be living there and what kind of desperation these people suffer….

        Egypt, dont even bring that country up. They are a shame to all of us, blocking aid to Gaza. its puppet regime just like most arabs.

        when I ask my husband’s grand mother, who is a christian from Nazareth, about what happened in 48, you should hear the atrocities and how she was forced out of her home (which by the way, Delusional Israelis deny categorically and say that the palis ALL sold their homes and lands lol what a joke)

        You think Israel wants nothing with Lebanon. FINE, I HOPE that HA gets destroyed and removed and then all you blind lebanese can see the TRUTH for yourselves.

      2. CATHY, i’m truly sorry you think and feel this way, but, when their is a conflict everybody loses.

        Don’t you get it? you can’t tell someone he has not right to exist and expect him/her to take

        it without fighting back.

        I Hope we all come to respect each other and have a happy peaceful lives, despite our differences

        we all want the same basic things.

        Abusing, hurting or killing people is Wrong no matter what you believe in or stand for.

        Take a note that it’s just as easy to make friends as making enemies.

      3. moustapha Avatar

        I love how tiger and his kind are AMAZING FLIP FLOP ACTORS.. they are so two faced its surreal! Mish ma32oul! lol

        How caring you are.. it really shows how much compassion you have for life, and how much respect for poeples well being you have. You know when you zionists speak there seems to be this guy with a violin he always appears and it makes me want to tear. I am so affected by these passionate words about respect, love and peace. ANybody care to join me to light a candle.peace and spread

      4. MOUSTAPHA you are the type of person my mother alway warned me from.

        I wonder if you have a face at all.

      5. moustapha Avatar

        Why thank you! I take that as a compliment coming from someone like you and being able to live up to your mothers expectaions of someone like me hehehe..

        But on a more serious not, let me tell you something Tiger(and that is probably your thrid face).. every empire has an end, and every person has an end. If Justice is not found in this life it will be found in the one after. Your conspiring, planning, and deviousness has reached a limit and from here on it is downwards. You and all the people that are part of or in support of the zionist cancer will be held accountable.. and I thank God I AM that person your mom warned you of because I would HATE to be standing in your shoes.

        I do pray though that if there is one spec of compassion and humility in your arrogant infected heart that God will enlighten you in how to barely attempt to even try to ammend the things you and your kind have caused.. and maybe just maybe God will forgive you, for he is the All-Forgiver.

        To my fellow Lebanese sisters and brothers I pray the mercy and blessings of God are upon u and your families in this holy month and May he PROTECT u and your families from the like of Tiger and their plans to hurt our beautiful PURE land.

    7. You have been reading to much pulp fiction, my dear.

      Unstable and/or war mongering Lebanon can’t possibly be the wish of any israeli government.

      In fact Egypt, Jordan and even the old scorpion Arafat, got more concession out of israel

      by talking, then from decades of bloody hostilities.

      I often wonder why would any normal person support, evil suicidal maniacs like Nasrallah&Co.

      and find them trust worthy or believable?

    8. Anti Syrian Iranian Avatar
      Anti Syrian Iranian

      Which newspapers the Jews pApers at al Manara

    9. Anti Syrian Iranian Avatar
      Anti Syrian Iranian

      Which newspapers the Jews pApers at al Manara


    10. George Haddad N.J Avatar
      George Haddad N.J

      So if i copy and paste from israeli website, i am called pro israelis. But you can visit them but no one says anything? So does that mean are you pro israelis too?

      I simply copied and paste from because believe it or not this website is more objective than site i have read news on. It even give information more than Mossad want them to say. Its good website and if i were Hezbollah i would go on it just to learn what their enemy is up to.. But the reason i copied and paste somewhere because Cathy mentioned the above about israeli views. So i was trying to show her otherwise.

      Its okay morons are morons and never can change them.

  8. wilypagan Avatar

    Cathy – how can you even listen to a coward like Nasrallah. He has brought so much pain and suffering to Lebanon. Lebanon must wake up and move forward to make peace with Israel and control arms within its borders. Have you forgotten 2008 when little piggy Nasrallah turned Hizbollah weapons on the Lebanese people? How could you ever give anything he says any credibility?

    1. Why did he do that if I may ask.

      Hmm red blooded, does that mean you are an indian, because I love Indians. Are you a sioux??

    2. Why did he do that if I may ask.

      Hmm red blooded, does that mean you are an indian, because I love Indians. Are you a sioux??

    3. only when the 14th acted first

    4. only when the 14th acted first

  9. Every time this guys speaks, Nasrallah, he reminds me so much of Adolph Hitler. Like Hitler, is obviously natural to blame the Jews or Israel. In the 30/40’s the NAZI Party in Germany were literally blaming everything on the Jews. Hezbollah does the same today on Israel. If anything goes wrong, even the weather, they will blame Israel.

    God help Lebanon. My prayers for peace. May all Christians and Muslims pray to God/Allah, that Lebanon seeks peace with itself and with it’s neighbours.

    1. Look who’s talking. Israel is the new Hitler. They are a continuation of the chain of evil handed down by Hitler. They opppress the poor, weak and defenseless.

      1. i agree with you R

      2. i agree with you R

    2. Look who’s talking. Israel is the new Hitler. They are a continuation of the chain of evil handed down by Hitler. They opppress the poor, weak and defenseless.

    3. p. lom take your prayers and shove em. we got HA cos of your attacks in the south stupid. if it werent for israel invading the south all the time, HA wouldnt exist so get lost.

      hitler didnt blame the jews. he carried out orders from the catholic church and the like of theodor herzl who and other elitist jews who aided in the killing of their people as they knew that it will help their cause for many years to come when they take over all media outlets.

      go to hell israel and thanks to your attacks do we now have militant palestinians and HA.

      so HA is your product, live with it cos when they get absorbed into the army and they will, lebanon will no longer be a weak neighbor.

    4. p. lom take your prayers and shove em. we got HA cos of your attacks in the south stupid. if it werent for israel invading the south all the time, HA wouldnt exist so get lost.

      hitler didnt blame the jews. he carried out orders from the catholic church and the like of theodor herzl who and other elitist jews who aided in the killing of their people as they knew that it will help their cause for many years to come when they take over all media outlets.

      go to hell israel and thanks to your attacks do we now have militant palestinians and HA.

      so HA is your product, live with it cos when they get absorbed into the army and they will, lebanon will no longer be a weak neighbor.

      1. you must be one of those thinking the jews slaughter little children in order

        to use their blood for their passover rituals.

        Go kiss Mahmoud Ahmadinejads ass, you lowlife

        Ha . . . Elvis is alive and well and living in Pennsylvania, but you probably know that.

      2. TONY A, Now I’m convinced you are one of those lowlife hate mongers.

        Are those all the lies and distortion of reality you could come up with, or can we expect more

        juicy revelations to come?

        If you seed lies hate and intolerance that’s what you’ll harvest.

    5. P.LOM you must be a jew to bring up Hitler in this discussion so let me tell you this my friend, you and I both know how may jews have outed the zionist collaboration with the nazis. books have been written about it, testimonies, etc.

      it is sad that innocent jews and others had to pay for the evil agenda of zionism.

      do you know how many ex mossad members have confessed to having staged bombings of synagogues, inciting anti-semitism to have jews, who were happy living in europe, africa, arab countries, all move to israel.

      thats why many jews are anti-zionist and beleive it is an evil entity.

      1. You Are entitled to have any opinion you prefer, but first,


      2. yo tiger as per your comment re children, your evil country actually brings school children you filthy insect and allows them to autograph bombs that israel is about to drop on the palestinians like it’s all fun.

        children were recently brought in to help eradicate a whole bedouin village and the children are jumping on the owners’ counches and cheering as the demolitions happen.

        how evil can you be you infested bacteria and to think that i will ever allow my lebanon to make peace with you is a joke.

    6. P.LOM you must be a jew to bring up Hitler in this discussion so let me tell you this my friend, you and I both know how may jews have outed the zionist collaboration with the nazis. books have been written about it, testimonies, etc.

      it is sad that innocent jews and others had to pay for the evil agenda of zionism.

      do you know how many ex mossad members have confessed to having staged bombings of synagogues, inciting anti-semitism to have jews, who were happy living in europe, africa, arab countries, all move to israel.

      thats why many jews are anti-zionist and beleive it is an evil entity.

  10. blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Doesn’t seem like a broken record and after you listen to it so many times, you start repeating it. This is the brainwashing machine of h/a, the more you listen the more you believe in their radicalism. hassoun, it is time for a diaper change and a nap.

    1. better then brain washing from hitsrael and their allies

    2. better then brain washing from hitsrael and their allies

  11. VOICE OF TRUTH Avatar

    sayed hassan failed miserably tonight to win new people to believe h/a’s innocence.

    i think with his lousy and childish presentation and the way he avoided giving straight forward answers to the media reps that were questioning him as well as

    the video settings,the ridiculous music choice and the irrelevant pieces of evidence not followed through,were not helping his case at all.

    all in all it was a bad performance that will not affect in any shape or form the procedures of the stl.

    1. George Haddad N.J Avatar
      George Haddad N.J

      I totally agree VOT. he’s scumming again and again trying to avoid his responsiblity. All this crap will lead the victims families and many people who do not believe one shred of evidence he presented to a civil strife. This is exactly what he is amining for. However at this stage Syria cannot afford a sunni-shiites strife. So it will change course or at will suffer heavily by israel. My hunch israel will strike Syria by surprise if Syria do not cooperate to control hezbollah. Can they risk a weak regime in Syria? who is going to help it hezbollah? they will be busy fighting their own battles..

    2. George Haddad N.J Avatar
      George Haddad N.J

      I totally agree VOT. he’s scumming again and again trying to avoid his responsiblity. All this crap will lead the victims families and many people who do not believe one shred of evidence he presented to a civil strife. This is exactly what he is amining for. However at this stage Syria cannot afford a sunni-shiites strife. So it will change course or at will suffer heavily by israel. My hunch israel will strike Syria by surprise if Syria do not cooperate to control hezbollah. Can they risk a weak regime in Syria? who is going to help it hezbollah? they will be busy fighting their own battles..

  12. what a joke! very funny his speech,nobody can believe what he was talking about.

  13. wilypagan Avatar

    Cathy – I’m sure you’ll look great in Hijab.

    1. Leb-Syrian Avatar

      She’s not even muslim u racist moron.

      1. moustapha Avatar


        I think thats his point.. that she would be better off becoming one since she is supporting an islamic group.

        What a snake you are wilypagan.. its so obvious you are isreali.. Sedition is so first nature to you guys.

      2. moustapha Avatar


        I think thats his point.. that she would be better off becoming one since she is supporting an islamic group.

        What a snake you are wilypagan.. its so obvious you are isreali.. Sedition is so first nature to you guys.

      3. Anti Syrian Iranian Avatar
        Anti Syrian Iranian

        Look who’s talking the stupid leb Syrian

        Leb Syrian = hezballah

        Cathy name must be fattoum 7eis beess, she looks better bel mayo

      4. Anti Syrian Iranian Avatar
        Anti Syrian Iranian

        Look who’s talking the stupid leb Syrian

        Leb Syrian = hezballah

        Cathy name must be fattoum 7eis beess, she looks better bel mayo

      5. Leb-Syrian Avatar

        Stupid? You dont know me, learn how to pick a name that makes sense, If you understood english your name makes it sound like your an iranian that is anti syrian. I have always said i am all for hezbollah disarming, just an fyi i am not shia. So piss off and shove it where the sun dont shine.

      6. Leb-Syrian Avatar

        Stupid? You dont know me, learn how to pick a name that makes sense, If you understood english your name makes it sound like your an iranian that is anti syrian. I have always said i am all for hezbollah disarming, just an fyi i am not shia. So piss off and shove it where the sun dont shine.

      7. But “she” might be “he”, who knows

    2. Youssef Avatar

      your comment sums up your stance. Well done moron your not fooling anyone with your racist rhetoric.

      Lebanon united forever.

    3. Youssef Avatar

      your comment sums up your stance. Well done moron your not fooling anyone with your racist rhetoric.

      Lebanon united forever.

    4. WOW, I cant beleive that lebanese have stooped this low.

      anti syrian, I am more christian than you will ever be, thats why I follow Christ’s teachings and do not act like a racist moron like you.

      you know its funny that the other dumb c*** talks about hijab, yet christians are siding with sunnis right? what an oxymoron!!!lol

      isnt it in Saudi arabia where they also cut your hand off if you steal, execute you for adultery, where women cant drive and ha to be accompagnied by a man at all times? LOL

      you all contradict yourselves so bad, its hilarious.

    5. WOW, I cant beleive that lebanese have stooped this low.

      anti syrian, I am more christian than you will ever be, thats why I follow Christ’s teachings and do not act like a racist moron like you.

      you know its funny that the other dumb c*** talks about hijab, yet christians are siding with sunnis right? what an oxymoron!!!lol

      isnt it in Saudi arabia where they also cut your hand off if you steal, execute you for adultery, where women cant drive and ha to be accompagnied by a man at all times? LOL

      you all contradict yourselves so bad, its hilarious.

  14. Constantin Avatar

    We should give him some credit for trying…He is trying hard to avoid indictment, but he forgot that all the listeners are not idiots.

    He is running out of ideas and scenarios. Are there here any movie directors who could help Hassan in staging the Hariri crime and give him some good make-believe scenarios that could be a little bit credible? Please somebody volunteer to help Hassan…

    1. Anti Syrian Iranian Avatar
      Anti Syrian Iranian

      Constantin,they were some idiots listening to Hassoun

      Cathy fattoum, Tony Ali and stupid Leb Syrian

      1. ASI speak for yourself moron. i’m disappointd in nasrallah’s speech and as i said in may posts, i take no sides.

        i only understand why HA existed after 82 and i’ve always said its cos of our fault. had the LAF defended the south like it should have, we would not have had HA ever forming but we all reap our own karmib actions and thats why we’re where we are.

        i was not impressed by nasrallah’s speech and i have always said the STL is a waste of time and money and i still havent changed my mind.

        if you think the STL will do anything well, i will be shocked cos all the mafia families will still be here before and after it leaves and all who willl be left are the poor lebanese people caught in the crossfires of these families.

        thats why i always urge for all of them to sit and get along. to hear israeli fan-airie inviting israel to destroy lebanon is evil. who will suffer from the invasion, HA? No! the lebanese people like my family living there.

        we got people who blindly support gaegae. why? is he benefitting his supporters?

        thats why i support only lebanon and UNITY and if you and the other idiots cant understand that, then thats why lebanon is in the mess its in cos you’re all so think to understand reason and logic.

        i side with lebanon like i’ve been saying and to hell with all of you as i visit my country in 3 and a half weeks and enjoy my muslim, christian, syrian, lebanese friends. these are not politicians, these are normal people and we all have one thing in common, we hate ALL governments.

        youssef i totally agree with you in regards to ASI’s comments to cathy. actually i like what she says cos she’s very knowledgable about what zionism has done to our country. but you christians who sold our country to them without regard to our safety have allowed them to put militant palestinians on our land as well as the creation of HA thanks to hariri and his saudi alliances. so both muslims and christians have brought in extremist thought processes by thinking they were making the right decisions.

        good job christians and muslims (the druze are in theretoo but i dont wanna lose your attention span). now can you let us PACIFISTS come and try to get all of you to get along so we can salvage our country?

      2. ASI speak for yourself moron. i’m disappointd in nasrallah’s speech and as i said in may posts, i take no sides.

        i only understand why HA existed after 82 and i’ve always said its cos of our fault. had the LAF defended the south like it should have, we would not have had HA ever forming but we all reap our own karmib actions and thats why we’re where we are.

        i was not impressed by nasrallah’s speech and i have always said the STL is a waste of time and money and i still havent changed my mind.

        if you think the STL will do anything well, i will be shocked cos all the mafia families will still be here before and after it leaves and all who willl be left are the poor lebanese people caught in the crossfires of these families.

        thats why i always urge for all of them to sit and get along. to hear israeli fan-airie inviting israel to destroy lebanon is evil. who will suffer from the invasion, HA? No! the lebanese people like my family living there.

        we got people who blindly support gaegae. why? is he benefitting his supporters?

        thats why i support only lebanon and UNITY and if you and the other idiots cant understand that, then thats why lebanon is in the mess its in cos you’re all so think to understand reason and logic.

        i side with lebanon like i’ve been saying and to hell with all of you as i visit my country in 3 and a half weeks and enjoy my muslim, christian, syrian, lebanese friends. these are not politicians, these are normal people and we all have one thing in common, we hate ALL governments.

        youssef i totally agree with you in regards to ASI’s comments to cathy. actually i like what she says cos she’s very knowledgable about what zionism has done to our country. but you christians who sold our country to them without regard to our safety have allowed them to put militant palestinians on our land as well as the creation of HA thanks to hariri and his saudi alliances. so both muslims and christians have brought in extremist thought processes by thinking they were making the right decisions.

        good job christians and muslims (the druze are in theretoo but i dont wanna lose your attention span). now can you let us PACIFISTS come and try to get all of you to get along so we can salvage our country?

      3. Leb-Syrian Avatar

        Before you call anyone stupid, call your own politicians who change their mind every 5 minutes stupid. If they bend over for Syria and take it, you expect Syria not to take advantage? Blame yourselves first, and then blame syria, you anti-intellegence and common sense moron. If Lebanon was strong enough there would be no room for Syria or HA or anyone to meddle in the Lebanese affairs.

    2. Anti Syrian Iranian Avatar
      Anti Syrian Iranian

      Constantin,they were some idiots listening to Hassoun

      Cathy fattoum, Tony Ali and stupid Leb Syrian

  15. wilypagan Avatar

    She’s not even a Muslim. I knew that with a name like Cathy. However, my point is that all Lebanese women will soon be under a system like they have in Iran if the Hizbollah is allowed to gain further power in Lebanon.

    I am not a racist moron, but you seem to be rather uneducated to have to resort to name calling. Since you’re so tough, why is your country so pathetically weak?

    1. Leb-Syrian Avatar

      Last time I checked my country is the USA, I was born here. Thx And I dont think Lebanon would ever turn into “Iran”, that would be good for nobody.

      1. wilypagan Avatar

        Lebanon will never turn into Iran? It is almost there. Have you seen the ladies in black down on the Corniche? That is why there are so many Christian Lebanese living Europe, the US and Canada? They no longer feel comfortable with what is going on in their country.

        & no – I am not an Israeli. I’m a red blooded American (my family has been here since the 1700s, except my native american ancestors who were here long before then) and I am married to a Christian Lebanese. She also dislikes the Hizbollah, needless to say.

        My concern about all of you Islamo-Christians is that you are bringing this negative sectarian crap to my country when you immigrate here. If you love Lebanon so much, and think the Hizzy’s are so dandy, why don’t you return there?

        Finally, Leb-Syrian, your name belies the fact that your loyalty is not with the US and our allies.

      2. wilypagan Avatar

        Lebanon will never turn into Iran? It is almost there. Have you seen the ladies in black down on the Corniche? That is why there are so many Christian Lebanese living Europe, the US and Canada? They no longer feel comfortable with what is going on in their country.

        & no – I am not an Israeli. I’m a red blooded American (my family has been here since the 1700s, except my native american ancestors who were here long before then) and I am married to a Christian Lebanese. She also dislikes the Hizbollah, needless to say.

        My concern about all of you Islamo-Christians is that you are bringing this negative sectarian crap to my country when you immigrate here. If you love Lebanon so much, and think the Hizzy’s are so dandy, why don’t you return there?

        Finally, Leb-Syrian, your name belies the fact that your loyalty is not with the US and our allies.

      3. Leb-Syrian Avatar

        Wilypagan, I dont need you to tell me what my name does or does not represent. Thank You very much! Dont you have a indian reservation or casino to be running? If anyone should know what it feels to be bullied, It should be you, weren’t your people massacred by the Pilgrims?

      4. Leb-Syrian Avatar

        Wilypagan, I dont need you to tell me what my name does or does not represent. Thank You very much! Dont you have a indian reservation or casino to be running? If anyone should know what it feels to be bullied, It should be you, weren’t your people massacred by the Pilgrims?

      5. Leb-Syrian Avatar


      6. Leb-Syrian Avatar


    2. Wilypagan, you really have no idea what you’re talking about.

      have you been to beirut lately?? have you seen how girls are dressed???

      we are a country where we have a woman with a hijab walking next to a girl in a skimpy bikini, and we will always be that way and proud of it.

      Lebanon will not turn into Iran ya hmar, leh Syria is like Iran shi?

      as far as I know, the country is still more than half a mix of chrsitians and sunnis and the rest shias. They cannot overturn the power just like that my friend.

      No one would allow that to happen.

      1. Leb-Syrian Avatar


        Syria is unlike Iran either, these people are from the west, or they are just anti muslim or anti christian, and have no idea what everyday life in Syria or Lebanon is like. They dont know that you can see a m7ajabeh and a girl wearing a cross on her chest can be best friends and not worry about what religion the other is from. They just automatically assume that the muslims and christians are on the streets killing each other. They dont know that they have huge easter parades in Syria that I myself attended, they just think that its all m7ajabin attacking everyone that is dressed different from them. These people dont understand true tolerance, yes America has tolerance, but its all fake and filled with stereotypes. I have never felt unity and co existance in the USA like I did feel when i went to Syria and Lebanon.

      2. Leb-Syrian Avatar


        Syria is unlike Iran either, these people are from the west, or they are just anti muslim or anti christian, and have no idea what everyday life in Syria or Lebanon is like. They dont know that you can see a m7ajabeh and a girl wearing a cross on her chest can be best friends and not worry about what religion the other is from. They just automatically assume that the muslims and christians are on the streets killing each other. They dont know that they have huge easter parades in Syria that I myself attended, they just think that its all m7ajabin attacking everyone that is dressed different from them. These people dont understand true tolerance, yes America has tolerance, but its all fake and filled with stereotypes. I have never felt unity and co existance in the USA like I did feel when i went to Syria and Lebanon.

      3. Leb-Syrian Avatar



      4. Leb-Syrian Avatar



      5. cathy thats what my canadian wife likes about lebanon. she wears her skimpy outfits and when we shop, we shop next to women covered from head to toe and unlike the west, we dont look down on them. we actually are a tolerant people which is not what i can say about some of the posters here.

        they’re more extremist than hozbollah. being christian or muslim doesnt exclude you from ignorance.

      6. cathy thats what my canadian wife likes about lebanon. she wears her skimpy outfits and when we shop, we shop next to women covered from head to toe and unlike the west, we dont look down on them. we actually are a tolerant people which is not what i can say about some of the posters here.

        they’re more extremist than hozbollah. being christian or muslim doesnt exclude you from ignorance.

    3. Wilypagan, you really have no idea what you’re talking about.

      have you been to beirut lately?? have you seen how girls are dressed???

      we are a country where we have a woman with a hijab walking next to a girl in a skimpy bikini, and we will always be that way and proud of it.

      Lebanon will not turn into Iran ya hmar, leh Syria is like Iran shi?

      as far as I know, the country is still more than half a mix of chrsitians and sunnis and the rest shias. They cannot overturn the power just like that my friend.

      No one would allow that to happen.

  16. My Indian friend, in Lebanon we have the freedom of specch and freedom of everything.That means if these women wants to dress in black that is their choice. Do you like dictatorship??

  17. My Indian friend, in Lebanon we have the freedom of specch and freedom of everything.That means if these women wants to dress in black that is their choice. Do you like dictatorship??

  18. moustapha Avatar

    Your Wife dislikes the Hizzy…It would make sense since I, a Lebanese muslim, dislike the hizzy. But does that mean your wife likes the Izzy.. the socalled US ally who eats and drinks from the american hard working flesh and blood, in order to get what they want at any cost. Does she? The only reason i could think she would like them is because they are the reason she ran away from their ruthless evil bombing and occupation and if it wasnt for that she wouldn’t have found her loving husband(im pretty sure im right or else you wouldnt put her opinion on her behalf.. hope you guys always love each other). Tell me how this ally provides to the US, to you, your safety? financial gain? religous goals? ethics? philanthropy? Strategic military positioning(what a joke)?

    before you come preaching to us Lebanese on who we should support the factions that have lebanon’s best interest, pleassssse go educate yourself on where your taxes are going and for what goal. And maybe get a little education on the events that took place from 1945 till now with regards to the Arab-Israeli conflict.. And if you want just look at factual events.. and come and preach to us Lebanese on how to promote peace with the zionist cancer.

  19. moustapha Avatar

    Your Wife dislikes the Hizzy…It would make sense since I, a Lebanese muslim, dislike the hizzy. But does that mean your wife likes the Izzy.. the socalled US ally who eats and drinks from the american hard working flesh and blood, in order to get what they want at any cost. Does she? The only reason i could think she would like them is because they are the reason she ran away from their ruthless evil bombing and occupation and if it wasnt for that she wouldn’t have found her loving husband(im pretty sure im right or else you wouldnt put her opinion on her behalf.. hope you guys always love each other). Tell me how this ally provides to the US, to you, your safety? financial gain? religous goals? ethics? philanthropy? Strategic military positioning(what a joke)?

    before you come preaching to us Lebanese on who we should support the factions that have lebanon’s best interest, pleassssse go educate yourself on where your taxes are going and for what goal. And maybe get a little education on the events that took place from 1945 till now with regards to the Arab-Israeli conflict.. And if you want just look at factual events.. and come and preach to us Lebanese on how to promote peace with the zionist cancer.

  20. Prophet Avatar

    Too Bad your wife doesn’t like to see the ladies in black down on the Corniche. It just shows her ignorance and lack of tolerance of other religion. I may not like it either, but people have the right to dress any way they want to. I’m sure many people wouldn’t like to see your wife’s panties when she sits at a café with her miniskirt, yet no one is going tell her not to show it anyway. Being a Lebanese-American myself, I do know that the greatest majority of Lebanese, Christians and Muslims , respect each other’s right to dress and practice their faith as they see fit. Your claim that Lebanese are bringing their” sectarian crap” to OUR country , really starts with your wife view of other religion, and her passing it on to you.

    1. Anti Syrian Iranian Avatar
      Anti Syrian Iranian

      Guys, no worry about the corniche

      Just step into a super night club for some peep show I mean fashion show

    2. Anti Syrian Iranian Avatar
      Anti Syrian Iranian

      Guys, no worry about the corniche

      Just step into a super night club for some peep show I mean fashion show

  21. Prophet Avatar

    Too Bad your wife doesn’t like to see the ladies in black down on the Corniche. It just shows her ignorance and lack of tolerance of other religion. I may not like it either, but people have the right to dress any way they want to. I’m sure many people wouldn’t like to see your wife’s panties when she sits at a café with her miniskirt, yet no one is going tell her not to show it anyway. Being a Lebanese-American myself, I do know that the greatest majority of Lebanese, Christians and Muslims , respect each other’s right to dress and practice their faith as they see fit. Your claim that Lebanese are bringing their” sectarian crap” to OUR country , really starts with your wife view of other religion, and her passing it on to you.

  22. Fadi Abboud Avatar
    Fadi Abboud

    Blame it on the rain, yeah yeah..

    I mean blame it on Israel, yea yea..

  23. the Lebanese preacher spoke today it became a weekly preaching, oh yah please more.

  24. the Lebanese preacher spoke today it became a weekly preaching, oh yah please more.

  25. Does Nasralah think the Lebanese people are stupid?

    1. NO, he think they are iranian.

      1. Anti Syrian Iranian Avatar
        Anti Syrian Iranian

        And Syrian

      2. Anti Syrian Iranian Avatar
        Anti Syrian Iranian

        And Syrian

      3. Leb-Syrian Avatar

        or just stupid like anti-intelligence moron

      4. Leb-Syrian Avatar

        or just stupid like anti-intelligence moron

    2. Tarie Al Fanarie Avatar
      Tarie Al Fanarie

      Yes Nassrallah think Lebanese are stupid. You have people like Cathy, R, Tony, John, Jnoubi, LebFirst and Leblast. And lots many more believe in him. He’s the messiah who come to save lebanon. Yes he is going to take us to the promised land where we all burn because he wants to spread the rules of the Iranian regimes and their beliefs. This is the Son of Lucifer Ladies and Gentlemen. He’s actually so far outdone Lucifer and the devil should be very happy and will reward Nassrallah thousands of harams when the bunker buster lands on his gohper hole. May he rot in hell with all his followers.

      1. bwahahahahahahahahaha

        The other side and histrael are not any less evil then he is, and to top it off histrael brought the evil here from hitler so they drew first blood. What does it take to get that through you thick skull man.

      2. bwahahahahahahahahaha

        The other side and histrael are not any less evil then he is, and to top it off histrael brought the evil here from hitler so they drew first blood. What does it take to get that through you thick skull man.

      3. you see tarie, for you its either one extreme or the other.


        but you see what I side with is the truth. and people in lebanon have lost perspective on who the real ennemy is.

      4. you see tarie, for you its either one extreme or the other.


        but you see what I side with is the truth. and people in lebanon have lost perspective on who the real ennemy is.

      5. cathy thats the thing about lebanese on this site. its lie you’re either with us or you aint.

        if that aint extremist i dunno what is.

      6. cathy thats the thing about lebanese on this site. its lie you’re either with us or you aint.

        if that aint extremist i dunno what is.

    3. Tarie Al Fanarie Avatar
      Tarie Al Fanarie

      Yes Nassrallah think Lebanese are stupid. You have people like Cathy, R, Tony, John, Jnoubi, LebFirst and Leblast. And lots many more believe in him. He’s the messiah who come to save lebanon. Yes he is going to take us to the promised land where we all burn because he wants to spread the rules of the Iranian regimes and their beliefs. This is the Son of Lucifer Ladies and Gentlemen. He’s actually so far outdone Lucifer and the devil should be very happy and will reward Nassrallah thousands of harams when the bunker buster lands on his gohper hole. May he rot in hell with all his followers.

    4. no I think only u and a few other ja3ja3 followers

      1. Tarie AL Fanarie Avatar
        Tarie AL Fanarie

        Speak about yourself “R” whoever you are.. anyone believe Nassrallah conference and his speech is totally stupid. Israel take footage of all lebanon. He never mentioned the Van that was loaded in Dahia and he’s going arresting people for spying for no reasons. All that serves him and his organization to distort the truth. Anyone who buys this crap from Nassrallah is not only Moron and definitely lack any judgment or wisdom. Syria did it and get Nassrallah to help. Syria got away with it because its allies made sure its not accused. Therefore the rest went along with it and they thought it was actually good idea since it might create a rift between them and Syria. Anyone can see that..Israel could have assasinated Geagea in order to create civil strife since all you morons believes it killed Hariri. geagea has a militia behind him and if its spying on geagea because it want to hurt him. I am sure he would be dead by now..

        Nassrallah has footage of israeli surveillance and he said no offices of his organization there. Well does that mean hezbollah only resides in dahia and the south and they never drive to other towns and cities and streets in other part of lebanon? if israel following one or more members of hezbollah who happened to be in Jouneih, why not take surveillance of these members? so what it has footage? do you have proof nassrallah it was israel carried the assasination? i am sure they have killed HA members but i really doubt very much they killed hariri and any of March 14th leaders. Stop the nonsense behalf like the man you pretend to be and act responsibily for the sake of Lebanon. But Nassrallah you’re a coward and loud mouth and nothing but a terrorist who spread lies and deceits and chaos..

    5. no I think only u and a few other ja3ja3 followers

  26. Does Nasralah think the Lebanese people are stupid?



    1. Tarie Al Fanarie Avatar
      Tarie Al Fanarie

      Yes he is an amazing scum and dirt bag and quiet a terrorist.

      1. Anti-zio Avatar

        Hey Shalom tarie, hows the weather in jerusalem today?

      2. Anti-zio Avatar

        Hey Shalom tarie, hows the weather in jerusalem today?

      3. Leb-Syrian Avatar

        i like shalom tarie, or Israeli al Fanatic.

      4. Leb-Syrian Avatar

        i like shalom tarie, or Israeli al Fanatic.

      5. Anonymous Avatar

        to anti zabreeio,

        esh loonak ras airie, is god pissing on you in damascus??

        Do you prefer that!

    2. Tarie Al Fanarie Avatar
      Tarie Al Fanarie

      Yes he is an amazing scum and dirt bag and quiet a terrorist.

    3. Anti Syrian Iranian Avatar
      Anti Syrian Iranian

      Am sure he is amazing in bed? Great experience lala keep it up? Tell me who is on top and who’s the bottom. With the stress is living, are he taking any Iranian Viagra?

      1. Anti Syrian Iranian Avatar
        Anti Syrian Iranian

        We should ask you on the weather in Iran too?

      2. Anti Syrian Iranian Avatar
        Anti Syrian Iranian

        We should ask you on the weather in Iran too?

      3. Leb-Syrian Avatar

        wa7ed wesai5, wa6i.

      4. Leb-Syrian Avatar

        wa7ed wesai5, wa6i.

    4. Anti Syrian Iranian Avatar
      Anti Syrian Iranian

      Am sure he is amazing in bed? Great experience lala keep it up? Tell me who is on top and who’s the bottom. With the stress is living, are he taking any Iranian Viagra?



  29. michael Avatar

    All these festivals on the big screens, with people jubilating and screaming, men and children and women in black and green all cheering the religious man on the big screen like the prophetic times in the religious books. Speeches where prayers, blood, bombs, paradise and hell, friends and ennemies and intrigues with james bond style, join and form a divine mixture and nurture the jubilating crowd!!! I dont think that lebanon deserves idiot religious men like this Nasralla Underground.Are those religious men or some religious mafia? Shouldn’t they be praying and thinking of god instead of thinking about terrorism and murders? Where are we living? in the middle ages?

    1. Anti Syrian Iranian Avatar
      Anti Syrian Iranian

      No living in the middle east

      Thumbs up Michael

    2. Anti Syrian Iranian Avatar
      Anti Syrian Iranian

      No living in the middle east

      Thumbs up Michael

  30. michael Avatar

    All these festivals on the big screens, with people jubilating and screaming, men and children and women in black and green all cheering the religious man on the big screen like the prophetic times in the religious books. Speeches where prayers, blood, bombs, paradise and hell, friends and ennemies and intrigues with james bond style, join and form a divine mixture and nurture the jubilating crowd!!! I dont think that lebanon deserves idiot religious men like this Nasralla Underground.Are those religious men or some religious mafia? Shouldn’t they be praying and thinking of god instead of thinking about terrorism and murders? Where are we living? in the middle ages?

  31. Lebster Avatar

    Yesterday I slipped and fell off my bicycle. I want to blame the weath… er I mean Israel.

    1. Anti-zio Avatar

      what about Syria & HA? everyone seens to blame them for everything these days

      1. George Haddad N.J Avatar
        George Haddad N.J

        But it seems that Syria and HA blaming march 14th and Israel for everything too while even they were in control of the country. What do think about that?

      2. George Haddad N.J Avatar
        George Haddad N.J

        But it seems that Syria and HA blaming march 14th and Israel for everything too while even they were in control of the country. What do think about that?

      3. Anti-zio Avatar

        Thats right because as we are now finding out israel had spies in very high places even march 14 had been infiltrated and tainted by zionist influence. So of course they pointed fingers at 14M but I unfortunately even HA and its allies were not immune to the zionist spy network

      4. Anti-zio Avatar

        Thats right because as we are now finding out israel had spies in very high places even march 14 had been infiltrated and tainted by zionist influence. So of course they pointed fingers at 14M but I unfortunately even HA and its allies were not immune to the zionist spy network

    2. Anti-zio Avatar

      what about Syria & HA? everyone seens to blame them for everything these days

  32. well hey we go lads we all heard it HA and his man are innocent its came out of the leader mouth what a crap and most of the spies escape to israel throw the south why?IS THAT AND HA fighteres doing tossing thenself if they know who the spy where why did they let them out mr nasralla i think you been long time underground so the damp effected whatever left from your brain please go sell your bullshit somewhere else you are guilty as hell and a big criminal and i hope they will get you from your balls thats if you have any

    1. not anymore innoecent then the rest of the Lebanese leaders starting with ja3ja3

      Let’s be fair when we talk crap about Nasy then let’s be fair and say they all are crap or you will be full of it

      1. Anonymous Avatar

        Hey nitwit, jeajea already served his term in jail, when are the rest gonna catch up, and I’m not a jea jea fan. But as they say in Lebanese, q300d a3wij wa hkee jeelis ya ibn al hon…….ma t5aleeni zaffir lsaeeni!!

    2. not anymore innoecent then the rest of the Lebanese leaders starting with ja3ja3

      Let’s be fair when we talk crap about Nasy then let’s be fair and say they all are crap or you will be full of it

  33. well hey we go lads we all heard it HA and his man are innocent its came out of the leader mouth what a crap and most of the spies escape to israel throw the south why?IS THAT AND HA fighteres doing tossing thenself if they know who the spy where why did they let them out mr nasralla i think you been long time underground so the damp effected whatever left from your brain please go sell your bullshit somewhere else you are guilty as hell and a big criminal and i hope they will get you from your balls thats if you have any

  34. The STL isn’t so more different than UNIFIL and as you could have seen judgement coming from doesn’t cost a penny.

    Everybody should thanks the Hezbollah for his contribution, but it won’t change a thing.

    STL/UNIFIL/Israel’s problem with the Gaza flottilla : same goal.

  35. this is so funny, I feel like im on a cruise ship playing the “who done it” game

    bottom line, who cares who did it, the people who almost brought the country to civil war are the ones who pushed for stl and now are sleeping with the suspects

    izzal othee raddi then who cares, thank you all for playing Mystery Murder, we will all meet same time tomorrow nite

    yeee bon nuit

    1. Who cares Maria ?


      Hariri’s family also.

      Quite all the region, may I remind you the perturbation this murder had caused ?

      Certainly not those waiting for STL’s judgement since it’s a foreign one, not affected.

      1. ya 7abibi, who cares about hariri and his family, does he care that the coutry was close to civil war because of him and his family? omroo ma yerja! i wish he would be exiled so we dont have to hear about him and his family anymore. This weak, impotent, vacationing PM should be exiled so he stops playing chess with his people

    2. Who cares Maria ?


      Hariri’s family also.

      Quite all the region, may I remind you the perturbation this murder had caused ?

      Certainly not those waiting for STL’s judgement since it’s a foreign one, not affected.

    3. Anti Syrian Iranian Avatar
      Anti Syrian Iranian

      Bonne nuit Maria

      1. bonjour ASI, keefak lyom?

      2. bonjour ASI, keefak lyom?

  36. this is so funny, I feel like im on a cruise ship playing the “who done it” game

    bottom line, who cares who did it, the people who almost brought the country to civil war are the ones who pushed for stl and now are sleeping with the suspects

    izzal othee raddi then who cares, thank you all for playing Mystery Murder, we will all meet same time tomorrow nite

    yeee bon nuit

  37. You folks makes me sick. No one says anything about the 1/2 naked woman that are everywhere, but boy if one is humble as Jesus mom was then all are up in arms. But I do not expect the so called “christians” to know that. FYI christians: go check what the the bible says about dress before you open your loud mouths here.

    Of course when their leader is someone like monkey za3za3 who belongs in a zoo, then one eoul dnot expect them to know much.

    1. R, I dont like this attack of christians. this is the problem in lebanon, we say we wanna unite, yet you have no respect for one another.

      by the way R, habibi, I have MUSLIM friends who dress worse than me and other christians and drink alcohool ou kil shi baddak yeh.

      this is individual and has nothing to do with religion.

      I used to hear muslims say that christian girls are all sluts bcos of the way they dress…its very hurtful and insulting and let me tell you a woman can be dressed liek that and have the utmost respect and dignity for herself and another one can be convered head to toe but acts like a s*** behind closed doors.

      thsi has nothing to do with religion. it is personal choices and depends one each girl

      so please dont assume the religion of girls because of how they are dressed when beleive me, I will take you around beirut and show you A LOT of girls that are dressed the same and are not christian.

      1. Leb-Syrian Avatar

        Cathy, I agree with you, I dont think a religion makes a person good or bad. You are 100% correct! There are good and bad from every religion. And you are right I know muslim girls who are worse than christians, and vice versa. We are all human people!

      2. Leb-Syrian Avatar

        Cathy, I agree with you, I dont think a religion makes a person good or bad. You are 100% correct! There are good and bad from every religion. And you are right I know muslim girls who are worse than christians, and vice versa. We are all human people!

    2. R, I dont like this attack of christians. this is the problem in lebanon, we say we wanna unite, yet you have no respect for one another.

      by the way R, habibi, I have MUSLIM friends who dress worse than me and other christians and drink alcohool ou kil shi baddak yeh.

      this is individual and has nothing to do with religion.

      I used to hear muslims say that christian girls are all sluts bcos of the way they dress…its very hurtful and insulting and let me tell you a woman can be dressed liek that and have the utmost respect and dignity for herself and another one can be convered head to toe but acts like a s*** behind closed doors.

      thsi has nothing to do with religion. it is personal choices and depends one each girl

      so please dont assume the religion of girls because of how they are dressed when beleive me, I will take you around beirut and show you A LOT of girls that are dressed the same and are not christian.

    3. Do not drag the religion in any nasty discussion, please – keep it simply to politics.

      Then, what do you know about Christian women?

      When we arrived to Beirut’s airport another plane from Kuwait had just arrived. I can’t even begin to tell you the way the women were dressed coming out of the plane – we could clearly tell that most of them were not Lebanese due to their dialect.

      And also if I may add, it depends on the man’s own mind and inner intentions how he sees women. If you have nasty mind then it does not matter how if the woman is fully dressed, you will still look at her body parts that satisfies your dirty mind.

    4. Do not drag the religion in any nasty discussion, please – keep it simply to politics.

      Then, what do you know about Christian women?

      When we arrived to Beirut’s airport another plane from Kuwait had just arrived. I can’t even begin to tell you the way the women were dressed coming out of the plane – we could clearly tell that most of them were not Lebanese due to their dialect.

      And also if I may add, it depends on the man’s own mind and inner intentions how he sees women. If you have nasty mind then it does not matter how if the woman is fully dressed, you will still look at her body parts that satisfies your dirty mind.

  38. You folks makes me sick. No one says anything about the 1/2 naked woman that are everywhere, but boy if one is humble as Jesus mom was then all are up in arms. But I do not expect the so called “christians” to know that. FYI christians: go check what the the bible says about dress before you open your loud mouths here.

    Of course when their leader is someone like monkey za3za3 who belongs in a zoo, then one eoul dnot expect them to know much.

  39. Israel killed Hariri and the cowards will pay for it.

    Sunnies, Shiites, Christians and Druze we are coming to chop your heads off.

  40. Israel killed Hariri and the cowards will pay for it.

    Sunnies, Shiites, Christians and Druze we are coming to chop your heads off.

  41. Nasrallah himslef admitted on TV last night the toture tactics Syrian used on prisoners and the Hizb practices are not any better. All the testimonies from the Isareli” spies” do not in any instance point towards Rafik El Harriri assasination, the only thing it proves that Israel has spies in Lebanon; but so does Syria, Iran, so did Iraq at a certain point and the CIA and MI5 …etc ( a good read on the subject would be “the bar of the hotel St George).

    Yep Hassan did show us footage taken from Israeli drones showing the assassination area, but I bet you that this is only one part, and that the drones (and their almost daily flight over Lebanon) were spying on the entire 10452km2.

    This insistance on showing us in advance that the finger will wrongly be pointing towards Mughnieh is to say the least very fishy especially that that finger is pointing towards an assassinated thug.

    I found Wi’am Wahab appearance on OTV (staright after our divine protector’s speech) more interesting and indicative of days to come.

    In brief Wahab informed us.

    1) The judicial is in grave danger and some judges should be tried for treason (Najjar’s name came up).

    2) The governement is dead awaiting burial.

    3) Another May 8th is not far from coming.

    And brace yourselves my fellow bickering Lebanese………….

    5) Syria’s tank will soon be back on Lebanese soil.

    By just skimming through some of the comments above my convinction that many Lebanese do not deserve such a country became more engrained in my soul.

    Wlek Tfeh ! maybe this you might understand.

    1. Youssef Avatar

      aib el shoom ya Marillionb….. its not the fault of Lebanon and its people that foreign nations dont allow it to reach its potential. Why you ask? the answer is simple, to protect and preserve an illegal entity called “Israel”.

      Its more like tfeh on all those nations (east and west) that continue to fight their proxy wars in Lebanon.

      Leave Lebanon alone and allow its people to live in peace.

      1. Youssef you misread my comment. What ails Lebanon are the Lebanese for they never put Lebanon first. They follow feudal warlords or religious figures. Just read some of the comments above and any sane person will be disgusseded.

        Lebanese have a very twisted sens of nationality and patriotism if ever they had one. Why do you think we are so much proned to outside meddling? Isnt your political class elected by the people???

        Why is it that when any of our corrupt politician makes a speech many rejoice, clap and shoot their guns; and when asked to take to the streets by our leaders people flock in thousands; but we never (without being called upon)demonstrate for what matters (Human rights, domestic violence, high cost of living, child abuse, the blantant pollution to our land, corruption…etc). This has nothing to do with Syria, Iran, Israel, USA, Timbuckto….etc.

      2. Youssef you misread my comment. What ails Lebanon are the Lebanese for they never put Lebanon first. They follow feudal warlords or religious figures. Just read some of the comments above and any sane person will be disgusseded.

        Lebanese have a very twisted sens of nationality and patriotism if ever they had one. Why do you think we are so much proned to outside meddling? Isnt your political class elected by the people???

        Why is it that when any of our corrupt politician makes a speech many rejoice, clap and shoot their guns; and when asked to take to the streets by our leaders people flock in thousands; but we never (without being called upon)demonstrate for what matters (Human rights, domestic violence, high cost of living, child abuse, the blantant pollution to our land, corruption…etc). This has nothing to do with Syria, Iran, Israel, USA, Timbuckto….etc.

    2. Youssef Avatar

      aib el shoom ya Marillionb….. its not the fault of Lebanon and its people that foreign nations dont allow it to reach its potential. Why you ask? the answer is simple, to protect and preserve an illegal entity called “Israel”.

      Its more like tfeh on all those nations (east and west) that continue to fight their proxy wars in Lebanon.

      Leave Lebanon alone and allow its people to live in peace.

    3. marillion are you in lebanon right now?

      i will be there in 2 and a half weeks.

      nasrallah’s speech? disappointing. i expected more.

      1. Yes I am and will be until the end of time.

        Looking forward to your upcoming visit.

      2. Yes I am and will be until the end of time.

        Looking forward to your upcoming visit.

      3. Tony A : my real name is Freddy. Marillionlb is nothing but a handle I use in cyberspace after an band I use to listen to and enjoy during the war days.

      4. Tony A : my real name is Freddy. Marillionlb is nothing but a handle I use in cyberspace after an band I use to listen to and enjoy during the war days.

      5. elak freddy thats even better bro cos we’re gonna get so hammered man and i’m sure you will enoy my pretty nieces and good looking newphews.

        we will toast UNITY together and say together kiss ickht hel manayek illi mwaj3een rasna.

        we are normal people and all we want to do is live.

        i get so sad when i talk to my dad on the phone and the phone dies and i call back and he says yeah, the power went out.

        it hurts me to see such a beautiful country destroyed cos a few families dont know how to share.

        i look forward to seeing you habeebi. i like to buy those combos where we get a bottle of vodka and beer all night.

        see you soon. i will have to organise a night where i can bring my wife cos now we have a 10 month old baby boy named Rocco so we have to make sure he’s in good hands when we come down.

        take care habeebi and long live lebanon one army one people one love.

      6. elak freddy thats even better bro cos we’re gonna get so hammered man and i’m sure you will enoy my pretty nieces and good looking newphews.

        we will toast UNITY together and say together kiss ickht hel manayek illi mwaj3een rasna.

        we are normal people and all we want to do is live.

        i get so sad when i talk to my dad on the phone and the phone dies and i call back and he says yeah, the power went out.

        it hurts me to see such a beautiful country destroyed cos a few families dont know how to share.

        i look forward to seeing you habeebi. i like to buy those combos where we get a bottle of vodka and beer all night.

        see you soon. i will have to organise a night where i can bring my wife cos now we have a 10 month old baby boy named Rocco so we have to make sure he’s in good hands when we come down.

        take care habeebi and long live lebanon one army one people one love.

      7. Imagine the frustration of those of us who live in the land of the Cedars and have to juggle between internet connection and Iphone, Edl and generators, running water and citernes…etc. NOt to worry my friend when you come to Lebanon the piss up party is on me, just bring your wife along and I will bring mine. And if anyone cares to join in this celebration of true LEBANESE unity regardless of political views they are all welcome.

      8. Imagine the frustration of those of us who live in the land of the Cedars and have to juggle between internet connection and Iphone, Edl and generators, running water and citernes…etc. NOt to worry my friend when you come to Lebanon the piss up party is on me, just bring your wife along and I will bring mine. And if anyone cares to join in this celebration of true LEBANESE unity regardless of political views they are all welcome.

    4. marillion are you in lebanon right now?

      i will be there in 2 and a half weeks.

      nasrallah’s speech? disappointing. i expected more.

    5. VOICE OF TRUTH Avatar

      hey marillionlb, i totally agree with your post.

      i also could not believe what nasrallah was saying about the syrian occupyers that were in anjar and the torture tactics being one of anjar specialties and trade mark and i was shocked how the sayed joked about it casually!!!!!!!!!!!

      as far as weam wahhab is concerned, the guy is untouchable, he is not ashamed to declare openly his true syrian colors and recite the syrian povs and threats against those who question syria’s political motivations in lebanon.

      in return, he gets tremendous backing and protection from his syrian masters.that is why he is so bold and agressive in his statements and dares to deliver his virulent attacks as ordered.

      that should be a good lesson for the rest of the lebanese, the so called silent majority, to wake up, learn how to defend themselves and find the way and the courage to speak their opinions directly and out loud.

      once again you are right; the current araf situation in lebanon can only be described with these 3 words: tfeeh w alf tfeeh.

      1. VOT i actually agree with your post.

        marillion is that your name? sorry for my ignorance but its marie lyon or marillion? sorry again i ask.

      2. VOT i actually agree with your post.

        marillion is that your name? sorry for my ignorance but its marie lyon or marillion? sorry again i ask.

    6. VOICE OF TRUTH Avatar

      hey marillionlb, i totally agree with your post.

      i also could not believe what nasrallah was saying about the syrian occupyers that were in anjar and the torture tactics being one of anjar specialties and trade mark and i was shocked how the sayed joked about it casually!!!!!!!!!!!

      as far as weam wahhab is concerned, the guy is untouchable, he is not ashamed to declare openly his true syrian colors and recite the syrian povs and threats against those who question syria’s political motivations in lebanon.

      in return, he gets tremendous backing and protection from his syrian masters.that is why he is so bold and agressive in his statements and dares to deliver his virulent attacks as ordered.

      that should be a good lesson for the rest of the lebanese, the so called silent majority, to wake up, learn how to defend themselves and find the way and the courage to speak their opinions directly and out loud.

      once again you are right; the current araf situation in lebanon can only be described with these 3 words: tfeeh w alf tfeeh.

  42. Nasrallah himslef admitted on TV last night the toture tactics Syrian used on prisoners and the Hizb practices are not any better. All the testimonies from the Isareli” spies” do not in any instance point towards Rafik El Harriri assasination, the only thing it proves that Israel has spies in Lebanon; but so does Syria, Iran, so did Iraq at a certain point and the CIA and MI5 …etc ( a good read on the subject would be “the bar of the hotel St George).

    Yep Hassan did show us footage taken from Israeli drones showing the assassination area, but I bet you that this is only one part, and that the drones (and their almost daily flight over Lebanon) were spying on the entire 10452km2.

    This insistance on showing us in advance that the finger will wrongly be pointing towards Mughnieh is to say the least very fishy especially that that finger is pointing towards an assassinated thug.

    I found Wi’am Wahab appearance on OTV (staright after our divine protector’s speech) more interesting and indicative of days to come.

    In brief Wahab informed us.

    1) The judicial is in grave danger and some judges should be tried for treason (Najjar’s name came up).

    2) The governement is dead awaiting burial.

    3) Another May 8th is not far from coming.

    And brace yourselves my fellow bickering Lebanese………….

    5) Syria’s tank will soon be back on Lebanese soil.

    By just skimming through some of the comments above my convinction that many Lebanese do not deserve such a country became more engrained in my soul.

    Wlek Tfeh ! maybe this you might understand.

  43. My take on this is Nasrallah is serving the interest of his believe and conviction. This man is using lebanon to promote is ideology he doesn,t believe in the truth or justice. The only truth he believe in is writen in the coran. In the Coran jew & christian are second class citizen. So he follow is believe by blaming Isreal. So Im daring him to believe in peace. INstead of violence and force, try to build a nation united behind our lebanese flag.

    1. marc you’re invited. even in the koran you moron god said fadhaltahoom 3alaykoon which means i chose them over you (the jews) yet he/she still warns about their plotting and planning as they pray to god only in times of need and forget him when things are going well.

      so shut up dude you’re only inciting ignorance.

      if you wanna disagree with nasrallah disagree for who he is. dont use the koran.

      1. Tony by inciting ignorance you mean to say that a believe of a man is what make a man. Than I agree with you. Speaking the truth is to reveal that leabnon is for all lebanese not just for a sect. Lebanon is a message to the world that in this part of the world we can live in harmony even if our believe is separating us. We must believe in the dignity of the person nothing else.

      2. Tony by inciting ignorance you mean to say that a believe of a man is what make a man. Than I agree with you. Speaking the truth is to reveal that leabnon is for all lebanese not just for a sect. Lebanon is a message to the world that in this part of the world we can live in harmony even if our believe is separating us. We must believe in the dignity of the person nothing else.

    2. marc you’re invited. even in the koran you moron god said fadhaltahoom 3alaykoon which means i chose them over you (the jews) yet he/she still warns about their plotting and planning as they pray to god only in times of need and forget him when things are going well.

      so shut up dude you’re only inciting ignorance.

      if you wanna disagree with nasrallah disagree for who he is. dont use the koran.

  44. My take on this is Nasrallah is serving the interest of his believe and conviction. This man is using lebanon to promote is ideology he doesn,t believe in the truth or justice. The only truth he believe in is writen in the coran. In the Coran jew & christian are second class citizen. So he follow is believe by blaming Isreal. So Im daring him to believe in peace. INstead of violence and force, try to build a nation united behind our lebanese flag.

  45. invited to read the koran….

  46. invited to read the koran….

  47. I actually did read the coran and also the life of Mohammad my friend. So I understand your comment. But question is what motivate Nasrallah in is political stand is it is the believe that is idealogy is the right path for Lebanon or that we should make peace and live in harmony with all of our neigbour even our enemy…

  48. I actually did read the coran and also the life of Mohammad my friend. So I understand your comment. But question is what motivate Nasrallah in is political stand is it is the believe that is idealogy is the right path for Lebanon or that we should make peace and live in harmony with all of our neigbour even our enemy…

  49. marc, we cant take everything he says as the oracle. theres his blind followers for that just like they follow blindly gaegae , aoun and others.

    its our mission to make sure that we keep infusing logic and common sense to ALL lebanese.

    none of these parties care about lebanon. if they did, they wouldnt have made so much money from generators and diesel to power them.

    if these parties cared about ALL lebanese they would have done their jobs when israel kept attacking the south and killing shiites which led to the creation of this regime to remind us of our mistakes.

    if one was to understand the dichotomy of god, one would understand that HA is good for us as its forcing us to unite against it and at the same time it will force them to absorb in the army. its a win win situation for lebanon but we’re going thru a rough spot right now and we have to weather the storm.

  50. marc, we cant take everything he says as the oracle. theres his blind followers for that just like they follow blindly gaegae , aoun and others.

    its our mission to make sure that we keep infusing logic and common sense to ALL lebanese.

    none of these parties care about lebanon. if they did, they wouldnt have made so much money from generators and diesel to power them.

    if these parties cared about ALL lebanese they would have done their jobs when israel kept attacking the south and killing shiites which led to the creation of this regime to remind us of our mistakes.

    if one was to understand the dichotomy of god, one would understand that HA is good for us as its forcing us to unite against it and at the same time it will force them to absorb in the army. its a win win situation for lebanon but we’re going thru a rough spot right now and we have to weather the storm.

  51. May God bless you and all of lebanon. Let him guide us to peace…

  52. May God bless you and all of lebanon. Let him guide us to peace…

  53. peace must begin from within us my friend before we rely on god. god is always there but the free will she instilled in us is exactly for us to learn from our own mistakes.

    it took the US 200 years of wars to learn that unity was the best answer to their survival.

    lebanon has ony had a crash course of about 60 years since its independence to learn that UNITY will actually be our salvation.

    1. Tony I agree with you peace start within ourself. But the God I believe in is peaceful who teach us to forgive our enemy… Whoever the enemy is…. So lets hope my friend that everyone finds the path of peace within themself starting with our leaders…

  54. marc the question is if we forgive our enemy will the enemy forgive us. israel is very notorious in its own motto that it will never forgive and never forget.

    how can we sleep well at night knowing the snake is lurking near by.

    peace to you bro.

  55. marc the question is if we forgive our enemy will the enemy forgive us. israel is very notorious in its own motto that it will never forgive and never forget.

    how can we sleep well at night knowing the snake is lurking near by.

    peace to you bro.

  56. marillion i just truly got emaotional on the resiliance of the lebanese in our country.

    ya 7araam what you’re going through cos of these families.

    al STL al. one family stopped the whole of lebanon while blaming another family who is blaming another country whi blamning another and another and another……

    fashar you pay bro. i’m an expat and i’m bringing money with me to spread into the lebanese economy and i will pay ghasbin 3ala rassi habeebi.

    i will be honoured to contibute to your establishment

  57. marillion i just truly got emaotional on the resiliance of the lebanese in our country.

    ya 7araam what you’re going through cos of these families.

    al STL al. one family stopped the whole of lebanon while blaming another family who is blaming another country whi blamning another and another and another……

    fashar you pay bro. i’m an expat and i’m bringing money with me to spread into the lebanese economy and i will pay ghasbin 3ala rassi habeebi.

    i will be honoured to contibute to your establishment

  58. moner 3alame Avatar
    moner 3alame

    Ok, so you go after syria on accusation based on “nothing” for years, no question asked for the witnesses. And now, you want us to make another big turn accusing hizbollah while ignoring to investigate israel who get the motive and the means and the presented evidence for a serious investigation. Come on people. To me, a court that made witnesses who commit perjury out of its jurisdiction is no court. Its like you hate hezbollah and syria you can go and say whatever you want and if you got caught you can go home because you are out of everybody’s juristiction. IS this a joke or what

  59. moner 3alame Avatar
    moner 3alame

    Ok, so you go after syria on accusation based on “nothing” for years, no question asked for the witnesses. And now, you want us to make another big turn accusing hizbollah while ignoring to investigate israel who get the motive and the means and the presented evidence for a serious investigation. Come on people. To me, a court that made witnesses who commit perjury out of its jurisdiction is no court. Its like you hate hezbollah and syria you can go and say whatever you want and if you got caught you can go home because you are out of everybody’s juristiction. IS this a joke or what

  60. Isadore Avatar

    It is all in the fact that the accused are psuedo-masters of hollow obfuscation.It comes down to who are the direct benefactors of Hariri”s murder and his erstwhile elimnation that created a vacuumin Lebanon: Hezollah ,the puppets and Syria the puppeteer.They ruthlessly thought that with enough terror and power , no quesions would be asked.Tribunal time is nigh It will be time to face the music. The world has to take a grip of the minds that these plotters have control over and reveal the truth and punish the

    perpetrators. All Nasrallah”s B.S is hollow, without valid substance. He blathers on and on but guess what, he is singing to his own choir. Unfortunately for him , he is sorely out of tune. This tribunal will be a victory for truth and for the real lovers of Lebanon.

    Nasrallah makes no sense and he shows this by this presentation that has no traction whatsoever. What a pitiful portrayal and I do pity the Lebanese people that have to waste their time with his drivel. Lebanon would be far better off if he set up in Syria as their permanent guest.

  61. The one thing i find crazy is that Syria supports Hezballah, but Assad would not let Hezballah exist for more than one day in Syria.

    1. Leb-Syrian Avatar

      100% true.

  62. hey ya sarsour iran is 100% advanced the syria you keep calling every one moron look how is the moron here go and visite iran you scam and see and when the last time syria made anything even box of matches i born in the us feeling sorry for the us twit syrian

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