Lebanon has a lot to say about the border clash


Lebanon is ready to confront Israel during a new Security Council session in the next few days to discuss the deadly clashes between Lebanese and Israeli soldiers according to , An Nahar newspaper

Israeli soldiers use a crane as they appear to cut a tree on the Lebanese side of the border in the southern village of Adaisseh, Lebanon, Tuesday, Aug. 3, 2010. The tree was reportedly in a disputed area along the border
Lebanon has reportedly a lot to say about the border clash and wants to provide detailed information to the (Council) president and the members about the (Israeli) provocation that led to the bloody” fight”.

Russia’s U.N. envoy Vitaly Churkin, who chairs the Council this month, said a meeting over the clashes will be held “within days.”

Lebanon will tell Council members about the circumstances of the Israeli patrol’s insistence to cut down the trees rather than wait for UNIFIL to solve the dispute over the issue, An Nahar said.

Israel’s action led to the bloody confrontation between the two sides.

The Lebanese ambassador to the U.N. will also complain about the recent threats by Israeli army officials against Lebanon, An Nahar said.

Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) commander General Jean Kahwaji on Wednesday said that Israel Defense Forces (IDF) troops entered on Tuesday a disputed area along the Blue Line, despite objections from the Lebanese army and UNIFIL, National News Agency (NNA) reported.



11 responses to “Lebanon has a lot to say about the border clash”

  1. hip hip hooray hip hip hooray hip hip hooray. lebanons getting smart now by playing ball. i’m so proud of our boys.

    show them play by play as to what happened and maybe george haddad my friend will stop inciting strife at a time when the LAF is sacrificing itself for our beloved land.

    israel sucks and when i say that i mean it loves sucking the hard earned money from US tazpayers.

    wake up america. lobby your senators to stop funding israel. israel is not an american ally. it quietly invaded your country and has been siphoning your hard earned to build a huge outdoor prison called Gaza

  2. hip hip hooray hip hip hooray hip hip hooray. lebanons getting smart now by playing ball. i’m so proud of our boys.

    show them play by play as to what happened and maybe george haddad my friend will stop inciting strife at a time when the LAF is sacrificing itself for our beloved land.

    israel sucks and when i say that i mean it loves sucking the hard earned money from US tazpayers.

    wake up america. lobby your senators to stop funding israel. israel is not an american ally. it quietly invaded your country and has been siphoning your hard earned to build a huge outdoor prison called Gaza

  3. Anti-Zio Avatar

    You’re absolutely right Tony butI bet when lebanon proves that israel provoked the clashes people on this site will still absolve israel from blame and some how put the blame on HA ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. anti-zio (i have a feeling its cathy, nice title anyway) most posters here that used to be openly pro-israeli are changing their names so, beware of arab names and inciting strife.

      names on this site are not what they seem to be.

    2. anti-zio (i have a feeling its cathy, nice title anyway) most posters here that used to be openly pro-israeli are changing their names so, beware of arab names and inciting strife.

      names on this site are not what they seem to be.

  4. Anti-Zio Avatar

    You’re absolutely right Tony butI bet when lebanon proves that israel provoked the clashes people on this site will still absolve israel from blame and some how put the blame on HA ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Anti-Zio Avatar

    You’re absolutely right Tony butI bet when lebanon proves that israel provoked the clashes people on this site will still absolve israel from blame and some how put the blame on HA ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Chuck Lanka Avatar
    Chuck Lanka

    Don’t talk to soon, hold your breath then we will find out rather than assuming you are right which am sure you will be wrong.

  7. Chuck Lanka Avatar
    Chuck Lanka

    Don’t talk to soon, hold your breath then we will find out rather than assuming you are right which am sure you will be wrong.

  8. Anti-Zio Avatar

    sorry Tony its not cathy. Im a male from Australia……

  9. Anti-Zio Avatar

    sorry Tony its not cathy. Im a male from Australia……

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