Geagea : Those warning about a strife are the ones preparing for it


Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea said Monday following a meeting with Prime Minister Saad Hariri at the Grand Serail that those “warning about a strife are the ones preparing for it.”

He stressed the need to maintain the civil peace, emphasizing that the Special Tribunal for Lebanon is the “highest international legal authority.”

His comment comes after Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah accused some Lebanese in his speech on Sunday of conspiring to end what he described as the untouchable power ( the resistance)”.

Also in a speech 11 days ago Nasrallah described STL’s indictment as an “Israeli project” designed to target Hezbollah by inciting sectarian strife in Lebanon.

Tension escalated in Lebanon following a report by the pro-Syrian As Safir newspaper last week which stated that the tribunal would issue its verdict between September and end Dec 2010 and that 23-25 Hezbollah members will be indicted . Nasrallah admitted in a speech last Thursday that some Hezbollah members could be named in the indictment, but stressed that he will reject the indictment.



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