UNIFIL: Israel must withdraw from northern Ghajar


National News Agency (NNA) quoted on Friday UNIFIL spokesperson Neeraj Singh as saying ” Israel must withdraw from the northern part of the disputed border village of Ghajar”

His comments comes after media reports said the Israeli mini-cabinet approved last month a plan to withdraw from northern Ghajar. However, the US and the UN said they were unaware of the plan.

“Israel’s withdrawal is a matter of high importance to us. We will work toward achieving that,” Singh said.

UN Security Council Resolution 1701 states that Israel must withdraw from this area, he added. If a withdrawal happens, tension will decrease, Singh said.

Israel occupied the northern part of Ghajar during the 2006 war with Hezbollah. Following that war Hezbollah declared victory. Most of the residents of the village are Syrian nationals, who want Israel to withdraw from both north and south Ghajar because they don’t want to be separated.
