Municipal Election: Murr is the big winner in Metn


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Preliminary Results of the Municipal election in Mount Lebanon revealed that MP Michel Murr was the biggest winner in the Metn region.

General Michel Aoun lost the battle of 2 generals in Jbeil and also lost Deir al Qamar against the list supported by Dori Chamoun’s National Liberal Party and the Lebanese Forces of Samir Geagea , but won the battle of Damour , where he was allied with PSP leader MP Walid Jumblatt. Aoun also won in Hadath.

Jbeil district recording the highest voting turnout of 65 while the overall turnout in Mt Lebanon was 59 %

The voting which kicked off at 7am Sunday was generally peaceful and no major instances of unrest were reported.

Sunday’s vote was the first round of a four-round municipal election that ends late May.

Tens of thousands of Lebanese headed to the polls across Mount Lebanon Sunday amid heavy security. Some 20,000 security personnel have been mobilized for the polling, Lebanon’s first local elections since 2004.

Polling stations closed at 7pm, with .

Preliminary results also showed that the Phalange party gained victory in Sin el-Fil . Both the Phalange and Lebanese Forces did very well according to preliminary results .

March 14 coalition scored a sweeping victory in the Hazmiyeh municipal election. The list, headed by incumbent mayor Jean al-Asmar, won all 12 seats against the list supported by Michel Aoun’s Free Patriotic Movement.

In the Shouf mountains, a battle emerged in Deir el-Qamar after efforts for consensus failed. The list supported by Dori Chamoun’s National Liberal Party and the Lebanese Forces of Samir Geagea came in first place.

In Baakline the list backed by Jumblat’s Progressive Socialist Party and MP Marwan Hamadeh won. Consensus prevailed on the results in Aley and various Druze Shouf towns.

In Borj al-Barajneh and Ghobeiri districts of Beirut’s southern suburb, Hezbollah and AMAL lists won.

The Interior Ministry issued a statement on Monday that the official results of Sunday’s Mount Lebanon elections will be released later in the day.

According to the ministry, vote counters in Mount Lebanon have already notified the district’s governor and commissioners of the official results of the Aley, Kesrouan, Jbeil and Baabda municipalities. The official results of Metn and Shouf municipalities will follow, the statement added.The Interior Ministry added that the official results will be posted online

Battle of 2 generals

Change and Reform MP Nabil Nicolas told Future News on Monday that President Michel Suleiman did not directly interfere in the Jbeil municipal elections on Sunday. However, people close to the president used his influence to affect the elections, he added.
