Lebanon PM : We will not surrender our land to anyone


Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri concluded on Monday his 2-day official visit to Bulgaria by meeting with the Lebanese community in Sofia.

“No Lebanese is allowed to undermine national unity because it is the basis of preserving stability, security and coexistence in Lebanon that we have to protect with our eyelashes. This unity is what makes us cling to our country,” Hariri told the Lebanese community .

“Lebanon needs all of you in addition to your talents and ideas so that we can face challenges and Israeli threats.” He said

“Our deterrence strength lies in national unity and in being united in facing these threats. You are observing what is happening in Palestine and the Israeli blatant and continuous intransigence against our Palestinian brothers. I always say that no matter what Israel tries to do, we are clinging to our land, and so are the Palestinians and we will not surrender our land to Israel or to anyone else,” Hariri added.

Hariri earlier Monday vowed to deal with security violators with an iron fist, saying the government and security institutions would confront any attempt to hinder the functions of the international tribunal or harm the country’s security.

Hariri made the remark during a joint press conference with his Bulgarian counterpart, Boyko Borisov, in Sofia.

In response to a question on the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, Hariri said the court had credibility and was working with seriousness to prove facts. He reiterated that he would accept any ruling by the international tribunal

The purpose of the tribunal is to try the killers of Lebanon’s former PM Rafik Hariri and related crimes. Hariri was assassinated in 2005

The prime minister also stressed the importance of consolidating bilateral ties with Bulgaria , particularly in the economic field. He described his talks with Borisov as “very good,” saying they touched on political and economic challenges.

During his two-day visit to Sofia, Hariri met with the Bulgarian president and the speaker.

Lebanon, Bulgaria need each other

Hariri addressed the Bulgarians during his joint press conference and said “Lebanon needs Bulgaria and Bulgaria needs Lebanese investment.”

“”My presence here today is proof of the importance we attach to relations with Bulgaria,” Hariri added.

Hariri said that trade relations between Bulgaria and Lebanon “are not currently at the level of our common aspirations.” He also added that he would encourage the private sector in Lebanon to invest in Bulgaria.

He concluded that improved relations with Lebanon could open the doors for Bulgaria to the investors of the Arab world. He added that Borisov is a “pragmatist who seeks to deliver quick results.”



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